
rbasakapw, cking: I'm confused. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/ doesn't appear in https://launchpad.net/~colin-king/+uploaded-packages and doesn't appear to have needed sponsorship. What am I missing?08:51
apwrbasak, could it have been a sync into -proposed from cking's ppa and then when its been copied again that is lost ?08:59
apwrbasak, as to why its not on his +uploaded-packages ...09:00
apwrbasak, i wonder if those are the first ones since the buildinfo09:01
apwrbasak, or indeed if artful is missing from that list09:02
apwrbasak, ok that artful zfs is listed under _my_ sync's.  iirc that was the first upload he did which had .buildinfo included09:05
rbasakapw: ah, yes, thanks. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/
apwrbasak, and that meant i could not sponsor it as an upload (he test builds them in a PPA) so i copied it out of the PPA09:05
apwthere begin a bug in that pull-lp-source does not get .buildinfo09:06
rbasakNot relevant to my reason for asking, but I'm curious as to why buildinfo gets in the way here. Why could you not sponsor it as an upload?09:07
dupondje_I got some gzip issues in Tomcat. But after downgrading zlib1g it works again. Is there somebody with some experience in this? :D09:15
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dupondje_xnox: happen to be around?11:38
xnoxdupondje_, sure11:38
dupondje_I upgraded my system recently to 17.04. And was having an issue with my 'UniFi' controller. Seems like gzip compression in the build-in tomcat was broken. "curl: (23) Error while processing content unencoding: invalid code lengths set"11:39
dupondje_Now I was able to pinpoint it, and the following commit fixes my issue: https://github.com/madler/zlib/commit/f9694097dd69354b03cb8af959094c7f260db0a1.patch11:39
dupondje_I don't see any other bugreports, so it must be some edge case I guess. But would an SRU be possible for this you think?11:40
xnoxdupondje_, yes, please open a bug report.11:41
dupondje_the SRU style kinda bug report? :)11:41
dupondje_xnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zlib/+bug/169287011:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1692870 in zlib (Ubuntu) "gzip compression broken in UniFi (built-in tomcat)" [Undecided,New]11:49
xnoxdupondje_, if you could update the bug description to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template that would be awesome11:52
xnoxdupondje_, specifically how to reproduce the problem/bug would be very useful. As I am not familiar with tomcat.11:52
dupondje_Thing is I didn't had time to test if tomcat is affected somehow. But as the UniFi guest portal is using tomcat in the background, and relies on java (which uses the zlib). I guess it will (in some cases)12:00
mdeslaurkees, infinity, stgraber, slangasek: tech board meeting in 15 minutes15:45
* slangasek nods15:45
ddstreetstgraber sorry to bug you, but i noticed you've done a few sponsor uploads for the ifupdown and vlan pkgs, could you review and/or sponsor bug 1573272 if you have a chance?15:57
ubottubug 1573272 in vlan (Ubuntu) "default gateway route not installed for bond interfaces through reboot" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157327215:57
slangasekkees: now why are bindnow numbers still so low?16:17
keesslangasek: those aren't benefited from the generous PIE logic. i.e. bindnow is only detected on executables with it set16:27
keesslangasek: so, 50% of source packages have a PIE executable (with bindnow), and 80% of source packages lack an ET_EXEC (i.e. not not PIE)16:28
kees(does that make sense?)16:29
slangasekkees: so you're saying the heuristic is lowballing?16:33
slangasekrbalint: hi, so when PIE was turned on in Debian, did you do anything systematically with static linking?16:35
slangasekrbalint: thinking about how we might do this more cleanly this time around, since when we turned it on for amd64 we spent a long time chasing opaque build failures.16:36
rbalintslangasek: i tracked down every issue, and finally the solution was recompiling the static libs with PIE16:39
rbalintthey don't need to be PIC, PIE is enough16:39
slangasekrbalint: so what I'm wondering is if we shouldn't analyze the archive for "-dev build-deps that don't produce shared lib runtime deps", do build tests of those packages, confirm they FTBFS, rebuild the build deps, rebuild the dependent packages, confirm it fixes the FTBFS16:39
rbalintyes, this would be the way to go archive-wide IMO16:41
slangasekrbalint: ok.  would you like to drive this? :)16:41
slangasekrbalint: I'm interested in making sure that we fix these build failures early so that developers don't trip on them16:41
rbalintslangasek: sure :-)16:42
slangasekrbalint: to be clear, we would want this analysis across all of main and universe16:46
rbalintslangasek: sure, it was my understanding, too16:48
nacccyphermox: would you happen to have any insight into LP: #1688018 or LP: #1682227 ?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1688018 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "DNS server from vpn connection is not being used after network-manager upgrade to 1.2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168801817:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1682227 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "dnsmasq, network manager *still* not able to relay DNS queries or respond to DNS requests after VPN connection failure / die off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168222717:35
cyphermoxnot sure the second is accurate, would need to dig in more about the first...17:37
cyphermoxnacc: too many people with unrelated issues touching these bugs, some are about VPN and network interfaces, other about suspend/resume behavior, and others about $somethingelse17:51
nacccyphermox: yeah, me neither yet17:51
nacccyphermox: right, so there are (i think) two classes of bugs, as you noted17:52
naccs/r is supposedly fixed (or is confirmed fixed for many users)17:52
naccthe dns 'leak' is a separate bug17:52
cyphermoxyes, suspend resume is probably fixed.17:52
nacci agree they are all really noisy :)17:52
naccrbasak: LP: #1573624, not sure if you've seen that last comment?17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1573624 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.7 5.7.11-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157362417:53
cyphermoxyeah... well it's a "common problem" and people don't usually have the esoteric knowledge of DNS in the context of VPNs17:53
nacccyphermox: right17:53
cyphermoxI have no idea why some of these have been marked as duplicate when they pretty obviously look like not17:54
rbasaknacc: that comment sounds like bug 159266917:55
ubottubug 1592669 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "postinst fails when daemon is not running (or is disabled by policy-rc.d)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159266917:55
rbasaknacc: I'll comment17:55
nacccyphermox: yeah, the s/r bug that is fix-released had a crazy number of dupes, i'm not sure where they all came from17:55
naccrbasak: yep, thanks!17:55
cyphermoxnacc: so first step would be to make sure dnsmasq indeed has the requisite fixes, so at least we know we don't need to look at suspend/resume too much17:56
cyphermox(I'm doing this, just including the running commentary)17:56
cyphermoxerr, why is this done without patches?17:57
nacccyphermox: dnsmasq is a 1.0 source format pkg17:59
cyphermoxdoesn't matter, we still do patches for that?17:59
cyphermox(usually anyway)17:59
cyphermoxit doesn't matter, it's just yucky18:00
nacccyphermox: maybe i am misunderstanding, but i thought a 1.0 source package was an orig tarball plus a diff tarball (a single patch to apply aiui)18:01
nacccpaelzer: would you be able to respond to LP: #1540692 from a qemu perspective?18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1540692 in qemu (Ubuntu) "Enable the VirtIO GPU 3D (Virgil)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154069218:04
nacccpaelzer: i'm guessing we're just following debian's lead, but would like confirmation18:04
cyphermoxnacc, you can still use a patching tool like quilt for 1.0 format packages; it only needs a bit of configuration18:06
nacccyphermox: ah ok, i guess maybe it's not available by default and the tool i usually use (e.g., `dpkg-source --commit`) just says "no" :)18:07
nacc*not configured by default18:07
cyphermoxnacc: in any case, looks like dnsmasq is up to par (at least AFAICT), so focusing on the VPN situation...18:09
nacccyphermox: ok18:10
nacccyphermox: here is another possibly related (with a specific missing connection between NM and openvpn being claimed): LP: #168625218:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1686252 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "OpenVPN connection doesnt reconnect on connection loss" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168625218:37
naccthe 'repeatedly tell OpenVPN to connect' seems similar18:37
cyphermoxno, that's something different18:41
nacccyphermox: ok :)18:45
naccrbasak: it appears that perhaps this is a real bug: LP: #1688068 ?18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1688068 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "apparmor profile prevents running in live CD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168806818:49
naccsarnold: for something like LP: #1687930 which is really just a report of https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2017/CVE-2017-8779.html, what does the security team usually do with such bugs?18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1687930 in rpcbind (Ubuntu) "remote denial-of-service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168793018:51
ubotturpcbind through 0.2.4, LIBTIRPC through 1.0.1 and 1.0.2-rc through 1.0.2-rc3, and NTIRPC through 1.4.3 do not consider the maximum RPC data size during memory allocation for XDR strings, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption with no subsequent free) via a crafted UDP packet to port 111, aka rpcbomb. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-8779)18:51
sarnoldnacc: we normally mark it confimred, public security, and add the bug to the UCT entry so we stand a chance of closing the bug when updates are issued18:52
naccsarnold: ok, are you able to do that for this bug? i can do the first part, not sure if i have permissions to do the second18:53
sarnoldnacc: of course if it's in universe we add the usual "this package is community-supported, please provide debdiffs" etc etc18:53
naccsarnold: right18:54
sarnoldnacc: heh yeah, it's not worth figuring out how to do merges in bzr to add one line to the file :) hehe18:54
naccsarnold: thanks!18:55
cpaelzernacc: done on the qemu bug19:09
cpaelzernacc: it is not only debians lead, but also component mismatch and full of CVEs recently19:10
cpaelzernacc: I wrote it in the bug to be clear with the reporter19:10
nacccpaelzer: thanks!20:07
bdmurrayWhat would I use on Lubuntu and Xubuntu that is equivalent to gnome-session-quit?20:59
wxlit's via lxsession if memory serves correctly21:00
wxl(for lubuntu)21:00
nacccpaelzer: fwiw, re: c#2.6 in LP: #1686679, the Author should be the patch's author, not the backporter's.21:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1686679 in autofs5 (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] Ubuntu16.04 : autofs takes extreamly long with large number of direct maps" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168667921:06
bdmurraywxl: Is there anyway you could confirm that for me so I can fix a software-properties bug?21:11
Unit193What precisely does gnome-session-quit do?21:12
bdmurraygnome-session-quit - End the current GNOME session21:14
bdmurrayThere's a reboot button in software-properties-gtk that I'm guessing doesn't do anything on Lubuntu or Xubuntu.21:14
Unit193xfce4-session-logout --reboot21:15
bdmurrayUnit193: will there be a prompt too?21:15
Unit193If you want that, drop '--reboot'21:15
wxli'm on kubuntu right now and plasma ain't behaving for me. once i get it going again i'll open a vm for you, bdmurray21:16
bdmurraywxl: cool, thanks21:17
bdmurrayUnit193: Thanks21:17
Unit193bdmurray: Sure thing!21:21
bdmurraywxl: I've put this issue in bug 1693038 since it might be worth SRU'ing.21:21
ubottubug 1693038 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "needs to support restart on Lubuntu and Xubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169303821:21
wxlbdmurray: if you subscribe lubuntu packages team, we'll notice :)21:22
naccrbasak: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/318686604/HookError_source_mysql_5.7.txt from LP: #1689015 appears to be a bug in the mysql apport hook?21:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1689015 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "package mysql-server-5.7 5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168901521:30
bdmurraynacc: For sure with the 2nd traceback21:32
naccbdmurray: yep21:33
bdmurraynacc: At least in zesty there is try except for the other one21:35
naccbdmurray: ah ok, good to know21:35
rbasaknacc, bdmurray: I suspect the user has replaced /usr/bin/python with python 3.21:43
rbasakWe should have apport pick up on that and have a bug pattern on it.21:43
bdmurrayrbasak: Why do you suspect that in that bug? Also re apport bug 1681528.21:45
ubottubug 1681528 in apport (Ubuntu) "Include information about python versions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168152821:45
rbasakbdmurray: I'd need to check, but https://launchpadlibrarian.net/318686604/HookError_source_mysql_5.7.txt and I don't think that the hook has been converted to Python 3. So I wouldn't expect that error. Also I've seen users do this before, IIRC wrt. mysql.21:45
rbasakI could be wrong. Just a hunch.21:46
naccrbasak: yeah there was another bug that i triaged today with  that issue (they eventually get a backtrace about ConfigParser, which is now configparser in python3)21:53
bdmurrayrbasak: running python3 /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_mysql-5.7.py or python  /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_mysql-5.7.py works for me on a xenial system21:56
rbasakbdmurray: could it be an edge case?21:56
rbasakbdmurray: what does the shebang say?21:56
bdmurrayrbasak: there is no shebang in it21:56
rbasakbdmurray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24637495/21:58
rbasakThis is why I think it's a 2 vs 3 thing.21:58
rbasakbdmurray: so I don't know how he's got things running under Python 3, but I'm pretty sure the hook was not written to target 3.22:00
rbasakWe can fix it of course.22:01
rbasakWe should update it to work on both at a minimum. And perhaps there's a dependency that's not being declared.22:01
rbasakOr, perhaps it's an edge case code path that we haven't noticed and is always buggy since something in apport was deliberately switched to use 3.22:01
* rbasak EODs22:02
bdmurraypython3-apport is seeded and apport just uses all the stuff in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/22:03
bdmurrayThe point being I don't think the user did anything wrong but that the hook needs updating.22:03
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