
blackboxswpowersj: done last pass on comments completed w/ https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32413601:11
blackboxswyeah you really did a heavy lift here thanks01:12
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powersjsmoser: ^17:52
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smoserpowersj, responded there..18:37
powersjsmoser: Will do, thx18:38
smoserlarsks, is akaris avaailable on irc ?18:48
larskssmoser: i can try to find out.  Give me a second...18:52
akarissmoser hey18:54
akarishow are you?18:54
rharperpowersj: had some discussion today around the daily repo for cloud-init rpms ... is there work to do there? discussions ?19:29
smoserakaris, hey.19:30
akarissmoser so I just pushed a verification / valueerror if the protocol is not in ipv4 or ipv619:30
akarissmoser I'll have to test centos/rhel 5/6/7 again19:30
smoserakaris, awesome. thank you. that really does look good19:31
smoseri was looking at the mask2cidr stuff19:31
smoserthat is a mess19:31
larsksakaris: thanks for taking on that patch.  That whole file is a bit hairy!19:31
smosertrying to make it into some sense.19:31
smoseryeah. the tools/net-convert.py is quite helpful19:32
powersjrharper: ah yes there is work. We need to figure out how to automate the creation daily. I still am in the investigation phase of how to make the automation happen.19:32
powersjrharper: trying to see what APIs are available or how to get those builds to happen in an automated fashion using COPR19:32
powersjmore than willing to add you to the group on COPR and let you play with it as well19:33
akarissmoser that mask2cidr stuff ... I think I triggered it because I deleted the wrong data from cloud-init's cache19:33
akarisI was just figuring out via trial/error what i needed to delete to trigger a rerun19:33
akarisand when I finally got there, it turns out that I somehow still must have had some data (because the mask was now converted to an integer)19:34
akarisand that obviously doesn't fit into that method19:34
smoserbut i dont know how you got the wrong stuff.19:35
akarissmoser I think I added that in the bug report, sec19:35
akarishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1684349       rm -Rf /var/lib/cloud/data/* ; cloud-init --force init19:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1684349 in cloud-init " mask2cidr error with integer value - argument of type 'int' is not iterable" [Undecided,New]19:36
akaristhis was on RHEL with cloud-init 0.7.919:36
akarisand an OSP setup with config drive19:36
akarisI'm likely just hitting some corner case because I don't know how to delete that data correctly ;-)19:37
akarisas a matter of fact, if I delete /var/lib/cloud/* then with the config drive setup, I cannot rerun cloud-init19:37
akarisis there some other way to make it run just as if this was right after the very first boot?19:38
larsksakaris: that's odd; I'm pretty sure that should work...what happens when you try?19:38
akarislasks I think nothing happened. I'll have to bring my env back up and I can reconfirm19:38
akaristhese instances cannot reach the metadata agent19:39
akaristhe customer has a scenario where there is no L2 adjacency between the instance and OSP19:39
larsks...which should be okay, if you're using config drive.19:39
smoserakaris, well yeah, that should have worked.19:39
smoseri dont know what state it would have found.19:39
akarismay I need to delete that data and then reboot the instance ? because I did  rm -Rf /var/lib/cloud/*   ;  cloud-init --force init     and that didn't work ... but that's weeks ago btw19:40
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larsksakaris: for what it's worth, I rm /var/lib/cloud/* and re-run cloud-init all the time, and I haven't run into a particular problem.19:40
akarislet me recreate that test environment and test again. that will be better than speculating19:40
smoseryea, that is what is wierd. that really should work. if you could get the network_data.json that'd be helpful19:41
akarislarsks ok cool, I'll retry that19:41
akarissmoser ack19:41
akarisgimme a few hours to get that back up running19:41

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