
inetprogood mornings07:28
inetprosuperfly, paddatrapper: anything interesting to look forward to in the upgrade?07:29
paddatrapperinetpro: php7, KDE plasma, kernel 4.9 (at least those are what I've directly had contact with) 08:14
smileHi everyone :)09:10
smileSun City is een luxe casino en resort gelegen in de Zuid-Afrikaanse provincie Noordwest. Het resort ligt op 2 uur rijden van Johannesburg, nabij de stad Rustenburg. Sun City grenst aan het Nationaal park Pilanesberg. o.O09:10
smilenear Kilos o.O09:10
bushtech32km from me as the crow flies09:13
smilebushtech: where are you located? :)09:14
bushtechNext to Vaalkopdam09:15
smileAlso Rustenburg, nice :)09:18
smilebushtech: what are you doing on this saturday?09:46
bushtechlol sorting out a water leak09:47
smilebushtech: you woke up wet in your bed? there can be other causes as well, you know09:49
bushtechheh heh yep, but definitely a water leak09:50
smileold pipelines? :)09:52
bushtechyep, and builder used cheapest rubbish plastic pipe he could find, hasn't even got a pressure rating09:54
inetprosmile: you should come for a visit to Sun City one day, a beatiful place10:10
inetproand when you're there you definitely want to discover the fascinating Pilanesberg National Park right there as well10:13
bushtechagree, and probably the easiest place to see the big 510:15
inetprooh look who's here12:45
inetprogoeidag oom Kilos12:45
inetprohoe voel jy?12:46
Kilossorry inetpro .nogal sleg maar ok dankie13:45
Kilosgeslaap tot nou13:45
Kilosgriep nie te erg nie maar kop klap13:46
inetproKilos: a perfect strike by Garth April and the Sharks lead by 3 points, are you watching?15:27
inetprooh and TRY TIME for Johan Deysel!!15:27
Kilosno tv inetpro 15:52
inetproKilos: skakel in op RSG man15:52
Kilosno radio hehe15:52
inetproKilos: or follow it on my rugby tweet stream at https://twitter.com/inetpro/lists/rugby15:54
smileinetpro: thanks for the advice, inetpro, bushtech 15:55
inetproKilos: that list keeps growing over time and quite lekker to follow while they play15:56
Kilosty ill just listen15:56
smileinetpro: what advice can you offer a traveler to SA? :)15:56
Kiloscan lie down and listen15:56
inetprosmile: just come and see man15:58
smileinetpro: sure, where are you located :)15:59
inetprosmile: I'm in Pretoria, not much of a traveller so my advice won't be the best that you need15:59
smileinetpro: thanks :) If I'm in the neighbourhood I'll certainly pay you a visit, if I'm welcome ;)16:01
inetprosmile: sure, any time16:02
smilenice :)16:02
smileI'm currently collecting places to visit, after that I'll try to think of some kind of route throughout SA16:03
Kilostoo noisy, just tell me the end score please inetpro 16:30
inetprodid you get the score om Kilos?17:41
inetproSHA 22 - 10 STO17:41
Kilosty inetpro i napped again18:21
inetprocool, hope that sorted the head a bit18:22
Kilosno prob though18:22
Kilosi just do less18:22
Kiloslol and sleep more18:22
inetprotime for more sleep oom Kilos19:13
inetproat least for me19:14
inetprogood night everyone19:14

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