kk6mrp | Ben64: Is it showing what it is supposed to show? | 00:01 |
kk6mrp | Ben64: I don't think I entered the command wrong | 00:03 |
=== fginther` is now known as fginther | ||
damian | alo | 00:22 |
tubal | What is the appropriate file to create in order to make X use a different driver? I created /etc/X11/xorg.conf with what I think were the right lines, but it had no effect on restarting X. | 00:23 |
Nidzo_ | hello | 00:26 |
Nidzo_ | does anyone see this? | 00:26 |
damian11100002 | yes | 00:26 |
damian11100002 | I can not read who is online | 00:26 |
damian11100002 | hello Nidzo_ | 00:26 |
damian11100002 | what the fuck | 00:27 |
teward | !language | damian11100002 | 00:28 |
ubottu | damian11100002: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 00:28 |
tubal | Maybe I should ask, how is X configured now? The files under /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d aren't very informative in that regard. | 00:34 |
jushur | tubal: u can make dir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d | 00:36 |
tubal | jushur: Plain ol' /etc/X11/xorg.conf won't work anymore? | 00:37 |
implite | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config | 00:37 |
jushur | tubal: then copy /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-radeon.conf and name it properly for what u use, then edit it and set the proper for your cards name and so. | 00:38 |
tubal | jushur: Mm, okay. I'll try that. | 00:39 |
jushur | tubal: i dont know, i guess it should. but cant say i used that for like a lot of years. | 00:39 |
tubal | jushur, implite: man xorg.conf lists it as one of the candidate locations, but maybe it's out-of-date. | 00:40 |
jushur | tubal: think ubuntu uses the default files in /usr/share/X11 | 00:41 |
implite | what version of ubuntu are you using? | 00:41 |
tubal | implite: 16.10 | 00:42 |
jushur | tubal: what driver u trying to use? | 00:43 |
tubal | jushur: I have read that the modesetting driver might be better in some situations that the i915. | 00:44 |
jushur | tubal: not sure i follow. | 00:45 |
implite | you can put a xorg.conf in the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder and it should work | 00:45 |
tubal | jushur: I'm trying to use the driver called "modesetting". | 00:46 |
tubal | Well, I guess I'll give this a shot. See you on the other side. I hope. | 00:50 |
implite | tubal | 00:50 |
implite | haha | 00:50 |
jushur | hehe | 00:50 |
jushur | i looked it up, seems he should uninstall the intel driver adn xorg will swapp to modesetting one. | 00:51 |
implite | I was going to ask him if he tried this folder xorg.conf.d | 00:51 |
implite | ahh | 00:51 |
tubal | jushur, implite: Nope, didn't effect the change. Same driver, i915. | 00:52 |
jushur | tubal: u can test to uninstall the xorg-video-intel driver | 00:52 |
jushur | tubal: how new is your hardware? | 00:52 |
implite | drivers are really becoming more interesting to me... I wish i knew more about asm or c programming so i could help develop them for operating systems but i dont even know where to start | 00:53 |
implite | im good with python however | 00:53 |
implite | lol | 00:53 |
tubal | jushur: Not new at all. And xorg-video-intel-driver isn't installed. | 00:53 |
tubal | implite: I come from a Python bg too, and have only recently begun teaching myself C. | 00:54 |
jushur | tubal: the modesetting driver is designed to be used with new hardware | 00:55 |
dara_ | hey can i ask some weird advice? | 00:57 |
implite | about ubuntu? | 00:57 |
dara_ | yeah kind | 00:57 |
dara_ | kinda* | 00:57 |
tubal | jushur: Hrmm. | 00:57 |
implite | what is your question dara_ ? | 00:58 |
dara_ | basically in work i am the only person on ubuntu and not a mac (I'm a software dev) and I love it. But the company is undergoing very rigorous security measures and has to lock down all computers | 00:58 |
dara_ | they're saying the macs are gonna be locked down and ubuntu probably won't be allowed | 00:59 |
dara_ | they are only a startup. is there anything i could do to change their minds? | 00:59 |
jushur | dara_: when u say lock down, u mean not have root access as a user? or what? | 01:01 |
dara_ | they will have a whitelist of software to install | 01:01 |
dara_ | that is allowed to be installed | 01:02 |
implite | well you also can have a whitelist | 01:02 |
dara_ | also there has to be health checks of the computers | 01:02 |
dara_ | they need to be on the latest version with all security patches | 01:02 |
dara_ | and logging/monitoring software on them | 01:03 |
dara_ | and antviris | 01:03 |
dara_ | virus* | 01:03 |
implite | well you can run a vm of macosx if they really need you too have mac and then you can have both on your machine | 01:03 |
jushur | aounsa moew likw thy need to give him a apple computer | 01:04 |
dara_ | i would have to do all my development on whatever OS I use so that means i would still have to dev on macos on a vm | 01:04 |
jushur | sounds more like* | 01:04 |
implite | its kinda funny that they dont understand your ubuntu yet they are a software company | 01:04 |
implite | just saying | 01:04 |
dara_ | i know, it's awful | 01:04 |
dara_ | they hate it too | 01:04 |
dara_ | as i said they are a startup, but they have stringent security rules imposed on them | 01:05 |
implite | Well can i explain something to you with software dev??? its really good to do all your dev on a vm | 01:05 |
implite | that way you cant mess up your main machine | 01:06 |
dara_ | not if you're doing frontend stuff | 01:06 |
dara_ | it would probabaly be too slow | 01:06 |
dara_ | depends on what you're developing i guess | 01:06 |
implite | well im running old 2010 latop with only 4gb of ram with ssd harddrive and i have 3 emulations and 2 vm machine running all at once | 01:07 |
implite | laptop* | 01:07 |
implite | all on top of ubuntu | 01:08 |
dara_ | lol nice | 01:08 |
dara_ | with graphics? | 01:08 |
implite | yep all the 16.04 stuff | 01:08 |
dara_ | mad | 01:08 |
implite | the ssd is what is the factor | 01:08 |
dara_ | well i think this isn't gonna work | 01:09 |
dara_ | yeah | 01:09 |
implite | it was a really nice one | 01:09 |
implite | over 500mbs transfer speed | 01:09 |
dara_ | sweet | 01:09 |
jushur | dara_: got to ask, they going to use wireless? | 01:14 |
dara_ | wireless? | 01:14 |
dara_ | wifi? | 01:14 |
jushur | yes | 01:14 |
dara_ | i guess yeah | 01:14 |
jushur | i know how to break wpa2/wpa2-enterprice ,) and i bet they wont be using any special expensive protocols that actually are hard to break. | 01:15 |
dara_ | do you really? | 01:16 |
=== root is now known as Guest9467 | ||
implite | Dont understand why they would have much issues using ubuntu vs macosx... unless they have some inhouse stuff that only works on macosx however it wouldnt take much to change it to work for ubuntu if they can make stuff for macosx/darwin | 01:20 |
implite | you scared him away jushur | 01:23 |
implite | lol | 01:23 |
=== solarbee_ is now known as solarbee | ||
jushur | implite: yes i belive so :D | 01:23 |
jushur | actually id say it probably about handling customers data properly. and that can make the IT cordinator/staf cramp things up a bit. | 01:24 |
implite | well in my opinion that was like the thing that he should use to convince his dev company about that macos could be less-secure if you can hack his protocols | 01:27 |
implite | rofl | 01:27 |
jushur | implite: im a bit like, dont use wifi if you can avoid it. especially when handling sensetive data. | 01:28 |
implite | think he took it the wrong way | 01:28 |
jushur | maybe | 01:29 |
implite | well you would need to be at his location anyways for you to be able to hack his wpa | 01:30 |
implite | dont think he understands that part also | 01:30 |
jushur | probably not | 01:30 |
implite | hmm how are you working for a dev company if you dont understand basic things | 01:31 |
implite | really confused now | 01:31 |
jushur | thing is one can sit 100m from his workplace with a wifi cannon and record their wifi talk. then send that to a machine learning setup on th eother side of earth. and it will break it in minutes. | 01:32 |
implite | right but i mean I think this guy was just trolling us cause I dont think he works for any dev company | 01:32 |
implite | but just my opinion | 01:33 |
jushur | implite: yes i got that feling to. | 01:33 |
implite | he left as soon as you said that, lol... I was chatting with him in pvt msg trying to understand his problem with his fake dev company haha | 01:41 |
implite | he said they where using javascript | 01:41 |
implite | and mysql | 01:42 |
implite | I asked him something else and then he quit and i was like??? | 01:43 |
jushur | implite: hehe | 01:43 |
croz | anyone here use kde plasma? if you do, how do you like it? anyone use it on 4k display? nvidia drivers work? | 01:45 |
jushur | implite: i use erlang/elixir/rustlang for dev stuff my self. | 01:45 |
jushur | croz: kde works well on my friends setup. tho he has ati gfx. | 01:47 |
croz | i have a gtx 1050 4gb on my dell xps 15 9650 | 01:47 |
jushur | croz: hes also not using ubuntu, so i cant vouch for its performance in here realy. | 01:48 |
jushur | croz: you got any trouble with it? | 01:48 |
implite | kde works well on my amd gfx stuff also but i have not tried plasma | 01:48 |
croz | gotcha i think i'll give it a go. i just wish conky lua was easier to setup im a retard | 01:48 |
croz | u guys ever try xfce? | 01:49 |
AW0LNATION | eae galera | 01:49 |
implite | yes | 01:49 |
implite | !xubuntu | 01:49 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with !Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://xubuntu.org/ - To install the Xubuntu environment from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !xubuntu-channels | 01:49 |
jushur | croz: i love xfce :) | 01:49 |
croz | so does installing xfce basically make it xubuntu? | 01:51 |
implite | well i think xubuntu is also more slim if not not right correct me somebody? | 01:52 |
jushur | croz: hmm, you just chose it as a desktop in the login options under your name on login screen. | 01:52 |
jushur | croz: i bet there will be some stuff left that is the default Unity desktop. but generaly i think it will work as xubuntu | 01:53 |
Bashing-om | croz: I run xfce - light, fast and easily ( once you know how ) configurable . | 01:53 |
implite | I know lubuntu was made to me more light-weight | 01:54 |
implite | made to be more* | 01:54 |
implite | im not sure if one is more lighter than the other | 01:55 |
implite | guess you can tell right away from the size of each iso | 01:56 |
jushur | i value stability, so i run unity here. i do use xfce on some machines (also very stable). kde plasma is far from stable, my friend has a crash or two each day. | 01:56 |
implite | and compare | 01:56 |
jushur | and as far i know gnome seems to be stable to, as long one dont ad to many od extensions to it. | 01:57 |
implite | or hack your x11 files in some weird way haha | 01:57 |
jushur | i run with default settings here on x11 actually. | 01:58 |
implite | Wonder if anyone still uses old twm? | 02:01 |
implite | i do haha | 02:01 |
implite | i like to use old unix crap sometimes... makes me feel all nerdy and stuff ROFL | 02:02 |
implite | learn some cool things from it also | 02:03 |
jushur | implite: true that, hacking drivers from time to time here. friends bying stuff that dont work. and i get to fix it for them.. | 02:03 |
AW0LNATION | I moved to xfce4 now, I really liked it | 02:04 |
TheMarius | <- suddenly found himself on KDE neon LTS and decided to stay | 02:06 |
jabbawookie | trying to figure out how to adjust the opacity of the dark gray background of the login dialog in ubuntu-gnome 16.04 lightdm | 02:07 |
jabbawookie | lightdm greeter settings app doesn't seem to have any way to do this | 02:08 |
implite | jabbawookie: have you tried to edit the background file in gimp and change the opacity? | 02:12 |
implite | make it a transparent image | 02:13 |
implite | save it as png or gif or it wont work | 02:15 |
implite | ;) | 02:15 |
jushur | implite: he left | 02:15 |
implite | i have that turned off so i cant see... thanks! | 02:15 |
jushur | implite: what irc client u use? | 02:15 |
implite | hex | 02:16 |
jushur | implite: i use weechat my self. console text mode. | 02:16 |
jushur | implite: it has irc smart filter. wich in essense makes it so ppl who talked lately shows up when they quit/leave | 02:17 |
implite | think there is a command you can do to see what someone is using but i dont remember the command | 02:17 |
implite | this shows it too however i turned it off | 02:17 |
jushur | implite: well default is to show that. i changed the response to that tho. | 02:17 |
implite | didnt want to see what all the joins and leaves | 02:18 |
implite | its annoying sometimes | 02:18 |
jushur | implite: same, its very distracting. | 02:18 |
implite | ahh you mean that it only shows the people that you where talking with last that join/leave? | 02:20 |
jushur | implite: yes | 02:20 |
implite | that could me useful | 02:20 |
implite | could be* | 02:20 |
implite | ill download that and try it out | 02:21 |
implite | thanks! | 02:21 |
implite | can you still do dcc with it and stuff also? | 02:21 |
jushur | implite: yes | 02:22 |
implite | cool | 02:22 |
jushur | implite: the release in default ubuntu repos are outdated tho, latest rel is 1.8 | 02:23 |
croz | i couldnt install kde plasma | 02:23 |
croz | the install failed and error box popped up | 02:23 |
implite | jushur: i sent you a message by the way | 02:24 |
implite | dont know if you seen it | 02:24 |
jushur | implite: they have a https://weechat.org/download/debian/#instructions | 02:24 |
jushur | implite: well i usually dont respond to pms, so it was ignored by default behavior here. | 02:25 |
implite | np lol | 02:25 |
implite | !kubuntu | 02:26 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde | 02:26 |
implite | thats for croz if he is still here | 02:27 |
croz | yeah i already have ubuntu with unity installed. installed gnome too. tried installing kde via terminal and it failed | 02:27 |
croz | after downloading and 48% progress | 02:28 |
implite | have you asked in #kubuntu channel? | 02:28 |
croz | nah | 02:28 |
implite | that is official kde support | 02:28 |
croz | i didnt cuz the install was the problem, not even in kde yet so didnt now if it would beb approrpiate | 02:28 |
implite | ahh i see now | 02:29 |
implite | sorry for that | 02:29 |
implite | hmm what was the error box that popped up? | 02:29 |
implite | what was the message for the error croz? | 02:31 |
=== ifro_ is now known as asleepfro | ||
Neoark | anyone getting upgrade errors with grub-pc? | 03:08 |
Neoark | dpkg: error processing package grub-pc (--configure): | 03:09 |
Neoark | subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 03:09 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: Please pastebin the full output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a". | 03:10 |
vsk | Haai | 03:13 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: welcome, how can we help you? | 03:13 |
vsk | I tried to install ubuntu 16.04 in my virtual box rnning in ubuntu 12.04 | 03:14 |
Neoark | Jordan_U there is syntax error in pacakage | 03:14 |
Neoark | Setting up grub-pc (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.10) ... | 03:14 |
Neoark | dpkg: error processing package grub-pc (--configure): | 03:14 |
Neoark | /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.postinst: line 703: syntax error near unexpected token `fi' | 03:14 |
vsk | But wen i select either install or try ubuntu..it ends up in a coloured screen | 03:14 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: ubuntu 12.04 is end of life | 03:14 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: unless you have esm? | 03:14 |
vsk | I knw | 03:14 |
vsk | Thats y i am trying 16.04 | 03:15 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: then install 16.04.2 physical, not virtualbox | 03:15 |
Neoark | complete error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24608544/ | 03:15 |
zhanx | thinking about building a new computer. anything i stuff stay way from? ( this one is 5 years old) | 03:16 |
vsk | I couldnt install on virtual box..so dont whether i can install it dorectly | 03:16 |
vsk | Directly | 03:16 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: pastebinit /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.postinst | 03:16 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: try 16.04 liveusb directly, see if you can run it? | 03:16 |
zhanx | any graphics or wifi cards just know not to work etc | 03:17 |
vsk | If the ubuntu 16.04 wont install properly..i wil loss my datas..that y i ran a trial installation on virtualbox | 03:17 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: most boxes can run ubuntu fine mate | 03:17 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: but perhaps avoid broadcom wifi chipset | 03:18 |
vsk | Mine is a desktop | 03:18 |
zhanx | lotuspsychje: k, cheap = bad then | 03:18 |
vsk | No wifi card | 03:18 |
Jordan_U | vsk: You should have your data backed up no matter what you are doing. | 03:18 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: not always, its good to have hardware that run out of the box on ubuntu | 03:19 |
Jordan_U | vsk: Before you do anything else, backup your important data. | 03:19 |
vsk | I could install windows..kali linux and all other OS..but wats wrong with 16.04 ? | 03:19 |
zhanx | this box is still on 14.04. so i haven't upgraded in a while | 03:19 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: updates are important, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 03:20 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: you tell us whats wrong? | 03:20 |
vsk | Ok.. then may i try to install ubuntu directly ??? | 03:20 |
leftyfb | Neoark: yes | 03:20 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: a liveusb, you can test without loosing data | 03:20 |
lotuspsychje | vsk: but as Jordan_U suggested, always make a backup before doing anything.. | 03:21 |
vsk | lotuspsychje:after choosing try ubuntu or install ubuntu.. the screen became a coloured one..i cant do anything | 03:21 |
leftyfb | Neoark: on 2 separate machines. Luckily, I'm not running EFI on either one of them so I edited that file and commented out those if statements and it installed fine from there | 03:21 |
zhanx | lotuspsychje: i meant the hardware not the software | 03:21 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: thats also what i meant :p | 03:21 |
vsk | Wat is EFI ? | 03:22 |
lotuspsychje | !efi > vsk | 03:22 |
ubottu | vsk, please see my private message | 03:22 |
smokeyj | java chan seems dead Anyone here who knows java? | 03:22 |
lotuspsychje | smokeyj: this is ubuntu support | 03:22 |
zhanx | smokeyj: !chat | 03:22 |
smokeyj | lotuspsychje, I know | 03:23 |
zhanx | oh chat no workie | 03:23 |
vsk | Ok..let me try | 03:23 |
lotuspsychje | !chat | 03:23 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:23 |
vsk | Thnx 4 ur support | 03:23 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: !trigger | username | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | smokeyj: This channel is not for programming support. How helpful other channels are doesn't change that. alis can help you find other programming channels to try though. | 03:23 |
vsk | Hope u guys will help me if i got some trouble | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | !alis | smokeyj | 03:23 |
ubottu | smokeyj: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 03:23 |
zhanx | lotuspsychje: long day at work | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | vsk: Do you have backups of all of your important data? | 03:23 |
vsk | Nop | 03:23 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: no sweat, just helping ; ) | 03:24 |
vsk | But my important datas or seperate drive | 03:24 |
vsk | Is that enough ? | 03:24 |
Jordan_U | vsk: No. If you only have one copy of important data, expect to lose it (just in general). Always have backups. | 03:24 |
zhanx | always make backups | 03:25 |
vsk | Ooopsss... | 03:25 |
vsk | Ok.. | 03:25 |
smokeyj | Jordan_U, u are whats wrong with IRC today. I agree that keeping to topics should be done. But that would mean that no other subject is allowed | 03:25 |
smokeyj | Not even ask a friend how he/she is | 03:25 |
lotuspsychje | !guidelines | smokeyj | 03:25 |
ubottu | smokeyj: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 03:25 |
zhanx | smokeyj: not in this chat room | 03:25 |
mark__ | i jon | 03:25 |
smokeyj | So that militant shit is just getting old | 03:25 |
Jordan_U | smokeyj: That's correct. Asking a friend how they are would be offtopic for an Ubuntu support channel. It would be great for #ubuntu-offtopic. If you don't agree to the channel's guidelines you are free to not participate in the channel. | 03:26 |
Neoark | anyone getting upgrade error on grub-pc? | 03:26 |
Neoark | last package seems bugged | 03:27 |
docente | khj | 03:27 |
lotuspsychje | Neoark: best way to get your issue solved is to re-state your issue, with all details in channel once in a while | 03:27 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: Did you see my request for the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.postinst ? | 03:27 |
zhanx | lotuspsychje: any hardware you know off hard is not to be used with the latest and greatest Long term? | 03:27 |
zhanx | hand not hard | 03:27 |
docente | hrer | 03:28 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: thats too specific to answer mate, most systems perform well on LTS, newer hardware might need newer kernels (non-lts) | 03:28 |
smokeyj | Jordan_U, OR, when support questions are in the few. We could adapt a little more relaxed attitude . Thus gaining a scene of community | 03:28 |
zhanx | lotuspsychje: thanks will wing it like normal and hope for the best | 03:29 |
lotuspsychje | smokeyj: the community already relaxes in #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss | 03:29 |
lotuspsychje | zhanx: HP & dell are known to be ubuntu friendly, but that doesnt mean other systems cant run ubuntu properly | 03:30 |
smokeyj | For some it does, Not new users | 03:30 |
zhanx | lotuspsychje: i build from mother board up, but thanks | 03:30 |
smokeyj | zhanx, per DEFINITION this is a chat chan | 03:31 |
Neoark | too big to paste it | 03:31 |
Neoark | 1000+ | 03:31 |
lotuspsychje | smokeyj: ok, stop that please | 03:31 |
kostkon | Neoark, paste the tail end | 03:32 |
smokeyj | caps? sure | 03:32 |
Jordan_U | smokeyj: If you'd like to discuss this channel's policies please do so in #ubuntu-ops or #ubuntu-offtopic. | 03:32 |
Neoark | Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/24608612/ | 03:34 |
Neoark | Setting up grub-pc (2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.10) ... | 03:36 |
Neoark | /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.postinst: line 703: syntax error near unexpected token `fi' | 03:36 |
leftyfb | Neoark: yes, several of us have got this tonight... | 03:39 |
leftyfb | Neoark: do you know if you have EFI boot enabled? | 03:39 |
leftyfb | Neoark: you can check by seeing if there's an "efi" directory in /boot | 03:39 |
Neoark | not there | 03:40 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: Interesting, looks like there is a missing ';' after "2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.10" on line 699. | 03:41 |
leftyfb | ok, edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub-pc.postinst , go to line 703, I just commented out both those if statements (5 lines) | 03:42 |
leftyfb | Jordan_U: that would fix it too ;) | 03:42 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: Do you know how to fix that line or would you like step by step instructions? | 03:43 |
Neoark | Jordan_U ty | 03:43 |
Neoark | fixed it | 03:44 |
Neoark | added ; | 03:44 |
Neoark | before then | 03:44 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: What version of Ubuntu are you running? I want to make sure that a bug report for this has been filed, especially since the fix is (seemingly) so simple. | 03:45 |
Neoark | 16.04 | 03:45 |
helpc3e3 | hey guys am having an issue where when i ssh into my machine using ldap credentials it shows me the motd then immediately disconnects. Looking at ssh in debug mode it seems to be the client is causing the disconnect. Any ideas? | 03:45 |
leftyfb | Jordan_U: I can't seem to find a bug filed | 03:47 |
Neoark | i was trying to file it but i am getting timed out bug | 03:48 |
unholymachine | good evening. | 03:48 |
kostkon | Jordan_U, looks like it's probably a phased update from proposed? latest on 16.04 is 3.9 | 03:48 |
leftyfb | way to rush a "fix" for grub on a Friday afternoon | 03:50 |
Jordan_U | Neoark: Please subscribe me (jordanu) to the bug when you are able to submit it. If you have difficulty submitting the bug, please join #ubuntu-bugs . | 03:53 |
jnewt1 | i need some help getting my remote connection working well. i have installed x11vnc on the server (ubuntu). i started it with x11vnc --scale 1920x1080 (my client resolution). but everything is stretched, and it's probably due to having dual monitors on the host, as i see them both. | 03:56 |
unholymachine | i have a question. i have compiled a custom ubuntu build that has , as part of it, many non-free drivers installed on it. when installing it on new machines that do happen to use these non-free ddrivers should i expect any issues? | 03:56 |
jnewt1 | i just want a single screen, no scrolling around, text i can actually read, but I can't figure out the proper settings. | 03:57 |
unholymachine | what i think happens is that, after installation, the system just uses the drivers that it needs and disregards the fact that there are other drivers present for different wifi chip architectures? | 03:58 |
Jordan_U | unholymachine: For wifi I wouldn't expect any issues but proprietary graphics drivers tend to cause problems with use of the Free drivers. | 04:00 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: be carefull with vnc, its a security flaw | 04:01 |
LinuxGuy2020 | Im running soundconverter 2.9.0-beta1 and the AAC format option is missing. How do I get it working? Or is there an alternative app to batch convert audio files between formats? | 04:02 |
lotuspsychje | LinuxGuy2020: its recommended to install packages from the ubuntu repos | 04:02 |
Jordan_U | LinuxGuy2020: ffmpeg is a tool I use. | 04:02 |
jnewt1 | lotuspsychje, what is the preferred remote connection method? | 04:03 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: ssh with fail2ban as protection | 04:03 |
LinuxGuy2020 | Jordan_U: Ill try that. Thank you, | 04:04 |
jnewt1 | lotuspsychje, looking for something simple like rdp on windows. i don't really want to do a bunch of setup. i can already ssh to the desktop. | 04:04 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: just telling to be carefull with GUI remote 24/7 things, youl get hammered hard | 04:05 |
jnewt1 | what? | 04:05 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: dont let vnc run while your away | 04:06 |
Jordan_U | LinuxGuy2020: You're welcome. | 04:06 |
jnewt1 | lotuspsychje, if no vnc, what should i use so that i can connect remotely as simply as possible without a big security hole like what you're talking about | 04:09 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: tell us your plans first, will you need it 24/7? | 04:09 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: what kind of remote work will you need? | 04:10 |
unholymachine | ty Jordan_U | 04:12 |
jnewt1 | lotuspsychje, i won't use it constantly for 24hrs / day, maybe an hour or two per day. i used RDP with windows, but am trying to switch to ubuntu as my main OS. I want something like RDP where I don't have to worry about how much i use it or what sort of work i want to do while using it. office programs, accounting software, software dev IDE, shouldn't matter. | 04:13 |
lotuspsychje | jnewt1: RDP is also a security flaw, id really suggest ssh for a more secure work | 04:14 |
lotuspsychje | !vnc | jnewt1 | 04:14 |
ubottu | jnewt1: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 04:14 |
smokeyj | lotuspsychje, if SSH is setup popper | 04:15 |
LinuxGuy2020 | Jordan_U: Yeah ffmpeg with WinFF front end is very nice. Thanks a bunch | 04:15 |
jnewt1 | lotuspsychje, i don't have a fast connection, i notice vnc is a lot slower than rdp on my setup. | 04:16 |
jnewt1 | lotuspsychje, reading about rdp says newer versions use ssl/tls to encrypt everything, is there another piece needed to secure this stuff? | 04:17 |
croz | implite, you still around? | 04:25 |
implite | hello | 04:25 |
croz | sorry was afk | 04:25 |
croz | so yeah when i tried installing kde i got error box and it asked to report it to canonical or whtaever it is | 04:26 |
implite | what was the error message? | 04:26 |
croz | i still have the terminal open though. how can i show you the log? i dont want to paste it all here. is there a key part you need to see? | 04:26 |
implite | http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 04:26 |
implite | put it all in past here | 04:26 |
implite | paste | 04:27 |
jnewt1 | is teamviewer any good? | 04:27 |
implite | yes | 04:27 |
croz | https://paste.ubuntu.com/24608903/ | 04:28 |
m5w | Hello. I compile vim from source, so I'd like to remove vim-tiny. However, it seems that ubuntu-minimal depends upon vim-tiny, and ``It [ubuntu-minimal] is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed." | 04:28 |
m5w | What should I do here? | 04:29 |
leftyfb | m5w: why do you need vim from source? | 04:29 |
m5w | leftyfb, you'll laugh if I tell you | 04:30 |
leftyfb | try me | 04:30 |
m5w | in default vim, nuw is maxed out at 10 | 04:30 |
m5w | I think that's dumb, so I compile it to be maxed higher | 04:30 |
croz | implite, find anything there? | 04:34 |
m5w | hm, maybe if I install to /usr/local instead of /usr it will find that first before vim-tiny stuffs and use that? | 04:35 |
m5w | testing now | 04:35 |
implite | looks like you are getting errors with installing some packages | 04:35 |
implite | croz | 04:35 |
m5w | works! | 04:36 |
implite | there is some missing packages that you can try installing before you try to install kde again | 04:36 |
croz | which packages | 04:36 |
m5w | okay, so no need to remove vim-tiny | 04:36 |
BillGHero | I have my /home on an ssd but want to mount an encrypted folder that is shared between two users on another hard-drive. Is there a relatively simple way to accomplish this with ecryptfs? Perhaps using a startup script for each user? | 04:41 |
kevinfish | my system glitched and now spacemacs hangs. I don't think its that, but probably some missing or corrupted command. Is there some apt type process I can run to have it check my system and reinstall any packages where the contents are missing/broken? | 04:43 |
arch-nemesis | An encrypted network share? | 04:44 |
BillGHero | @arch-nemesis No, just a common encrypted folder on a bigger mechanical hard drive. For photos and scanned documents. | 04:46 |
Bashing-om | kevinfish: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' . | 04:47 |
=== damier is now known as Damier | ||
arch-nemesis | I don't know about ecryptfs, but I've had good luck with luks encrypted hard drives. Gnome/Unity automatically prompts for the password when you plug it in. | 04:48 |
Drgx2x | Dax | 04:48 |
en01 | Hey | 04:54 |
kevinfish | Bashing-om: ok, thanks | 04:54 |
BillGHero | @arch-nemesis I have not tried LUKS, but will check it out. Thanks for the idea. | 04:55 |
Bashing-om | kevinfish: :) advise the channel if there are errors reported . | 04:55 |
en01 | Having issues with site cloning gmail on the Setoolkit. Any advice? | 04:56 |
en01 | The problem is that there is 2 pages one for the username to be entered, and the other for the password. | 04:56 |
en01 | I did the site template thing but after they enter the credentials it leads them to google not gmail | 04:58 |
lotuspsychje | en01: dont join irc as root | 04:58 |
arch-nemesis | en01, I doubt anyone willl help you with that | 04:58 |
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=== kano is now known as Guest52851 | ||
c0der | https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/06/14/universal-snap-packages-launch-on-multiple-linux-distros/ | 05:09 |
lotuspsychje | c0der: not here please | 05:11 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | c0der | 05:11 |
ubottu | c0der: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 05:11 |
=== Guest52851 is now known as polatu | ||
c0der | thanks :) | 05:12 |
c0der | ubottu: thanks Ubottu :) | 05:12 |
ubottu | c0der: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:12 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, what is the best way I can search a home directory for all .java files including ones nested inside zip files then parse through them for a specific string they contain | 05:13 |
Guy1524 | I have so much junk everywhere that I think this is the only way I can find what I need | 05:13 |
lotuspsychje | Guy1524: the find or whereis command can help you | 05:14 |
Ben64 | doesn't help for inside archives | 05:14 |
Guy1524 | how would the whereis command help | 05:15 |
Guy1524 | isn't that for find the location of binaries | 05:15 |
kevinfish | Bashing-Om's remedy didn't work inspite of no errors | 05:15 |
Guy1524 | also, is there a way to pipe all the .java files find finds into a parser to find a string? | 05:15 |
EriC^^ | what's the extension of the zip ones? | 05:16 |
EriC^^ | nevermind, duh O.o | 05:16 |
kevinfish | so what command double checks the actual integrity of the commands/files installed on your system? | 05:17 |
EriC^^ | !debsums | kevinfish | 05:17 |
EriC^^ | !info debsums | kevinfish | 05:18 |
ubottu | kevinfish: debsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2 (zesty), package size 41 kB, installed size 119 kB | 05:18 |
eventHorizon | I have a init.d startup written for debian, I am running 16.04. Can I just cp it to etc/init.d for it work. Or do I need to turn it into service under Systemd or do something else entirelu | 05:19 |
=== polatu is now known as kano_ | ||
eventHorizon | the init script is here https://github.com/grke/burp/blob/master/debian/init | 05:21 |
=== kano_ is now known as polatu | ||
=== polatu is now known as kano_ | ||
aiena | I want to use rsnapshot. But I am not sure how much disk space it needs or how it works. Does each folder of rotating backups contain seperate copies of the same file ? | 05:34 |
implite | croz: are you still here? | 05:35 |
one808 | 我来了 | 05:37 |
lotuspsychje | !cn | one808 | 05:38 |
ubottu | one808: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 05:38 |
SagelessFox_ | one808 no Chinese | 05:38 |
one808 | Sorry | 05:38 |
=== derp is now known as Guest63783 | ||
BillGHero | @arch-nemesis It doesn"t look like a LUKS-based encrypted volume supports grow/shrink... | 05:47 |
Guest63783 | how do I connect audio between applications, like soundflower does on macos, on ubuntu 17.04? I suppose I use jack but I can't figure out how to make it work | 05:47 |
SwedeMike | BillGHero: cryptsetup allows for online resize of luks based volume. | 05:49 |
Seven_Six_Two | Guest63783, first, you should get a better nick ;) but jack is probably right. I think you might be able to do it in alsa configs to, but jack would be the way to go. start jack with qjackcontrol make connections with patchage or jackeq maybe | 05:50 |
Seven_Six_Two | apps have to support jack, or use a wrapper or something | 05:51 |
Seven_Six_Two | sorry I can't be more specific. It's been a while. | 05:51 |
Guest63783 | basically i need to route my system audio to an audio device that can be connected to an application like discord, as well as have it play through my speakers | 05:52 |
BillGHero | SwedeMike: by 'online' do you mean that it will grow and shrink a volume contained in a file? | 05:52 |
BillGHero | Does cryptsetup have any real documentation, besides FAQ on the Gitlab site? It would really help, since my use case is not a private folder, and not a fixed-size volume.. | 06:04 |
psychoticwarrior | whats up | 06:06 |
croz | ur a psycho | 06:07 |
psychoticwarrior | yes i am | 06:10 |
psychoticwarrior | currently running a triple boot of kali linux, ubuntu 16.04 and windows 7 ultiamte | 06:10 |
psychoticwarrior | ultimate | 06:10 |
strive | psychoticwarrior: Windows 7 still? It was a nice OS I have to admit. | 06:12 |
psychoticwarrior | yea i agree. not that big of a fan of windows 10 | 06:12 |
psychoticwarrior | it does the job | 06:12 |
strive | psychoticwarrior: I concur. Win10 has telemetry crap. | 06:12 |
psychoticwarrior | yea true | 06:13 |
strive | psychoticwarrior: Ubuntu is a nice transition from Windows to Linux. | 06:13 |
psychoticwarrior | yes iti s | 06:13 |
psychoticwarrior | i love ubuntuy | 06:13 |
psychoticwarrior | ubuntu | 06:13 |
psychoticwarrior | do you live in the states or europe? | 06:14 |
strive | My first Linux OS was Ubuntu MATE. | 06:14 |
strive | Near Chicago, IL | 06:14 |
psychoticwarrior | sweet | 06:14 |
psychoticwarrior | me too | 06:14 |
strive | ha | 06:14 |
strive | Nice. | 06:14 |
strive | I'm originally from NYC. | 06:15 |
psychoticwarrior | nice | 06:15 |
strive | Oh how I miss that place... | 06:15 |
psychoticwarrior | im not that big of a fan of chicago | 06:15 |
strive | You'd think I'd visit Chicago, but that place is bad. | 06:15 |
psychoticwarrior | yea talk about all the killings | 06:15 |
strive | It's ridiculous. | 06:16 |
psychoticwarrior | true | 06:16 |
strive | Over territory, oh please. | 06:16 |
strive | Ubuntu got me off the streets. | 06:16 |
lotuspsychje | !chat | 06:16 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:16 |
strive | j.k | 06:16 |
strive | lotuspsychje: Yea yea yea. | 06:16 |
SwedeMike | BillGHero: no, I mean you can do it when it's in use, ie mounted. | 06:17 |
psychoticwarrior | i noticed udev can be an issue sometimes | 06:17 |
psychoticwarrior | i used systemctl disable udev | 06:17 |
en01 | is SSL better on 6697 or 7000? | 06:18 |
psychoticwarrior | not sure. i dont think it matters | 06:18 |
strive | en01: I think it depends on freenode. | 06:18 |
strive | You can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at chat.freenode.net on ports 6665-6667 and 8000-8002 for plain-text connections, or ports 6697, 7000 and 7070 for SSL-encrypted connections. | 06:19 |
strive | en01: So I would use 6697, 7000 or 7070 | 06:20 |
en01 | strive: Thanks | 06:21 |
psychoticwarrior | whats some good music to listen to | 06:21 |
strive | en01: yw. | 06:21 |
strive | psychoticwarrior: haha, lotuspsychje will get you. | 06:22 |
strive | psychoticwarrior: Try this: "What's some good music to listen to WHILE using Ubuntu?" | 06:22 |
strive | psychoticwarrior: (throw ubuntu in the mix) | 06:22 |
psychoticwarrior | yea forsure whats good music to listen to while using ubuntu | 06:22 |
en01 | Chromatics is one of the best bands ive heard in a long time. | 06:23 |
strive | lmao | 06:23 |
psychoticwarrior | ok | 06:23 |
=== r00ter_ is now known as r00ter | ||
lotuspsychje | psychoticwarrior, strive stop that please | 06:23 |
Guest63783 | OOH i think I found the solution!! | 06:24 |
Guest63783 | modprobe snd-aloop | 06:24 |
psychoticwarrior | what about icp? | 06:24 |
strive | lotuspsychje: lol, I'm headed to bed. | 06:24 |
Guest63783 | i did `sudo modprobe snd-aloop` in terminal and I think it made a virtual audio port which I can use. YAY lets see if it works though | 06:24 |
strive | g'night | 06:24 |
psychoticwarrior | good nite | 06:25 |
Guest63783 | hmm | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | Guest63783: can we help you? | 06:28 |
Guest63783 | you already did :D | 06:29 |
BillGHero | SwedeMike: My use case is to have a encrypted folder/container/whatever that lives on a secondary hard drive/partition and can be accessed by multiple users at the same time. If any of my users must manually resize the container, that may cause problems. Better to use an option that can resize itself dynamically based on space available on the host filesystem. | 06:31 |
BillGHero | My main issue here is that all the helpfule tips I find seem to be aimed at private folders or encrypting entire disks/partitions. It seems as if no guides exist that show my middle-of-the-road use case.. | 06:32 |
aiena | Anyone has experience here with this rsnapshot tool ? I am wondering how the backups take place. Wether when it rolls in each folder a clone of the file is kept ? | 06:33 |
SwedeMike | BillGHero: ok, then you should not use LUKS based method. | 06:34 |
BillGHero | SwedeMike: I do still thank you for the suggestion. I am reading up on it as an alternative. It seems that I am finding more/better documentation for LUKS than for others. | 06:36 |
bambanx | any alternative to indesign for ubuntu folks? | 06:38 |
auronandace1 | bambanx: how about scribus? | 06:40 |
bambanx | auronandace1, do you used? i am installing | 06:41 |
auronandace1 | bambanx: i didn't know what indesign was, did a quick search and wikipedia recomends scribus as an open source alternative | 06:42 |
bambanx | auronandace1, oh thanks you man | 06:43 |
bambanx | you ara very kind | 06:43 |
auronandace1 | bambanx: sorry I won't be able to help you use it, never tried it myself | 06:43 |
bambanx | auronandace1, looks good | 06:44 |
bambanx | auronandace1, is for make publishing things like newspapers, magazines, design of all kind of things | 06:44 |
bambanx | :D | 06:44 |
ankitpati | Anyone facing problems with grub-efi-amd64 since the last update? | 06:45 |
Jordan_U | ankitpati: syntax error? (Please pastebin the output of "sudo dpkg --configure -a"). | 06:47 |
ankitpati | Yes. Actually I fixed it myself. | 06:48 |
ankitpati | Thought I should report it, but could not find the appropriate bug-tracker on launchpad. | 06:48 |
ankitpati | It was a simple missing semi-colon before the then following an if in the postinst bash script. | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | ankitpati: Run "ubuntu-bug grub-efi-amd64". | 06:49 |
ankitpati | Thank you. | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | ankitpati: You're welcome. | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | ankitpati: After submitting the bug, please subscribe me (jordanu) to it. | 06:50 |
ankitpati | Sure. | 06:50 |
twomix | i was able to enable the sta wifi driver on the live usb offline but I can't do this from my fresh install without internet.. is there a way I can get the driver off the install USB | 06:56 |
en01 | Linux over windows forever!!! | 06:59 |
en01 | How do i scroll down the list of active users in this channel | 07:01 |
en01 | ? | 07:01 |
Jordan_U | twomix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access | 07:05 |
ankitpati | Jordan_U, and anyone else looking for a quick fix to the grub-efi-amd64 issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1692181 | 07:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1692181 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "bash syntax error in the postinst script" [Undecided,New] | 07:09 |
en01 | ankitpati: wish i could help you buddy. | 07:15 |
ankitpati | Thank you, but I actually already fixed the issue. | 07:16 |
aiena | is there a way to add a regular user and set a password at the same time ? | 07:27 |
ankitpati | aiena: Press Ctrl + Alt + T to invoke the terminal. Type "sudo adduser username", without the quotes, and follow the on-screen instructions. | 07:29 |
Seveas | aiena: useradd with -p | 07:30 |
aiena | ankitpati: its an ubuntu server and I am in the root shell | 07:30 |
aiena | Seveas: thanks | 07:30 |
ankitpati | aiena: adduser should still be available, and is generally more friendly. | 07:31 |
aiena | nods I think but useradd is more cross distro though | 07:31 |
ankitpati | aiena: Agreed. | 07:31 |
bigjazzsound | I always have to check the man pages to remember which one is which | 07:32 |
aiena | bigjazzsound: yeah thank heavens for man pages | 07:32 |
aiena | those are one of linux distros main strengths | 07:32 |
aiena | Seveas: strange when I use -p from useradd passwords are stored in plain text in /etc/shadow instead of hashed why | 07:34 |
aiena | whereas using passwd command to set the password stores it as a hash | 07:34 |
bigjazzsound | aiena the -p option wants the hashed version of the password | 07:34 |
aiena | oh so what hashes a password ? | 07:35 |
aiena | guessing passwd is a wrapper around lower level commands then | 07:35 |
aiena | so passwd hashes plus writes to /etc/shadow | 07:35 |
bigjazzsound | aiena I would suggest using passwd to set the password | 07:36 |
bigjazzsound | aiena yes | 07:36 |
aiena | yes I am going to do that | 07:36 |
aiena | though useradd -p would do that but good I checked /etc/shadow | 07:36 |
aiena | atleast I knew I was doing something wrong then | 07:37 |
aiena | *at least | 07:37 |
aiena | bigjazzsound: just for knowledge purposes how is the hash in etc/shadow calculated on ubuntu ? | 07:39 |
bigjazzsound | aiena: it is a sha-512 hash | 07:40 |
aiena | ok thank you | 07:41 |
bigjazzsound | you are welcome | 07:41 |
en01 | you are all beautiful people! | 07:43 |
Dri | you are welcome to part anytime robairt M144 dja magikid cibs WizardGed MustaKrakish mundus2018 yofel trevorj cellardoor_ lapion cyboman33 dcmorton AndrewGazelka oijeeboo philroche ddstreet murphy spilotro Klumben jabbslad iSagitt xtreamwayz HandheldPenguin` PeterReid Schmiel rhonabwy gardar discopatrick Giant81 macsz Relicka LazyAngel ToeSnacks InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai lvrp16 Lukewh ubuntulo12 fbaca tabakhase craysiii jerichowasahoax Namikaze nomad_ | 07:45 |
baBeSuclu | you are welcome to part anytime robairt M144 dja magikid cibs WizardGed MustaKrakish mundus2018 yofel trevorj cellardoor_ lapion cyboman33 dcmorton AndrewGazelka oijeeboo philroche ddstreet murphy spilotro Klumben jabbslad iSagitt xtreamwayz HandheldPenguin` PeterReid Schmiel rhonabwy gardar discopatrick Giant81 macsz Relicka LazyAngel ToeSnacks InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai lvrp16 Lukewh ubuntulo12 fbaca tabakhase craysiii jerichowasahoax Namikaze no | 07:45 |
baBeSuclu | you are welcome to part anytime twisted` techmagus cores den628 kbrosnan foo setkeh dannyLopez paalgyula Squarism designbybeck PipeItToDevNull jinie komugi shootbird DocMAX pa BLZbubba cmdshftn raztafari NoCode steven gusnan freddylisbon mcphail satanist arslanq YuGiOhJCJ gmh jurrap naskeli gyre007 robertj mblanco__ Sigyn Nukien Dworf ilmaisin gborg tfni Trefex aiena krizoek ryao Casper26 Triffid_Hunter candy` donofrio kPa antonmpeg imsurit timbram tlyu g | 07:45 |
baBeSuclu | you are welcome to part anytime igordcard e_xistense wizonesolutions Taggnostr Damier neurot LambdaComplex tswett en01 King_Hual ijmad jackNemrod Introoter Jikai MobileMatt yinflying2016 amphiprions sinduck mz` nesthib Bock alexandre9099 OERIAS nhandler Xe kevank_ holodoc Ricardus zonum diarpi Khaotic Zesty_ thebadshepperd CatKiller Noskcaj NickG365 uks dave4925 Hobbyboy Nothing4You Cursarion ColdKeyboard smiths[m]1 bitch h22turbo thib Tabmow Village blee | 07:45 |
baBeSuclu | you are welcome to part anytime memorynoise underyx Fuchs y0sh datajerk lel- ihavoc ddellav reveredge vok` claude2 freakynl tamaros momomo bekks samfty Kins kh4| leftyfb chamunks KlassicBoy Skyrider Mike34 lstanley blazeme8 xMopxShell dwar_ K1rk Wysi RaptorJesus wyggler2 Kazuto rager L0cust[m] Xorkle[m] IonutVan_ weltall DarkDevil morsnowski MrC bynarie netameta DenBeiren Jonno_FTW gvhoecke Edgan asd baTed Flannel saintaquinas[m] vkku[m] Waggie lu_tze asl | 07:45 |
Dri | you are welcome to part anytime twisted` techmagus cores den628 kbrosnan foo setkeh dannyLopez paalgyula Squarism designbybeck PipeItToDevNull jinie komugi shootbird DocMAX pa BLZbubba cmdshftn raztafari NoCode steven gusnan freddylisbon mcphail satanist arslanq YuGiOhJCJ gmh jurrap naskeli gyre007 robertj mblanco__ Sigyn Nukien Dworf ilmaisin gborg tfni Trefex aiena krizoek ryao Casper26 Triffid_Hunter candy` donofrio kPa antonmpeg imsurit timbram tlyu g2 an | 07:45 |
Dri | you are welcome to part anytime igordcard e_xistense wizonesolutions Taggnostr Damier neurot LambdaComplex tswett en01 King_Hual ijmad jackNemrod Introoter Jikai MobileMatt yinflying2016 amphiprions sinduck mz` nesthib Bock alexandre9099 OERIAS nhandler Xe kevank_ holodoc Ricardus zonum diarpi Khaotic Zesty_ thebadshepperd CatKiller Noskcaj NickG365 uks dave4925 Hobbyboy Nothing4You Cursarion ColdKeyboard smiths[m]1 bitch h22turbo thib Tabmow Village bleepy g | 07:45 |
Dri | you are welcome to part anytime memorynoise underyx Fuchs y0sh datajerk lel- ihavoc ddellav reveredge vok` claude2 freakynl tamaros momomo bekks samfty Kins kh4| leftyfb chamunks KlassicBoy Skyrider Mike34 lstanley blazeme8 xMopxShell dwar_ K1rk Wysi RaptorJesus wyggler2 Kazuto rager L0cust[m] Xorkle[m] IonutVan_ weltall DarkDevil morsnowski MrC bynarie netameta DenBeiren Jonno_FTW gvhoecke Edgan asd baTed Flannel saintaquinas[m] vkku[m] Waggie lu_tze asleepf | 07:45 |
baBeSuclu | you are welcome to part anytime Aprexer herb davr0s jose VoidWhisperer Ishaq Freman wymillerlinux olafh askb kimico_ pinnen Ivan97 Cust0sLimen bswartz jacekn KennosiS chu nicomachus blake_r jasonheh danielbw lord4163 seprob zivester thatgraemeguy MadAGu marnikow DzAirmaX jswagner SunTsu vcavallo yock haowei michaelni zero_66 topi` jackmcbarn jhc76 ChewCraft jje Kryptron mikeymop typ dustinm` kazuma_desu unixpro1970 Olufunmilayo ubergoose RocketLL bertman | 07:45 |
keg | you are welcome to part anytime robairt M144 dja magikid cibs WizardGed MustaKrakish mundus2018 yofel trevorj cellardoor_ lapion cyboman33 dcmorton AndrewGazelka oijeeboo philroche ddstreet murphy spilotro Klumben jabbslad iSagitt xtreamwayz HandheldPenguin` PeterReid Schmiel rhonabwy gardar discopatrick Giant81 macsz Relicka LazyAngel ToeSnacks InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai lvrp16 Lukewh ubuntulo12 fbaca tabakhase craysiii jerichowasahoax Namikaze nomad_fr tcp | 07:45 |
keg | you are welcome to part anytime twisted` techmagus cores den628 kbrosnan foo setkeh dannyLopez paalgyula Squarism designbybeck PipeItToDevNull jinie komugi shootbird DocMAX pa BLZbubba cmdshftn raztafari NoCode steven gusnan freddylisbon mcphail satanist arslanq YuGiOhJCJ gmh jurrap naskeli gyre007 robertj mblanco__ Sigyn Nukien Dworf ilmaisin gborg tfni Trefex aiena krizoek ryao Casper26 Triffid_Hunter candy` donofrio kPa antonmpeg imsurit timbram tlyu g2 andjjj23 | 07:45 |
keg | you are welcome to part anytime igordcard e_xistense wizonesolutions Taggnostr Damier neurot LambdaComplex tswett en01 King_Hual ijmad jackNemrod Introoter Jikai MobileMatt yinflying2016 amphiprions sinduck mz` nesthib Bock alexandre9099 OERIAS nhandler Xe kevank_ holodoc Ricardus zonum diarpi Khaotic Zesty_ thebadshepperd CatKiller Noskcaj NickG365 uks dave4925 Hobbyboy Nothing4You Cursarion ColdKeyboard smiths[m]1 bitch h22turbo thib Tabmow Village bleepy georgeo | 07:45 |
keg | you are welcome to part anytime memorynoise underyx Fuchs y0sh datajerk lel- ihavoc ddellav reveredge vok` claude2 freakynl tamaros momomo bekks samfty Kins kh4| leftyfb chamunks KlassicBoy Skyrider Mike34 lstanley blazeme8 xMopxShell dwar_ K1rk Wysi RaptorJesus wyggler2 Kazuto rager L0cust[m] Xorkle[m] IonutVan_ weltall DarkDevil morsnowski MrC bynarie netameta DenBeiren Jonno_FTW gvhoecke Edgan asd baTed Flannel saintaquinas[m] vkku[m] Waggie lu_tze asleepfro Amp | 07:45 |
Dri | you are welcome to part anytime Aprexer herb davr0s jose VoidWhisperer Ishaq Freman wymillerlinux olafh askb kimico_ pinnen Ivan97 Cust0sLimen bswartz jacekn KennosiS chu nicomachus blake_r jasonheh danielbw lord4163 seprob zivester thatgraemeguy MadAGu marnikow DzAirmaX jswagner SunTsu vcavallo yock haowei michaelni zero_66 topi` jackmcbarn jhc76 ChewCraft jje Kryptron mikeymop typ dustinm` kazuma_desu unixpro1970 Olufunmilayo ubergoose RocketLL bertman Delt | 07:45 |
keg | you are welcome to part anytime Aprexer herb davr0s jose VoidWhisperer Ishaq Freman wymillerlinux olafh askb kimico_ pinnen Ivan97 Cust0sLimen bswartz jacekn KennosiS chu nicomachus blake_r jasonheh danielbw lord4163 seprob zivester thatgraemeguy MadAGu marnikow DzAirmaX jswagner SunTsu vcavallo yock haowei michaelni zero_66 topi` jackmcbarn jhc76 ChewCraft jje Kryptron mikeymop typ dustinm` kazuma_desu unixpro1970 Olufunmilayo ubergoose RocketLL bertman Deltanic K | 07:45 |
Guest98291 | you are welcome to part anytime robairt M144 dja magikid cibs WizardGed MustaKrakish mundus2018 yofel trevorj cellardoor_ lapion cyboman33 dcmorton AndrewGazelka oijeeboo philroche ddstreet murphy spilotro Klumben jabbslad iSagitt xtreamwayz HandheldPenguin` PeterReid Schmiel rhonabwy gardar discopatrick Giant81 macsz Relicka LazyAngel ToeSnacks InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai lvrp16 Lukewh ubuntulo12 fbaca tabakhase craysiii jerichowasahoax Namikaze nomad | 07:45 |
Guest98291 | you are welcome to part anytime twisted` techmagus cores den628 kbrosnan foo setkeh dannyLopez paalgyula Squarism designbybeck PipeItToDevNull jinie komugi shootbird DocMAX pa BLZbubba cmdshftn raztafari NoCode steven gusnan freddylisbon mcphail satanist arslanq YuGiOhJCJ gmh jurrap naskeli gyre007 robertj mblanco__ Sigyn Nukien Dworf ilmaisin gborg tfni Trefex aiena krizoek ryao Casper26 Triffid_Hunter candy` donofrio kPa antonmpeg imsurit timbram tlyu g2 a | 07:45 |
Guest98291 | you are welcome to part anytime igordcard e_xistense wizonesolutions Taggnostr Damier neurot LambdaComplex tswett en01 King_Hual ijmad jackNemrod Introoter Jikai MobileMatt yinflying2016 amphiprions sinduck mz` nesthib Bock alexandre9099 OERIAS nhandler Xe kevank_ holodoc Ricardus zonum diarpi Khaotic Zesty_ thebadshepperd CatKiller Noskcaj NickG365 uks dave4925 Hobbyboy Nothing4You Cursarion ColdKeyboard smiths[m]1 bitch h22turbo thib Tabmow Village bleepy | 07:45 |
Guest98291 | you are welcome to part anytime memorynoise underyx Fuchs y0sh datajerk lel- ihavoc ddellav reveredge vok` claude2 freakynl tamaros momomo bekks samfty Kins kh4| leftyfb chamunks KlassicBoy Skyrider Mike34 lstanley blazeme8 xMopxShell dwar_ K1rk Wysi RaptorJesus wyggler2 Kazuto rager L0cust[m] Xorkle[m] IonutVan_ weltall DarkDevil morsnowski MrC bynarie netameta DenBeiren Jonno_FTW gvhoecke Edgan asd baTed Flannel saintaquinas[m] vkku[m] Waggie lu_tze asleep | 07:45 |
Guest98291 | you are welcome to part anytime Aprexer herb davr0s jose VoidWhisperer Ishaq Freman wymillerlinux olafh askb kimico_ pinnen Ivan97 Cust0sLimen bswartz jacekn KennosiS chu nicomachus blake_r jasonheh danielbw lord4163 seprob zivester thatgraemeguy MadAGu marnikow DzAirmaX jswagner SunTsu vcavallo yock haowei michaelni zero_66 topi` jackmcbarn jhc76 ChewCraft jje Kryptron mikeymop typ dustinm` kazuma_desu unixpro1970 Olufunmilayo ubergoose RocketLL bertman Del | 07:45 |
WubinuGo | you are welcome to part anytime robairt M144 dja magikid cibs WizardGed MustaKrakish mundus2018 yofel trevorj cellardoor_ lapion cyboman33 dcmorton AndrewGazelka oijeeboo philroche ddstreet murphy spilotro Klumben jabbslad iSagitt xtreamwayz HandheldPenguin` PeterReid Schmiel rhonabwy gardar discopatrick Giant81 macsz Relicka LazyAngel ToeSnacks InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai lvrp16 Lukewh ubuntulo12 fbaca tabakhase craysiii jerichowasahoax Namikaze nomad | 07:45 |
WubinuGo | you are welcome to part anytime twisted` techmagus cores den628 kbrosnan foo setkeh dannyLopez paalgyula Squarism designbybeck PipeItToDevNull jinie komugi shootbird DocMAX pa BLZbubba cmdshftn raztafari NoCode steven gusnan freddylisbon mcphail satanist arslanq YuGiOhJCJ gmh jurrap naskeli gyre007 robertj mblanco__ Sigyn Nukien Dworf ilmaisin gborg tfni Trefex aiena krizoek ryao Casper26 Triffid_Hunter candy` donofrio kPa antonmpeg imsurit timbram tlyu g2 a | 07:45 |
WubinuGo | you are welcome to part anytime igordcard e_xistense wizonesolutions Taggnostr Damier neurot LambdaComplex tswett en01 King_Hual ijmad jackNemrod Introoter Jikai MobileMatt yinflying2016 amphiprions sinduck mz` nesthib Bock alexandre9099 OERIAS nhandler Xe kevank_ holodoc Ricardus zonum diarpi Khaotic Zesty_ thebadshepperd CatKiller Noskcaj NickG365 uks dave4925 Hobbyboy Nothing4You Cursarion ColdKeyboard smiths[m]1 bitch h22turbo thib Tabmow Village bleepy | 07:45 |
WubinuGo | you are welcome to part anytime memorynoise underyx Fuchs y0sh datajerk lel- ihavoc ddellav reveredge vok` claude2 freakynl tamaros momomo bekks samfty Kins kh4| leftyfb chamunks KlassicBoy Skyrider Mike34 lstanley blazeme8 xMopxShell dwar_ K1rk Wysi RaptorJesus wyggler2 Kazuto rager L0cust[m] Xorkle[m] IonutVan_ weltall DarkDevil morsnowski MrC bynarie netameta DenBeiren Jonno_FTW gvhoecke Edgan asd baTed Flannel saintaquinas[m] vkku[m] Waggie lu_tze asleep | 07:45 |
WubinuGo | you are welcome to part anytime Aprexer herb davr0s jose VoidWhisperer Ishaq Freman wymillerlinux olafh askb kimico_ pinnen Ivan97 Cust0sLimen bswartz jacekn KennosiS chu nicomachus blake_r jasonheh danielbw lord4163 seprob zivester thatgraemeguy MadAGu marnikow DzAirmaX jswagner SunTsu vcavallo yock haowei michaelni zero_66 topi` jackmcbarn jhc76 ChewCraft jje Kryptron mikeymop typ dustinm` kazuma_desu unixpro1970 Olufunmilayo ubergoose RocketLL bertman Del | 07:45 |
Mike34 | rofl | 07:46 |
Bock | Lame. | 07:47 |
bigjazzsound | Save us mods | 07:49 |
numb182 | I dual booted Ubuntu alongside Windows 10. Then I deleted the Ubuntu partition from Windows 10. Now, whenever I open my computer a grub screen pops up and I have to manually select the windows bootloader option by pressing F12 key. Is there any way to remove grub completely? | 08:17 |
Furai | What's recently with bots infestation around different channels? | 08:28 |
pagz | numb128: do you have a windows cd? if not you can repair the bootloader with EasyBCD | 08:32 |
akik | Furai: there are always people who think somebody has hurt their feelings | 08:34 |
Furai | That was a wrong move, should have removed windows. | 08:36 |
Dreaman | lowlateny kernel for laptops | 08:37 |
Dreaman | or | 08:37 |
Dreaman | lowlatency | 08:37 |
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner | ||
YankDownUnder | akik, OMG that hurt my feelings. | 08:44 |
scatterp | hi i am doing: find -name \* -print0|xargs -0 zgrep blah and i would like to exclude a folder from the results passed to zgrep | 09:40 |
CoderEurope | !grep | 09:40 |
ubottu | grep is a command-line tool that finds a string in a file or a stream. Grep can be recursive through directories and searches can be simple or complex. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/grep | 09:40 |
scatterp | CoderEurope was that for me ? | 09:41 |
geirha | scatterp: find . -name "dir_to_exclude" -prune -o -type f -exec zgrep blah /dev/null {} + | 09:41 |
scatterp | CoderEurope zgrep does not support recursive.. | 09:41 |
scatterp | geirha thanks | 09:41 |
geirha | See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind for more on find | 09:43 |
scatterp | thanks | 09:43 |
Asiannoodles42 | Hello! :D | 09:47 |
CoderEurope | Asiannoodles42, yes dawg here | 09:52 |
Asiannoodles42 | For some reason the audio keeps muting itself and I cannot fix it | 09:55 |
Asiannoodles42 | Like randomly it mutes itself | 09:56 |
stein2843 | ipl.me | 09:58 |
=== alexandre9099_ is now known as alexandre9099 | ||
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 10:32 |
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2 | ||
garo | The mediawiki package is available in both 14.04 and 16.10, why is not in 16.04 ? | 11:07 |
akik | !info mediawiki xenial | 11:08 |
ubottu | Package mediawiki does not exist in xenial | 11:08 |
garo | It's pretty popular software, so i assume it's not forgotten | 11:09 |
garo | So there has to be a reason that it's not there... | 11:10 |
garo | (My real question is: Should I install mediawiki from a package from another ubuntu version or from the source) | 11:11 |
piero | somone to get well to work photoshop cc | 11:13 |
piero | by playonlinux | 11:13 |
piero | to me not wokring | 11:13 |
garo | nevermind, i found a ppa ... | 11:19 |
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein | ||
oerheks | garo, answer why it is removed, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediawiki/+bug/1527657 | 11:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1527657 in mediawiki (Ubuntu) "Drop mediawiki from Xenial" [Undecided,Fix released] | 11:22 |
oerheks | some blocking bug that should have been fixed before the LTS came out https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=805588 | 11:22 |
ubottu | Debian bug 805588 in ftp.debian.org "RM: mediawiki -- RoQA; not suitable for a stable release, outdated version" [Normal,Open] | 11:22 |
garo | A bit strange that it wasn't placed back when the bug was fixed... | 11:25 |
=== oijeeboo is now known as felsher | ||
Li | can anyone suggest a solution for thess apt dependencies issues? https://pastebin.com/aFnafx3A | 11:44 |
ducasse | Li: why didn't you let 'apt install -f' finish? | 11:47 |
pagz | did you try apt-get -f install ? | 11:48 |
tomreyn | it would probably fail due to the existing dependency issues - still worth a try,. | 11:48 |
Li | ducasse: it's going to remove auducity which is what I'm trying to install basically | 11:49 |
aiena | I need some help. My samba configuration for an anonymous directory seems correct yet I cannot write to it from another system. I think pam or something is interfering | 11:50 |
tomreyn | Li: you can install it later, first have it removed, then make sure you don't have foreign / untracked packages or package versions, then install it again | 11:50 |
aiena | I set up the samba server in a vm and am accessing it from the host the network mode is bridges so the vm looks like another pc on the network | 11:51 |
aiena | *bridged | 11:51 |
Li | Is it possible to do the update/install part of apt install -f without having to remove anything? | 11:51 |
oerheks | Li you just run sudo apt update, run the full update command >> sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ( and you need to reboot after the kernel update) then you can install what you want | 11:51 |
oerheks | updat refreshes the lists, upgrade installs the packages | 11:52 |
tomreyn | Li: you could try this (non-official, but probably safe to use) script https://pastebin.com/xGvYt37D to identify forign / untracked packages / packages versions. | 11:54 |
oerheks | tomreyn, he did not perform the proper update routine, so it gives this broken result | 11:54 |
tomreyn | maybe it's just that, yes | 11:55 |
Asiannoodles42 | Need help with my audio, it keeps muting itself randomly | 11:56 |
oerheks | Asiannoodles42, there is a troubleshooting wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure | 12:00 |
Asiannoodles42 | oerheks Thank you, will try that | 12:01 |
oerheks | Asiannoodles42, if the wiki does hot give a clue, you can post your results to the tech team on the url given in the 1st section too | 12:02 |
oerheks | Alsa is complex | 12:02 |
Asiannoodles42 | Very annoying as well | 12:03 |
=== robotrolll is now known as robotroll | ||
aiena | Needs some help setting up a samba directory to be writable by the general public in ubuntu 16.04 What settings do I use ? | 12:05 |
eRkIlloTe | we | 12:09 |
eRkIlloTe | we | 12:09 |
eRkIlloTe | we | 12:09 |
eRkIlloTe | we | 12:09 |
Seveas | are the champions | 12:18 |
Seveas | like to move it move it | 12:18 |
Seveas | will rock you | 12:18 |
Seveas | 're walking in the air | 12:19 |
aiena | Aye devs need sysadmin champions :P | 12:21 |
Seveas | aiena: that's why I wear this hoodie at work https://vangogh.teespring.com/v3/image/W7LDdO9feX3rsWKJLNwAlKtsQjc/480/560.jpg | 12:22 |
ioria | aiena, https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/samba-server-ubuntu-16-04/ | 12:23 |
aiena | ioria: in ubuntu 16 is setting read only = no for authenticated users also a requirement without it I cannot write to a secured folder | 12:25 |
ioria | aiena, ? | 12:25 |
aiena | ioria: is smb.conf | 12:26 |
ioria | aiena, yes ? | 12:26 |
ioria | aiena, you replace it (backup) | 12:26 |
Nothing4You | dwdaww tpanda im s19 nebaut | 12:26 |
tomreyn | Nothing4You: cats, keyboards and unlocked PCs don't go together well. | 12:27 |
aiena | ioria: one sec let me structure my question correctly | 12:28 |
Nothing4You | tomreyn: i know | 12:30 |
aiena | ioria: oh in ubuntu 16 you only need those 3 lines | 12:30 |
ioria | aiena, really ? | 12:31 |
aiena | seems like read only is necessary (: | 12:31 |
aiena | anyway let me try disabling that and see if again it cannot write to it | 12:32 |
aiena | hmm weird | 12:32 |
backbox | ping | 12:39 |
=== brunch875_ is now known as brunch875 | ||
tdmike | hey guys, I have got some issues with my fresh rpi2 ubuntu-server 16.04, It gives a systemd-modules-load error on boot and I cannot seem to connect to it with SSH | 12:56 |
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MonkeyDust | tdmike rpi has its own channel, try #raspberrypi | 13:00 |
tdmike | Alright thanks | 13:00 |
Giant81 | I've been looking for something in linux that works like AD. where you setup a DC (ldap server) then setup users/groups, and only have to add client PCs to the domain like AD. I know there are a handful of ldap servers out there (freeIPA 389, etc...) any that are as easy to stand up and add clients as AD? | 13:03 |
Kalisu | Openldap isn't all bad | 13:04 |
Kalisu | But i miss the simple single sign on stuff | 13:05 |
Giant81 | that was what I was looking for, something where I can setup a domain, then, like AD just add clients to it, then once added use shared accounts to log into any box on the network. | 13:09 |
SuperSeriousCat | Setting up iptables on a fresh 16.04 server. It is installed in apt-get, but no iptables.service is found. Also no /etc/iptables/ folder | 13:10 |
SuperSeriousCat | I can add rules and iptables-save fine, but still no rules to be found or service. Where is it under what name? | 13:10 |
tomreyn | SuperSeriousCat: iptable sis a mix of kernel modules and user space utilities, it does not provide a 'service'. | 13:13 |
tomreyn | you can use additional software (which can run as a service) to manage it. | 13:14 |
Seveas | SuperSeriousCat: an 'iptables service' is a redhatism. That "service" is nothing more than a script that runs iptables-save and iptables-restore | 13:15 |
Seveas | you can write a systemd unit file for that if you want :) | 13:15 |
SuperSeriousCat | Ok. Guess that is different from Arch then where it is a service pre installed. But what about rule save directory? | 13:16 |
Seveas | I usually use /etc/iptables.conf and /etc/ip6tables.conf :) | 13:16 |
SuperSeriousCat | Doing a /etc/i + tab show no iptables files or folders. Did a iptables-save | 13:18 |
SuperSeriousCat | Do I need to touch one manually and specify where it is? | 13:18 |
SuperSeriousCat | Rebooted and it is gone so guess it did not get saved to a file | 13:21 |
BentSpoon | SuperSeriousCat: iptables-save just dumps your rules to stdout | 13:23 |
BentSpoon | Use smth like iptables-save > /etc/iptables.conf | 13:24 |
SuperSeriousCat | That worked :) | 13:25 |
SuperSeriousCat | Thanks | 13:25 |
SuperSeriousCat | Not automaticly loaded after a reboot. How to do that? | 13:27 |
BentSpoon | Sorry. Forgot to mention that: try using the iptables-persistent package | 13:29 |
BentSpoon | That's the easiest way, I guess. | 13:30 |
SuperSeriousCat | Added this in networking/interfaces and it was active on reboot pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules | 13:31 |
BentSpoon | Yeah. So the files that you want to dump your customized rules to are now in /etc/iptables/ | 13:33 |
BentSpoon | e.g. /etc/iptables/rules.v4 for IPv4 rules | 13:33 |
BentSpoon | At least, that's what my config uses. | 13:34 |
chasechris[m] | Does anyone know what causing this and how to fix/repair it ? i beleive it started after using an install script for rocket.chat | 13:36 |
* chasechris[m] sent a long message: chasechris[m]_2017-05-20_13:37:06.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DBjAkFasKWetLknMVBphSufT> | 13:37 | |
SuperSeriousCat | Basic rule for a computer with no special need, this one is decent, right? And if some new rules is needed later like NFS stuff it is added under the ssh one? http://paste.debian.net/933350/ | 13:38 |
UbuntuConLeche | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER UbuntuConLeche dmnjdttelxvw | 13:46 |
pos | ould try the america style finish a burger in 3 bites. | 13:46 |
pos | <SamAlien[ZNC]> i love life.. me in life is a entire dif question | 13:46 |
pos | <SamAlien[ZNC]> be very easy actually lol | 13:46 |
pos | <SamAlien[ZNC]> hard bit is eating | 13:46 |
pos | <snook> that would be a hard way to die for me | 13:46 |
pos | <SamAlien[ZNC]> some of us like the process | 13:46 |
pos | sorry, autocopy | 13:48 |
pos | So, I've got a LUKS volume on an external drive which I can luksOpen on a ubuntu 14.04 system and with the 14.04 install media. I can not open it on either a 16.04 system nor the 16.04 install media. "No key available with this passphrase". I've tried changing the passphrase to 1234 and with keyfiles, same result. Any ideas? | 13:48 |
UbuntuConLeche | I am trying to install Tor Browser on 16.04. I can't retrieve the gpg key from keys.gnupg.com. I have been searching for help on linuxquestions to no avail. Anyway here is the forum post explaining the issue in detail: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/gpg-key-not-found-when-attempting-to-install-tor-browser-4175606318/ | 13:54 |
oerheks | UbuntuConLeche, key just imports fine here | 13:58 |
Tiberium | Hi everyone, how can I install 32-bit package (teamviewer) on 64-bit ubuntu live cd? | 13:58 |
Tiberium | 16.04 | 13:58 |
Tiberium | I want to help my friend install ubuntu | 13:59 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: your system / the DNS cache it uses fails to resolve the hostname. | 13:59 |
oerheks | Tiberium, no, the teamviewer package is multiarch, 32+64 bit | 14:00 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: also, it's not keys.gnupg.com but keys.gnupg.net, which is an alias for pool.sks-keyservers.net. | 14:00 |
UbuntuConLeche | How do I fix that? | 14:00 |
Tiberium | oerheks, where? on website it says it's i386 for resent DEB systems | 14:00 |
compdoc | Tiberium. I think you can, but why not try x2go instead? | 14:00 |
Tiberium | *recent | 14:00 |
oerheks | Tiberium, really? https://www.teamviewer.com/nl/download/linux/ | 14:01 |
oerheks | v12.0.76279 (deb 32-Bit / 64-Bit Multiarch) | 14:01 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: you need to use a DNS cache which works reliably (or make the one you use work reliably) | 14:01 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: you can start diagnosing this using this command: host keys.gnupg.net | 14:01 |
Tiberium | oerheks, but it's a 32bit package | 14:02 |
Tiberium | sadly | 14:02 |
oerheks | it should say deb 32-Bit + 64-Bit Multiarch | 14:02 |
oerheks | Tiberium, it is a non-issue, just install it ? | 14:02 |
Tiberium | it always downloads i386 version | 14:02 |
oerheks | ubuntu is multiarch for some time, so i think it will install fine | 14:03 |
Tiberium | oerheks, nah, it doesn't on live cd :( | 14:03 |
UbuntuConLeche | OK I got several IP addresses. | 14:03 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: it should report that "keys.gnupg.net is an alias for pool.sks-keyservers.net.". if it doesn't you will need to find out why the dns cache you use does not provide you this correct response. | 14:03 |
DexterF | hi | 14:04 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: thos ip addresses can be fine, if they're in addition to the alias statement | 14:04 |
DexterF | what do I have to install/configure to make gThumb generate video preview thumbs? | 14:04 |
DexterF | it does it on another machine (debian), not here, though (16.04LTS) | 14:04 |
UbuntuConLeche | It does say that. | 14:05 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: when you run "ping -c1 keys.gnupg.net", does it report an error? | 14:05 |
UbuntuConLeche | no its says the packet was received. | 14:08 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: so i guess you only had temporary errors and the gpg command will work now | 14:09 |
oerheks | Tioke, no clue why teamviewer does not install on a live iso | 14:09 |
oerheks | Tiberium ^^ | 14:09 |
Tiberium | oerheks, because live cd doesn't contain usual ubuntu repos by default | 14:09 |
Tiberium | for some reason | 14:09 |
UbuntuConLeche | No just ran it. Still messed up. | 14:10 |
Tiberium | and my it's hard to tell to my friend how to add them (even if its gui) | 14:10 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: do you have gnupg-curl installed? | 14:10 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: any non-default GPG configurations? | 14:11 |
UbuntuConLeche | Cool just ran it with the pool.sks-keyservers.net address. Success! | 14:11 |
Hans_ | hi. I wat to set 9600 8n1 on my serial port. I managed 9600 but 8n1 ?? Please check this: https://pastebin.com/3Kj5T8JB | 14:11 |
Hans_ | btw: Im a newbie :*) | 14:12 |
BentSpoon | SuperSeriousCat: I would define a default DROP policy on the INPUT chain, and then rather specifically define what I would like to let through. | 14:12 |
UbuntuConLeche | So what was the issue? Could it be my location? | 14:14 |
MonkeyDust | Hans_ not sure if that question is for this channel | 14:14 |
SuperSeriousCat | Guess I need to read some good guides, BentSpoon :P This was after the ubuntu.com one | 14:16 |
tomreyn | UbuntuConLeche: your gpg command fails to reolve the DNS alias (CNAME) keys.gnupg.net to pool.sks-keyservers.net for unknown reasons. i'm leaving now, but this is a bit worrysome and you may want to follow up on it with someoene else. also note that you did not answer my question about gnupg-curl. also, be sure to keep addressing (mention their nickname everytime you respond) the person you are chatting with to ensure they do not miss your | 14:18 |
tomreyn | responses. | 14:18 |
UbuntuConLeche | I do use a VPN. | 14:19 |
BentSpoon | SuperSeriousCat: Good luck with that. The day is still young :-) | 14:20 |
leftyfb | Tiberium: you should be able to do this. I did this before some years ago... | 14:22 |
leftyfb | Tiberium: use dpkg -i teamviewer.deb to install it, then it'll probably error out because of dependencies. Just run sudo apt-get install -f | 14:23 |
leftyfb | that should install the 32bit libs you need to install/run it | 14:23 |
UbuntuConLeche | Alright I do not have gnupg-curl. | 14:24 |
leftyfb | UbuntuConLeche: disconnect from the vpn to get the key | 14:24 |
oerheks | UbuntuConLeche, vpn .. you should have said that in the 1st place, in your forum post too | 14:25 |
DAUinNot | hello. I need some help by a problem with lubunt, can i ask somebody? | 14:26 |
leftyfb | !ask | 14:26 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:26 |
scatterp | i have a file with embeded color codes when i cat output.txt i see colors when i cat -v output.txt i see color codes how to strip them ? | 14:27 |
UbuntuConLeche | lefttyfb well it seems to have installed. I don't see it in the applications list though. Is it normal that the Tor process is running when I haven't started the browser? | 14:27 |
leftyfb | UbuntuConLeche: you'll have to refer to the documentation for that | 14:28 |
UbuntuConLeche | Hopefully on a reboot it will show up the applications list. | 14:28 |
DAUinNot | after a blue screen, caused by windows (different HD) after changing cd reader, my lubuntu systen does not run. after start : ...dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced. dev/sda1: Directory inode 14155785, block#0, offset 0: directory corrupted .. /dev/sda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY ; RUN fsck MANUALLY (i.e., without -a or -p options | 14:30 |
DAUinNot | fsck exited with status code 4 The root filesystem on /dev/sda1 requires a manual fsck | 14:31 |
DAUinNot | what to do whit this? | 14:32 |
EriC^^ | DAUinNot: reboot the pc into recovery mode and manually fsck it | 14:33 |
EriC^^ | !recovery | DAUinNot | 14:34 |
ubottu | DAUinNot: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode | 14:34 |
EriC^^ | go to drop to root shell, and type fsck -f /dev/sda1 | 14:34 |
DAUinNot | im doing this.. moment | 14:35 |
BentSpoon | scatterp: Tried this? http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3584/remove-color-codes-special-characters-with-sed | 14:37 |
UbuntuConLeche | That is good to know for the future. I can use the host command to get the actual address to receive the key. I will mark the thread as solved and let them know what worked. Thanks for all the help! | 14:41 |
DAUinNot | EriC^^, is done, so now is asking : Missing '.' in directory inode 14155785. fix it? yes(done) Setting filetype for entry '.' in ???(14155785) to 2. Missing '..' in directory inode 14155785. fix? Should i go on with answering yes? | 14:45 |
b0bby__ | hey | 14:51 |
b0bby__ | can I have some help? | 14:52 |
Khaotic | /nickserv id s3xyhungm4n | 14:52 |
* compdoc hands b0bby__ a bucket of help | 14:53 | |
b0bby__ | compdoc thanks I needed to wash my server | 14:53 |
compdoc | wash? | 14:54 |
tomreyn | Khaotic: it's good you posted this password to the channel to rule out you'll use it, since this would be a terrible choice for a password. | 14:54 |
Khaotic | [09:53:45] -NickServ- \0!~0@ failed to login to Khaotic. There has been 1 failed login attempt since your last successful login. | 14:54 |
b0bby__ | I'm running a server and trying to update the kernel from 2.6.32-042stab116.2 However it fails when trying to update the grub with: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/simfs' | 14:54 |
tomreyn | !register | Khaotic | 14:55 |
ubottu | Khaotic: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 14:55 |
oerheks | kernel 2.6.32-042 ?? lucid? | 14:55 |
Khaotic | i know how to register my nick | 14:55 |
MarkPD | Hey peeps. | 14:55 |
Khaotic | it's already registered... | 14:55 |
Khaotic | im just showing someone trying to log in as me lol | 14:55 |
tomreyn | Khaotic: it's OT here, though. | 14:55 |
Khaotic | OT? | 14:56 |
tomreyn | Khaotic: off topic, please seek help in #fgreenode, as ubottu said. | 14:56 |
tomreyn | #freenode | 14:56 |
Khaotic | i dont need help... | 14:57 |
Khaotic | it was a joke | 14:57 |
compdoc | we dont joke in here - its serious! :/ | 14:57 |
DAUinNot | ha ha :D it worked!!! Thanks!! Was much easyier, as i expected... Love (L)Ubuntu. Thank you EriC^^ | 14:58 |
DAUinNot | and forum.. and all Ubuntu users.. thanks :D | 14:58 |
=== vooze__ is now known as vooze | ||
mocxz | heloo | 15:07 |
hoquangnam | hi | 15:07 |
hoquangnam | anyone here? | 15:08 |
mocxz | hii | 15:08 |
mocxz | hoquangnam | 15:08 |
oerheks | 1700+ here, just ask your question, wait and see | 15:09 |
mocxz | how to runing cronjob in background | 15:13 |
MonkeyDust | mocxz type crontab -e .... if you want to run sudo commands, use sudo crontab -e | 15:15 |
kova | Hello, which main parts of Ubuntu depend on python 2.7 and/or python 3.5? | 15:18 |
natten | Okay so installed ubuntu to an usb from a vm. Installation went smoothly, but when i try to boot my surface pro 3 from it, it doesnt even get to grub. (goes straight to windows bootloader even though i have usb as the first boot device) | 15:20 |
natten | Any suggestions on how i fix it? I made the vm boot with efi instead of bios since that is what the surface uses. | 15:21 |
kova | I'm trying to reduce redundancy caused by installing specific versions of pip | 15:22 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
mocxz | i want to runing php script every 5 minute | 15:38 |
mocxz | and runing in background service | 15:38 |
ducasse | mocxz: the syntax of the crontab is described in 'man 5 crontab' | 15:38 |
mocxz | i want runing php /var/www/update.php | 15:39 |
mocxz | in background in 5 minuts | 15:40 |
mocxz | im realy dont know about cronjob | 15:40 |
mocxz | and i new user in linux | 15:40 |
ducasse | !cron | mocxz | 15:40 |
ubottu | mocxz: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto | 15:40 |
kova | Is there any way of determining what depends on python in Ubuntu? | 15:41 |
pavlos | mocxz: you can use https://crontab.guru/ to test your settings (every 5 min is 0/5 * * * *) | 15:42 |
mashud | hallow | 15:48 |
mashud | hay | 15:49 |
oerheks | kova, apt-cache rdepends python3 | 15:51 |
oerheks | and apt-cache rdepends python | 15:51 |
kova | oerheks right, I read dpkg doesn't depend on python | 15:51 |
ioria | kova, apt-get -s remove python2.7 (and see how almost half of ubuntu will be removes) | 15:58 |
ioria | *d | 15:58 |
kova | ioria I know, that's why I asked what exactly depends on python other than APT | 15:59 |
nicole | Hello. | 16:04 |
brunch875 | hello, nicole | 16:05 |
ioria | kova, all the packages that you see running the command i posted | 16:06 |
ioria | kova, apt-get -s remove python2.7 > mypkgslist | 16:06 |
kova | ioria ah, the -s option simulates it | 16:07 |
ioria | yep | 16:07 |
nicole | Hello. Does anyone here use FreeCiv? I am new to it, and the Wikia documentation is really confusing. I am trying to figure out how to use workers. | 16:07 |
ducasse | nicole: have you looked if they have a channel of their own? see if anything is listed on their web pages. | 16:13 |
nicole | lol, most of these chatrooms don't have any chat :-p but yeah there is a #freeciv | 16:13 |
ducasse | nicole: you have a much bigger chance of getting answers there | 16:14 |
nicole | freeciv.org goes to freeciv.wikia.com I've been through it but it is poorly organized and a lot of the entries are just stubs, it would be nice if they had a single-document HTML or PDF user manual instead | 16:15 |
=== silver is now known as Guest79362 | ||
nicole | I figure this is the closest chatroom to try since it is a free open-source software in the Ubuntu repository | 16:17 |
ducasse | nicole: that is definitely something you need to take up with them :) a project's docs is an upstream issue, suggestions for improvements need to go to them. | 16:17 |
nicole | sudo apt-get install freeciv freeciv-server | 16:18 |
nicole | yeah, I am not a fan of wiki documentation, I like a PDF or HTML file that I can download | 16:19 |
nicole | it would be nice if they had a user manual bundled with the software | 16:20 |
tiwari | Hi everyone, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop, I'm facing issue in shutting down, after closing all programs, I shut down my laptop but it doesn't, and hangs on ubuntu screen | 16:24 |
* nicole switched to Mint due to hardware hangups :-/ | 16:26 | |
arooni | my syslog is 2.8gb and syslog.1 is 1.4 gb ; how do i manually compress? can i just do echo "foo" > syslog? | 16:30 |
b0bby__ | Hello? | 16:33 |
b0bby__ | how do I only allow users of a certain group to edit/read files in their own home directory | 16:34 |
ChadTaljaardt | Hello, for some reason I can't play dvd's and when I view the folder it just shows a video_ts | 16:36 |
MonkeyDust | ChadTaljaardt install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 16:37 |
pavlos | b0bby__: a user by default can access their home dir, eg. user bob can access anything in /home/bob | 16:37 |
ChadTaljaardt | I'll try | 16:37 |
b0bby__ | pavlos: only is the key word | 16:38 |
b0bby__ | sorry i forgot to include it | 16:39 |
DAUinNot | hey... i has to run fsck manually and the system started normaly.. but, there were few files on the desktop, which disapeared. how can i fond them? it was work lying there vor postproduktion | 16:43 |
ducasse | DAUinNot: look in the 'lost+found' folder at the root of the drive | 16:47 |
b0bby__ | hello? | 16:49 |
ducasse | !permissions | b0bby__ this gives an overview | 16:49 |
ubottu | b0bby__ this gives an overview: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 16:49 |
DAUinNot | looked there. root is empty..?? and in lost/found is other stuff, but not the folders with pictures | 16:50 |
jarnos | Why there are linux-headers packages installed by default with kernels? | 16:50 |
tiwari | Hi everyone, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop, I'm facing issue in shutting down, after closing all programs, I shut down my laptop but it doesn't, and hangs on ubuntu screen | 16:51 |
nbrowser | Hello | 16:53 |
ducasse | DAUinNot: is there only one mounted filesystem? if they're not in lost+found then they're most likely lost. | 16:53 |
DAUinNot | ohhh.. | 16:53 |
ducasse | DAUinNot: if there are several filesystems you might have looked in the wrong lost+found. | 16:54 |
DAUinNot | thank you ducasse. there is only one system. as you say.. they are lost :/ is there a possibility, that somebody , much more professional on ubuntu, can bring this back? | 16:55 |
ducasse | !recover | DAUinNot | 16:55 |
ubottu | DAUinNot: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery | 16:55 |
ducasse | DAUinNot: you can start with that link, but there are no guarantees. | 16:56 |
DAUinNot | i am sure, i will make more damage, if i try again. | 16:56 |
ducasse | DAUinNot: have you got another disk with a bit of free space? | 16:58 |
ChadTaljaardt | I tried the restricted extras and it's still not working | 16:59 |
DAUinNot | ducasse, no. | 16:59 |
ducasse | DAUinNot: ok. you could boot from a live image and try tools like extundelete and/or photorec, those should be relatively low-risk. | 17:00 |
webley | hi | 17:01 |
webley | How can I mount an ext4 disk with fstab - read- and writable for all users? | 17:01 |
webley | I tried to write onto it with a non-root user - but I get permission denied | 17:01 |
nbrowser | This might be the dumbest question but worth a shot...new Ubuntu user with the latest LTS release, where can one find all applications installed in one place or is that a dream? | 17:01 |
ducasse | webley: change ownership with chown and/or permissions with chmod | 17:02 |
webley | right | 17:02 |
DAUinNot | actually, the system got the problem because of a defect cd room. now is not working anymore. no live cd, nor nothing. May be is better to go to a meeting of linux users.. better than doing something i dont understand on this base | 17:02 |
UbuntuConLeche | I just installed Tor. The problem is I don't know how to start it. It is not in the application list and for some reason it doesn't appear to be in the home directory either. | 17:02 |
DAUinNot | thank you. | 17:02 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | UbuntuConLeche, Did you use synaptic to install it or an outside ppa=repo etc | 17:05 |
Sebo | Hi! I've got Ubuntu 16.04LTS with 4.4.0-78-generic kernel on a md (software) RAID1 array and it throws me lots of "ata3.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x6" thats results in DRDY ERR and system hang... | 17:06 |
Sebo | Any idea how to debug this? | 17:06 |
UbuntuConLeche | Jack_Sparrow__ I used the official way explained on the Tor site. | 17:06 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | UbuntuConLeche, Then you need to go there to fix it. | 17:07 |
UbuntuConLeche | The FAQ does not say anything about not being able to find it. I mean shouldn't it be in the home directory? | 17:10 |
ducasse | UbuntuConLeche: depends on how it was installed | 17:10 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !tor | 17:11 |
ubottu | Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | 17:11 |
twobanks | welcome back ubuntu | 17:13 |
arooni | how do i uninstall all packages with the keyword kodi in them | 17:13 |
UbuntuConLeche | Alright it has a man entry so that is a good sign, but where is it installed? If I knew that I could cd then I guess the correct command is ./start-tor-browser | 17:16 |
ducasse | arooni: try 'sudo apt purge \*kodi\*' | 17:16 |
arooni | cool didnt know i could keyword search taht way | 17:21 |
UbuntuConLeche | I just got apt-file. Installing right now. Going to see if I can nail down it's location. | 17:21 |
UbuntuConLeche | Rather it is updating right now. | 17:22 |
ducasse | UbuntuConLeche: won't work unless you installed it in the form of packages | 17:22 |
Lizdeath | ok, so I have a bootable usb stick setup, and I'm wondering about writing and running things on that stick across boots, plausibility, anything specific I need to do in initial setup? | 17:25 |
Lizdeath | second is that disk space on the windows drive on the computer I'm primarily using is limited enough that I would need to be able to use each drive as a storage space for the other OS, is this possible? | 17:26 |
ducasse | !persistence | Lizdeath this, for example | 17:27 |
ubottu | Lizdeath this, for example: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence | 17:27 |
ducasse | Lizdeath: you can access windows filesystems from ubuntu, the other way is a bit fiddly afaik | 17:28 |
Lizdeath | well the other way around thankfully won't be as frequent, both are 128 gb | 17:28 |
UbuntuConLeche | Found out the command is just tor. Got an error when I ran it though: https://paste.debian.net/933376/ | 17:29 |
ducasse | UbuntuConLeche: as you were told earlier, if you use tor from the tor project you need to get support from them. we only support the ubuntu packages. | 17:30 |
UbuntuConLeche | ducasse Alright sorry. | 17:31 |
ducasse | UbuntuConLeche: as a hint though - look at the third line from the bottom of that paste | 17:33 |
ducasse | UbuntuConLeche: is it possible it is already up? could you have started it earlier, or installed the ubuntu packages as well? | 17:36 |
=== me is now known as Guest94509 | ||
Anonymous-6820D | Salut à tous | 18:19 |
Guest11574 | http://breachforums.com/ - Anyone wanna trade databases? | 18:22 |
ansi13 | hi | 18:23 |
ansi13 | hello | 18:23 |
Anonymous-6820D | Do you know how to use xampp for first time?? | 18:23 |
Anonymous-6820D | plz help | 18:24 |
arooni | whats the best way to make my syslog rotate more often; seems to filll up sometimes (>5gb) | 18:27 |
tgm4883 | arooni: is it legit logs? Sounds like you need to fix some problem | 18:29 |
tgm4883 | arooni: it rotates daily, so it really shouldn't be > 5GB | 18:30 |
gebbione | anyone ever used the GoPro as a webcam on ubuntu? | 18:32 |
Mibka | I'm runnint ubuntu 16.04 as a nfs server but I get messages like this from kernel : "lockd: cannot monitor <host>". I think it's only for clients using nfs v3. Clients running nfs v4 seems not to have an issue. | 18:33 |
Mibka | any tips? | 18:33 |
jonez_ | Hello, I cannot mount an lvm partition because it is complaining about a bad superblock. Can someone please help me? | 18:34 |
ducasse | Mibka: sounds plausible, file locking over nfs works very differently between v3 and v4 afaicr. can you switch the clients to v4? | 18:37 |
Mibka | ducasse: they are old clients which needs to be replaced but right now I can't upgrade them all soon.. They are running old linux versions not supporting nfsv4 | 18:38 |
oerheks | jonez_, this guide helped me once or twice https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/recover-bad-superblock-from-corrupted-partition/ | 18:39 |
jonez_ | oerheks: I was taking a look at that but i did not help. Maybe I was doing it incorrectly? I specified each superblock These are the blocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24612587/ | 18:41 |
freelancerbob | hi i have lubuntu why are updates so big ? they have many MBs | 18:42 |
jonez_ | oerheks: when I run the fsck command I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24612598/ It is usually stuck there where I choose not to abort then ignore errors. I would appreciate any help. Anyone reading this I would appreciate help too. I would like to recover some important data | 18:44 |
ducasse | Mibka: i don't recall the details of locking over v3 atm, but iirc you need statd running. | 18:44 |
freelancerbob | how can i check size of my lubuntu kernel ? | 18:44 |
Mibka | ducasse: I have NEED_STATD=yes in my /etc/default/nfs-common but there's no statd running.. I wonder why it's not starting | 18:45 |
ducasse | Mibka: there should be a service running for it, check the status of that. | 18:45 |
Bashing-om | freelancerbob: ' ls -al /boot/ ' will show the file size of all installed kernels images . | 18:46 |
Mibka | ducasse: # systemctl status rpc-statd.service | 18:46 |
Mibka | ● rpc-statd.service - NFS status monitor for NFSv2/3 locking. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rpc-statd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) | 18:46 |
arooni | what is this nonsense: https://gist.github.com/arooni/087d1d43a880bd58de01c1492bbea95d | 18:47 |
arooni | that seems to fill up my syslog | 18:47 |
zivi_ | Hi all | 18:48 |
jonez_ | Hello, I get this error on an ext4 permission. How may I fix this issue? The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 111411200 blocks The physical size of the device is 104857600 blocks Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! | 18:49 |
ducasse | arooni: do you have some sort of alarm/trigger set up at that time in june under gnome? | 18:50 |
Mibka | ducasse: I enabled the service, tried to start but failed with errors about 'state.new'.. Retried to start again and now statd is running ;) | 18:50 |
ducasse | Mibka: try 'journalctl -u rpc-statd.service' | 18:50 |
ducasse | Mibka: good :) | 18:51 |
ducasse | Mibka: i *think* that is all you need, but it's been years since i needed this setup. | 18:51 |
Mibka | ducasse: Seems to be working. I was seeing those kernel messages ate a very high rate .. multiple times per minute. Now it seems to have stopped. thanks | 18:52 |
linux | hello | 18:53 |
ducasse | Mibka: np | 18:54 |
heth | hi. how can I upgrade samba to the latest version? I'm at 4.3.11-ubuntu from 16.04. I've been looking for PPAs but none I found are up to date | 19:02 |
Tiberium | hi everyone, how to install liblua 5.3 in ubuntu 14.04 ? | 19:04 |
jonez_ | Hello, I get this error on an ext4 permission. How may I fix this issue? The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 111411200 blocks The physical size of the device is 104857600 blocks Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! | 19:05 |
Bashing-om | !info liblua | trusty | 19:07 |
ubottu | trusty: Package liblua does not exist in zesty | 19:07 |
Bashing-om | !info liblua trusty | 19:08 |
ubottu | Package liblua does not exist in trusty | 19:08 |
ioria | what are you looking for Bashing-om ? | 19:09 |
heth | hi. how can I upgrade samba to the latest version? I'm at 4.3.11-ubuntu from 16.04. I've been looking for PPAs but none I found are up to date | 19:09 |
ioria | heth, no ppa anymore, you need to compile yourself | 19:09 |
heth | ioria, I could but how can I remove it later, I want to use the stable version from the release | 19:10 |
ioria | Tiberium, the last for trusty is 5.2 | 19:11 |
Tiberium | ioria, yeah, sadly, but I found a workaround anyway, thanks | 19:12 |
ioria | heth, out of luck, i guess | 19:12 |
ioria | Tiberium, ok | 19:12 |
ioria | heth, why dod you need another version ? | 19:13 |
natten | anyone knows why i am unable to boot ubuntu installed on an usb device on my surface pro 3? Its efi, so i made sure my vm booted uefi before installing grub. Is there anything else i need to do? I chrooted into the system from a live usb and ran grub-install, but still nothing | 19:16 |
natten | Its like the usb isnt even connected when i try to boot from it. It just skips it and boots straight from the ssd | 19:18 |
=== u0_a200 is now known as neinVolta_away | ||
marc3010 | Bonjour, je vous contacte parce que je déménage de Windows à Ubuntu et que j'aimerais avoir une information que j'aimerais avoir un support français qui pourrait m'informer. Je voudrais installer un lecteur de carte à puce qui fonctionne avec un logiciel sous Windows de marque feitian R301 usb et j'aimerais savoir comment le faire fonctionner sous ubuntu si il existe des pilote compatible ou possibilite de faire fonctionner un | 19:21 |
ducasse | natten: see the grub-install man page, especially --force-extra-removable and --removeable | 19:21 |
marc3010 | i no speak english i speak french | 19:23 |
Bashing-om | !fr | marc3010 | 19:23 |
ubottu | marc3010: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 19:23 |
baTed | I had a software update notification (Software Updater). I runned ”apt update” - all packeges up to date; ”apt upgrade” 0 upgrades made. When I clicked ”install updates” on Software Updater, it started installing ~360 mb of updates. Why the different results ? | 19:24 |
baTed | oh .. damn ... I was ssh'd into another ubuntu server. Sorry guys xD | 19:25 |
baTed | Seems like the server was up to date, not my machine xD | 19:26 |
heth | ioria, when I add recycle to the config file the share is unaccessable, and I don't see any errors in the logs | 19:26 |
heth | ioria, I managed to install 4.4.5 from the 16.10 and I still have the same problem :( | 19:27 |
ioria | heth, don't install pkg from another version .. | 19:28 |
heth | ioria, do you have a better idea? | 19:28 |
gebbione | ioria, is that a real name or is it taken from the senseia manga? | 19:29 |
ioria | gebbione, find out :þ | 19:29 |
natten | ducasse: ill look into it, thanks :) | 19:29 |
ioria | heth, samba-vfs-modules is installed ? | 19:29 |
gebbione | i d say it is just the lion knight from the manga | 19:30 |
=== Guido is now known as Guest62981 | ||
ioria | gebbione, smart guy | 19:30 |
heth | ioria, no :( | 19:30 |
ioria | heth, why not ? | 19:31 |
ioria | heth, how did you install samba ? | 19:31 |
heth | ioria, no clue. I'd like to knew I had to install it | 19:31 |
heth | ioria, sudo apt install samba | 19:31 |
ioria | heth, samba samba-common python-glade2 system-config-samba | 19:31 |
ducasse | natten: you need some extra magic sauce to set up efi boot on a removable device | 19:32 |
heth | ioria, I didn't know it existed. I installed it and it works now, oh gosh. | 19:32 |
ioria | heth, good job | 19:33 |
heth | now I have to rollback all packages to 16.04.. | 19:33 |
heth | brb | 19:33 |
Guest62981 | Hello, I have a very weard problem with xubuntu. I where moving some mails and got the message that there is not enough space. I did a re-boot and had to do fsck /dev/sda5. Now everything is fine. Unless I open something from the explorer like a libre office document. I can start libre office and open the document, but if I select the doument in the explorer, nothing happens. Afterwards I can't start new programs and the next | 19:34 |
Guest62981 | time i start the system I have to do again fsck /dev/sda5 | 19:34 |
heth | ioria, is there an easy way to rollback to a previous version? | 19:34 |
ioria | heth, how did you install the 16.10 version ? | 19:35 |
heth | ioria, packet by packet from .deb files | 19:35 |
ioria | heth, no good | 19:35 |
heth | ioria, I can go back and uninstall them one by one | 19:35 |
heth | but I suppose there is an easier way | 19:36 |
ioria | heth, yes, you could ... | 19:36 |
heth | maybe sudo apt install samba -f or something like that | 19:36 |
natten | ducasse: that gave me "System bootorder not found. Initializing defaults", and just rebooted. But thats a step further thanks! | 19:37 |
heth | ioria, will that return the config files changed by the new versions? | 19:37 |
ioria | heth, nope | 19:37 |
heth | ioria, I'll do it one by one then | 19:37 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: What does ' df -h ; df -i ' relate as to disk space usage and inodes ? | 19:37 |
ioria | heth, first, try to simply purge samba , if it fails you need to use dpkg -P manually | 19:38 |
ioria | heth, purge + autoremove | 19:38 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: df -h results in 99% use of /dev/sda5 and by df -i everything is arround 1 % and one time 15% | 19:39 |
studio-user916 | so I am trying to access files on a windows 7 laptop from desktop running studio. Any advice? | 19:40 |
=== silver is now known as Guest9141 | ||
jatt | mount windows dir as cifs share | 19:42 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: Anddd .. what is /dev/sda5? the root file system ? .. get a good view of disk space usage with the 'ncdu' tool . | 19:42 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: sda5 is the only ext4 partition | 19:43 |
studio-user916 | mount windows dir as cifs share ... sorry I'm a newbe... how? | 19:43 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: conectinpoint is / | 19:43 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: 'ncdu' is a great tool to see what is taking up the disk space . see what might be removed to make room . | 19:44 |
jatt | studio-user916: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 19:44 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: how do i use it and do i already have it? | 19:44 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: on sda5 there are only 769 MB free | 19:45 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: Best I do recall - been a long time - 'ncdu' must be installed . what shows ' dpkg -l ncdu ' ? | 19:46 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: no pakeges found | 19:47 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: As you are out of space, let;s use 'di' that is installed and get a good guess at where the space is used . ' cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' . | 19:49 |
Bashing-om | di/du* | 19:49 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: what command exactly? (what do you mean with di/du*?) | 19:50 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: I made tyoe as di .. correct the typo to du with the " di/du* " . the exact commands as givem . chane the oeking directory ' cd / ' . and apply the du ( disk usage) tool ' sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' . to report the files and sizes . | 19:53 |
ioria | Guest62981, can you paste ls /boot ? | 19:53 |
Guest62981 | ioria: in which bin do you want the past? | 19:54 |
ioria | Guest62981, anyone | 19:54 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: what exactly do I have to enter? | 19:54 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: In small steps . ioria is suggesting that the disk space constraints are in /boot . - most often is the case . do that and we see . | 19:55 |
Guest62981 | ioria, Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24612985/ | 19:57 |
ioria | Guest62981, nope, the issue is somewhere else | 19:57 |
ioria | Guest62981, follow Bashing-om advice | 19:58 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om, ioria: what's the exact command? | 20:00 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: So we need to know whare the space is consmmed . so we change the foucus of the system to that of '/' by executing ' cd / ' . now from this perspective what does the tool 'du' report from terminal command ' sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' ? | 20:01 |
Guest62981 | ioria, Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613004/ | 20:02 |
Guest62981 | ioria, Bashing-om: "Bestand of map bestaat niet" means that the file or folder does not exist | 20:06 |
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natten | ducasse: i cant seem to get it to work. Do you find any error with my process, grub-install succeeds and update-grub https://pastebin.com/VzePeMR8 | 20:09 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: Well, your /usr directory is rather large, but the /home is huge ! . Ya want to look at home's usage or just move/delete files from /home (say media stuff ??) ? | 20:10 |
dcodr | hi, is there any feature in ubuntu like ( ctrl+alt+del) in windows? | 20:12 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: I have several partitions. Not sure on which home is. Al documents and media are on en extra partition which can be accest by windows as well | 20:12 |
stefa327 | help | 20:14 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: Bevore the trouble I where working on the mails with Seamonkey which crashed. Maybe something from there? | 20:14 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: As you say you only have the one ext4 partiton, then /home must be also on this partition (sda5) . To see what is in your user /home do ' cd ' . now show ' du -sx * | sort -n ' from this perspective . | 20:16 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: no acces | 20:17 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: gues i need sudo | 20:17 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613119/ | 20:19 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: We are looking at "your" /home . I would not think "sudo" is required . and may have undesired side effects if sudo is used ?? | 20:20 |
Bashing-om | Guy1524: Welp. as you can see the android development is taking up the file space . move them elsewhere and things will be well . | 20:23 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: ^^ sorry Guy1524 for the bad highlight :( | 20:24 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: have no clue what this android stuff is. I tryed to run an androit emulater a year ago or so. | 20:24 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: would like to get rid of that and whatsapp | 20:24 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: also thought it was already removed | 20:25 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: If you do not use it .. remove it ! is the way I administer my system . | 20:25 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: so what is the best way to remove it and also check the usr? | 20:25 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: Let's presume the username here is guido . pastebin then ' ls -al /home/guido ' so I know the paths to remove the android stuff . | 20:27 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613170/ | 20:28 |
natten | anyone knows why my grub installed with grub-install --removable /dev/sdb through chroot gives me "System BootOrder not found. Initializing defaults. Reset system"? | 20:31 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: ' rm android-sdk_r23.0.2-linux.tgz ' then we check the android dirctory that there is nothing there ya want to keep -> ' ls -al android-sdk-linux ' . | 20:31 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613197/ | 20:32 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: but not confinced that that is everyting. The android stuff is old and the problem new | 20:35 |
* AndreySuchev eat anon fn | 20:35 | |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: IF there is nothing here you want to keep then execute ' rm -R android-sdk-linux ' the "R" for recurssion to remove all lower level directories . | 20:35 |
dcodr | what to do if all of a sudden ubuntu freezes? | 20:35 |
Bashing-om | dcodr: What did you do prior to the frezzes beginning ? | 20:36 |
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Guest62981 | Bashing-om: is there something I should keep? the plan was running watsapp on linux. that didn't worked. Don't know if other programs might need something from it? | 20:36 |
dcodr | Bashing-om, exiting the full screen | 20:36 |
Bashing-om | dcodr: I have seen other report of same . sorry I have no suggestions . | 20:37 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: and maybe i can remove rm -R android-sdk-linux as well | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: Only you can say what might be needed . I can not omagime anything in "android-sdk-linux" directory that the system would need . | 20:38 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: mean WhatsApp.apk | 20:38 |
dcodr | Bashing-om, Also in Unity8, I am not able to click on the desktop. I don't know why | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: What did you install for "WhatsApp"? 'apt search WhatsApp' any of these ? | 20:42 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: ok, removed it. Think I can also remove WhatsApp.apk | 20:43 |
* AndreySuchev eat anon fn | 20:43 | |
AndreySuchev | eat anon.fm | 20:44 |
Nukien | Where would I look to figure out why logging out of a console-gui session will also force-kill any ssh sessions to the box ? | 20:44 |
Nukien | KillUserProcesses=no is set in /etc/systemd/logind.conf so it's not that | 20:44 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: no idea | 20:44 |
rodrigot23 | does anybody know a trick to drop my overheating issues | 20:47 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: possibly | 20:47 |
Bashing-om | !find WhatsApp.apk xenial | 20:47 |
ubottu | Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=WhatsApp.apk&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=all | 20:47 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613251/ | 20:48 |
ducasse | natten: sorry, was afk. that looks good to me, but i don't know how/if this process will be affected by doing it in a vm as opposed to on 'real' efi firmware. i haven't played much with this myself, tbh, but i got it working with basically that procedure afaicr. | 20:50 |
isene | Dell XPS-15 w/NVIDIA as secondary card. Have tried installing nvidia-375, nvidia-378 and nvidia-381 from the nvidia ppa. All of them ends up with the laptop freezing at boot - before the login-screen. Any idea if how to go about debugging this? | 20:52 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613258/ | 20:52 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: I do not find that WhatsApp is a standard package in ubuntu . Only you can say what you have been doing . Any return from - dpkg -l "WhatsApp*" - ? | 20:52 |
ducasse | natten: about to log off here, though, so can't really help more. i'd look up the details for efi booting removable devices, or compare config to the ubuntu usb installer. | 20:53 |
natten | ducasse: okay thanks, ill keep looking :) | 20:53 |
Bashing-om | natten: ducasse :: Attempting to change root into the install rather than the external device such that the grub install is to the installed system ?? | 20:54 |
isene | Additional info: 17.04 w/kernel v. 4.10.0-21 | 20:54 |
ducasse | natten: the ubuntu installer works, so find out how that differs from yours :) | 20:54 |
isene | Also; How do I change the background on the Lightdm login screen? | 20:55 |
ducasse | Bashing-om: nah, trying to set up efi boot on a removable device. it requires some special efi magic. | 20:55 |
Bashing-om | ducasse: :) .. You be that magician ! | 20:56 |
MonkeyDust | aye | 20:59 |
Bashing-om | isene: Graphics: show the channel ' lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . | 21:01 |
isene | Bashing-om: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:591b] (rev 04) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) | 21:02 |
=== ChaiTeaRex is now known as ChaiTRex | ||
nudes | hey | 21:06 |
nudes | heey | 21:06 |
nudes | http://breachforrums.com/ | 21:07 |
nudes | woops | 21:07 |
nudes | http://breachforums.com/ | 21:07 |
guntbert | !ot | nudes | 21:08 |
ubottu | nudes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:08 |
isene | Bashing-om: What should I do with that information? | 21:08 |
Bashing-om | isene: NO nvidia card there . Install inxi and pastebin the output of ' inxi -GCS ' . See then what there is to work with . | 21:09 |
fallentree | What's the recommended way nowadays (17.04) to completely bypass the system resolver (systemd-resolved) system-wide (interface independent) and use your own (bind)? I tried disabling the resolved service but something spawns it back up on reboot. Adjusting dhclient.conf has no effect. | 21:12 |
fallentree | so resolvconf keeps modifying resolv.conf | 21:12 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: now 59% are in use, not 99% https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613405/ | 21:18 |
YankDownUnder | fallentree, Something to read: http://www.hecticgeek.com/2017/04/ubuntu-17-04-systemd-dns-issues/ | 21:19 |
wyseguy | cany anyone point me in the right direction to get some help with my wyse thin client? | 21:19 |
wyseguy | tan* | 21:19 |
wyseguy | can* lol | 21:19 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: and https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613418/ | 21:19 |
wyseguy | cant find a room that seems suited for that kind of device | 21:19 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: :) and your apps now work ? | 21:20 |
fallentree | YankDownUnder: I don't have DNS issues, I want to use a custom resolver, and also specify custom resolv.conf options. | 21:20 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: Let's see | 21:21 |
guntbert | wyseguy: normally you ask alis (/msg alis list *wyse*) but ... | 21:21 |
YankDownUnder | fallentree, Fair enough...since I run 16.04, I can only point out bits and bobs that appear to work for folks running 17.04...that being said, I often refer to directly edit the /etc/network/interfaces and turn off "NetworkManager"... | 21:21 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: yes | 21:22 |
wyseguy | haha, I need some help with an update on one | 21:22 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: wierd thing is that the android was old so. | 21:22 |
jonez_ | Hello, i am having trouble mounting an lvm partition due to a bad superblock error | 21:22 |
jonez_ | Any help would be appreciated | 21:22 |
Bashing-om | Guest62981: Great .. lesson learned .. keep it clean as you go :) | 21:23 |
guntbert | wyseguy: why "haha"? you really ask alis for a channel with that name | 21:23 |
fallentree | YankDownUnder: yeah but I'd like also to have wifi managed by NM. So far I've configured systemd-resolved to actually use my local resolver via DNS= option of resolved.conf (and turned off Cache, as bind already does that). | 21:23 |
fallentree | Was wondering if there's a way to completely bypass resolved | 21:23 |
Guest62981 | Bashing-om: ussually do that ... will check for some other leftovers from programs another time | 21:24 |
wyseguy | guntbert, i thought you were making a joke. I already searched for a channel with "wyse" in it... nothing | 21:26 |
rx_ | hello | 21:26 |
isene | Bashing-om: inxi = Cool. Output: | 21:27 |
isene | "Card-1: Intel Device 591b" | 21:27 |
isene | "Card-2: NVIDIA GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile]" | 21:27 |
guntbert | wyseguy: you could try to ask in #freenode (the general help/support channel), someone might have a clue | 21:28 |
wyseguy | guntbert, was just gonna do that, thanks | 21:29 |
rx_ | anyone speaks dutch | 21:30 |
Bashing-om | isene: Nvidid recommeds the 375 version : https://paste.ubuntu.com/24613405/ . Pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . Pastebin . | 21:31 |
guntbert | !nl | rx_ | 21:31 |
ubottu | rx_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 21:31 |
rx_ | ok | 21:32 |
isene | Bashing-om: I had to remove the nvidia-xxx (including nvidia-375) to get past the freezing after boot. Here's the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ZQDZRuiK | 21:33 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
rx_ | va bene Sagitt | 21:34 |
generic | I can't display japanese characters in firefox. no unicode font ? | 21:36 |
Bashing-om | isene: K; . try ' sudo rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ; sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . | 21:36 |
isene | Bashing-om: That sounds kinda scary... sure? | 21:37 |
Bashing-om | isene: We discuss. what seems scary to you ? | 21:38 |
isene | rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf | 21:38 |
isene | I'll try :-) | 21:38 |
isene | Bashing-om: It goes on to install nvidia-381 | 21:39 |
Bashing-om | isene: If that file should exist from a broken/past install for sure want it gone .. if needed a new one will be created when the nvidia driver installs . | 21:40 |
isene | oki | 21:40 |
isene | So - it's done. Now, reboot? | 21:40 |
guntbert | isene: instead of `sudo rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf` you could write `sudo mv /etc/X11/Xorg.conf /etc/X11/Xorg.conf.backup` | 21:40 |
compdoc | android runs best on arm tablets and phones. its pretty good | 21:40 |
Bashing-om | isene: reboot and let's see the effect :) | 21:40 |
compdoc | ooops, scrolled back | 21:41 |
isene | OK, my irc is remote, so it'll look like I'm still here. I'll be back in a couple of mins :-) | 21:41 |
isene | Bashing-om: It froze like before. I dropped to root, removed nvidia-381 like I had to do also with the other nvidia-xxx that I've tried and then rebooted and here I am :-) | 21:47 |
Bashing-om | isene: Pastebin cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old ' see what tale was told . | 21:49 |
=== bitch is now known as Narwhals | ||
isene | Bashing-om: Thanks for helping me on this! Here's the paste: https://pastebin.com/FcyTwpBt | 21:53 |
Bashing-om | isene: :) I be a while reading . | 21:54 |
=== Narwhals is now known as bitch | ||
isene | Bashing-om: :-) | 21:54 |
Bashing-om | isene: Still reading - UNgood " 5.196] (==) Matched modesetting as autoconfigured driver 0 " . expected nvidia . | 21:56 |
=== bitch is now known as |||||||||||||||| | ||
tdlab | Hi #ubuntu, I am running an AMD R9 290 on Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS on a freshly updated clean install (dual boot with windows). I am trying to install the AMDGPU-PRO drivers, which is required by steam. I installed these drivers as per the instructions, for the correct version of linux and for x64. I even added myself to the group 'video' that is wanted by the AMD install instructions. Everything seemed to install just fine, but when I reboo | 21:59 |
isene | Bashing-om: Hmmm... I could write something that makes it seem that I had any idea what that meant... | 21:59 |
tdlab | the clean files blocks message, and am unable to boot into a login page. I am able to get into terminal and log in there, to get any sort of info that you may need, if anyone is able to help me. I have tried to google this issue and none of the fixes that i've found work. I've been trying for three days, please help. | 22:00 |
tdlab | dpkg shows amdgpu-pro is installed (version 17.10-414273) and sudo lshw -c video shows that my R9 290 shows up correctly with the driver=amdgpu. Not sure what to do from here now. | 22:01 |
Bashing-om | isene: The system sees neither the Intel nor the Nvidia cards . what tale is told ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' in a pastie . | 22:04 |
isene | Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/EnWgPnYb | 22:06 |
isene | But it does use a graphics card :-) Probably only Intel, then? | 22:07 |
jonez_ | hello, I am getting: 6411.725319] EXT4-fs (loop0): bad geometry: block count 111411200 exceeds size of device (104857600 on a partition. How do I fix this issue? | 22:09 |
Bashing-om | isene: Prsently not even the Intel chip set . I do not know what the system is doing ! | 22:10 |
aux | hi :) was wondering if someone could possibly help me out. I have ubuntu 14.02 running, I installed oidentd, setup the .conf, started it, no errors.. telnet localhost 113, allows me to connect.. but no matter what irc server I connect to, identd still isn't working :( anyone have an idea? | 22:10 |
Bashing-om | isene: still think'n .. we have so far " Is nouveau blacklisted? no " .. well it should have been . | 22:13 |
Bashing-om | isene: ^^ and as we look --- what returns : pastebin ' find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -name 'nvidia*' ' . | 22:17 |
Bashing-om | isene: Pay attention those are back ticks aroound /`uname -r`/ - if you are not copy/paste here . | 22:18 |
isene | Bashing-om: I do copy-paste everything you recommend here :-) - here's the paste: https://pastebin.com/c2fPey74 | 22:21 |
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Bashing-om | isene: Curious and curiouser; I had expected something like mine : http://termbin.com/978f . | 22:23 |
=== jstein__ is now known as jstein | ||
crypticGator | Hi, I need help getting my computer to connect to the internet. I have a USB wifi dongle and it worked before with some open source drivers I've downloaded. Problem seems to be that I may need to have DKMS installed to tie the driver to the kernel. I don't have Cat5 access to run apt-get | 22:25 |
Bashing-om | isene: "dkms" available?? .. what returns ' dpkg -l dkms ' . As we struggle to understand what is not going on here . | 22:25 |
_Sym_ | I have an issue where nautilus sometimes locks up when I try to delete files using the "delete" key on the keyboard. If I delete files by right clicking on the selected files and selecting "delete" then its always ok. Has anyone else seen this issue? | 22:26 |
crypticGator | let me turn it on to see | 22:26 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !aptoncd | 22:26 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline | 22:26 |
_Sym_ | It seems like nautilus is messed up on ubuntu 16.04 | 22:27 |
isene | Bashing-om: https://pastebin.com/N35tUxkW | 22:27 |
crypticGator | dpkg-query no packages found matching dkms | 22:28 |
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Bashing-om | isene: Yeah, dkms is installed - not the cause here .. show the blacklist file ' cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf ' . | 22:31 |
crypticGator | I'll be right back I'm on Mac, need to get on my ubuntu side | 22:32 |
kk4ewt | option r? as you boot | 22:33 |
isene | Bashing-om: 'cat: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf: No such file or directory' | 22:34 |
Bashing-om | isene: Ouch ! .. thinl | 22:34 |
Bashing-om | n rethink'n . | 22:34 |
crypticgator_ | I'm back | 22:35 |
Bashing-om | is For some inknown reason yet the Nvidia driver does not install . what shows ' sudo grep 'blacklist.*nouveau' /etc/modprobe.d/* ' ? | 22:36 |
Bashing-om | isene: ^^ | 22:37 |
isene | It shows nothing at all | 22:41 |
=== Zalabaslea is now known as elforastero | ||
Bashing-om | isene: Let's start this all over again // ' sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt install nvidia-375 ' reboot, and IF no workie, leave as is and try and boot with the "nomodeset" boot parameter . | 22:43 |
elforastero | ^^ | 22:43 |
isene | How do I boot with the "nomodeset" boot parameter? | 22:44 |
Bashing-om | !nomodeset | isene | 22:45 |
ubottu | isene: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 22:45 |
isene | OK, I select the latest kernel and press "e" to edit and add "nomodeset" at the end (instead of pressing enter). | 22:49 |
isene | I got ' rm: cannot remove '/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory ' but that's ok, I guess. Commencing reboot... | 22:51 |
exit70 | ubuntu 16.04 using a bluetooth headset. sound comes out of firefox but not the "movie" application. | 22:54 |
_Sym_ | is there a way to determine the correct keyboard layout on ubuntu 16.04? | 22:56 |
_Sym_ | I have a hp laptop and I don think the keyboard layout is correct | 22:57 |
aziz | hi | 22:58 |
aziz | Hi world | 22:58 |
aziz | whats up ? | 22:58 |
isene | Bashing-om: So - it froze again - but I got back in with nomodeset as a parameter in grub | 22:59 |
marisa | WHERE IS THE SPANISH CHANNEL= | 23:00 |
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver | ||
marisa | MY ENGLISH IS VERY POOR. SORRY | 23:01 |
Bashing-om | _Sym_: maybe ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ' to reset the layout ? | 23:01 |
mcphail | !es | marisa | 23:01 |
ubottu | marisa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:01 |
exit70 | @marisa have you tried #ubuntu-es | 23:01 |
aziz | my first use for this OS ,,,, i like it :) | 23:02 |
Bashing-om | isene: Let's look at what the installer has to say ' cat /var/log/nvidia-installer.log ' . | 23:02 |
isene | Bashing-om: Now with the nomodeset, the battery consumption is around 4x what it was before... :-/ | 23:02 |
_Sym_ | Thanks Bashing-om. I just tried that and it defaults to 105 key Intl PC. Although, I dont think thats right. | 23:02 |
_Sym_ | The laptop keyboard layout seems different | 23:03 |
marisa | " /join #ubuntu-es | 23:04 |
isene | Bashing-om: Maybe I should just let this whole thing go? | 23:07 |
Bashing-om | isene: Up to you . But faint heart never won fair operating system :) | 23:07 |
b0bby__ | Hello | 23:08 |
Bashing-om | israfel: And besides, look what I might too learn in this operation . | 23:08 |
exit70 | still scratching head on why only firefox is capable of making sound to bluetooth headset | 23:08 |
b0bby__ | can I get some help please? | 23:08 |
Bashing-om | b0bby__: Won't know 'till you state the issue . | 23:09 |
_Sym_ | do most hp laptops have a 101-key keyboard? | 23:10 |
_Sym_ | I only counted 100, but thats not including the power button | 23:10 |
_Sym_ | i guess the power button makes it 101? | 23:11 |
jushur | exit70: what video app u use? | 23:12 |
b0bby__ | so I created a chroot jail to help protect some stuff using a guide(https://www.tecmint.com/restrict-ssh-user-to-directory-using-chrooted-jail) and have successfully login as a user named bobby. However the bash shell is bare bones with only $ appearing is their anyway to change the style(I already tried coping /etc/skel to the home of the user in the chroot_jail) | 23:12 |
exit70 | jushur: i tried "Movie" and vlc | 23:12 |
kostkon | exit70, install pulseaudio volume control (pavucontrol) then you'll get to choose which device or even app you want to hear on your bluetooth headset | 23:12 |
b0bby__ | Do you have any ideas guys? | 23:14 |
jushur | b0bby__: did you asign a shell for the user? | 23:16 |
isene | Bashing-om: cat: /var/log/nvidia-installer.log: No such file or directory | 23:17 |
nathan | b0bby__, you said what you did... what do you want to do though? What's wrong with the jail as it stands? | 23:17 |
nathan | b0bby__, in other words... what was the end goal? | 23:17 |
exit70 | kostkon: thanks a lot! for whatever reason the audio output of "Movie" is going to the "Built-in Audio" without a headset or speaker connected. with pavucontrol at least i can control the output device | 23:18 |
Bashing-om | isene: Yukkie ! .. what in the world ! Not even trying to install the nvidia driver . Never ever Have I encountered such . I admitt I am stuck ! | 23:18 |
kostkon | exit70, np | 23:18 |
Bashing-om | isene: What does the package manager advise ' sudo apt install --reinstall nvidia-375 ' ? | 23:20 |
b0bby__ | nathan, all I want right now is to make the bash shell in the chroot_jail use the same as those for a regular user(e.g when you press the up arrow it will display the last command). the format I want looks like user@host$ | 23:20 |
_Sym_ | thanks Bashing-om, I think I figured it out | 23:21 |
isene | I did the reinstall. I'll reboot. If it freezes, I'll let it go and try again when 17.10 comes out... | 23:22 |
Bashing-om | isene: No errors reported ? the driver installed ? | 23:22 |
jushur | b0bby__: i ask again did you asign a shell for the user? | 23:23 |
isene | Bashing-om: No errors | 23:24 |
Bashing-om | isene: Does not give much to work with, Huh ? me stuck again too . | 23:25 |
_Sym_ | I have a feeling that the delete key was crashing nautilus because the keyboard was set as 105-key when it should have been set at 102-key | 23:26 |
isene | Bashing-om: It's OK. I am impressed with your stamina and your helpfullness | 23:27 |
_Sym_ | the keyboard configuration tool does not auto detect it correctly | 23:27 |
isene | I'll reboot a last time | 23:27 |
Bashing-om | _Sym_: :) You do good work . | 23:27 |
_Sym_ | I appreciate the your help, Bashing-om | 23:28 |
Bashing-om | _Sym_: All I did was hold your hand - rather loosely - :) | 23:30 |
_Sym_ | :-) | 23:31 |
jushur | b0bby__: basicly the guide you linked doent include a full bash config. so you will have to do that to get the same functionality as a normal user. | 23:31 |
gredjok | i have several avi files I cannot bind together with mkvtoolnix so, what other toolcan Iuse? | 23:32 |
b0bby__ | jushur where is the full bash config located | 23:33 |
Bashing-om | isene: New thought .. are the kernel headers installed for the current booting kernel ? show ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' | 23:37 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !flavors | 23:38 |
ubottu | Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours | 23:38 |
isene | Bashing-om: I rebooted, it froze, I removed the nvidia-375 and got back in. Result from your latest command: https://pastebin.com/50euzm1b | 23:39 |
=== downtime is now known as uptime | ||
isene | Bashing-om: I'm back | 23:47 |
isene | Bashing-om: Had to restart weechat | 23:47 |
aziz | hi | 23:51 |
Bashing-om | isene: Well, headers are not the root cause if the nvidia driver not installing ,, back to thin'n - see what I can come up with . | 23:53 |
_Sym_ | what about the nouveau drivers | 23:54 |
tanaquaW | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Bl4ckC0re MJ_Nor johnc4510 Mike34 Karazhan AfroThundr solarbee Zesty_ yock s0lar1s PeterReid composer_pro alph_ chachasmooth chrstphrchvz Anticimex hggdh Jonii freakynl csdhosting cyphase catalase de-facto apekatten freakyy selckin auronandace1 anderson McPeter davimore Aprexer planigan akxwi-dave Krenair eraggo yeeve MrMojit0 zhongfu Duckle w9qbj u-ou darmok kraut tolecnal mikey justinabrahms Duality f | 23:55 |
cl | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Bl4ckC0re MJ_Nor johnc4510 Mike34 Karazhan AfroThundr solarbee Zesty_ yock s0lar1s PeterReid composer_pro alph_ chachasmooth chrstphrchvz Anticimex hggdh Jonii freakynl csdhosting cyphase catalase de-facto apekatten freakyy selckin auronandace1 anderson McPeter davimore Aprexer planigan akxwi-dave Krenair eraggo yeeve MrMojit0 zhongfu Duckle w9qbj u-ou darmok kraut tolecnal mikey justinabrahms Duality frobw | 23:55 |
tanaquaW | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA vexoon Attoy ltrager QuinnStorm justin_jnf Ofg chigang_ hurricanehrndz Smedles thrillho888 dahlia wagle radiation[m] gringao Diamondcite andjjj23 jerin[m] Xstasy apw big_t l0rdkermit chu belgianguy karlthane beidl prosody ASpacy khaled-92 k_sze[work] Zialus spont4e fletom h00k manitu f0rks Pricey techrat dkg_ctc guimaluf Xethron kode54 ujjain marlinc rypervenche pgp bobe alxd smokeyj setkeh hfp berglh A | 23:55 |
tanaquaW | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA jonsson_ Drone` beggi AntiSpamMeta DArqueBishop cnnx akaWolf Dan_au anbz kantlivelong AJ_Z0 usil pavlos M144 dja magikid cibs MustaKrakish valkyr1e trevorj lapion Steelpan_ quintopia imsurit dcmorton sim642 sunitknandi antonmpeg Klumben jabbslad baggar11 dym iSagitt xtreamwayz Schmiel namshub_ discopatrick Pici macsz Relicka InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai pax2you lvrp16 Lukewh fbaca craysiii Namikaze | 23:55 |
cl | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA vexoon Attoy ltrager QuinnStorm justin_jnf Ofg chigang_ hurricanehrndz Smedles thrillho888 dahlia wagle radiation[m] gringao Diamondcite andjjj23 jerin[m] Xstasy apw big_t l0rdkermit chu belgianguy karlthane beidl prosody ASpacy khaled-92 k_sze[work] Zialus spont4e fletom h00k manitu f0rks Pricey techrat dkg_ctc guimaluf Xethron kode54 ujjain marlinc rypervenche pgp bobe alxd smokeyj setkeh hfp berglh AdamA | 23:55 |
cl | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA jonsson_ Drone` beggi AntiSpamMeta DArqueBishop cnnx akaWolf Dan_au anbz kantlivelong AJ_Z0 usil pavlos M144 dja magikid cibs MustaKrakish valkyr1e trevorj lapion Steelpan_ quintopia imsurit dcmorton sim642 sunitknandi antonmpeg Klumben jabbslad baggar11 dym iSagitt xtreamwayz Schmiel namshub_ discopatrick Pici macsz Relicka InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai pax2you lvrp16 Lukewh fbaca craysiii Namikaze nom | 23:55 |
tanaquaW | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA justJanne den628 kbrosnan VoidWhisperer designbybeck candy` fr0st basilAB tfni dru1 dStruct ejat goo dooglus vaishali beanumsum fipuchucu Henoxek Taggnostr ThaxoxeV g3kk3r Keitaro toster krizoek rory lord4163 metaphysician arno_ mississippimans tomodachi TijG Triffid_Hunter uebera|| sgen hosified UTAN_dev Flannel devilray waltman sandeepkr_ ChewCraft slifeet alduin Orphis mailman105 mircx1 fibes superso | 23:55 |
tanaquaW | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA graingert Visual` DJones Ballzak CrazyEddy Shadowmm abra0 Fleet inteus sleepymario amosbird MrMeeseeks moonk1 aarontc Ad1Tech piglit vivid chuck_ jgrasser Spr0cket arosen Saturn812 jas4711 Orion3k Younder lonix ogra_ Guest26966 Cyber_Akuma pandaadb win32 webuser5224 Jalen schredder ivyyy fishwithapipe saned dmibrid bigjazzsound atrius oleg KaiForce munta blipz jrolland-work Rahul_Rawat slowest ikevin we | 23:55 |
cl | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA justJanne den628 kbrosnan VoidWhisperer designbybeck candy` fr0st basilAB tfni dru1 dStruct ejat goo dooglus vaishali beanumsum fipuchucu Henoxek Taggnostr ThaxoxeV g3kk3r Keitaro toster krizoek rory lord4163 metaphysician arno_ mississippimans tomodachi TijG Triffid_Hunter uebera|| sgen hosified UTAN_dev Flannel devilray waltman sandeepkr_ ChewCraft slifeet alduin Orphis mailman105 mircx1 fibes supersoju b | 23:55 |
cl | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA graingert Visual` DJones Ballzak CrazyEddy Shadowmm abra0 Fleet inteus sleepymario amosbird MrMeeseeks moonk1 aarontc Ad1Tech piglit vivid chuck_ jgrasser Spr0cket arosen Saturn812 jas4711 Orion3k Younder lonix ogra_ Guest26966 Cyber_Akuma pandaadb win32 webuser5224 Jalen schredder ivyyy fishwithapipe saned dmibrid bigjazzsound atrius oleg KaiForce munta blipz jrolland-work Rahul_Rawat slowest ikevin wedgie | 23:55 |
fipuchucu | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Bl4ckC0re MJ_Nor johnc4510 Mike34 Karazhan AfroThundr solarbee Zesty_ yock s0lar1s PeterReid composer_pro alph_ chachasmooth chrstphrchvz Anticimex hggdh Jonii freakynl csdhosting cyphase catalase de-facto apekatten freakyy selckin auronandace1 anderson McPeter davimore Aprexer planigan akxwi-dave Krenair eraggo yeeve MrMojit0 zhongfu Duckle w9qbj u-ou darmok kraut tolecnal mikey justin | 23:55 |
fipuchucu | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA vexoon Attoy ltrager QuinnStorm justin_jnf Ofg chigang_ hurricanehrndz Smedles thrillho888 dahlia wagle radiation[m] gringao Diamondcite andjjj23 jerin[m] Xstasy apw big_t l0rdkermit chu belgianguy karlthane beidl prosody ASpacy khaled-92 k_sze[work] Zialus spont4e fletom h00k manitu f0rks Pricey techrat dkg_ctc guimaluf Xethron kode54 ujjain marlinc rypervenche pgp bobe alxd smokeyj se | 23:55 |
fipuchucu | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA jonsson_ Drone` beggi AntiSpamMeta DArqueBishop cnnx akaWolf Dan_au anbz kantlivelong AJ_Z0 usil pavlos M144 dja magikid cibs MustaKrakish valkyr1e trevorj lapion Steelpan_ quintopia imsurit dcmorton sim642 sunitknandi antonmpeg Klumben jabbslad baggar11 dym iSagitt xtreamwayz Schmiel namshub_ discopatrick Pici macsz Relicka InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai pax2you lvrp16 Lukewh fbaca | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Bl4ckC0re MJ_Nor johnc4510 Mike34 Karazhan AfroThundr solarbee Zesty_ yock s0lar1s PeterReid composer_pro alph_ chachasmooth chrstphrchvz Anticimex hggdh Jonii freakynl csdhosting cyphase catalase de-facto apekatten freakyy selckin auronandace1 anderson McPeter davimore Aprexer planigan akxwi-dave Krenair eraggo yeeve MrMojit0 zhongfu Duckle w9qbj u-ou darmok kraut tolecnal mikey justinabrahms Dua | 23:55 |
fipuchucu | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA justJanne den628 kbrosnan VoidWhisperer designbybeck candy` fr0st basilAB tfni dru1 dStruct ejat goo dooglus vaishali beanumsum fipuchucu Henoxek Taggnostr ThaxoxeV g3kk3r Keitaro toster krizoek rory lord4163 metaphysician arno_ mississippimans tomodachi TijG Triffid_Hunter uebera|| sgen hosified UTAN_dev Flannel devilray waltman sandeepkr_ ChewCraft slifeet alduin Orphis mailman105 mir | 23:55 |
fipuchucu | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA graingert Visual` DJones Ballzak CrazyEddy Shadowmm abra0 Fleet inteus sleepymario amosbird MrMeeseeks moonk1 aarontc Ad1Tech piglit vivid chuck_ jgrasser Spr0cket arosen Saturn812 jas4711 Orion3k Younder lonix ogra_ Guest26966 Cyber_Akuma pandaadb win32 webuser5224 Jalen schredder ivyyy fishwithapipe saned dmibrid bigjazzsound atrius oleg KaiForce munta blipz jrolland-work Rahul_Rawat | 23:55 |
ca1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Bl4ckC0re MJ_Nor johnc4510 Mike34 Karazhan AfroThundr solarbee Zesty_ yock s0lar1s PeterReid composer_pro alph_ chachasmooth chrstphrchvz Anticimex hggdh Jonii freakynl csdhosting cyphase catalase de-facto apekatten freakyy selckin auronandace1 anderson McPeter davimore Aprexer planigan akxwi-dave Krenair eraggo yeeve MrMojit0 zhongfu Duckle w9qbj u-ou darmok kraut tolecnal mikey justinabrahms Du | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA vexoon Attoy ltrager QuinnStorm justin_jnf Ofg chigang_ hurricanehrndz Smedles thrillho888 dahlia wagle radiation[m] gringao Diamondcite andjjj23 jerin[m] Xstasy apw big_t l0rdkermit chu belgianguy karlthane beidl prosody ASpacy khaled-92 k_sze[work] Zialus spont4e fletom h00k manitu f0rks Pricey techrat dkg_ctc guimaluf Xethron kode54 ujjain marlinc rypervenche pgp bobe alxd smokeyj setkeh hfp be | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA jonsson_ Drone` beggi AntiSpamMeta DArqueBishop cnnx akaWolf Dan_au anbz kantlivelong AJ_Z0 usil pavlos M144 dja magikid cibs MustaKrakish valkyr1e trevorj lapion Steelpan_ quintopia imsurit dcmorton sim642 sunitknandi antonmpeg Klumben jabbslad baggar11 dym iSagitt xtreamwayz Schmiel namshub_ discopatrick Pici macsz Relicka InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai pax2you lvrp16 Lukewh fbaca craysiii Na | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA justJanne den628 kbrosnan VoidWhisperer designbybeck candy` fr0st basilAB tfni dru1 dStruct ejat goo dooglus vaishali beanumsum fipuchucu Henoxek Taggnostr ThaxoxeV g3kk3r Keitaro toster krizoek rory lord4163 metaphysician arno_ mississippimans tomodachi TijG Triffid_Hunter uebera|| sgen hosified UTAN_dev Flannel devilray waltman sandeepkr_ ChewCraft slifeet alduin Orphis mailman105 mircx1 fibes s | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA graingert Visual` DJones Ballzak CrazyEddy Shadowmm abra0 Fleet inteus sleepymario amosbird MrMeeseeks moonk1 aarontc Ad1Tech piglit vivid chuck_ jgrasser Spr0cket arosen Saturn812 jas4711 Orion3k Younder lonix ogra_ Guest26966 Cyber_Akuma pandaadb win32 webuser5224 Jalen schredder ivyyy fishwithapipe saned dmibrid bigjazzsound atrius oleg KaiForce munta blipz jrolland-work Rahul_Rawat slowest ike | 23:55 |
ca1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA vexoon Attoy ltrager QuinnStorm justin_jnf Ofg chigang_ hurricanehrndz Smedles thrillho888 dahlia wagle radiation[m] gringao Diamondcite andjjj23 jerin[m] Xstasy apw big_t l0rdkermit chu belgianguy karlthane beidl prosody ASpacy khaled-92 k_sze[work] Zialus spont4e fletom h00k manitu f0rks Pricey techrat dkg_ctc guimaluf Xethron kode54 ujjain marlinc rypervenche pgp bobe alxd smokeyj setkeh hfp b | 23:55 |
ca1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA jonsson_ Drone` beggi AntiSpamMeta DArqueBishop cnnx akaWolf Dan_au anbz kantlivelong AJ_Z0 usil pavlos M144 dja magikid cibs MustaKrakish valkyr1e trevorj lapion Steelpan_ quintopia imsurit dcmorton sim642 sunitknandi antonmpeg Klumben jabbslad baggar11 dym iSagitt xtreamwayz Schmiel namshub_ discopatrick Pici macsz Relicka InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai pax2you lvrp16 Lukewh fbaca craysiii N | 23:55 |
ca1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA justJanne den628 kbrosnan VoidWhisperer designbybeck candy` fr0st basilAB tfni dru1 dStruct ejat goo dooglus vaishali beanumsum fipuchucu Henoxek Taggnostr ThaxoxeV g3kk3r Keitaro toster krizoek rory lord4163 metaphysician arno_ mississippimans tomodachi TijG Triffid_Hunter uebera|| sgen hosified UTAN_dev Flannel devilray waltman sandeepkr_ ChewCraft slifeet alduin Orphis mailman105 mircx1 fibes | 23:55 |
ca1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA graingert Visual` DJones Ballzak CrazyEddy Shadowmm abra0 Fleet inteus sleepymario amosbird MrMeeseeks moonk1 aarontc Ad1Tech piglit vivid chuck_ jgrasser Spr0cket arosen Saturn812 jas4711 Orion3k Younder lonix ogra_ Guest26966 Cyber_Akuma pandaadb win32 webuser5224 Jalen schredder ivyyy fishwithapipe saned dmibrid bigjazzsound atrius oleg KaiForce munta blipz jrolland-work Rahul_Rawat slowest ik | 23:55 |
ThaxoxeV | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Bl4ckC0re MJ_Nor johnc4510 Mike34 Karazhan AfroThundr solarbee Zesty_ yock s0lar1s PeterReid composer_pro alph_ chachasmooth chrstphrchvz Anticimex hggdh Jonii freakynl csdhosting cyphase catalase de-facto apekatten freakyy selckin auronandace1 anderson McPeter davimore Aprexer planigan akxwi-dave Krenair eraggo yeeve MrMojit0 zhongfu Duckle w9qbj u-ou darmok kraut to | 23:55 |
ThaxoxeV | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA vexoon Attoy ltrager QuinnStorm justin_jnf Ofg chigang_ hurricanehrndz Smedles thrillho888 dahlia wagle radiation[m] gringao Diamondcite andjjj23 jerin[m] Xstasy apw big_t l0rdkermit chu belgianguy karlthane beidl prosody ASpacy khaled-92 k_sze[work] Zialus spont4e fletom h00k manitu f0rks Pricey techrat dkg_ctc guimaluf Xethron kode54 ujjain marlinc rypervenche pgp b | 23:55 |
ThaxoxeV | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA jonsson_ Drone` beggi AntiSpamMeta DArqueBishop cnnx akaWolf Dan_au anbz kantlivelong AJ_Z0 usil pavlos M144 dja magikid cibs MustaKrakish valkyr1e trevorj lapion Steelpan_ quintopia imsurit dcmorton sim642 sunitknandi antonmpeg Klumben jabbslad baggar11 dym iSagitt xtreamwayz Schmiel namshub_ discopatrick Pici macsz Relicka InventorTechie ppf boxrick1 Furai pax2you l | 23:55 |
ThaxoxeV | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA justJanne den628 kbrosnan VoidWhisperer designbybeck candy` fr0st basilAB tfni dru1 dStruct ejat goo dooglus vaishali beanumsum fipuchucu Henoxek Taggnostr ThaxoxeV g3kk3r Keitaro toster krizoek rory lord4163 metaphysician arno_ mississippimans tomodachi TijG Triffid_Hunter uebera|| sgen hosified UTAN_dev Flannel devilray waltman sandeepkr_ ChewCraft slifeet alduin Or | 23:55 |
ThaxoxeV | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA graingert Visual` DJones Ballzak CrazyEddy Shadowmm abra0 Fleet inteus sleepymario amosbird MrMeeseeks moonk1 aarontc Ad1Tech piglit vivid chuck_ jgrasser Spr0cket arosen Saturn812 jas4711 Orion3k Younder lonix ogra_ Guest26966 Cyber_Akuma pandaadb win32 webuser5224 Jalen schredder ivyyy fishwithapipe saned dmibrid bigjazzsound atrius oleg KaiForce munta blipz jrollan | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA sdx23 Xe jelatta duoi holodoc jemark rogst_ zachary12 rkantos Valfor ayan bekks thib cylon512 tobsterius insidious yofel Metacity giraffe Nukien chrmhoffmann wook_ gmh modster Dewin keonkim brainyron Ishaq blazeme8 soahccc_ [B] gpolitis Mr_0 HandheldPenguin` jose edgr pulkitg[m] JackH Redfoxmoon GJdan kallesbar explodes gamespttr ruptwelve davr0s varadhya Guest96869 heth saschpe cmdshftn aru_0666 | 23:55 |
dru1 | avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1375203 am jewish, AMA Oatmeal Mibka hellfar thalin spuniun saintromuald ndk markovh holdsworth sjohnson dragonrider23 ejuan whitekidney NoCode chl_ xMopxShell ric999 thgilfodrol osx- L0cust[m] mediamonster_ dinoocch1 fginther shann bray90820 Frickelpit robgraves hypermist Loomaanaatii jaythelinuxguy_ slippery1ick kalen_not-here armyriad deww morsnowski nab _moogs_ joeytwiddle blunderful2 Squarism RBoreal_Frippery Nik05 | 23:55 |
Mike34 | kek | 23:55 |
ChewCraft | smh | 23:56 |
sysrage | anybody happen to have a recommended guide to set up a full PXE Linux and Windows install server (preferably supporting both legacy and EFI boot installs)? | 23:56 |
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