epigfanio | Hi All | 01:20 |
epigfanio | I'm struggling with packaging a python lib .. is this the right place where to ask for help? | 01:21 |
epigfanio | it is about the debian changelog file .. I'm getting this error: https://gist.github.com/819b64560a75d7c428183feef4865ab9 | 01:23 |
epigfanio | but my chasngelog "seems" to be fine: https://gist.github.com/562ea24e34f4f8ae2fe4e89610b6a80e | 01:23 |
epigfanio | *changelog | 01:24 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: 17 should be 2017 | 01:25 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: Also, you shouldn't type these out manually. Use dch | 01:25 |
epigfanio | tsimonq2: thank you! | 01:27 |
epigfanio | I'm trying to learn how to package python packages, I'm trying to automatize the steps as much as I can .. i didn't know dch | 01:30 |
epigfanio | this is my ugly/buggy approach https://gist.github.com/epifanio/42b2aeeca136b8131ef85dc42bc6ef3b | 01:31 |
epigfanio | so, time was wrong .. i need a different formatting for the year | 01:31 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: Yes. | 01:32 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: Also, look into devscripts and ubuntu-dev-tools. Those are two very helpful packages. :) | 01:32 |
epigfanio | time = now.strftime("%a, %d %Y %H:%M:%S") instead of time = now.strftime("%a, %d %y %H:%M:%S") and make sure there are 2 spaces between email and time | 01:32 |
gsilvapt | tsimonq2, to write those parts automatically, I believe you have to use -i option? | 01:33 |
epigfanio | i do have an other bug which I don't know how to solve. in the debian "control" file there is an entry for Maintainer, is the mantainer of the luibrary or the mantainer of the debian package ? | 01:34 |
* epigfanio looking for tutorials on how to use those packages :) | 01:35 | |
gsilvapt | epigfanio, the maintainer field is in regard to the package. If you're looking at the debian source, that should be the debian's package maintainer. If you look at Ubuntu's, it would be Ubuntu's package maintainer | 01:37 |
gsilvapt | Not 100% sure what you mean by maintainer of the library though | 01:37 |
epigfanio | thanks gsilvapt so in my case mantainer and uploader are the same | 01:38 |
gsilvapt | epigfanio, have a read here about those fields: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html | 01:38 |
gsilvapt | Section 5.2 (check below) | 01:38 |
gsilvapt | PS: I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry with those fields for now | 01:39 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: Oh shoot, did I have to get back to you about something? >__< sorry | 01:39 |
gsilvapt | tsimonq2, not necessarily. I have no clue about what else to try | 01:40 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: Let's see... | 01:40 |
epigfanio | gsilvapt: example i was parsing the doap.xml file for the python package (see the bottom of the page) . . in which there is field for maintainer .. so I thought I had to use that name (which has an imparsable email address) | 01:40 |
epigfanio | v | 01:40 |
epigfanio | https://pypi.python.org/pypi/six/1.10.0 | 01:40 |
epigfanio | I see for that page is clear: The package maintainer's -- thanks! | 01:41 |
gsilvapt | Not sure if I helped or not but... No problem! :-D | 01:41 |
epigfanio | gsilvapt: yes! the page on the debian-policy is helpful | 01:43 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: debian-installer </joke> don't ever try to merge that! :P | 01:43 |
gsilvapt | Hum, what? :) | 01:44 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: Nevermind. :P | 01:45 |
tsimonq2 | !info debian-installer artful | 01:45 |
ubottu | debian-installer (source: debian-installer): Debian installer. In component main, is optional. Version 20101020ubuntu505 (artful), package size 658 kB, installed size 1287 kB | 01:45 |
tsimonq2 | !info debian-installer unstable | 01:45 |
ubottu | debian-installer (source: debian-installer): Debian Installer documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 20170407 (unstable), package size 715 kB, installed size 1219 kB | 01:45 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: See why that's something I joke about? :P | 01:46 |
gsilvapt | Not really. Not sure if this is related to my problem or the other one above :) | 01:46 |
tsimonq2 | Nevermind. :P | 01:47 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: gsilvapt> tsimonq2, not necessarily. I have no clue about what else to try | 01:47 |
tsimonq2 | I was responding to that. | 01:47 |
gsilvapt | Sorry, I'm a bit tired and had a couple of really bad days so I'm slow :P | 01:47 |
tsimonq2 | Anyways... LO | 01:48 |
tsimonq2 | *:P | 01:48 |
gsilvapt | Ahhh, okay x) | 01:48 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: Try gnustep-base? | 01:48 |
gsilvapt | The problem with this package is with patches. It has small differences here and there. you suggested something though I couldn't accomplish | 01:49 |
tsimonq2 | Could you elaborate a bit? | 01:50 |
gsilvapt | gnome-system-tools package. It is marked with some merging issues. There are no files marked as opposed to what the site mentions. There are a few warning messages regarding patch files | 01:54 |
* gsilvapt be right back | 01:54 | |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: I'm saying, move on. :) | 01:54 |
tsimonq2 | gsilvapt: What about gnustep-base? | 01:54 |
epigfanio | one more question .. those are my first attempt in making debs. and often the build fails because of stupid mistakes. but then I'm forced to bump the version of the package "up" everytime I do a rebuild and upload (usually it fails building because of missing dep) | 02:18 |
epigfanio | my way to go over this is to add an extra number to the version of the library | 02:18 |
epigfanio | that reflect the build number | 02:18 |
epigfanio | so evry time i build and fail .. I add a unit to it | 02:19 |
epigfanio | is this "allowed"? | 02:19 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: What kind of version numbers are you talking about? | 02:23 |
epigfanio | example for the python_prompt_toolkit library: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/prompt_toolkit/1.0.14 it has version 1.0.14 ... I failed to build 0 times ... so my package name is: https://launchpad.net/~epiesasha/+archive/ubuntu/jupyter/+packages | 02:27 |
epigfanio | prompt-toolkit - | 02:27 |
epigfanio | i just noticed that my naming is wrong .. | 02:28 |
epigfanio | it should have python3- prefix .. | 02:28 |
epigfanio | and you can see i rebuilt pyzmq 4 times now ... | 02:28 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: You should probably be using versioning like | 02:42 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: The Debian revision should be greater than 0 unless it's only in Ubuntu (afaicr), and ppa1 should be less than that revision so that if the Debian revision is put in the archive, it supersedes yours. | 02:42 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: Because ideally, you would get any packaging changes into Debian and let it sync down into Ubuntu. That leaves less work for a lot of people and helps distribute your changes more, plus a bunch more benefits. | 02:44 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: We have a few friendly Debian Developers in here that would probably be able to help you with that ;) | 02:44 |
epigfanio | i'll be happy to learn a proper way to do that | 02:45 |
epigfanio | I'll leave thios workstation on, so I can read irc log later | 02:45 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: Also, I would look into sbuild so that you don't have to upload it to a PPA to see if it builds properly. That way, it's less time spent waiting for things to build and more time spent actually getting work done. ;) | 02:45 |
tsimonq2 | epigfanio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild | 02:46 |
epigfanio | oh! sbuild? | 02:46 |
epigfanio | how to use it? | 02:46 |
epigfanio | that will fix the versioning issue too | 02:46 |
tsimonq2 | That wiki page has plenty of info. | 02:46 |
epigfanio | oh too quick I was typing and didn't see the link .. | 02:47 |
tsimonq2 | If you have specific questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them, but that [age does the best job of explaining it. :) | 02:47 |
tsimonq2 | *page | 02:47 |
* tsimonq2 goes to bed o/ | 02:52 | |
epigfanio | thanks! | 02:54 |
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