
elopioeylul: OvenWerks: did you get the calendar invite?14:16
eylulelopio: yes I did14:39
elopioeylul: OvenWerks: great. I'm setting things up here and will send you the link soon.15:13
* OvenWerks is watching Paul Davis talk at LAC earlier today.15:17
elopioOvenWerks: eylul: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/hzgiok234resvkj3r5viogkz7qf15:41
eylulHangouts doesn't support firefox? *grumble*15:44
elopioeylul: no, sorry, they are fighting. chromium?15:45
eylul>.> *goes to upload chromium*15:45
OvenWerksso much for standards... :P15:46
eylulI wonder if down the line tox chat can do this.15:46
eylulI mean it already has video group chat but not sure how one would handle streaming15:47
* OvenWerks downloading chromium16:00
* OvenWerks suggests background updates is a bad thing (even background update checking)18:31
OvenWerksI think the idea of using xubuntu's desktop as is, while nice and easy, is not quite correct.18:32
eylulovenwerks: I like our customizations and defaults18:46
eylulso I agree with you18:53
OvenWerksHmm, I just did an upgrade in 1704. It got to one of the packages and said I had changed the config file what do I want to do19:16
OvenWerksI chose show the files side by side.19:17
OvenWerksThe install just continued on it's merry way and never did show me the side by side view19:19
OvenWerksI am pretty sure it was a change I made from the GUI to not do auto upgrades19:20
OvenWerksYa, I live on the Wet Coast.19:23
OvenWerksreboot back to LTS19:27

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