[13:50] morning [13:51] morning [13:53] cmaloney: are you still looking for a job? [13:53] morning [13:54] shakes808: Still looking [13:55] Actually, hoping to get a grant from a wealthy donor but that's another story. [13:57] ... interesting [13:57] Eh, shit happens [13:58] there is a potential web site design gig. interested? wouldn't be full time, just website and done i believe [13:58] I don't have the front-end chops for a design gig [13:58] alright :( tried [13:58] haha [13:58] no worries. [13:59] it is to much for me to take on right now. [13:59] know anyone that would be interested? [13:59] Not offhand I'm afraid [14:03] <_stink_> shakes808: just design? [14:25] full stack [14:25] Front / Back / DB [14:25] they want to revamp what they have and add functionality to it [14:26] _stink_: ^^ [14:26] <_stink_> what's the current stack? [14:27] godaddy and their cms [14:28] <_stink_> ok. just trying to determine if i know anyone who might be interested. seems unlikely :) [14:28] _stink_: thank you [14:44] shakes808: How did you get involved with this? [14:45] my friend's girlfriend started working for them. [14:45] and asked if they knew anyone. [14:46] so she asked me and I went by to talk to them to see what they wanted [14:46] I was going to try to set them up with wix or something easy for them to manage but they need logins and tracking for their stuffs. more than that and I can do right now