askb | I am running into the following errors with cloud-init start up on centos7 | 00:02 |
askb | 2017-05-18 23:00:53,931 -[WARNING]: Failed forking and calling callback NoneType | 00:02 |
askb | 2017-05-18 23:00:54,059 -[WARNING]: Failed to disable password for user centos | 00:02 |
askb | 2017-05-18 23:00:54,062 -[WARNING]: Running users-groups (<module 'cloudinit.config.cc_users_groups' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_users_groups.pyc'>) failed | 00:02 |
askb | therefore not running the init script once the instance is brought up ? | 00:02 |
askb | Is this a bug with Cloud-init v. 0.7.5 on centos7 ? | 00:03 |
=== sambetts|afk is now known as sambetts | ||
askb | can anyone help with this please | 09:55 |
csfeathers | can anyone confirm that this is a bug or that i'm being stupid | 12:17 |
csfeathers | i'm adding adapters to a cloud image in VirtualBox's slot 4+, they end up as enp0s10, enp0s11 etc | 12:18 |
csfeathers | then /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg tries to bring up enp0s10 where w/o the additional adapter it would be enp0s3 | 12:19 |
csfeathers | which renders my VMs unusable b/c enp0s3 is never brought up | 12:19 |
csfeathers | i suspect there's a sorted() somewhere which sorts enp0s10 ahead of enp0s3 | 12:19 |
csfeathers | am i even making sense heh | 12:20 |
rharper | csfeathers: you're making sense, the networking documentation may be of help if you want to control which interface is configured: | 12:31 |
csfeathers | i'm not doing the config myself, i use the "ubuntu/xenial64" cloud image in vagrant | 12:39 |
csfeathers | i'm then using vagrant to add NICs and it breaks | 12:40 |
csfeathers | i dunno who is doing the configuration for those images :\ | 12:40 |
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=== sambetts is now known as sambetts|afk | ||
blackboxsw | rharper: do we want to allow the following ntp config: | 19:20 |
blackboxsw | #cloud-config | 19:20 |
blackboxsw | ntp: | 19:20 |
blackboxsw | we do allow it (and install ntp with default 4 distro pools | 19:20 |
rharper | just the key? I *think* so; | 19:20 |
rharper | yeah; that is what I would expect with just the key; take the defaults | 19:21 |
blackboxsw | ok the code allows it, I was just wondering if we wanted to make that approved valid schema | 19:21 |
rharper | we provide distro templates | 19:21 |
blackboxsw | ok good deal | 19:21 |
blackboxsw | just encoding it to make sure | 19:21 |
rharper | ack | 19:21 |
rharper | smoser: when do you think we'll have a 0.8.0 release? | 19:25 |
smoser | i think i'd call it 0.7.10 next | 19:25 |
smoser | but yeah, we are in need of one. | 19:25 |
smoser | and i have no good reason to not call one | 19:25 |
rharper | ok | 19:27 |
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz |
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