
* thumper headdesks some more00:01
thumpertesting resources written to the db are invalid when read back out00:01
thumperusing the resourcetesting package00:01
* thumper backs up before he gets more angry00:18
wallyworld_babbageclunk: free if you still want to talk01:57
babbageclunkwallyworld_: sorry, was just grabbing some lunch. now good?02:03
babbageclunkwallyworld_: in standup?02:04
thumpersomeone seriously needs to rewrite resources in the standard way02:36
thumperI've spent over two hours trying to get some test data in02:37
thumperand still no closer02:37
anastasiamacthumper: totally agree \o/ who and when?02:53
babbageclunkthumper: fell like an easy review to take your mind off resources? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/738502:53
* thumper takes a look to see if it will make me feel better02:53
thumperbabbageclunk: wallyworld_ has approved it already02:54
babbageclunkgah, missed that!02:58
thumperfinally got tests for this03:10
wallyworld_thumper: i've pushed changes to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7382 once you get a chance03:38
wallyworld_i commented on the upgrade issue in the pr comments03:38
thumperok, I'll trade you once I've finished writing up the PR for mine03:38
wallyworld_also need to look at CI failures03:39
axwwallyworld_: I've added another commit to my PR, wouldy ou please take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7381/commits/e1972615d535b01efd43151acafe50ed4af0f84a03:46
thumperwallyworld_: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/738703:48
wallyworld_axw: can we factor out a common function to fill in missing storage constraints, shared between importer and upgrader03:53
axwwallyworld_: it would be non-trivial (one's entirely in-memory, one's fetchign from mongo; one iterates over all volumes, one queries specific ones, one normalises info/params, one doesn't...)03:59
axwwallyworld_: so I don't think it'd be a net win03:59
wallyworld_righto, just thought i'd check, didn't look at the upgrade code, just recalled from yesterday04:01
wallyworld_axw: lgtm then04:01
axwwallyworld_: I'm not happy about having to write it twice though. I wonder if we could do upgrades by doing an export+import when the schema changes, rather than what we do now04:03
axwI was going to add a tech board itemm04:03
wallyworld_yeah, let's discuss04:04
wallyworld_thumper: lgtm, nice testing notes04:10
wpkthumper: ping?06:38
thumperwpk: pong... thought I closed this08:20
wpkthumper: About the discoverspaces API - as I understand (and it's very probable that I'm wrong) it's only used by controller so it'd be impossible to have discoverspaces worker (from old controller) to connect to discoverspacesAPI-less controller08:23
thumperwpk: I was wondering that. double check with jam. if it is the case that it is only used by the controller itself, then we can remove it08:25
wpk-if !authorizer.AuthController() {08:26
wpk -return nil, common.ErrPerm08:26
wpk -}08:26
* thumper is closing out for the day now08:26
thumpernight all08:26
wpkjam: ^^^09:51
=== akhavr1 is now known as akhavr
thumperveebers: any idea why the merge bot is failing with  Error: retrieving gpg key timed out. ?23:04
veebersthumper: not fully yet, we'll have a look23:17
thumperthat's ok, I know you are busy23:17
veebersthumper: odd, babbageclunk was able to land something23:17
veebers(just after you)23:18
thumperweird, must be some timing issue somewhere23:32
wallyworldthumper: standup?23:46
wallyworldbabbageclunk: could you also review that cmr feature branch pr today?23:54
babbageclunkwallyworld: oh yes! Sorry, completely forgot about it.23:57

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