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naccmdeslaur: re: LP: #1677958, the reporter indicates it's a security problem in 16.04 (possibly also 16.10, 17.04, not sure yet) -- it's in universe, though, so I'm not sure what I should do with the bug?16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1677958 in nghttp2 (Ubuntu) "no SSL certificate verify " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167795816:10
mdeslaurnacc: it's in an example program, -EDONTCARE16:10
naccmdeslaur: oh there was another one :)16:10
naccmdeslaur: that is actually in the lib16:11
* mdeslaur looks16:11
naccmdeslaur: c#5 and on16:11
mdeslaurnacc: hopefully we only want the actual library package in main, and not the packages that contain the server and client and other unneeded stuff16:13
naccmdeslaur: right, we only want ht elib in main, and in artful it's fixed. I meant what to do about the xenial universe security issue :)16:13
naccmdeslaur: less relevant to the MIR, sorry, should have given better context, just wondered what the general policy is16:13
mdeslaursince it's in universe, it's community-supported. Mark it as confirmed, and that's pretty much it.16:14
naccmdeslaur: ok, thanks16:14
=== santa is now known as Guest19199
coreycbbdmurray: i had a late upload of designate for bug 1688557 if you wouldn't mind taking a peek17:11
ubottubug 1688557 in designate (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] newton stable releases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168855717:11
bdmurraycoreycb: looking17:15
coreycbbdmurray: thanks17:33
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xnoxjuliank, new apt is finally in artful \o/ there was too many k* things testing the $world21:23
juliankxnox: ack. and the SRUs for that should come tomorrow then21:24
juliankOh, ndiswrapper needs an update for 4.1121:38
juliankGotta figure out why  ‘struct net_device’ has no member named ‘last_rx’ - and what to do about it. That's always fun21:40
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