[03:01] !info qupzilla devel [03:01] 'devel' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, experimental, liquorix, partner, stable, testing, tor, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, vanir, virtualbox, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed, zesty, zesty-backports, zesty-proposed [03:01] !info qupzilla artful [03:01] qupzilla (source: qupzilla): lightweight web browser based on libqtwebkit. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.9~dfsg1-3.1 (artful), package size 825 kB, installed size 5639 kB [03:05] tsimonq2, the lubuntu-next iso has both lightdm and sddm on it [03:11] lynorian: I know, it's on my todo list ;) [03:11] Uhhhhhh WHAT? Why is our Qupzilla so old?!? [03:11] I'll be fixing that... [03:12] tsimonq2, yes I know we need 2.0 which we need qt webkit for [03:14] lynorian: Webkit or webengine? [03:15] webengine sorry [03:15] lynorian: Because I packaged the latter in Debian and I'm helping keep it up-to-date. [03:15] and upstream is not supporting webkit versions anymore [03:16] lynorian: Also, the purpose of the Lubuntu Next team right now is access to the PPAs, so until further notice, sorry, but I won't be approving you until we can figure that whole thing out. :) [03:16] aww ok [03:20] well zram works on the lubuntu next image [03:21] \o/ [03:39] tsimonq2, for this to work in virtual machines we should have xserver-xorg-video-qxl on it [03:39] lynorian: Elaborate please? [03:40] lynorian: Did something work when you installed it? :D [03:40] it is the video driver needed for my vms to work [03:40] which is not on the iso by default [03:41] lynorian: I'm about to wrap it up for the night... any chance you could look at what stock Lubuntu has in here and add whatever is needed to the Lubuntu Qt/Next seed? https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.artful [03:41] lynorian: If you get an MP, I'll review it in the morning. :) [03:43] Plus I'll give you a beer tally :P [03:45] * tsimonq2 sleeps o/ [05:42] @tsimonq2, With the switch of systemd, I'm not sure where to start :-/ [06:03] OK so the problem is simple : sddm doesn't auto start ... less simple, find why :-/ [06:31] seems to be running here, but not able to start the session itself? [07:03] REALLY not the way to do it, but interesting in the live iso that substituting in 'Exc=/usr/bin/startlxqt' in QLubuntu.desktop, then killing the session allows me to fully start the live session just fine via the sddm greeter [07:03] * acheronuk hates diagnosing X session invokation problems! [07:20] ditto with the installed image, and long as I remember to select the right session! [07:20] Sure the is something VERY wrong with doing it like that though..... [07:21] oooh. time to switch to testing kubuntu iso. bye [11:01] Thanks @acheronuk :) [11:05] Hello Rik 😐 [12:39] @VikingRedwolf, Hello 🙂 [15:46] We are famous! [15:46] (Photo, 1280x719) http://i.imgur.com/e2jghHT.jpg [16:10] (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net:9090//lennyvark.png [16:11] :D [17:04] Hah that's hilarious. Just needs a paintbrush [17:46] Too much advertising, too soon :-/ At least wait for something that boot correctly ... [17:49] @julienlavergne yes we need something that boots correctly [17:49] lynorian: Error: "julienlavergne" is not a valid command. [17:50] Thanks bot, I know I'm not a command :-) [17:52] Thanks to Rik report, I know where to start the investigation [18:03] @julienlavergne, Any chance you could let me know once you have some progress? Or at least something to give to me to do? :) [18:05] Start to make a list of bugs / missing stuf ? :-) [18:06] @julienlavergne, The point is progress. We didn't have images last week! [18:06] And I hope it's clear that the images aren't functional yet. [18:07] @julienlavergne, I mean irt the imagea [18:07] *images [18:22] Ow that is probably why xserver-xorg-video-qxl is not included is because it is now only a recommends from xserver-xorg-video-all [19:25] hi there :-) [19:27] whoa [19:27] hey gilir :) [19:32] hopefully, lubuntu-default-settings 0.49 should make the LXQt ISO booting ... [19:41] what was, gilir ? [19:43] apparently, sddm doesn't support xsession file with arguments in Exec field [19:43] weird [19:44] that's my general feeling about sddm [19:44] So I replace the lxsession command by a lxqt-session one (startlxqt script) [19:44] of course honestly, lightdm has its moments of strangeness, too [19:45] there are display managers, there are all weird sometimes :-) [19:45] doesn't freedesktop have a well-defined specification for them??? [19:51] I don't see any on their website :-) [20:10] Yeah display managers when they go wrong is just annoying [20:10] or plymouth [20:13] @julienlavergne gilir: Awesome :D [20:14] * tsimonq2 waits for it to get out of proposed and rebuilds the ISO [20:15] gilir, wxl: By the way, all three of us have access to rebuild the Lubuntu Next images on iso.qa.ubuntu.com [20:18] - @tsimonq2: yeah i noticed that conversation on -release. it's apparent the lack of transparency regarding access on the tracker is more opaque than i previously thought XD [20:22] Yeah :P [20:33] @julienlavergne gilir: Do you think it would be a good idea to split lubuntu-default-settings into a few different packages so that we don't install all of LXDE on the Lubuntu LXQt image? [20:33] Because right now, LXDE is a hard dep on lubuntu-default-settings... [20:33] If you think it's a good idea, I can take it on. :) [20:36] tsimonq2, we can just move LXDE depends into recommends, so they should not be on the LXQt seed [20:39] also, lubutnu-default-settings is a mess, too many files in too many places [20:40] if we split the packages, I prefer to move the files in the process, to put them all in one directory, and avoid to deal with Conflicts/Replace twice [20:51] @gilir, What do you mean by "one directory"? [20:56] Rebuilding now... [22:00] boots into live session ok. :) [22:00] yayayayayayayayay [22:08] jajajaja :D [22:13] @wxl23 Would you happen to know which package is responsible for this? [22:13] (Photo, 601x468) http://i.imgur.com/Q2J4KEc.jpg [22:13] Plymouth theme maybe? [22:14] Ah, probably is. [22:15] Because on boot it's just standard Ubuntu... [22:15] was not able to change lxqt theme or fon't size in the live session :/ [22:15] @acheronuk, ...huh? [22:15] Explain [22:15] Ohhhhhh [22:15] changed them via the GUI, but changes did not apply [22:15] That's weird [22:16] something not getting set up in the session properly perhaps [22:17] Ah ok [22:17] I see [22:17] @acheronuk You have to log out and back in again :/ [22:17] seems to apply immediatley in my installed image/VM [22:21] @acheronuk, Huh? [22:22] @tsimonq2, You don't understand what I mean? Or why there should be that difference? [22:22] @acheronuk, The former. [22:24] In my VM installed from the previous iso, and now updated with the newer lubuntu-settings package, applies changes to the lxqt theme and font size immediately. Without having to log out and in again. [22:24] Interesting... [22:26] Ah, ok. I see. [22:27] either a difference in the live vs installed session, or maybe a consequence of my previious hackery on that VM to get the session running [22:27] a fresh install would show [22:27] Nope, I can reproduce. [22:28] ok. no need to re-install then :) [22:28] @tsimonq2: disappeared. you figured it out? [22:28] wxl: Error: "tsimonq2:" is not a valid command. [22:28] wxl: yepper [22:28] kk [23:04] tsimonq2, I mean, put all the conf files in 1 directory (like /etc/xdg/something) [23:04] @gilir, Ah ok :) [23:04] gilir: Right now, which package has the environment variable saying to use our LXQt settings? [23:05] acheronUK, it's a know bug of the live system, something about the filesystem used, but I can't remerber the bug number :-/ [23:05] Because I'm working with Debian to get Qt 5.9.0 in Experimental and I'd like to test build and run Lubuntu LXQt with the new Qt so we can get the new settings config. [23:10] tsimonq2, lubutnu-default-settings, check the lxqt directory [23:11] Ok, thanks :) [23:12] acheronUK, if I remember correctly, it's this one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/882147 [23:12] Launchpad bug 882147 in coreutils (Ubuntu) "overlayfs does not implement inotify interfaces correctly" [Undecided, In Progress] [23:13] gilir: That's what agaida has been saying