tapwag | Hello everyone. I am trying to package a web-application written in Perl for ubuntu called "sql ledger" which is a business application. Can anyone help me packaging the latest version? | 09:17 |
sladen | tapwag: https://packages.debian.org/sid/web/sql-ledger | 09:25 |
sladen | tapwag: already packaged | 09:26 |
tapwag | sladen, Thanks. But this version is fairly old unfortunately. Latest version is 3.2.5 | 09:26 |
sladen | tapwag: that sounds much easier---just updating a package, instead of packaging from scratch! | 09:27 |
tapwag | sladen, Unfortunately I have never done this before but I am willing to step up as a maintainer for this | 09:27 |
sladen | tapwag: awesome | 09:30 |
sladen | tapwag: there's two things to do. First we need to find a bug report saying there is a new upstream version available; | 09:32 |
sladen | tapwag: eg. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=843941 is an example for another package | 09:32 |
ubottu | Debian bug 843941 in src:simple-scan "New upstream release available" [Wishlist,Fixed] | 09:32 |
tapwag | sladen, Would I have to do the bug report with Debian or with ubuntu launchpad | 09:32 |
sladen | tapwag: ideally we do it into Debian unstable, because then it will automatically/semi-automatically be available for Ubuntu, and everything stays in sync | 09:33 |
tapwag | Okay, let's do this.. | 09:33 |
sladen | tapwag: so perhaps that's three things (1a) Debian bug "sql-ledger: New upstream version 3.2.5" git URL etc to get the new version from (1b) [~1 hour later when BTS has replied with a Debian bug number] Launchpad bug report for new upstream version, pointing to the Debian bug (2) contact the existing maintainer, and see if they're still interested, or can eg. help sponsor your upload/guide you throught the process | 09:35 |
tapwag | sladen, I have been looking at the documentation and Bug reporting guidelines for debian. Would I need to install debian to use the reportbug tool? | 09:39 |
sladen | no | 09:39 |
sladen | tapwag: email: To: Debian Bugs <submit@bugs.debian.org> Body text: | 09:40 |
sladen | Package: release.debian.org | 09:40 |
sladen | sorry | 09:40 |
sladen | Severity: normal | 09:40 |
sladen | Package: sql-ledger | 09:40 |
sladen | Severity: normal | 09:40 |
sladen | or wishlist | 09:40 |
tapwag | sladen, Thanks for the info. Would I need to put in a specific subject line? | 09:42 |
sladen | tapwag: doesn't matter; but "Subject: sql-ledger: New upstream version 3.2.5" | 09:43 |
tapwag | sladen, Thanks for your help. Just sent off the report. | 10:07 |
sladen | tapwag: excellent! | 10:08 |
sladen | tapwag: Give Debbugs +/- an hour or so, and hopefully you'll get a reply with the assigned bug number, then we can tweak/work from that | 10:08 |
tapwag | sladen, Will also try to get hold of the maintainer to see if he is still interested in repackaging. | 10:09 |
sladen | https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=862953 is the bug that was filed | 12:01 |
ubottu | Debian bug 862953 in sql-ledger "sql-ledger: New upstream version 3.2.5" [Normal,Open] | 12:01 |
Unit193 | https://bugs.debian.org/862963 | 15:55 |
ubottu | Debian bug 862963 in wnpp "O: sql-ledger -- Web based double-entry accounting program" [Normal,Open] | 15:55 |
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chatter29 | hey guys | 17:34 |
chatter29 | allah is doing | 17:34 |
chatter29 | sun is not doing allah is doing | 17:34 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 17:35 |
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