
=== bryan is now known as Guest61083
jessirellianyone have any luck getting itunes to work with playonlinux/wine?02:59
=== josh-debian-test is now known as josh-MATE-amdgra
=== josh-MATE-amdgra is now known as josh-MATE-amdgpu
josh-MATE-amdgpu16.04 is crashing (frozen display) when I plug in a second DVI display. Using free driver for HD 2700 (chipset RV630). If I boot with it attached, system hangs moments after gaining mouse input on MATE desktop.04:29
josh-MATE-amdgpu16.04 is crashing (frozen display) when I plug in a second DVI display. Using free driver for HD 2700 (chipset RV630). If I boot with it attached, system hangs moments after gaining mouse input on MATE desktop. I have tried both monitor individually and they work fine.05:05
ouroumovhello josh-MATE-amdgpu06:47
josh-MATE-amdgpuouroumov: Hello06:47
ouroumovjosh-MATE-amdgpu, this seems like an Upstream problem (driver issue) so you might get luckier by askin in the main channel: #ubuntu06:48
josh-MATE-amdgpuouroumov: Yeah, I already tried there after getting no response here. Thanks06:48
manyBonjour à tous :)09:30
manydes francophiles dans la bande svp ?09:30
alkisgΚαλημέρα :)09:31
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:31
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:31
manyOk thks09:31
onepieceIs someone here?15:25
crankypussi'm here, more or less.15:28
crankypussho, quit already; patience required.15:29
KTradI'm here15:30
topazHi how do you play dvds on ubuntu mate16:59
sixwheeledbeastdo you have a DVD drive?17:33
crankypussdoes who have a dvd drive and why do you wanna know?17:39
sixwheeledbeastWell you need a DVD drive to play DVD's after that playing DVD's it fairly straight forward17:55
matthias__so many people so little chat going on19:46
sixwheeledbeastIf 78 people all spoke at the same time that wouldn't be helpful either20:01
dan4400bonsoir est ce qu'il y a des francais ?20:05
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:12
=== sebastien_ is now known as AtSchool
lowhpHey Guys, I run Ubuntu-Mate on my virtual machine (VirtualBox). Do you know how I get 144hz with my monitor?21:41
lowhpWith Ubuntu I installed the guest additions... and then I was able to set the monitor refreshrate to 144. But with Ubuntu-Mate I have some troubble21:42

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