
diddledanzmoylan-pi: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/05/19/new_version_of_os_2_arca_os_5/00:59
diploMorning all07:56
SuperMattgood morning07:57
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:23
MooDoohello all09:05
foobarrywannacry good customer support09:23
MooDooyes I've just seen that lol09:32
SuperMattI've actually heard a lot of good things about ransomeware support09:55
SuperMattI guess it doesn't help to be dicks when you already have the upper hand09:55
foobarrytheir language sounds like english or US english is their first language10:06
foobarryexcept for "overestimated income"10:06
foobarry"indeed" is a very englishism10:07
SuperMattI have a feeling that there might be something going on behind closed doors to get some of the NHS stuff decrypted without paying a penny10:51
arsenNHS should write an email to them like that10:56
arsenhealth service10:56
arsenbe like 'hiya, please dont kill people'11:00
arsenpopulist ransomeware.11:00
foobarrydoes anyone know if its bad that there's a bees nest under my house?12:23
foobarryseen a lot going into the vent brick. my house is vented undenearth12:23
=== marcus_ is now known as Guest85996
zmoylan-piyeah, you want a professional to deal with that... bees swarm and sting intruders. potentially very dangerous.14:15
* zmoylan-pi had a wasps nest outside my front door14:16
SuperMattbees don't tend to be too bad. I lived in a place which had a nest, and a couple would come in each day, but they'd die on the window sil pretty quickly, and never did us any harm. If you're worried though, you need the council to come and look at it.14:22
SuperMattThere are types of bees which cannot be re/moved because they are protected, but wasps will be booted out the door faster than Will Smith in Fresh Prince14:23
SuperMattInterestingly, Rentokil is one of the biggest pioneers in IOT. They're creating connected traps, which alert as soon as a rodent enters a cage, and can sometimes be collected within the hour. They also use the data to track movements of the animals, to better predict how best to catch them.14:24
SuperMattbig data vs small vermin, who will win?14:25
SuperMattThat's was a little aide, but I thought some would be interested14:25
penguin42but will they evolve14:31
zmoylan-pirats on roller blades with pagers hacking the traps... :-)14:38
penguin42zmoylan-pi: Stealing bits of kitchen foil to short things out14:48
zmoylan-pihaving long learned that the traditional rat method of widdling on it is not good when leccy is involved...14:53
foobarryinternet search shows that bees are generally ok15:28
foobarryand just like being near my flowers15:28
foobarryand will go away after a year15:28
diddledanand just for good measure: http://68.media.tumblr.com/db60d592f3ddbbaaa85de3c37a65be68/tumblr_inline_n8zmw8W5IE1qg2wxf.gif15:34
foobarryi'm not killing them15:38
foobarryalthough that killed my window manager!15:39
foobarryzmoylan-pi is killing them15:39
* diddledan pings zmoylan-pi just to make his pc ping15:40

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