[12:52] hi: i've just installed ubuntu budgie 17.04 in my notebook... the problem is that mouse stops working after some seconds of loggin in.. i think it has something to do with power management and autosuspend.. how can i solve this? [12:54] p7f, maybe tlp is causing issues? [12:54] enable backports [12:54] full update [12:54] then uninstall tlp [12:54] ok! i'll try [12:54] fossfreedom: thanks [12:55] BTW - backports enabled via budgie-welcome - recommendations [12:57] fossfreedom: thanks! i was just googling that! [12:57] fossfreedom: should i try first disabling usb-autosuspend from tlp? i didn't even know i had that installed [12:58] yep - give it a try [12:58] ok.. i'll reboot now and then i'll come back [13:10] hi, disabling usb autosuspend in tlp did not work... although help says that usb hid are excluded from autosuspend [13:12] p7f, suggest budgie backports full update/upgrade then uninstall tlp - if that still does not work then obviously another issue is causing this observation [13:15] ok.. i'm on it right now.. thanks1 [13:22] fossfreedom: if i use sudo apt-get remove tlp it says it will remove ubuntu-budgie-desktop [13:23] that's fine [13:23] Los siguientes paquetes se ELIMINARÁN: tlp tlp-rdw ubuntu-budgie-desktop [13:23] remember to reinstall that before the upgrade to 17.10 [13:23] so, it wont remove my desktop environment? [13:24] ubuntu-budgie-desktop is the meta package - so no [13:24] ok, so i've already done update/upgrade.. now i remove tlp [13:24] thats correct? [13:25] yep [13:32] hi: my mouse still does not work... in other computers it works... [13:33] however if i try another mouse in my pc it also works [13:33] hmm [13:33] do you have a mix of usb2 and usb3 ports? [13:33] i have 3 usb2 and one usb3 [13:34] which one is the mouse plugged into? [13:34] i tryed in both [13:35] it works before login... it stops working few secconds after i put my pass [13:35] very unusual to have mouse issues. What kind of mouse is it? [13:36] is a common optical Nissuta mouse [13:36] i think i'll just get another one... i'm working with a friend right now and his mouse works here [13:37] k [13:37] remember to install ubuntu-budgie-desktop [13:37] this will reinstall tlp [13:37] better battery life [13:37] ok! thanks a lot