
hallyncyphermox: hey!  any hints for debugging wpa_supplicant refusing to connect to a hotspot (blackberry passport) which a (linux-based) nokia n9 and a windows laptop can both connect to?02:22
hallyn(i've tried both 4.4 and 4.8 kernels;  xenial host)02:22
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
xnoxdo we care about tagging things ubuntu/1-1ubuntu1 or debian/1-1ubuntu1 ?09:35
xnoxit seems like most tools default to debian/, and don't always work automatically with ubuntu/ tags.09:35
xnoxapw, rbasak, slangasek, opinion? ^09:35
rbasakxnox: tagging where?09:36
xnoxdebcommit --release in git09:36
xnoxit seems to hardcode debian/ prefix for non-native packages.09:36
rbasakRight. In which repository though?a09:36
xnoxbut i'm more concerned generically as well.09:37
rbasakI see.09:37
* xnox has not use the server team tooling yet.09:37
* rbasak ponders09:37
xnoxand e.g. gbp dch -> defaults to debian/%(version)s09:37
cjwatsonit's still the debian/ directory09:37
rbasakWhere uploaders maintain a separate git repository, we have plans for integration but aren't doing it yet.09:38
xnoxhowever i think it should be debian|ubuntu/%(version)s09:38
cjwatsonand versions already have to not clash09:38
rbasakBut also, we allow you to do what you want - the importer won't care and won't use your tags.09:38
xnoxnot true for native packages though. we have a few native packages (ubuntu-specific, mostly) that don't have ubuntuX suffix09:38
xnoxi have been using ubuntu/* tags, but i'm now pondering if my manual efforts were futile.09:39
rbasakNote that http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep14/ calls for <vendor>/<version>09:39
rbasakIt might be reasonable to file bugs for tooling which cannot follow that by configuring the vendor.09:40
xnoxright. i'm pondering to update tooling to handle things transperantly. yeah.09:40
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ogra_abeato, i guess for bug 1692494 getting a review from infinity would be good10:56
ubottubug 1692494 in klibc (Ubuntu) "klibc does not support reboot arguments" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169249410:56
abeatoogra_, yup10:56
ogra_(so we can have it in-distro to not need to puch it to the PPA for core)10:56
abeatoogra_, sure, it is something that can go there, I've also submitted upstream :)10:57
ogra_ah, k10:57
abeatohttp://www.zytor.com/pipermail/klibc/2017-May/003957.html (it is in Forwarded field in the patch)10:58
ogra_prefect :)10:58
=== zul_ is now known as zul
sil2100cpaelzer: hey!14:36
sil2100cpaelzer: I'm reviewing the nagios SRUs right now and was wondering - since the author mentions this is also a security issue, were there any plans on getting it to -security?14:38
sil2100cpaelzer: e.g. was that reviewed by the security team, or maybe it's -updates only?14:38
sil2100(depends if its -security worthy)14:38
sil2100cpaelzer: anyway, for now I'm getting this to -updates14:43
cpaelzerhi sil210014:54
cpaelzersil2100: it is updates only14:54
sil2100ACK, got it, thanks! Published14:54
cpaelzersil2100: it didn't pass my barrier of real-security fix14:54
cpaelzersil2100: and usually the sec's team limit is higher14:54
cpaelzerthan mine14:54
cpaelzersil2100: thanks for asking14:54
fallentreeHello, could someone take a peek at  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1690796? I've hit that too, and it appears to be a problem with pagefaults caused when swapping which results in owning those pages crashing or hanging. Sounds pretty severe.15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1690796 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel bug causes hang" [High,Incomplete]15:10
fallentreeNamely: kernel BUG at /build/linux-lz1RHE/linux-4.10.0/include/linux/swapops.h:129!15:11
fallentree/owning/processes owning/15:12
fallentreeI had a pagefile (default on recent 17.04 installation), and have since moved it to a swap partition. So far so good. It appears both the reporter and I use swap over LUKS containers (though mine was a pagefile, so extra layer: ext4)15:13
fallentreeBut looking at the reporter's attached files, they use a partition as well, but over LVM. So I'm guessing the layering is triggering the pagefault (sw over LVM over LUKS, and swfile over ext4 over LUKS)15:14
fallentrees/pagefile/swapfile   (sorry, long day)15:16
psusisay, who do you tell about a broken mirror?  bug #1692546 shows apt got forbidden trying to fetch packages, and when I browse to http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/ubuntu/dists/, I get forbidden as well15:38
ubottubug 1692546 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Grub failed during install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169254615:38
cjwatsonpsusi: #ubuntu-mirrors to start with; failing that, rt@ubuntu.com15:46
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ubottubdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, infinity, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping.19:01
naccrbasak: are ok with me pushing my branch then, presuming all your comments are addressed?19:30
rbasaknacc: yes. I intended that the first time, sorry.19:32
naccrbasak: no problem, i just wanted to confirm with you directly19:32
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
=== NCommander is now known as mcasadevall
naccrbasak: branch pushed, fyi23:59

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