=== scruples is now known as Roey | ||
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steve7233 | I am steve7233 on the forums. I just updated via apt-get and now my mousepad is frozen. HP Pavilion DV6. | 02:09 |
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user|71003 | my kde-plasma workspace can't login | 04:27 |
user|71003 | help me | 04:28 |
user|71003 | anybody here? | 04:28 |
tiwake | hey, just wondering, is there a nice way to configure a drawing tablet in kubuntu? specifically mapping it to one computer screen | 06:03 |
tiwake | the command I used to use in kubuntu 16.04 does not work in 17.04 | 06:04 |
croz | damn kde is nice | 06:04 |
tiwake | $ xinput set-prop "10594 Pen" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0.333333 0 0.333333 0 1 0 0 0 1 | 06:09 |
tiwake | X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) | 06:09 |
tiwake | same command I used to use in 16.04 | 06:09 |
tiwake | I'm not seeing any useful information... meh | 06:15 |
valorie | tiwake: perhaps talk with the krita folks? | 06:21 |
valorie | they use tablets more than anyone | 06:21 |
tiwake | I forgot about the krita channel | 06:21 |
tiwake | no art tonight anyway | 06:22 |
tiwake | meh | 06:23 |
Ab3L | is there someone who knows well how to proceed to make an upgrade with a fresh install? the harddisk has a partition for / and a separate one for /home (so i can easly format / without to loose data in /home). | 08:37 |
Ab3L | the question I have is how config files will affect the new release and how to know which conf files should have to be removed. | 08:38 |
lordievader[m] | Good morning | 08:49 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 10:32 |
somekool | 'Morning | 10:39 |
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jubo2 | G'morning | 11:12 |
=== Vito_ is now known as Vito | ||
CuSn | Hi, is wayland the defualt GUI/Windoing system on Kubuntu 17.04 | 11:31 |
CuSn | *windowing | 11:31 |
* CuSn pours coffee into the channel to help it wake up.... | 11:32 | |
oerheks | CuSn, no | 11:33 |
CuSn | danke | 11:33 |
acheronuk | as solutions to wayland issues for QT and Nvidia keep getting pushed back, at the moment I would estimate 18.04 LTS as the best bet for an ETA. | 11:36 |
acheronuk | but who knows what will actually happen! | 11:37 |
oerheks | if wayalnd works out great in 17.10, perhaps yes | 11:37 |
acheronuk | oerheks: that would require a minor miracle at the moment | 11:38 |
oerheks | Fedora 25 comes with wayland standard, afaik | 11:39 |
acheronuk | on KDE? ouch! | 11:39 |
oerheks | No, gnome only iirc https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/WaylandByDefault | 11:40 |
BluesKaj | nope fedora 25 uses gnome 2 I think | 11:40 |
acheronuk | oerheks: KDE/plasma has additional issues which prevent a switch by default for us | 11:41 |
acheronuk | yet anyway | 11:41 |
BluesKaj | i tried fedora 25 ...it was very smooth and silky ...too bad it's gnome | 11:41 |
BluesKaj | yeah and nvidia isn't ready for wayland yet | 11:42 |
suici | im going to try a kde wayland session | 11:42 |
suici | BRB | 11:42 |
acheronuk | support/fixes in Qt have been pushed back to QT 5.10 AFAIK, which is not likely until 18.04 | 11:44 |
acheronuk | wayland works on some hardware/driver in a fairly acceptable fashion, but rather the exception than the rule so far | 11:45 |
acheronuk | I don't see me setting it default for 17.10! | 11:45 |
acheronuk | s/me/us | 11:46 |
BluesKaj | acheronuk, nor do I | 11:52 |
=== jeshua is now known as g4stly | ||
croz | Any idea why my Windows (Superuser) key does not bring up a launcher? I just installed KDE Plasma on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. | 12:20 |
croz | ah i didnt know alt space did what macos does nevermind that works for me | 12:26 |
=== dasher_ is now known as dasher_asdfghjk | ||
yogesh | hi | 13:07 |
tiwake | acheronuk: screw nvidia... they knew wayland was being developed, then two years later, they drop a massive code push to wayland that would break everything just so their drivers would work with it | 14:11 |
=== himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf | ||
tiwake | https://pastebin.com/WekNt0wH | 14:35 |
tiwake | https://pastebin.com/y9syJi87 | 14:35 |
tiwake | I don't know | 14:35 |
tiwake | the second pastebin linked is the identical command I use to map the drawing tablet to the middle screen when I had kubuntu 16.04 installed | 14:36 |
R13ose | Is there anything software wise that could be limiting my wifi signal? | 14:49 |
oerheks | R13ose never heard of that, only other wireless devices with a stronger signal can do that, or elevator-motors / TL tubes, fridges and other bad grounded/shielded machines | 14:54 |
R13ose | Nothing I can do? | 14:55 |
oerheks | R13ose, not that i know of | 14:56 |
R13ose | Nuts, then my computer is dying | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | R13ose, do you use a router and do you know how to access it's firmware? | 15:17 |
R13ose | Isp router I believe and maybe but unsure if I can update without new router. | 15:17 |
BluesKaj | R13ose, it may jsut be a case of too many users in your area using the same default wifi channel, usually ch 6 in North America | 15:19 |
R13ose | But other devices can work from here | 15:20 |
BluesKaj | for example ? | 15:20 |
R13ose | Laptops and cell phones | 15:22 |
BluesKaj | and it's saturday, a heavy traffic day on the internet | 15:22 |
R13ose | BluesKaj: this is not one odd day | 15:24 |
BluesKaj | how long have you had this issue? | 15:25 |
R13ose | Awhile | 15:26 |
BluesKaj | iss this a wifi dongle or pci card on a desktop pc ? | 15:27 |
R13ose | Laptop | 15:28 |
BluesKaj | perhaps rearranging the router's antennae if it has any or moving it around just few inches can somewtimes make a big difference in broadcast and reception | 15:31 |
R13ose | Yes but maybe laptop is broken | 15:35 |
BluesKaj | I doubt it , probly just a simple wifi problem, but it sounds to me like you can't be bothered to try anything, so I'm done here | 15:36 |
R13ose | BluesKaj: I tried everything you said so hard | 16:20 |
ahussein | All, the java not init when access to my oracle account , any advice pls . | 16:24 |
BluesKaj | R13ose, is your router one of those Bell 2Wire 2701HG-G routers? | 17:03 |
BluesKaj | R13ose, if it is check this out http://support.bell.ca/Internet/Connection-help/2Wire-2701-modem.how_to_change_existing_wireless_settings_on_my | 17:06 |
R13ose | BluesKaj: mine is black and says bell 2000 | 17:21 |
R13ose | BluesKaj: I actually have to get going | 17:21 |
BluesKaj | R13ose, do a google search for that router, you'll probly access the firmware and settings by typing a gateway IP address into a browser to into it's pages and settings anyway ...it's really quite simple | 17:24 |
musalbas | Is it just me or do windows disappear when I move them to the other monitor? Fresh install, can't find any bug reports for it | 17:28 |
R13ose | BluesKaj: thanks for all the help | 17:29 |
IrcsomeBot1 | Trebacz was added by: Trebacz | 17:36 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Trebacz> I accidently (okay drinking) put my laptop on 17.10 Kubuntu development (instead of 17.04). I'm okay with ocassional challenges, so I've been running on it for a few weeks (all good). Packages are updated daily. Is there anything I should watch out for and avoid? Is there a way I can monitor the expected effects of package updates? Can I provide feedback if I run into an issue -or am I on my own? | 17:45 |
dbrom | Anyone in today... Tring to install a usb wireless card and not have any luck doing so | 17:46 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> @Trebacz, Most updates *should* be ok, but there may be times when sets of packages in the archive may be incomplete in the -release pocket while autopackage (QA) tests lag and take a long time to migrate from -proposed | 17:48 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> #kubuntu-devel channel on freenode IRC is main place for development chat and feedback | 17:49 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> but feedback is welcome. I run 17.10 on this machine | 17:51 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Trebacz> Awesome Ric. I just ran into one issue with php7, but *solved* it by moving onto php 7.1. We'll see how it goes! | 17:53 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> The development release is intended to be mostly stable, but it is a WIP with normally some 'transitions' happening in package versions or features. Especially at this point in the cycle when we are not in any 'freeze' of features or versions and new stuff is incoming. | 17:59 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> On our side, hoping for plasma 5.10 and applications 17.04 soon. :) | 18:00 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Trebacz> Cool thanks. For a llitle bit I thought I might be out on a branch with three developers.... :) I know that's not the case, but wanted to be a little more plugged in with what was going on in the OS. Thank you again... | 18:02 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> lol. well there's always a little bit of 'stting on a branch, hoping it's not going to break', but just being sensibe about what updates you apply and askinbg for help if in doubt should moslty mitigate that | 18:06 |
croz | Anyone able to help with getting 4K to display properly. I tried the scaling in the display settings and this was it at 2x. http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1495290629.png | 19:59 |
tiwake | https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=216&t=118734 | 22:30 |
croz | Anyone able to help with getting 4K to display properly. I tried the scaling in the display settings and this was it at 2x. http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1495290629.png | 23:19 |
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