=== jacky is now known as Guest36524 [06:25] Hi guys, how do I add a apt sources list into my Launchpad PPA? [06:26] Guest36524: You can add other PPAs as build dependencies for your PPA using the "Edit PPA dependencies" link. [06:27] Is it not possible if the repository is not on Launchpad? [06:27] For example, deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main [06:27] If so, what would be the solution for this situation? [06:33] Guest36524: PPAs cannot depend on repositories outside Launchpad. You'd need to find (or create) a PPA that contains the dependencies that you need. [06:34] Oh OK, that's a shame. Thanks. === frankban|afk is now known as frankban === rvba` is now known as rvba === frankban is now known as frankban|afk