squish102 | im seeing a write speed on a Raid0 that is 2 seagate 72k 3tb drives. Only getting about 40 MB/s | 01:24 |
squish102 | seem about right? | 01:24 |
squish102 | i would think i would get at least 70-100 MB/s | 01:24 |
superfly | squish102: I don't know, I'm a software guy :-) | 04:34 |
calhax | morning :) | 06:09 |
night | good morning | 06:09 |
night | oh, btw | 06:10 |
night | I have kind of an interesting computer problem | 06:10 |
night | not sure if I should be concerned | 06:10 |
night | /how concerned haha | 06:10 |
night | tell me if you've ever heard of this | 06:10 |
night | I can hear the CPU on my macbook | 06:11 |
night | like, when it's drawing power for computations I can tell and there's a slight sqeaky noise | 06:11 |
night | noise is louder when connected to power | 06:11 |
night | not the fans | 06:11 |
night | can corroborate by doing operations on screen and hearing the CPU working at the same time | 06:12 |
night | but basically sounds like old-style computers in the movies | 06:12 |
night | dial up phone noises, squeaks and clicks at different speeds | 06:12 |
night | laptop is six years old by now but I planned its service lifetime around using it for another 12 months | 06:14 |
night | hoping motherboard power supply won't fry | 06:14 |
paddatrapper | morning calhax, night, everyone | 06:18 |
paddatrapper | night: are you sure it isn't a fan that is kicking up on high-intensity work loads? | 06:18 |
night | paddatrapper: I'm hoping it's something to do with that but I wouldn't be able to explain it | 06:19 |
paddatrapper | CPU is solid state, so (unless something is arcing), there shouldn't be any noise... | 06:19 |
night | fan stays steady at 2000 rpm but weird power situation might cause interference in either those or the speakers | 06:19 |
night | correct | 06:19 |
paddatrapper | thats really weird! :) | 06:20 |
night | it's also really cool! | 06:20 |
night | I can hear when it's doing things in the background, and at what frequency | 06:20 |
night | just have to expect impending doom | 06:20 |
paddatrapper | I've heard of people who get their CPUs to modulate FM frequencies (or someother EM frequency), but actual noise is a first | 06:21 |
night | something's gotta be arcing or oscillating in the circuit in a way it shouldn't | 06:21 |
night | lol | 06:21 |
paddatrapper | certainly sounds like it | 06:21 |
night | yeah it's PSU somehow | 06:21 |
calhax | could be a unhappy capacitor night | 06:21 |
night | since my computer doesn't have any other independent components I can say the sound is representative of the CPU | 06:21 |
night | calhax: I've taken some electrical classes but don't know what capacitors are like in failure | 06:22 |
night | so that's a possibility? | 06:22 |
night | hm | 06:22 |
night | I've blown up a few transistors and assorted chips but never a capacitor haha | 06:22 |
paddatrapper | night: generally that don't make much sound, maybe some popping if there are arcs. visually the tops tend to blacken or bulge | 06:24 |
night | okay, paddatrapper | 06:25 |
night | good info :) | 06:25 |
night | only way I can think of capacitors failing is current overload | 06:26 |
calhax | night, it's no unusual for a electronic circuit to act out of character when a cap is damaged, caps smooth voltage and frequency, since you are hearing a frequency it could be a faulty cap on you MB that is not filtering the sound out, just a thought, it could be a hundred different things LOL | 06:26 |
night | right | 06:27 |
night | that makes a lot of sense | 06:27 |
calhax | night, how old is the machine? | 06:28 |
night | calhax, if that's the case, yeah it wouldn't be an immediate problem | 06:28 |
night | might just expose downstream components to higher wear rate | 06:28 |
night | calhax: good question, it's getting old | 06:28 |
night | 6 years | 06:28 |
night | no problems in those 6 years though! | 06:28 |
calhax | night, could be caps are unpredictable, however have you tried unplugging all of your peripherals and checking if it still does the same thing, if a peripheral draws more than 500mA on a USB port it is technically putting that USB under strain | 06:30 |
night | calhax: noise occurs with all ports disconnected | 06:31 |
night | you bring up a good point, though, which is that the source might be able to be isolated by seeing if peripherals can prompt the noise too | 06:31 |
night | charging port --> PSU --> peripheral bus | internal components | 06:32 |
calhax | night, have you tried taking the battery out and just run it on AC? | 06:32 |
night | haha | 06:32 |
calhax | lol | 06:32 |
night | do you think apple would like that? | 06:32 |
night | I gotta try this | 06:32 |
night | I feel like macOS will say something about that | 06:32 |
night | I have just remembered a incident in the lab a few weeks ago | 06:34 |
night | was running a microcontroller powered via laptop's USB | 06:34 |
paddatrapper | if mac has dmesg, USB over-current should be reported there | 06:34 |
night | paddatrapper: yes, this over-current was brought up as a notification | 06:35 |
night | some kind of internal breaker tripped and shut off the peripheral | 06:35 |
night | was kind of cool, actually, hadn't seen that before | 06:35 |
paddatrapper | it is pretty cool, have had that happen occasionally when I've been working on microcontroller stuff, but luckily no damage | 06:36 |
night | paddatrapper: curious if that protection is all virtual | 06:38 |
night | if there are physical breaker components those would wear out over time | 06:38 |
paddatrapper | night: It is certainly controlled virtually, but I suspect the bus is never actually disconnected (because the other port on the same bus worked for me). The OS probably just doesn't allocate power to it | 06:39 |
calhax | paddatrapper, could be reading current over the port and shutting it down when its out of range | 06:42 |
paddatrapper | calhax: I'm pretty sure that is what happens, but I don't think there is a physical breaker on the bus | 06:43 |
night | thank you all for the input, I hadn't considered capacitor problems and will do a bit of testing | 06:44 |
superfly | o/ | 16:03 |
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paddatrapper | superfly: hi | 16:38 |
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nsnzero | evening all | 17:54 |
Kilos | hi guys, have a good night. i go sleep more | 18:52 |
inetpro | good evening | 19:04 |
superfly | hey paddatrapper, how's things? | 19:47 |
superfly | inetpro: o/ | 19:47 |
paddatrapper | superfly: alright thanks. A little swamped, but not much more than usual. You? | 20:21 |
superfly | paddatrapper: going well, thanks. Getting settled in here. | 20:46 |
superfly | paddatrapper: my boss and my team lead are apparently really happy with my progress so far | 20:47 |
paddatrapper | superfly: awesome :) | 21:02 |
superfly | paddatrapper: I don't know if you remember that box of books I shipped over? | 22:20 |
superfly | paddatrapper: well, we gave up, thinking it was lost. I even bought myself a new study Bible. | 22:21 |
superfly | paddatrapper: it rocked up at mrs_fly's mom's house today | 22:21 |
superfly | finally | 22:21 |
paddatrapper | superfly: that certainly took a while! | 22:33 |
paddatrapper | That's pretty much as bad as ebay shipments when sent to here... | 22:34 |
superfly | I've had an ebay shipment in 6 weeks | 22:36 |
superfly | this was more like 6 months | 22:36 |
paddatrapper | Painful | 22:44 |
superfly | Tomorrow I'm going to an Ubuntu installfest in Phoenix | 23:04 |
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