=== sorinello__ is now known as sorinello_ | ||
Unit193 | Looks like we need to SRU for 1688056 too.. | 20:50 |
flocculant | is that the weather app thing? | 20:53 |
flocculant | bluesabre will be pleased :) | 20:53 |
Unit193 | Yes. | 20:53 |
flocculant | mmm | 20:53 |
flocculant | been seeing it come up | 20:53 |
Unit193 | Teeechnically whisker too, but that's easier to ignore than to SRU. >_> | 20:53 |
flocculant | whisker? | 20:53 |
* flocculant is more jumpy about thunar tbh :D | 20:54 | |
flocculant | the weather is outside the door :p | 20:54 |
flocculant | this weather thing had been bubbling up for a while iirc - not something that suddenly happened? | 20:56 |
flocculant | that is - it was known it was going to occur - or at least that's what I read into the things I read | 20:56 |
flocculant | knome: just a small poke re fwd'd mail to us re Slideshow | 21:14 |
knome | flocculant, ack | 21:15 |
knome | i read it and completely agree | 21:15 |
knome | now we just need to not forget... | 21:15 |
knome | slickymaster, ping? | 21:15 |
flocculant | are we going to look to bringing community in for art at all? | 21:15 |
flocculant | for cycle that is - cos do it now :p | 21:15 |
knome | i need to postpone that to at least next week, but yes, we could do that campaign about asking for ideas | 21:15 |
knome | (not necessarily only art, that is) | 21:16 |
flocculant | slickymaster and others ... re Slideshow - might be an opportune time (eg not LTS cycle) to start rejigging that - it's not really changed for years now | 21:16 |
flocculant | looks a bit dated perhaps ;) | 21:17 |
knome | yeaaah, maybe :P | 21:18 |
flocculant | knome: and perhaps these things might benefit from a cycle start meeting | 21:18 |
knome | yep | 21:18 |
knome | whose turn is it again :P | 21:18 |
flocculant | cycel start | 21:18 |
flocculant | should be COUNCIL !!!! | 21:18 |
flocculant | :) | 21:18 |
knome | nnnnnnnnnnaaaah | 21:18 |
knome | :P | 21:18 |
knome | ok ok | 21:18 |
knome | i'll get that scheduled | 21:18 |
flocculant | cheers | 21:19 |
knome | let's write a mail... | 21:19 |
knome | !team | ygm, please read it and consider replying if you feel at all like it | 21:51 |
ubottu | ygm, please read it and consider replying if you feel at all like it: team is akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit193 | 21:51 |
Unit193 | ygm? | 21:51 |
Unit193 | (Yes, yes... But stupid movie.) | 21:51 |
pleia2 | it was from a simpler time | 21:52 |
flocculant | more complicated than my simpler time :D | 21:52 |
flocculant | cos - what? | 21:52 |
knome | and hello pleia2 | 21:54 |
Unit193 | flocculant: "You've got mail" is a romcom. | 21:54 |
flocculant | oh | 21:55 |
flocculant | that | 21:55 |
Unit193 | knome: No "objections", but left looks best. :P | 21:55 |
knome | Unit193, you like ricE? | 21:56 |
krytarik | I'm fine with the new proposed one. | 21:58 |
knome | maybe i should've also wrote "it's supposed to be as unobtrusive as possible on most sizes" | 21:59 |
knome | this is really a slight change, you're seeing the differences so well because it's pumped up to a LARGE size | 21:59 |
* flocculant responds to art mail - hilariously :D | 22:02 | |
flocculant | krytarik: !!! | 22:02 |
flocculant | I thought you were lost forever :( | 22:02 |
knome | why would you think that? :) | 22:03 |
Unit193 | "Quit yer yappin'! I don't see enough difference to bother a hair about" | 22:03 |
flocculant | or at least some weeks :) | 22:03 |
knome | so many lurkers | 22:03 |
Unit193 | /mode +b tracker*!*@* | 22:04 |
* flocculant tried to use anames.pl | 22:04 | |
knome | i wa referring to people not talking but suddenly replying to mail :P | 22:04 |
flocculant | that went really well - it crashed irssi - all I wanted was away people in some other colour | 22:05 |
flocculant | knome: :D | 22:05 |
Unit193 | flocculant: ...Works forme! | 22:07 |
flocculant | pleia2: I remember back a while when we had all manner of what tool for usb's - Spass mentioned this - an I've used it - and it was simple to use once you had it - https://etcher.io/ | 22:26 |
flocculant | only actually tells me about usb's plugged in - not all the other drives I have | 22:27 |
flocculant | not quicker though - I assume it uses the same backend to do the job | 22:28 |
pleia2 | neat | 22:28 |
pleia2 | I | 22:29 |
pleia2 | I'm still using and recommending gnome disks | 22:29 |
flocculant | yea - I was using that too until Spass mentioned it and I went and looked | 22:29 |
* pleia2 nods | 22:30 | |
flocculant | oh yea - I looked at License - then I wasn't sure ... Apache License 2.0 | 22:31 |
* flocculant will wait for others to decide if someone with Team hat on should suggest that as a tool given license | 22:33 | |
Unit193 | !info etcher | 22:47 |
ubottu | Package etcher does not exist in artful | 22:47 |
Unit193 | Nope! | 22:48 |
flocculant | well yea I knew that | 22:48 |
flocculant | I was most interested in comment on licence tbh :p | 22:48 |
Unit193 | Apache licnese 2.0 is "fine" | 22:51 |
flocculant | not awful then | 22:52 |
Unit193 | https://tldrlegal.com/license/apache-license-2.0-(apache-2.0) According to someone else, it's 'fun' because: "If you fork an AL2 project on GitHub in your free GitHub account, and make changes in preparation for submitting a PR, without adding notices in changed files for all your changes, you've violated the license and may be subject to lawsuits." -- "On the other hand (re: AL2), if you *do* | 22:54 |
Unit193 | add all those notices, the upstream project will probably reject your PR, because they don't need the notices (being the copyright holders in the first place)." | 22:54 |
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