[00:31] superfly: north carolina for now [00:32] move to wherever the job is [00:32] it sounds like there is a market for a #ubuntu-za-us :P [00:32] not much of a fly to work kind of guy, and need to go get another job [00:32] haha [00:32] * tumbleweed waves from CA [00:33] i forgot where superfly was [00:33] tx? [00:33] err CA the state not CA the country. North america can be confusing :( [00:34] i did the stranges thing on my car gps the other day.... i zoomed way out, then moved it and zoomed in [00:34] on the west coast and thetown i zommed into was called [00:34] johannesburg :P [00:34] he's in AZ I think [00:35] had no clue johannesburg existed in CA [00:35] neither [00:36] wtf, randburg is next door to it [00:36] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Johannesburg,+CA/@35.3732177,-117.6646231,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x80c16171d31c296f:0x9fcd56a4970725fe!8m2!3d35.3727406!4d-117.6347823 [00:36] lol [00:36] err randsburg, that's slightly better [00:37] how long you been in the US? [00:37] 3 years [00:38] really tough to adjust and that was reason i asked superfly [00:38] I hope I'll never adjust [00:38] that said, I don't currently plan to live here (or anywhere) forever [00:40] one of those world travellers?... cool [00:40] or just not settled [00:41] well friends have done London -> Ireland -> NZ -> Australia and is now trying to get in the US [00:41] not friends, but friend [00:42] think he is trying to find a working south africa in a different country [00:44] * squish102 trying to do a p to v... ubuntu to vmware... convertion tool sucks... 3 days to go [02:15] squish102: sorry, was called to dinner [02:15] squish102: AZ [02:16] squish102: what did (or are) you find(ing) tough? [05:54] hi superfly [05:54] bed time [05:54] morning Kilos [05:55] morning everyone else and inetpro as well too [07:01] morning peoples [07:17] morning all [07:22] morning nsnzero thatgraemeguy Kilos superfly [07:24] hi paddatrapper nsnzero thatgraemeguy [07:24] how's the flu Kilos? [07:24] worse i think hehe [07:24] hows yours [07:25] hitting the head hard today [07:25] hi guys [08:11] Kilos: mine seems to be gone [14:14] goeie more [14:37] more inetpro [15:03] morning everyone [15:14] ai guys, why are you waking me so early :P [15:14] and morning too [15:27] lol [16:05] chesedo: sorry, it's work time, gotta get up andgrind [16:05] *and grind [17:37] squish102: You can't just point vmware to the disk image? [19:01] theblazehen: the physical ubuntu has a software raid 5 array directly attached. vmhost has a hardware raid 5 setup [19:01] think i have to use convert utility and suck all of that over a gig ethernet connection [19:02] squish102: Should still be easy to create the fs, partitions, and `tar | nc` to it [19:03] hmmm, i need to look into that [19:04] i'm not sure how long it will take to move 6Tb of data over network either, maybe 3 days is as fast as it will go [19:05] maybe set up a quick point to point 10G network (have no spare switch) [20:59] hey squish102, theblazehen [22:19] hey superfly [22:19] superfly: what people find tough in the US is it is not south africa [22:19] this is true [22:20] I know a few that coudnt make it [22:20] one reason believe it or not [22:20] I'm married to an American, so I think that makes me slightly different to others. [22:20] is that they could not take it that everyone is law abiding [22:20] Oh yes, I've noticed that [22:21] I have had to turn down my aggressiveness when driving. And I'm not aggressive in South African terms [22:21] that is a problem, i think [22:21] everyone asleep at the wheel [22:22] i prefered being aggressive [22:22] now i just look forward to self driving vehicles, because driving is so boring now [22:22] I disagree [22:23] i think there are more accidents due to people not paying attention to the road while driving [22:23] in SA you had to pay attention [22:23] I don't know. I'd have to check the stats. [22:23] or you would die :) [22:24] squish102: where in NC are you? [22:25] another reason is you could be middle to upper class in SA and when you come here you more like middle to lower (or treated that way because of your credit score) [22:26] here is what google maps says [22:26] https://www.google.com/maps/@34.9598914,-80.7405328,16z [22:26] Charlotte, nc [22:27] just outside the google fiber area :( [22:28] Ah, OK. I was in Raleigh recently [22:29] Raleigh is nice [22:29] not quite as nice as charlotte [22:30] go there a couple times a year [22:31] Ah. I was doing my New Hire Orientation with Red Hat [22:32] ahhh, my company has a love hate with red hat :) [22:33] run lots of RH, but now we run Oracle Linux [22:33] Cheaper [22:33] Dancing with the devil :-P [22:34] well hate oracle too [22:36] we slowly moving from redhat to OL, only 500 servers to go :( [22:37] so they like that Oracle is less support too? and has none of the expertise that Red Hat has? [22:37] Cause that's all Oracle Linux is, RHEL with Oracle logos... and Oracle has none of the actual engineers at hand. [22:38] luckly RH/OL is very stable and have pretty sharp linux engineers [22:38] never use support [22:39] It's not about calling up support, it's more about updates, security, and the knowledgebase [22:40] OL support is very bad, RH support is a little better [22:40] ol gets the updates etc, and we don't do a great job of patching anyway :) [22:41] still trying to get windows patching working well [22:45] that I cannot help you with