IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Working therealredphanto | 00:02 |
therealredphanto | well i just gave him a bunch of info and he hasn't helped | 00:04 |
therealredphanto | i think i'll just figure it out on my own, thanks ... | 00:04 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Well, that sucks!!! You should be here one support with fo;ks that will help you!!! | 00:06 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> May I help you? | 00:07 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> <therealredphanto> may I peae help you? | 00:09 |
=== pedro is now known as Guest16252 | ||
Kali_Yuga | somebody out there good in C++ & willing to help the Maintainer of Qtcurve need to get it ported to plasma 5. | 01:44 |
ubottu | KDE bug 353216 in qt5 "qtcurve-qt5 is missing the qtcurve window decoration in Plasma 5" [Major,Assigned] | 01:44 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> I used to ask the same question and gave up 20 years ago | 01:47 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Now, I'm just a user and support | 01:48 |
7IZAALBV3 | hello | 02:03 |
=== 7IZAALBV3 is now known as bigtudou | ||
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Nello | 02:04 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> May I help you? | 02:04 |
bigtudou | hahah | 02:05 |
bigtudou | nothing | 02:05 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> 10-4 own that thar | 02:06 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Thank you all so much | 02:06 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Let me know if I can be helpful to ya | 02:07 |
bigtudou | can you speak chinese? | 02:08 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> I wish I could. Can you? | 02:10 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> I would certainly appreciate helping you | 02:12 |
bigtudou | you are so boring | 02:13 |
bigtudou | 8 | 02:13 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Waiting to help others is boring | 02:14 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Thank you | 02:14 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> What do you need bigtudou? | 02:15 |
bigtudou | nobody in here,i need go | 02:16 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Check back later. We are always here to help. | 02:17 |
bigtudou | hi | 02:21 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Howdy | 02:21 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> May I help you? | 02:22 |
bigtudou | 0.1+0.3 | 02:24 |
bigtudou | hi bot | 02:32 |
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bigtudou_ | who | 05:52 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Hello Kubuntu Support Client … How may I help you. | 05:54 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Thank you for visiting our support team. | 05:56 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Hello, how may I help you? | 05:59 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Gary> Hello. Welcome to Kubuntu technical support volunteer staff. … How may I help you? | 06:03 |
dax | nap time plz | 06:03 |
nickolay | Hello friends | 06:41 |
nickolay | How can I install AMD drivers on Kubuntu without broking it? | 06:42 |
user|43873 | hi guys | 06:47 |
user|43873 | is any one here ? | 06:48 |
=== bruno1604 is now known as bruno1604_ | ||
bruno1604_ | Good morning | 07:35 |
bruno1604_ | How do I bring starters into a (second) panel vertical on the right screen border. I managed to create a second one and also to install the widget. But I can not find, when clicking on the app a choice into which panel I want to place it. | 07:35 |
acheronUK | bruno1604_: drag it to the panel you want it in? | 07:46 |
bruno1604_ | Good idea, thanks. But now I lost the K-Sign bottom right. The one with the 5 posibilities, like Favourites, Applications, Closing, etc. | 07:57 |
acheronUK | bruno1604_: lost it by doing that? | 08:10 |
acheronUK | in newer plasma it's a different logo, so maybe it just changed if you upgraded? | 08:11 |
acheronUK | the 'kickoff' menu can be re-added if you truly lost it, via right click on the panel, panel opinions, add widgets. and add the 'application launcher' widget | 08:13 |
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=== himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf | ||
IrcsomeBot1 | Gary was removed by: ahoneybun | 14:18 |
IrcsomeBot1 | GStakkos was removed by: GStakkos | 14:22 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 14:41 |
Majorana | Hi! How can I update to plasma 5.9.5 von Kubuntu 17.04? Plasma 5.9.5 has already been released 6 weeks ago | 15:50 |
Majorana | plasmashell -v says I'm still on 5.9.4 | 15:51 |
Majorana | | 16:01 |
Majorana | Do I only receive the updates by using the backports PPA? | 16:02 |
Majorana | A few weeks ago I was told the update shall become part of the offical repo so everyone (who uses 17.04) can profit of it | 16:02 |
DarinMiller | Majorana: plasma 5.9.5 should be in backports, by chance did you uncheck or remove the backports ppa? | 16:06 |
DarinMiller | Majorana: I re-read your question. Yes, 5.9.5 is only available via backports (sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports ) | 16:07 |
Majorana | Alright. | 16:09 |
acheronUK | Majorana: 5.9.5 has been uploaded to -proposed for -updates in the archive | 16:09 |
Majorana | Where I can check this myself next time? | 16:09 |
acheronUK | but still needs it's verification done | 16:09 |
acheronUK | | 16:10 |
Majorana | Alright, found it: | 16:10 |
acheronUK | 4:5.9.5-0ubuntu0.1 proposed (universe) | 16:10 |
Majorana | Thanks. | 16:10 |
acheronUK | | 16:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1687444 in plasma-desktop (Ubuntu Zesty) "Zesty SRU tracking bug for KDE's Plasma 5.9.5" [Wishlist,Fix committed] | 16:11 |
acheronUK | Majorana: which needs this doing: | 16:11 |
Majorana | Sounds reasonable ;-) | 16:12 |
acheronUK | Majorana: but testing 40 packages for that is not a quick process. and have got a bit sidetracked with other things, especially as that is in backports anyway | 16:13 |
Majorana | Sure! Alright, I gotta leave again. Thanks for your time. | 16:14 |
acheronUK | anyone is welcome to help with the verification :) | 16:14 |
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=== kubuntu is now known as Guest86039 | ||
pc_drhyde | hi | 17:57 |
pc_drhyde | !list | 17:57 |
ubottu | pc_drhyde: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 17:57 |
=== TheRuralJuror_ is now known as Haudegen | ||
=== root is now known as Guest93707 | ||
=== mariano is now known as dr`venom | ||
baiguai | Hey! I am running Kubu 16.10 on a new MSI laptop, it installed fine - but when I try to boot from the Kubu 17.04 DVD I get the CPIe error. I tried updating my GRUB w/ pci=nomsi / pci=noaer but the error persists. Is there another solution for this? Thanks! | 23:11 |
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