
Kilosmorning all. and inetpro 07:33
inetprooh hi oom Kilos 07:34
inetproand welcome back as well07:34
inetproand good evening to everyone else07:34
inetproare you better today?07:39
Kilosuh uh coughing killing the head07:58
Kiloshi CraigZim 07:59
inetproKilos: ai! Make your own cough syrup with onion08:07
inetpromany recipes online, my wife makes her own and it really helps08:08
paddatrappermorning inetpro Kilos 09:45
Kiloshi paddatrapper 09:46
inetprohello paddatrapper09:46
Kilosstrangely inetpro 09:46
Kilosi had completely forgotten about that 09:46
Kilosjust made it ty inetpro 09:58
inetproKilos: maybe it will help and maybe it won't but it's worth trying to put your mind at ease without having to spend unnecessary money on expensive cough mixtures10:00
Kilosthose didnt work either. ian has brought and his gf brought10:01
smileHi everyone! :)16:40
smileKilos: you here?17:04
Kilosyes just got back, busy getting dinner17:04
smilesounds tasty. :)17:06
Kiloshaha just 2 minute noodles today17:07
smilevar lyrics = function() => { return `There is only one road I'm walkin' 17:33
smileOnly one lifetime one heart to guide me 17:33
smileOnly one road I'm walkin' 17:33
smileBut I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back 17:33
smile'Cause I need you right here 17:33
smileBeside me`;}17:33
inetproso quiet oh so quiet here, why? 19:52
captinequiet it is inetpro 20:18

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