rundata | Hey people | 00:29 |
penguin42 | hey | 00:30 |
rundata | I need a bit of help man. You got 5? | 00:30 |
penguin42 | well, not technically a help channel, but ask | 00:31 |
rundata | I've loaded ubuntu live onto a USB stick and Booted it on my Asus t100-ta transformer style "laptop" and when x loads it goes all weird man | 00:32 |
rundata | Also its cool I know man. Just wondered if someone, somewhere somehow, some when.. Lol.. Might be able to help | 00:32 |
penguin42 | can you define 'all weird' | 00:33 |
rundata | Anyway. Basically ubuntu loads x. X (I assume) decides to assign the left hand side of the screens boundry to be about 500 or so pixels right of the edge of the screen | 00:34 |
penguin42 | ah | 00:35 |
penguin42 | is this the internal LCD? | 00:35 |
rundata | And like . "wrap" the rest so that the furthest right of the screen is actually the first 500 (or so) horizontal pixels of the screen | 00:35 |
rundata | I pray that is somewhat comprehendable lol | 00:35 |
penguin42 | yeh sounds like it's just wrapped a bit | 00:36 |
rundata | Sorry.. Pretty fucked on coke and trying to configure this shit to work... Not a good combo. Or even a good choice but oh well.. Here we are lol | 00:36 |
penguin42 | yeh I guessed | 00:36 |
rundata | I've literally never encountered this shit before. | 00:37 |
rundata | X not working. Fine. Error logs. W.e fix it | 00:37 |
penguin42 | rundata: Is this the internal LCD that's screwy or an external? | 00:37 |
rundata | This technically works. No errors. Much stress lol | 00:37 |
rundata | Internal bro | 00:38 |
rundata | However... Additionally. It randomly adjusts the screen orientation | 00:38 |
rundata | Also the capacitive touch display is borked | 00:38 |
penguin42 | which ubuntu version? | 00:39 |
rundata | Dropped it and smashed screen lol. In windows I've just disabled the touch screen but not sure how to replicate ij n li ux | 00:39 |
rundata | Lijn | 00:39 |
penguin42 | notes, X generally doesn't work on smashed screens | 00:40 |
rundata | Yeah.. On a bloody tablet now desperately trying to get help. Sorry for shut autocorrect | 00:40 |
rundata | Can't I like... Somehow maybe.. | 00:41 |
rundata | I have an idea | 00:41 |
rundata | The touch screen is detected as a USB device.... One cable comes off the screen | 00:41 |
rundata | A ribbon | 00:41 |
penguin42 | yeh | 00:41 |
penguin42 | rundata: So anyway, my guess on the display is it's upset by the 1366x768 res - I've seen similar problems on some others; I'd try fighting with an xrandr line | 00:42 |
rundata | 5 fuckers on that ribbon are a USB right? It would appear so | 00:42 |
penguin42 | rundata: as for the touchscreen hmm - I'd expect you can probably configure that out not tried it though | 00:42 |
rundata | You reckon its possible to physically cut the ribbon in the right place | 00:43 |
rundata | Mebbeh | 00:43 |
penguin42 | bit drastic | 00:43 |
rundata | Risky but what have I got to lose lol | 00:44 |
rundata | I've already broke the micro USB port (the only port that acts as a charging socket) | 00:44 |
penguin42 | is there anything left of this poor thing | 00:45 |
rundata | I might stream this shit lol. Really need as oscilloscope. Maybe I can use a 5v motor and guess pins 1-5 from 5v to ground lol | 00:46 |
rundata | Not much man. I broke up with my ex (random fact, linked to next titbit tho..), so I kinda went postal a bit.. (Newfact also due my first child(girl) in 8 days!!) And she pulled the "yoiu will never see your daughter" card. So yeah.. Its pretty fucked | 00:48 |
rundata | Also yay me lo! | 00:48 |
penguin42 | suggests sleep may be the best way of dealing with this machine | 00:49 |
rundata | But yeah.. Technically.. You reckon the ribbon from screen (only link from physical screen to board) holds a uan portion I could just exactoknife away? | 00:50 |
rundata | I dunno why I'm asking. Lol. We both know I'm gonna regret this in the morning lol | 00:51 |
rundata | Fancy seeing if it works? | 00:51 |
rundata | Just need a 5v something.. !maybe a usb flash drive! That could work | 00:52 |
rundata | That or...... | 00:52 |
rundata | What you reckon my chances of manually charging the lithium battery without blowing my hands off are? | 00:53 |
rundata | I literally know you electricity flows. In a direction. Somehow. And things can. Spark. I once fished a bit of exploded light bulb out of a Pixar logo style lamp. Forgetting, or not realising, I had to turn off the mains | 00:55 |
rundata | Literally wired a solar panel to a car battery with a diode on positive to stop back flow | 00:55 |
rundata | Anyone know someone I can hire? Im pretty sure I can't achieve anything I've set out to do tonight lo? | 00:56 |
rundata | Lol | 00:56 |
rundata | Like. I could literally pay a random Facebook person to solder a new micro usb port on | 00:57 |
rundata | But fuck it. Let's build a charging circuit cos its too hard to solder it myself (too small, shakes, twisted up and wrecked).....(me that is lp | 00:58 |
rundata | So fuck it | 00:59 |
rundata | Let's wire a charger direct to the battery yeah? | 00:59 |
rundata | Phone chargers work when plugged into the USB of a phone right? And you can get chargers that charge a spare battery | 01:00 |
rundata | Laptop only has 5v 2A coming in... Maybe if I just wire a phone charger directly to the battery.... It should work right? | 01:01 |
rundata | Penguin42 ? | 01:02 |
penguin42 | it'll have gone through a DC-DC converter etc before the battery | 01:03 |
rundata | You reckon the charging circuit in a mobile charger could charge a laptop battery that charges off of a 5v phone USB charger directly? | 01:03 |
penguin42 | no | 01:03 |
rundata | Hmm probably yeah.. I bet those chargers can't charge a phone directlt the way the send charge to a battery inserted into it | 01:04 |
penguin42 | the phone 'chargers' are normally just USB powersupplies - all the charging circuitry is in the phone | 01:04 |
penguin42 | and/or phone/battery | 01:04 |
rundata | Sneaky gets probably reversed the charging circuit and made a cheap version that does the as!e | 01:04 |
rundata | Yeah same input | 01:05 |
rundata | Different dc-dc converter to rejig the voltage and amps and timing for the battery | 01:05 |
rundata | So... Do I risk losing a battery (possibly also a limb) and fudge a charging circuit with no soldering iron. No knowledge of electrical engineering and a head full of narcotics | 01:07 |
rundata | Or go sleep | 01:07 |
rundata | .... Shall I record it? | 01:07 |
rundata | Lol | 01:07 |
penguin42 | sleep seems the sanest thing | 01:07 |
rundata | Well you say that | 01:09 |
rundata | But how awesome woul (literally, probably, solely for me) | 01:10 |
rundata | Would it be.. Realised the "would it be" part should have been after the brackets.. I failed | 01:11 |
* rundata commits the Japanese word for self disgraced suicide | 01:11 | |
rundata | Wanna say haricari harycari? Harry carry? :o | 01:12 |
rundata | Sleep you say? | 01:12 |
rundata | :p | 01:12 |
rundata | Penguiin42 so sorry dude... Lol bet this channel doesn't see as much shit spoken even during class times when hundreds of students come in asking a solution for an obscure question asked by a sneaky ninja guru teacher | 01:15 |
rundata | Cocaine. A hell of a drug | 01:16 |
rundata | Lol | 01:16 |
penguin42 | I did consider pointing that out, but there didn't seem much point | 01:16 |
penguin42 | anyway, the original question of a skewed X was reasonable enough | 01:18 |
rundata | Lol. Soz man. Been about since I was a kid. I literally am ashamed I've had to come back on irc and ask this.. Also happy cos I've spammed a few old mates I haven't spoke to in years | 01:19 |
rundata | But hey lol | 01:19 |
penguin42 | I've not seen that one before, but X breakages with 1366 displays is not too unusual, and tablets are a bit odd | 01:20 |
rundata | Righto.. What yuou reckon could be skewing the display drawing area? Personally I don't think it's to do with the broken screen | 01:20 |
rundata | Mainly cos up until 3/4 of the way through boot. It displays correctly. Then.. Ahh! Even the cli goes skewed | 01:20 |
rundata | So its not x | 01:21 |
penguin42 | rundata: 1366 isn't divisible by 8 - it confuses some things | 01:21 |
rundata | It's something loaded (not gone a say it but perhaps... The display driver? Lol) after the basic bootloader is done doing its shizzle? | 01:22 |
penguin42 | yeh | 01:22 |
rundata | Brainstorm. Possible solutions? | 01:22 |
penguin42 | last time I hit it (quite a while ago) I found a 1366x758 mode line and hacked it with xrandr | 01:22 |
rundata | Force a display mode within "normal"/" expected " ranges? | 01:23 |
penguin42 | or just give it a 1360 res | 01:23 |
rundata | Soz I wish I could try it now. But the whole USB pott borked. Smashed out me tree etx | 01:24 |
penguin42 | rundata: It might be something specific to how that tablet drives its LCD | 01:24 |
rundata | Etc | 01:24 |
rundata | Mebbe. I fear it might be tbh.. But this is a new path to test. | 01:24 |
* penguin42 wonders if this works like the balmer peak; I wouldn't know | 01:24 | |
rundata | Bal!er peak? | 01:24 |
rundata | Ffs who puts a ! Next to m | 01:25 |
penguin42 | rundata: | 01:25 |
rundata | Onscreen shitboard moarliek | 01:25 |
rundata | Lmao I remember now haha | 01:26 |
rundata | Best coding I ever did was on methcathinone | 01:26 |
rundata | Or maybe methlyaminopropysomething | 01:27 |
* penguin42 sticks to chocolate | 01:27 | |
rundata | 5 days straight. No sleep. Wrote a pure code website | 01:27 |
rundata | Php SQL ajax css | 01:27 |
penguin42 | that explains a lot about many websites | 01:28 |
rundata | Literally it was a pixel perfect clone of the LCARs system in star trek (next gen in particular lol) | 01:28 |
penguin42 | perhaps earl grey might be more effective at helping you get some sleep | 01:28 |
rundata | So awesome. I used speed test and tweaked it using the suggestions | 01:29 |
rundata | Eventually it said "your website is 100% faster than all websites tested" | 01:29 |
rundata | Granted they probably round up and I was simply in the top percentile | 01:30 |
rundata | But still. Mcat | 01:30 |
rundata | Hell of a drug | 01:30 |
rundata | Lol :p | 01:30 |
rundata | Moral of the story is.... | 01:30 |
rundata | Don't do drugs and irc. You will literally make almost no sense. Gratuitously over (and mis)use the word "literally" and mildly entertain whilst simultaneously pissing off a few people trying to just irc | 01:32 |
rundata | Also hi | 01:32 |
rundata | Lol | 01:32 |
penguin42 | erm yes | 01:33 |
rundata | So.. To turn to more non computer topics.. Being as noone is here to moan that we are off channel topic | 01:34 |
rundata | Never any drugs ever? | 01:34 |
rundata | Tried I mean | 01:34 |
penguin42 | nope, and that is getting off topic very much | 01:36 |
rundata | Good man (I assume male) never go this route lol | 01:36 |
rundata | Might feel great. But FFS. Just look at me. Even over irc I manage to be a shining example of why not to di druga | 01:37 |
rundata | Do drugs. | 01:37 |
rundata | Or use tablets without checking spelling | 01:37 |
rundata | *drops mic and walks out* | 01:38 |
rundata | Sorry mike | 01:38 |
rundata | .....Terrible hahaha | 01:38 |
penguin42 | yes, using tablets while on tablets is probably bad | 01:39 |
rundata | Not tablets man | 01:41 |
rundata | Peruvian marching powder | 01:42 |
rundata | As bad as, but subtly different than tablet forms of similar stimuilants. Even itself taken "per os" has a much lower level of bioavailability | 01:48 |
rundata | I'm totally gonna get kick banned lol | 01:48 |
rundata | Let it be known.. As much as I enjoy stupid stuff. I highly recommend against drugs and maintain that an IRC channel dedicated to helping people with issues with and discussing this GS ra | 01:50 |
rundata | Related to Ubuntu | 01:50 |
rundata | Is probably not gonna be cool with everyone lol | 01:50 |
rundata | As such I'll shut the hell up and hope noone ever reads their irc logs | 01:50 |
rundata | The father the sun and a holey toast. Arm sucks | 01:51 |
rundata | Please never remind me of this haha | 01:52 |
* penguin42 will try to only use it when I need money | 01:52 | |
rundata | You take buttcoins? Lol | 01:54 |
rundata | I can pay in sex | 01:54 |
penguin42 | best not | 01:54 |
rundata | Lol yeah | 01:54 |
penguin42 | anyway, sleep | 01:58 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 08:26 |
santhust | I have noticed automatic downloads from Multiple times. I do not understand what for it is, why it occurs, or how to stop it. I have disabled all auto updates, even security updates. Recently, I even did $ sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.timer. But the said auto download occurs even now. Any clues? Suggestions how to stop this? | 10:30 |
penguin42 | ah, isn't it quiet | 11:57 |
zmoylan-pi | sound issues on linux again? :-P | 12:06 |
zmoylan-pi | _OR_ you finally conquered your web browser and no videos autoplay anymore? :-) | 12:07 |
penguin42 | well coincidentally I did have yes; but if you've got scrollback to about 2am it'll make more sense | 12:07 |
zmoylan-pi | yes, i saw that earlier.... | 12:08 |
diddledan | that was .. interesting, penguin42 | 12:40 |
zmoylan-pi | you don't get the good old late night rantings of yore... :-P | 12:41 |
diddledan | no, shauno ragequit | 12:42 |
zmoylan-pi | i still feel bad about that... | 12:46 |
foobarry | why? | 14:05 |
foobarry | wasn't that about 2yrs ago now? | 14:05 |
daftykins | zmoylan-pi: so you should ;) | 19:54 |
* zmoylan-pi goes out and finds a mac user to give an ice cream to... they've suffered enough... :-P | 19:57 | |
daftykins | :D | 20:02 |
daftykins | weyhey the result of PIA's funded OpenVPN audit - | 21:26 |
penguin42 | daftykins: Hmm good; but hmm - so one audit found nothing and the other made two CVEs ? | 21:52 |
daftykins | makes you wonder! | 21:58 |
daftykins | already patched, too | 21:58 |
zmoylan-pi | unless... someone got to the auditors to cover their tracks... *dun* *dun* *dun* | 22:08 |
Azelphur | Woo, I can add to the list of crazy stuff I've broken again...and now, systemd-boot | 22:57 |
diddledan | why are you using systemdboot?! | 22:58 |
Azelphur | diddledan, recommended for ArchLinux, and it's supposed to be faster | 22:58 |
diddledan | "faster" how fast do you need a menu to be?! | 22:59 |
Azelphur | diddledan, maybe GRUB would be the better answer, or at the very least an alternative to this brokenness | 22:59 |
penguin42 | Azelphur: That looks like a disagreement about terminal type/width?! | 23:02 |
Azelphur | penguin42, I'd agree :) | 23:02 |
penguin42 | diddledan: A lot of people never liked Grub 2 that's been in use for a while (last 5 years ish?) - the grub 2 config files are ludicrously complex, I'm not sure if systemd-boot is any better | 23:02 |
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