=== Trystam is now known as Tristam | ||
kaenovsky | hello there! I'm thinking about buying a really cheap retro gamepad, but since I have to make an international shipping (I'm form south america) I don't want to get the wrong one :/ do you guys think this one will run ok with xubuntu 16? https://www.amazon.com/Hyperkin-GN6-Premium-Genesis-USB-Controller/dp/B00KX75UT6/ref=pd_sim_147_5?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00KX75UT6&pd_rd_r=YMKSSJ30NND1ZA77AKX7&pd_rd_w=pMNrq&pd_rd_wg=xuegd&psc=1&refRID= | 02:48 |
xangua | kaenovsky: All cheap gamepads I've used work perfectly in Linux | 02:49 |
xangua | Currently I have an ipega | 02:49 |
kaenovsky | xangua: thanks! I think I'm gonna go for it haha it brings me so many good memories | 02:50 |
xangua | Cheap ones break easily tho | 02:51 |
kaenovsky | yeah, I guess so : / that's too bad, but I'm not much of a gamer so I just wanna play some abandonware now and then | 02:54 |
kaenovsky | like mortal kombat II, road rush, earthworm jim probably | 02:55 |
kaenovsky | how about you? what kind of games are you into? | 02:56 |
xangua | Tales of , before they went for crappy 3d fights | 02:57 |
kaenovsky | cool, I've never played those | 02:58 |
ax562 | anyone play sf3 first strike? | 03:00 |
xangua | It's an RPG with Street fighter/final fight style battles | 03:00 |
kaenovsky | cool, and you're using playonlinux or something? | 03:02 |
xangua | Native emulators | 03:04 |
xangua | That sounded weird hehe | 03:04 |
kaenovsky | does it? haha, sorry not a native english speaker | 03:10 |
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xubuntu070 | bonjour, j'ai un problème avec mon eeepc asus 1225B. Le lecteur de carte sd n'est pas reconnu...QQ'un pour un petit coup de main ? | 09:11 |
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Israphel | is the weather plugin working ok on xfce? | 20:20 |
mrkramps | >= 0.8.9 | 20:20 |
Israphel | mm | 20:21 |
Israphel | I've got 0.8.6 as maximum possible | 20:22 |
Israphel | well DEB from Zesty works on xenial... sooooo, good. | 20:28 |
genii | Magic 8 ball says: Dependency hell soon to follow | 20:33 |
Unit193 | LP 1688056 | 20:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1688056 in xfce4-weather-plugin (Ubuntu) "Package outdated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1688056 | 20:36 |
Israphel | not on this particular and simple package | 20:36 |
Israphel | but I'll take the risk, instead of facing rain | 20:36 |
flocculant | :) | 20:38 |
flocculant | I always prefer to believe the seaweed nailed to the door frame - never out of date - upgrading only when fallen of the nail | 20:39 |
phylophyl | hi all, i have a bug after having installing a full disk encryption version of Xubuntu, entering the right password at boot is not working | 22:23 |
phylophyl | the install was done with a spanish keyboard, i tried entering US keys also, does not work | 22:24 |
phylophyl | i can see that it is a commun problem with ubuntu based distributions, right? | 22:25 |
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