
praisethemoonfwhcat, o//09:56
fwhcathey praisethemoon_10:21
praisethemoon_fwhcat, how is it going my friend?10:27
Droafter a cp -rf folder1 folder213:36
DroI checked size of both folders, and I found that folder2 size is nearly double.. LOL !13:37
Dro270 MB -- 420 MB13:37
elachecheou copied some subdir in a dir13:37
Droelacheche, ah? :o13:39
elachecheDro: try: du -sh dir1 dir213:40
Droelacheche, same result 264M 415M14:08
elachecheLook for duplicated files (based on md5sum) ;)14:09
Droi'll check it later, no worry since there is no missing files :P14:59
Droduplicated better than missing :d14:59

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