
Perversoque onda02:50
ubuntu-matenecesito saber su experiencia en ubuntu02:58
Perversoexelente me la paso bien02:58
Perversoque cruel ¬¬02:59
Perversohola a todos02:59
=== shawn is now known as Guest67010
Perversoque pasa03:46
mate|16628Love the design of Mate04:44
mate|16628Want to know useful shortcuts list. Can04:44
mate|16628not find04:44
mate|16628Super D is not working to go to desktop04:45
mate|16628Any help would be appreciated04:45
sumeet_hi guys04:47
Perversoque paso04:48
Perversowhat distro use04:52
sumeet_Is there a way to use text to speech on ubuntu. I want to listen to pocket articles https://help.getpocket.com/article/1081-listening-to-articles-in-pocket-with-text-to-speech05:00
Perversono se puede aun hasta donde yo se algo asi como cortana pues en linux aun esta en pañales05:13
sumeet_Oh. Triste saber eso06:15
=== kyle is now known as Guest44432
Guest44432hey all, I'm wondering can I upgrade 16.04 mate to 17.04 with out nuking and paving?13:36
Guest44432when I do do-release-upgrade is says there is no new release13:36
bencatHello :)16:36
bencatSome french here please ?16:36
mate|12381I am trying to install the package shashlik en una raspberry p3 de 64 bit with micro arm. Thanks to the parameter --add-architecture amd64 i can install the package on the raspberry p3.THe only problem is that at the end of the installation i get a message telling that the following libraries are missing.17:41
mate|12381and there is therefore a problem of dependencies17:42
mate|12381shashlik depends on libc6-i386,lib32gccl,lib32zl,python3-xdg17:43
mate|12381i have installed the libraries manually with apt-get source nameoflibrary17:43
mate|12381after using the common apt-get f to restore dependencies i get a messages telling that the repositories of the file sources.list are not updated17:44
mate|12381my problem now is to now from which repositories the above mentioned libraries can be get17:45
mate|12381and include this repositories in the list of the file sources.list17:45
mate|12381does anybody knows which are this repositories?17:45
=== sinewav1 is now known as sinewav
ogonotronanyone alive?19:15
MenzadorNo, we're dead. :)20:01
ostapmate stable for web?21:49
mate|12606Hello world, just hanging for now...22:33

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