unholymachine | chris_, pardon? | 00:00 |
kostkon | chris_, nope | 00:00 |
YankDownUnder | *doesn't deal with partitions* ? Um...hmm... | 00:00 |
screwdriver | I AM THE SCREWDRIVER, ALL HAIL ME!!!!! | 00:00 |
unholymachine | yeah, if i'm understanding your question correctly chris_ , partitions/partitioning absolutely needs to be used for installing | 00:01 |
screwdriver | unholymachine: partitions? screw them | 00:01 |
langmuir | chris_, are you just wondering if you can install without worrying about a dual boot? | 00:01 |
screwdriver | I AM THE SCREWDRIVER!!!!! | 00:01 |
langmuir | because in that case, yes, you can set your machine up to run just Ubuntu | 00:02 |
langmuir | screwdriver--where is the dark web can you tell me i need to put out a hit on my grandma she getting uppity in her old age | 00:03 |
screwdriver | emerson is a scree | 00:03 |
screwdriver | *screw | 00:03 |
screwdriver | and I am THE SCREWDRIVER | 00:03 |
unholymachine | yes, apparently | 00:03 |
unholymachine | lol | 00:03 |
langmuir | hahaha | 00:03 |
unholymachine | emerson lake and palmer? | 00:04 |
screwdriver | no, emerson the homosexual freenode staff member who is trying to intimidate me on #freenode | 00:04 |
langmuir | whoa man ubuntu staff are all required by law to be asexual you know this | 00:04 |
seventy | Mint is compatible with the Ubuntu repos right? If I'm running 18.1 can I use Ubuntu 16.01 packages? What about Ubuntu 17.1 packages? | 00:05 |
kostkon | !mint | seventy | 00:05 |
ubottu | seventy: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) | 00:05 |
oerheks | mint has its own issues | 00:06 |
seventy | Yeah im not saying it doesn't just wondering | 00:06 |
chris_ | Ive tried to install ubuntu through my usb drive, but I never see this screen appear https://goo.gl/zsEhlP INSTEAD I GET THIS SCREEN https://goo.gl/q3XXqm ITS COMPLETELY BLANK please help | 00:07 |
seventy | Do you only have 1 disk? | 00:08 |
seventy | chris_: | 00:08 |
chris_ | I have 1 c:// disk with like 8 partitions | 00:08 |
seventy | chris_: what happens when you hit "back"? | 00:09 |
Bashing-om | chris_: win10 ? == UEFI . are you booting the installer also in EFI mode ? | 00:10 |
chris_ | @seventy download updates while installing ubuntu and install 3rd party software | 00:10 |
chris_ | windows 10 yes | 00:10 |
chris_ | how do you get it into efi mode? ive disabled secure boot and fast boot | 00:10 |
seventy | chris_: you're past efi, you're already booting from the stick | 00:11 |
chris_ | these are what I have http://imgur.com/a/vwzd0 | 00:11 |
Bashing-om | Every manufacturer does it different . I can not advise on how to boot the USB in EFI mode . | 00:11 |
chris_ | its a dell xls 15 laptop | 00:12 |
chris_ | xps* | 00:12 |
seventy | Get into your bios and it should give you two options for the USB stick. Either UEFI or | 00:13 |
seventy | Legacy boor | 00:13 |
seventy | boot* | 00:13 |
chris_ | ive disabled UEFI and left legacy boor on I think | 00:13 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Reboot the installer to " try ubuntu" and pastebin ' sudo parted -l " so we know what the partitions on the drive are ( look'n like I see win10 as a MBR install ?? ) | 00:14 |
chris_ | ill try that @bashing-om gimme 10 minutes | 00:16 |
Bashing-om | chris_: On a single disk one must match what ever mode that Win10 is installed in . | 00:16 |
chris_ | just to be clear for it to work uefi has to be disabled, right? | 00:16 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Nope, I hope and expect it is the other way around ,... that UEFI is enabled . show us what is from parted -l so we are sure . | 00:18 |
gciapita | why is it that every new version of ubuntu removes another layer of usefulness from ubuntu? Is it because apple$soft are paying the ubuntu developers? | 00:28 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | gciapita | 00:29 |
ubottu | gciapita: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 00:29 |
gciapita | how do i write an iso now that you have removed the iso writer? | 00:30 |
gciapita | and removed any iso writing software from the ubuntu software app | 00:31 |
gciapita | there are one-two support questions. | 00:31 |
lotuspsychje | !iso | gciapita | 00:32 |
ubottu | gciapita: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 00:32 |
gciapita | well i'm glad that link is so straightforward, and told me what i needed | 00:37 |
gciapita | now i only need to hire an expensive linux technician or spend at least a whole working week to learn how to write an iso to disk | 00:38 |
gciapita | im glad it isnt as simple as one right click any more | 00:38 |
chris_ | the 'sudo parted -1' command doesnt work | 00:38 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Yhat is parted with a ell not a one .:) | 00:39 |
Bashing-om | That* | 00:39 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: there is no magic red button on ubuntu to do what you expect | 00:40 |
gciapita | there used to be | 00:40 |
chris_ | ohhh ohhhhh | 00:40 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: perhaps if you told us, what you really need | 00:40 |
gciapita | i already said | 00:40 |
gciapita | write an iso to disk | 00:40 |
gciapita | that thing that used to literally be a right click | 00:41 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: you mean mount? | 00:41 |
gciapita | no | 00:41 |
gciapita | with a laser | 00:41 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: to what kind of disc? | 00:41 |
gciapita | because that isnt at all obvious | 00:42 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: hard disk? dvd disc? | 00:42 |
gciapita | ^^ | 00:42 |
chris_ | Bashing-om https://pastebin.com/VaSqpSKn | 00:42 |
gciapita | you know the answer already, just wanna waste my time | 00:43 |
gciapita | you cant make me angry | 00:43 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: you can ask here all night, without the right details nobody will be able to help.. | 00:44 |
gciapita | sure | 00:44 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Yuk that can not be good . lotuspsychje .. any idea ? | 00:44 |
blkadder | https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-ubuntu | 00:45 |
chris_ | have no idea what's happening lol | 00:45 |
gciapita | person1: "im going out for a drive" person2 "hard floppy or tape?" | 00:46 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Got me wondering .. can you still boot into Win10 ? | 00:46 |
chris_ | yeah | 00:46 |
lotuspsychje | chris_: df -h showing your used space left? | 00:47 |
gciapita | blkadder doesnt seem to be a timewaster | 00:47 |
Bashing-om | chris_: On a wild chance .. ' sudo fdisk -lu ' show the partitions ? - from that liveUSB try ubuntu // | 00:47 |
gciapita | I can always count on Rowan Atkinson | 00:47 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: next time you ask a question try to be specific to not waste time perhaps | 00:48 |
chris_ | heres the first pastebin https://pastebin.com/ujiTnMec | 00:48 |
gciapita | sure lotus, or i'll just hope you dont answer | 00:48 |
chris_ | second pastebin https://pastebin.com/UGzqR6j9 | 00:48 |
* blkadder sighs | 00:49 | |
CuChulaind | Hey all. Doing an Ubuntu server install on a used HP Z600 with 3 500GB drives. It shows one as only having 115 MB when I get to the RAID config | 00:49 |
CuChulaind | booting into a liveUSB that particular drive won't let me delete the partition, or deactivate it with gparted | 00:50 |
lotuspsychje | CuChulaind: try #ubuntu-server mate | 00:50 |
CuChulaind | Thank you lotuspsychje | 00:50 |
Bashing-om | lotuspsychje: chris_ has in mind to dual boot .. and the installer is not giving a install option . looked to me that the installer was booted ccsm rather than EFI for win10 install . now I am not seeing what I expect to see . | 00:50 |
lotuspsychje | chris_: your drive is 1TB right, but sda5 shows like 891 microsoft basic data | 00:51 |
toshiba_leather | uname -a | 00:52 |
chris_ | my main drive is 1 tb in total. about 500 gb is free right now. the usb drive was exactly 1.5 gb | 00:52 |
toshiba_leather | Linux hduser 3.13.0-119-generic #166-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 3 12:19:45 UTC 2017 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux | 00:52 |
gciapita | sadly i found that link before and brasero doesnt come up in a search | 00:52 |
lotuspsychje | toshiba_leather: dont paste here please | 00:53 |
gciapita | nor any other iso burners | 00:53 |
toshiba_leather | ok | 00:53 |
lotuspsychje | !info brasero | gciapita | 00:53 |
ubottu | gciapita: brasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.12.1-4ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 173 kB, installed size 566 kB | 00:53 |
CuChulaind | In my case, I don't think I need the server room, I'm just trying to figure out why gparted can't delete a partition | 00:53 |
lotuspsychje | CuChulaind: getting an error? | 00:54 |
toshiba_leather | I need upgrade to 64bit if I want to install steam | 00:54 |
gciapita | thats a lovely unhelpful post | 00:54 |
gciapita | heres another | 00:54 |
CuChulaind | lotuspsychje, non, when I right click the option to delete is grey, I can only deactivate, or resize. I did resise, but deactivate did nothing | 00:55 |
toshiba_leather | Steam no longer support 32bit | 00:55 |
lotuspsychje | !steam | toshiba_leather | 00:55 |
ubottu | toshiba_leather: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 00:55 |
aruns | Hi, running PHP 7.1.4 on Ubuntu 16.04, using the default Sendmail package that is installed by default, when I attempt to test the mail() function in PHP using one of my vhost sites contact forms, I get sendmail: Cannot open mail:25 | 00:55 |
chris_ | lotuspsychje sorry if you didnt see that. my main drive is 1 tb in total. about 500 gb is free right now. the usb drive was exactly 1.5 gb | 00:56 |
aruns | I get that error message in the PHP error log, I am guessing I need to set the FQDN for my outgoing mail server, presuming I can't do this on localhost and should use something like Gmail. | 00:56 |
toshiba_leather | join | 00:56 |
aruns | My user is a member of the www-data group through which I administer /var/www, and I have made www-data a member of the mail group, and I do not have to invoke sudo for running sendmail so it does not seem to be a file permissions issue AFAIK. | 00:56 |
toshiba_leather | #join #ubuntu-steam | 00:56 |
toshiba_leather | join #ubuntu-steam | 00:57 |
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CuChulaind | Got it, it was an LVM | 00:58 |
lotuspsychje | aruns: ubuntu server? | 00:59 |
lotuspsychje | gciapita: brasero is very usefull to burn iso's to a disC | 00:59 |
aruns | lotuspsychje: No | 00:59 |
night-owl | hello there! anyone who's good with hardware troubleshooting? I have a slight guess that my wifi card is malfunctioning? | 01:00 |
aruns | Ubuntu Desktop. | 01:00 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: can you share all your details mate | 01:00 |
chris_ | basing-om what's ccsm? | 01:01 |
lotuspsychje | chris_: im reading this= https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2204271 can it help? | 01:01 |
toshiba_leather | hi, chris | 01:01 |
michael_p | hi | 01:02 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: ubuntu version, wifi chipset + driver version would be handy | 01:02 |
michael_p | hi how can i get rid of files like thus preorder_wma_pac_man_connect_4_sept_rrp_40-150x150 | 01:04 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Windows apprears to be installed to sda5 ...and I see a 147 Gig gap in the partitioning . Not sure what to make of it . | 01:04 |
ax562 | hello I have a Dell Wireless 380 Bluetooth®4.0 device that ubuntu 16.04lts is not detecting | 01:04 |
ax562 | I'm unable to find bt drivers for linux | 01:04 |
lotuspsychje | ax562: system up to date to 16.04.2? did you try blueman? | 01:05 |
ax562 | yes and no | 01:06 |
ax562 | what is blueman? | 01:06 |
lotuspsychje | !info blueman | ax562 | 01:06 |
ubottu | ax562: blueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-1ubuntu2 (zesty), package size 1635 kB, installed size 4830 kB | 01:06 |
chris_ | lotuspsychje i clicked on shrink drive in disk management in windows does that count as partitioning? I doubt so | 01:06 |
ax562 | hmm | 01:06 |
ax562 | let me try | 01:06 |
night-owl | lotuspsychje: absolutely, I use ubuntu 16.04 (32 bit), wifi driver is iwl4965 (4.4.0-78-generic). the problem seems to be that after my laptop boots, the wifi connects then disconnects, then wifi disables, no wifi network list is showing any more. If I do service network-manager restart, it does the same thing again (just like after boot). if I connect myself to wired network, all is fine... also, I tried an older ubuntu from usb jus | 01:07 |
night-owl | ... the exact same thing after boot | 01:07 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: are you up to date? | 01:07 |
ax562 | i get this error | 01:07 |
ax562 | Bluez daemon is not running, blueman-manager cannot continue. | 01:07 |
ax562 | This probably means that there were no Bluetooth adapters detected or Bluetooth daemon was not started. | 01:07 |
night-owl | lotuspsychje: I do not know | 01:07 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: lsb_release -a to check | 01:08 |
chris_ | bashing-om lotuspsychje I don't know if this matters, but I'm trying to install Ubuntu 17.04 not 16.04 | 01:08 |
night-owl | lotuspsychje: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, xenial | 01:09 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: ok looks good | 01:09 |
toshiba_leather | I give up steam on ubutu, use CrossOver instead. | 01:09 |
Bashing-om | chris_: I would expect at this point that if you were to boot the installer in EFI mode; that you will have the manual option now available to install ubuntu into that unallocated space that you made . | 01:10 |
=== readingfro is now known as ifro_ | ||
night-owl | lotuspsychje: are there any log files I could check to see what's happening in the background? (apart from /var/log/dmesg) | 01:11 |
ax562 | anyone know how to check if bt is even present according to ubuntu? | 01:11 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: yeah tail -f /var/log/syslog while you fool around with wifi | 01:11 |
night-owl | lotuspsychje: what should I use for "grep" ? :) | 01:12 |
lotuspsychje | night-owl: nothing, just see whats happening in realtime | 01:12 |
toshiba_leather | ps -ef|grep XXX | 01:12 |
=== jstein is now known as Guest95626 | ||
night-owl | lotuspsychje: thanks, I'll give it a shot | 01:12 |
chris_ | bashing-om I'm gonna go over all my bios settings again. I'll return to the chat later ;) | 01:14 |
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein | ||
lotuspsychje | night-owl: sudo lshw -C network showing driver= active? | 01:15 |
lotuspsychje | ax562: lspci -nn showing your bt? | 01:15 |
gciapita | lotuspsychje the correct answer to my question was to download the debian binary package of brasero in case anyone else actually needs that answered | 01:16 |
Bashing-om | chris_: Good deal . the current Windows is in EFI and when you boot the installer you do want it also in EFI mode . | 01:17 |
GabrielC | hi i accidentally uninstalled network-manager-gnome, network-manager is still a service on my computer BUT it won't work.. i tried "apt-get download network-manager-gnome" but it didn't install by success.. how do i install network-manager-gnome ? | 01:21 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: with that command you downloaded the source code rather than the binary , is that the intent ? | 01:23 |
GabrielC | Bashing-om: repeat question in a modified way | 01:25 |
toshiba_leather | help 中文 | 01:25 |
toshiba_leather | 中 | 01:25 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: - "apt-get download network-manager-gnome" gets the source code for the net-work manager . Not at all sure what will happen for dependencies IF we try and install it . | 01:26 |
psychoticwarrior | drip drop drip drop | 01:27 |
=== masos is now known as Guest4598 | ||
Bashing-om | !info network-manager-gnome xenial | 01:28 |
ubottu | network-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 (xenial), package size 302 kB, installed size 2124 kB | 01:28 |
toshiba_leather | @ubottu | 01:30 |
bazhang | toshiba_leather, /msg the bot if you wish for more info | 01:31 |
bazhang | psychoticwarrior, please keep the unnecessary silliness out of here | 01:31 |
GabrielC | Bashing-om: can you inform me on which dependencies network-manager-gnome has? | 01:33 |
Chris_ | I'm back. I've uncovered something https://imgur.com/cayzQh2 | 01:34 |
GabrielC | Chris_ ? | 01:39 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: If you want that the network-manager be re-installed . easier to do ' sudo apt install network-manager-gnome ' The package manager will do it's job and resolve the dependencies . - If you want to know the dependencies . terminal command ' apt depends network-manager-gnome . | 01:39 |
GabrielC | boot your livecd in uefi mode, then install it in uefi mode, not succeed? copy efi files to boot | 01:39 |
GabrielC | chris_^ | 01:39 |
GabrielC | awesome Bashing-om | 01:40 |
night-owl | lotuspsychje: I'm back... however I can't understand much of that tail ...syslog :( (no real errors are visible to me) | 01:40 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: Cross fingers that the config files from before are still in effect :) | 01:40 |
GabrielC | Bashing-om: how do i reinstall all uninstalled packages that ubuntu-mate (MATE) has by default after installed? | 01:41 |
psychoticwarrior | whats up | 01:41 |
bazhang | ubuntu support psychoticwarrior | 01:41 |
chris__ | bashing-om in the 2nd boot option uefi os is there. here is another image of my bios settings if you want https://imgur.com/O2jDJlk | 01:42 |
psychoticwarrior | hows it going bazhang | 01:42 |
bazhang | psychoticwarrior, keep the chatter elsewhere please, as has been asked of you many times now | 01:42 |
Bashing-om | chris__: I do not know .. if you DO NOT choose ' load legacy option' | 01:43 |
chris__ | hold on afk | 01:43 |
psychoticwarrior | bazhang your a lma | 01:43 |
psychoticwarrior | lame | 01:43 |
Bashing-om | does that make the boot EFI ?? .. just do not know . | 01:43 |
ax562 | @lotuspsychje https://pastebin.com/kLTuDept | 01:46 |
ax562 | lotuspsychje https://pastebin.com/kLTuDept | 01:46 |
no_glrdr | hehehehhe... the funniest thing is all that people in ##namespace | 01:47 |
chris__ | bashing-om so I should TRY 'load legacy option'? | 01:48 |
psychoticwarrior | how come you need to put pci=nomsi at the end of the linux kernel line in /etc/grub/grub.cfg | 01:48 |
ax562 | i actually do not see any blue tooth adapters present | 01:48 |
CuChulaind | anyone here have experience setting up RAID on install? | 01:49 |
GabrielC | Chris_ whats your problem? | 01:50 |
CuChulaind | I am trying to follow the Ubuntu instructions, but it's not lining up | 01:51 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: you set it up manually with mdadm and then the md will become available in the installer for you to use further. | 01:51 |
Bashing-om | chris__: In that lat scrren shot I liked the USB1 -UEFI option . | 01:51 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, ok, the instructions say to go to manual setup, on each drive set up a swap, then the rest as a bootable partition | 01:51 |
CuChulaind | after doing that to all drives, then go to the RAID setup | 01:52 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, you're saying go to the RAID setup (md) let that run, then it will ask how I want to set it up? | 01:52 |
CuChulaind | the partitions that is | 01:52 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: that's one way. you could also set up LVM and everything else atop of that LVM which is using md's | 01:52 |
Bashing-om | CuChulaind: chris__ is trying to install dual boot with Win10 . | 01:52 |
chris__ | gabrielC no partitions are showing up in the ubuntu installation. | 01:52 |
GabrielC | Chris_ whew.. | 01:53 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: no, I'm saying set up the raid with mdadm in terminal, then the devices it creates will be available in the installer to use them as physical disks | 01:53 |
GabrielC | tried Gnome Desk? | 01:53 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: this is a nice reference tutorial: http://www.ducea.com/2009/03/08/mdadm-cheat-sheet/ | 01:53 |
Lownin | That's weird. On a brand new install of 16.04, sync-accounts results in "Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at /usr/bin/sync-accounts line 67." | 01:53 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, I'm doing a fresh ubuntu install, so do it on say a small partition of the first of 3 drives, boot into it, then in terminal run mdadm | 01:54 |
CuChulaind | Bashing-om, why dual boot? | 01:54 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: no, you can do it all from the live USB | 01:54 |
Bashing-om | chris__: Be aware that as Windows is EFI, if you boot legacy in the installer, the installer will not see the GPT partitioning . | 01:54 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, ok | 01:54 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: that's three drives you said you had? | 01:55 |
GabrielC | Let's say i uninstall 10 packages on a newly installed ubuntu(mate) system, how would i without knowing which packages this was, install them.. i want to install all packages that came with ubuntu-mate | 01:55 |
GabrielC | but How? | 01:55 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, yes | 01:55 |
chris__ | im leaving this chat and going to change the boot mode setting in https://imgur.com/O2jDJlk to EUFI only. does it seem like a good idea to do this? | 01:56 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: so I'd advise you go with GPT partitioning. all three drives must have 1MB "bios boot" partition (start at 1MB of each disk). Then add at 500MB on each disk which you'll use as a three-way mirror for /boot. The rest depends on what you want to set up. | 01:56 |
fallentree | s/add at/add/ | 01:56 |
Bashing-om | chris__: Yeah . ya want that installer in UEFI mode such that it sees the Windows partitions . | 01:57 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, will give that a whirl | 01:57 |
chris__ | bashing-om any idea on what UEFI OS actually is? | 01:57 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: also, if you'll use swap outside of LVM, use a mirror device for swap, don't do multiple swap partitions | 01:57 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: the reason for that is if one drive fails and you've got swap on it, your server will crash because it lost a 3rd of swap. If you really must, then set up a mirror for it. | 01:58 |
CuChulaind | fallentree, this set up is just for me to play with, not for any service, just run some vm's :-) | 01:58 |
Bashing-om | chris__: Sure ! | 01:59 |
fallentree | CuChulaind: it's wise to do it properly so it becomes a habit :) | 01:59 |
CuChulaind | :-) | 01:59 |
Bashing-om | !uefi | chris__ | 01:59 |
ubottu | chris__: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 01:59 |
chris__ | im leaving this chat for now. wish me luck | 02:00 |
r00st3r | How does ogg vorbis 112 kbps compare to what mp3 bitrate? | 02:02 |
GabrielC | yo folks! how do i get all packages that are installed in ubuntu-mate? | 02:02 |
bazhang | GabrielC, install ubuntu-mate-desktop | 02:06 |
GabrielC | will it install everything? | 02:06 |
bazhang | GabrielC, it's a metapackage, yes | 02:06 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: ^^ yeah ' sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop ' . | 02:06 |
GabrielC | cool | 02:06 |
GabrielC | ill try it, thx | 02:07 |
bazhang | np | 02:07 |
GabrielC | oh it's lightweight: 3.6kB | 02:08 |
GabrielC | how do i download it | 02:08 |
aewens | For Ubuntu 16.04, is there a way to make a live CD from your current setup? | 02:08 |
GabrielC | it needs to be installed on a offline system | 02:08 |
GabrielC | aewens: nice | 02:09 |
chris_ | NOPE | 02:09 |
chris_ | NOPE | 02:09 |
GabrielC | aewens: i thought about it myself, or if there was a way to just install;modify;make install; insert;install done | 02:09 |
chris_ | same thing!!! I disabed legacy alltogether and it STILL DOESNT WORK | 02:10 |
Bashing-om | chris_: I just do not know what to say, or tell you . I do not have access to a Dell with UEFI . | 02:11 |
GabrielC | chris_: worked on another no-like Gnu/Linux system? | 02:11 |
aewens | GabrielC: My current idea is using Clonezilla to make an image of the hard drive, but figured if there was a way to make a pseudo-district based on my setup it may work? | 02:11 |
GabrielC | aewens: no | 02:12 |
GabrielC | drivers/modules | 02:12 |
GabrielC | =different hardware.. | 02:12 |
GabrielC | you'll need all drivers/modules, also a disk that just installs it depending on the hardware.. a clone won't do that | 02:13 |
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill | ||
GabrielC | bazhang, Bashing-om: apt depends ubuntu-mate-desktop gives smug loads of list | 02:14 |
bazhang | GabrielC, As it should | 02:14 |
GabrielC | i want ALL | 02:14 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: Heavy desktop .. gots LOTS of overhead :) | 02:15 |
bazhang | GabrielC, it draws all | 02:15 |
aewens | Sorry, my app froze on me. Anyways, doesn't respin or pinguybuilder accomplish something close to making a live CD of the current setup or am I misunderstanding what those packages do? | 02:15 |
GabrielC | apt-get download ubuntu-mate-desktop gives me a 3,6 kB file, what the smug man | 02:15 |
chris_ | Bashing-om It's fine. Thanks for trying to help. lotuspsychje too. welp time to download virtualbox or some other virtual machine then | 02:15 |
bazhang | GabrielC, apt install | 02:15 |
GabrielC | aewens: you want a ramdisk.. like Parted Magic, insert, load, eject? | 02:16 |
GabrielC | BAZHANG: OFFLINE SYSTEM | 02:16 |
bazhang | GabrielC, lose the caps | 02:16 |
GabrielC | only if you don't ignore things i write that are important/needed for it to be a solved topic | 02:17 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: Again " apt-get download " gets the source code NOT the install binaries . | 02:17 |
GabrielC | HOW: do it: install: all packages: that gets: installed: when: ubuntu-mate: is installed? | 02:17 |
aewens | GabrielC: Yeah, but I guess if a live CD isn't possible, an install CD would also suffice because that would still be useful down the road. | 02:17 |
bazhang | GabrielC, you need to very explicitly say 'this is for an offline install | 02:17 |
chris_ | cya | 02:17 |
Bashing-om | GabrielC: Careful, we are all volunteers - we do not have to do this . | 02:18 |
GabrielC | chris_ google | 02:18 |
chris_ | kek fam | 02:18 |
GabrielC | kek | 02:18 |
bazhang | GabrielC, never suggest that here | 02:18 |
GabrielC | bazhang: do you have scrollbacks? mine is limited to 500 lines.. what so ever.. try finding GabrielC * offline | 02:19 |
bazhang | GabrielC, you said you want ubuntu-mate desktop, and all it provides | 02:20 |
GabrielC | enough small talk, nice to get to know you anyway.. how do i install all packages that are installed after installing ubuntu-mate, on a OFFLINE system? | 02:20 |
bazhang | GabrielC, we gave you the exact command for that | 02:20 |
bazhang | GabrielC, not with that attitude, lose caps now | 02:21 |
GabrielC | i want: the same packages that are installed after installing UBUNTU-MATE, but I want to install them without internet access | 02:21 |
GabrielC | bazhang: apt-get download ubuntu-mate-desktop does not contain more then 3.6 kB | 02:21 |
bazhang | GabrielC, we never told you to do that | 02:22 |
GabrielC | can you give me an answer? | 02:22 |
bazhang | GabrielC, it's apt install <---NOT download | 02:22 |
GabrielC | ok.. | 02:23 |
GabrielC | i am going to reboot to my system that has no network access, and issue that command you gave me.. thanks.. brb | 02:23 |
GabrielC | ...not im not that stupid troll | 02:23 |
aewens | Sorry, crappy client was crappy, using irssi now. So would respin allow me to make an install CD/DVD for my current setup or am I misunderstanding what it does? | 02:25 |
notanonatall | Hi guys | 02:26 |
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aewens | Hello | 02:26 |
=== Guest48140 is now known as floatingleaves | ||
aewens | Or I guess a better way to word my question would be how one would go about making a derivative distro of Ubuntu 16.04 for personal use? | 02:27 |
notanonatall | Anyone know how to get a list of available channels | 02:27 |
bazhang | !alis | notanonatall | 02:27 |
ubottu | notanonatall: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http" | 02:27 |
bazhang | ask for more in #freenode notanonatall | 02:28 |
notanonatall | Thnx | 02:28 |
aewens | Most of the methods I found seem to be abandoned projects that worked for ealier Ubuntu versions. | 02:29 |
marquezini | hi | 03:53 |
psychoticwarrior | hey | 03:53 |
=== marquezini is now known as _B0y | ||
_B0y | psychoticwarrior, you are psychotic | 03:54 |
kostkon | _B0y, that was uncalled for | 03:54 |
psychoticwarrior | yes i am | 03:55 |
psychoticwarrior | I see videos play in my mind | 03:55 |
psychoticwarrior | like the minds eye | 03:55 |
psychoticwarrior | third eye | 03:55 |
_B0y | what drug you use | 03:55 |
kostkon | psychoticwarrior, at 120fps | 03:55 |
psychoticwarrior | lol | 03:55 |
bazhang | !ot > psychoticwarrior | 03:55 |
ubottu | psychoticwarrior, please see my private message | 03:55 |
psychoticwarrior | i dont use drugs anymore | 03:55 |
_B0y | for therapy | 03:55 |
bazhang | psychoticwarrior, cut it out | 03:55 |
_B0y | antipsychotic | 03:55 |
mujjingun | hey guys can you please help me with this problem | 03:56 |
bazhang | _B0y, you as well | 03:56 |
psychoticwarrior | enough of the psychotic chat | 03:56 |
kostkon | mujjingun, shoot | 03:57 |
mujjingun | ive apparently been banned from ##programming and i dont know why | 03:57 |
mujjingun | i havent said anything in that channel | 03:57 |
bazhang | mujjingun, please, #freenode | 03:58 |
mujjingun | oh thanks sorry | 03:58 |
bazhang | mujjingun, this is not an ubuntu issue | 03:58 |
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scroat | moin. | 04:35 |
scroat | How can I read kindle books on my local PC. Not in a web browser? | 04:35 |
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|aiWaSS| | hey | 04:45 |
duckgoose | hello | 04:47 |
|aiWaSS| | hola carapene | 04:47 |
|aiWaSS| | e un pene prodijioso xD | 04:49 |
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bray90820 | Is it possible to have a2dp for output and have a microphone working at the same time | 05:47 |
bray90820 | The microphone is integrated in the speaker | 05:47 |
iparhan | hello guys | 06:00 |
heston | hi all, anyone know what a typical rate per kB/s for ddrescue? Mine seems to be around 100 kB/S | 06:02 |
heston | with the current rate spiking up to 16000 kB/s | 06:02 |
EriC^^ | heston: seems low, never used ddrescue though, it's low for dd | 06:03 |
EriC^^ | it's on the same pc? | 06:03 |
heston | EriC^^, yeah i just have no idea to know what the bottle neck it | 06:03 |
heston | is* | 06:03 |
heston | yeah it's from sata drive to sata drive but one is in a usb enclosure | 06:04 |
heston | for just pure reads on one drive and only writes on the destination, this is absolutely brutal. This 650 GB drive is going to take a week to mirror | 06:05 |
heston | it'll probably be dead before that | 06:05 |
EriC^^ | where did you get the numbers from? | 06:06 |
heston | ddresecue provides them | 06:06 |
EriC^^ | aha | 06:06 |
EriC^^ | maybe it's trying to read it over and over or something? | 06:07 |
heston | I don't believe it does that on the first pass with the settings i used | 06:07 |
heston | there's definitely an option to do that | 06:08 |
EriC^^ | try sudo dd if=/dev/sdx of=/path/to/mounted/hdd bs=4M count=200 status=progress as a test maybe | 06:08 |
EriC^^ | make sure you give it the path to the mountpoint not the actual disk name | 06:08 |
heston | why not the disk? | 06:09 |
EriC^^ | right good point | 06:09 |
heston | average read is down to bytes | 06:10 |
EriC^^ | forgot that youll have to stop ddrescue anyways | 06:10 |
heston | average rate* | 06:10 |
heston | i would yeah..which id rather not | 06:10 |
heston | i dont think this drive is going to make it | 06:10 |
EriC^^ | let me try ddrescue here and see how it behaves with my drive | 06:10 |
EriC^^ | you used the gddrescue package from ubuntu repos right? | 06:11 |
heston | i did | 06:11 |
EriC^^ | what command did you run? | 06:11 |
heston | # ddrescue -f -n /dev/sdX /dev/sdY rescue.log | 06:11 |
EriC^^ | current rate 105mb/s from a sata drive to a usb2.0 ext hdd | 06:13 |
heston | thatd be nice :/ | 06:13 |
EriC^^ | it's getting less now, 40mb/s | 06:13 |
EriC^^ | 100mb/s again seems steady | 06:14 |
heston | it took me an hour to copy 300 Megs | 06:14 |
EriC^^ | maybe the usb port is bad or something? | 06:14 |
duckgoose | usb3 | 06:14 |
heston | well the dying drive is throwing errors as we speak | 06:14 |
duckgoose | get it | 06:14 |
kikuk | hah | 06:14 |
kikuk | hay | 06:14 |
heston | usb 2 wouldnt be giving me 100 kB/s | 06:15 |
heston | not even usb 1 | 06:15 |
EriC^^ | yeah i tried usb2.0 it's giving 100mb/s | 06:15 |
EriC^^ | heston: anything in "dmesg" ? | 06:15 |
heston | piles of read errors | 06:15 |
EriC^^ | hmm usb3.0 isnt that different, it's 100mb/s too | 06:16 |
EriC^^ | heston: maybe that's it, giving it some time i guess | 06:17 |
EriC^^ | heston: maybe it will get faster as the errors go away | 06:17 |
heston | as far as i understood, it's supposed to ignore all the errors and just keep going | 06:18 |
heston | then if you want to do a second pass you run a seperate command to retry all the bad sectors | 06:18 |
EriC^^ | aha sata to sata was 110mb/s , usb3.0 to itself is 140mb/s | 06:19 |
EriC^^ | heston: hmm | 06:20 |
EriC^^ | heston: what's in the rescue.log? | 06:21 |
bray90820 | Is it possible to have a2dp for output and have a microphone working at the same time | 06:22 |
bray90820 | The microphone is integrated in the speaker | 06:22 |
bray90820 | It's a JBL Flip | 06:22 |
heston | EriC^^, it's not quite human usable | 06:23 |
heston | https://pastebin.com/QSPtKQBC with about a thousand more lines | 06:23 |
heston | ah well, thanks for trying on your end, I think the drive is just too far gone | 06:26 |
EriC^^ | heston: maybe just copy the partitions that you need? | 06:29 |
heston | EriC^^, its a clients drive who wants their data | 06:33 |
heston | but i think im just going to have him take it to a professional at this ppint | 06:34 |
EriC^^ | alright | 06:34 |
heston | anyways im going to call it a day, gnight | 06:35 |
EriC^^ | thx, you too | 06:35 |
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koowgnojeel | Taehee_Jang: :o | 06:48 |
somerandomteen | Hey all. I have Windows installed on my laptop in UEFI mode. I need to install Ubuntu in CSM mode, and dualboot with the Windows UEFI install. My laptop's BIOS supports simultaneous UEFI and CSM. How do I get the Ubuntu installer to do that? | 06:57 |
dax | somerandomteen: "I need to install Ubuntu in CSM mode" => why? | 07:03 |
dax | because if there is not some reason i'm not aware of, the correct procedure here is 1) turn Secure Boot off if it's on, 2) install Ubuntu as UEFI | 07:04 |
Taehee_Jang | koowgnojeel Hi | 07:05 |
somerandomteen | dax: Samsung laptop, need to have control of keyboard backlight whilst in Ubuntu, in UEFI the samsung-laptop module is blacklisted because it was found to permanently brick laptops. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/1040557?comments=all | 07:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1040557 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "UEFI boot live-usb bricks SAMSUNG 530U3C,np700z5c laptop" [Critical,Fix released] | 07:05 |
Taehee_Jang | koowgnojeel I'm sorry to replay late because we're having ubuntu regluar seminar now. | 07:05 |
dax | Taehee_Jang: koowgnojeel left the channel | 07:06 |
en0 | Sup Malik | 07:06 |
Taehee_Jang | Oops Thank you lol | 07:06 |
=== en0 is now known as en01 | ||
dax | somerandomteen: Alrighty. The Ubuntu installer doesn't decide whether you're booting in UEFI mode or CSM mode. If you boot the installer in CSM, it will install in a way that works with CSM, and vice versa. | 07:07 |
dax | somerandomteen: choice of which mode to boot in is made by your UEFI firmware | 07:07 |
somerandomteen | dax: Whenever I tried to force a CSM install, I just got dumped out at grub rescue on reboot. boot-repair wouldn't fix it. | 07:07 |
en01 | Who is a great javascript programmer? Was just on the irc nothing worthy. :''[ | 07:08 |
en01 | weed | 07:08 |
dax | somerandomteen: then either you didn't boot the installer in CSM, or you're not booting the installed Ubuntu in CSM | 07:09 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | I thought it went sideways where secure boot is off and install in uefi | 07:10 |
dax | Jack_Sparrow__: Ubuntu works fine with secure boot on (usually) or off. It also works fine in UEFI and CSM mode. | 07:10 |
somerandomteen | dax: as I understand it, the way that the UEFI and CSM dual support loader in my BIOS works is that it looks for UEFI first, then falls back to CSM if UEFI isn't found. Is it possible it's trying to load UEFI in Ubuntu even though Ubuntu is installed in CSM? | 07:10 |
dax | somerandomteen: yes | 07:11 |
somerandomteen | there's the problem then :P I have no idea how one would get around that | 07:11 |
dax | that's a firmware issue | 07:11 |
dax | usual recommendation is "install all OSes with the same mode and then set only that mode in your firmware" | 07:11 |
dax | but if you don't feel like reinstalling Windows, that is non-ideal | 07:12 |
somerandomteen | well, I mean, I had concluded that was probably the only option - I'm downloading a w10 ISO right now - but I thought I'd try other ways first as that's a bit of a PITA | 07:12 |
ducasse | somerandomteen: try running ubiquity with -b to install, then install grub manually | 07:12 |
dax | ducasse: what is ubiquity -b? it's not documented in its manpage | 07:13 |
ducasse | dax: "don't install bootloader" | 07:13 |
somerandomteen | excuse my ignorance, but how does one run a custom ubiquity launch command from the livecd? just boot into live and run from a root terminal? | 07:14 |
dax | huh. that's what i get for assuming complete manpages i guess. never knew about that | 07:14 |
ducasse | somerandomteen: boot in 'try ubuntu' mode, yes | 07:14 |
somerandomteen | awesome, will do, ta | 07:15 |
Kali_Yuga | hello i've been looking now for a while for a feature like this for linux https://www.howtogeek.com/115656/3-ways-to-normalize-sound-volume-on-your-pc/ Loudness Equalization cuz my sound level in linux is all over the place. I've tried the LADSPA plugin which apparently installed but had no effect whatsoever. what can I do? the sound in movies over speakers is just terrible | 07:17 |
en01 | weed | 07:20 |
touchpadead_ | hey guys! after fresh install of xubuntu 16.04 my enabled, detected touchpad doesn't work. Any ideas on fixes? | 07:21 |
roobi | touchpadead_, what are you running on? | 07:21 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: What do you mean? my laptop? | 07:22 |
roobi | touchpadead_, yes | 07:22 |
roobi | Can you run: less /proc/bus/input/devices | 07:22 |
roobi | Does your touchpad device show up? | 07:22 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | In Terminal: sudo apt-get install inxi ...then inxi -Fxxrzc0 | pastebinit Provide link - So We can see what you are working with | 07:23 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: Acer Aspire E5-571G-59EG | 07:24 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: yes, it is, ill get u a screenshot in a sec | 07:24 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Im on acer aspire here | 07:24 |
roobi | touchpadead_, do what Jack_Sparrow__ suggested | 07:25 |
roobi | you might have to: sudo apt-get install inxi pastebinit | 07:25 |
touchpadead_ | ok, on it guys, thanks | 07:25 |
roobi | Jack_Sparrow__, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ?? Acer use synaptics? | 07:26 |
en01 | weed | 07:27 |
touchpadead_ | well i did the commands but it only delivers system info | 07:28 |
roobi | touchpadead_, can you paste the link of the command: inxi -Fxxrzc0 | pastebinit | 07:29 |
roobi | then we can help you actively debug this | 07:29 |
touchpadead_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676085/ | 07:29 |
roobi | touchpadead_, run: cat /proc/bus/input/devices | pastebinit | 07:31 |
roobi | and share link | 07:31 |
touchpadead_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676099/ | 07:31 |
touchpadead_ | last entry should be the touchpad | 07:32 |
touchpadead_ | and why do you guys use apt-get? Benefits or old habits? | 07:32 |
roobi | touchpadead_, https://askubuntu.com/questions/888577/ubuntu-touchpad-not-working | 07:34 |
roobi | In short You have running 4.8.x-53, and as of -52+ your touchpad drivers are not fully\ supported | 07:35 |
roobi | touchpadead_, restart your laptop and load up BIOS configuration and set your Mouse Settings from Advanced to Basic | 07:35 |
roobi | touchpadead_, seems to be the only fix at the moment | 07:36 |
touchpadead_ | i dont have a bios :/ | 07:36 |
roobi | UEFI | 07:36 |
roobi | ? | 07:36 |
touchpadead_ | at least not one i can acess | 07:36 |
touchpadead_ | only grub | 07:36 |
somerandomteen | touchpadead_: laptop make and model? | 07:36 |
urbo | Hey guys, I have a question is there any way to install bspwm without having to compile it. I'm on ubuntu 16.04. | 07:36 |
somerandomteen | nm, found it | 07:36 |
somerandomteen | one moment | 07:36 |
touchpadead_ | somerandomteen: Acer Aspire E5-571G-59EG | 07:37 |
somerandomteen | touchpadead_: try mashing F2 on bootup | 07:37 |
somerandomteen | when you get the Acer logo, mash F2 | 07:37 |
touchpadead_ | When i start up my linux the only thing i see is grub which worries me since mb ill need to boot from usb or so | 07:37 |
touchpadead_ | k, shall i go offline for a sec to try it? | 07:38 |
somerandomteen | erm, I mean, sure - would have thought it would have been better to use a different device for irc but nm | 07:38 |
roobi | somerandomteen, touchpadead_, you will not be able to reach BIOS/UEFI via f2/f12 on touchpadead_ 's specific acer laptop | 07:39 |
ducasse | urbo: you can upgrade to an ubuntu version that has it, look for a ppa or build it yourself | 07:39 |
somerandomteen | roobi: how come? Acer's support shows that as being their standard | 07:39 |
en01 | weed | 07:39 |
roobi | touchpadead_, You are installed with secureboot UEFI | 07:40 |
ducasse | en01: please stop that | 07:40 |
roobi | touchpadead_, which prevents simple access to UEFI | 07:40 |
roobi | touchpadead_, looking this up now for you | 07:40 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: so, i can't fix my problem since i can't access it? what's the move here? | 07:40 |
touchpadead_ | thx | 07:40 |
somerandomteen | ah okay, touchpadead_ are you dualbooting with windows? | 07:40 |
roobi | touchpadead_, run: systemctl reboot --firmware-setup | 07:40 |
touchpadead_ | somerandomteen: nah since my laptop is pure linux | 07:41 |
urbo | ducasse; how would I go about finding the ppa? | 07:41 |
roobi | And when in the UEFI menu look for Mouse/Touchpad settings and change from Advanced->Basic | 07:41 |
somerandomteen | ah ok, I defer to roobi's greater experience :P | 07:41 |
ducasse | urbo: search launchpad, or use google | 07:41 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: "reboot: unrecognized option '--firmware-setup'" | 07:41 |
roobi | touchpadead_, 16.04? | 07:41 |
touchpadead_ | yes | 07:42 |
ducasse | urbo: also check their homepage/github, maybe they have their own repo | 07:42 |
en01 | dick | 07:42 |
roobi | touchpadead_, run: efibootmgr -n 0 | 07:43 |
roobi | touchpadead_, then run: systemctl reboot | 07:43 |
roobi | touchpadead_, this should reboot your machine into UEFI just for this one time | 07:43 |
touchpadead_ | efibootmgr: EFI variables are not supported on this system. | 07:43 |
roobi | touchpadead_, SOB ok one sec | 07:44 |
urbo | ducasse: I just checked baskervilles github page for bspwm in only has instructions for compiling and setting it up there after. I'll keep checking for ppa that might have it. | 07:45 |
roobi | touchpadead_, run: cat /sys/firmware/efi | 07:45 |
roobi | Does that file exist? | 07:45 |
touchpadead_ | no | 07:45 |
ducasse | urbo: try ppa.launchpad.net | 07:46 |
roobi | touchpadead_, are you dual booting? | 07:49 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: as said, no | 07:49 |
roobi | touchpadead_, and did you wipe all partitions when you installed ubuntu? Fresh 16.04? | 07:50 |
touchpadead_ | my laptop went through dban and xubuntu solo install before i sent it with a defect to repair it, there is only one partition | 07:51 |
roobi | Does it show you a GRUB menu during boot? | 07:52 |
touchpadead_ | y | 07:52 |
roobi | touchpadead_, Grub does have, in the Other Options menu... the ability to Reboot Into System Setup | 07:53 |
roobi | Have you tried that? | 07:53 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: no, i never have seen "other options" except memtests and advanced buntu boots | 07:53 |
ducasse | roobi: not unless it's installed in uefi mode, which his isn't | 07:53 |
roobi | ducasse, ahh gotcha | 07:54 |
roobi | Everything I am seeing for your model laptop has been a little ridiculous | 07:54 |
ducasse | touchpadead_: your best option is to boot a live image and hope it boots in uefi mode by default | 07:55 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: ye i know like bumblebee isn't enough | 07:55 |
roobi | ducasse is right touchpadead_ | 07:55 |
roobi | You might need to create a UEFI ThumbDrive Live Image | 07:56 |
touchpadead_ | ducasse: thig is i already tried my linux stick but it always boots from hard disk | 07:56 |
roobi | And hope it boots using UEFI so you can run systemctl reboot --firmware-setup | 07:56 |
roobi | It seems like your model laptop was meant to use the Windows Recovery partition to direct UEFI rebooting into EFI/BIOS | 07:56 |
ducasse | touchpadead_: most uefi firmwares have a built-in boot manager to select device/efi executable to boot, you can look in your laptop's manual for that | 07:57 |
=== zalabas is now known as ^PH03N|X^ | ||
roobi | The only other way around it seems to be pulling the power, pulling the battery, pulling the HDDrive and pulling the CMOS battery (letting it sit for a few minutes) and then restarting it with a fresh boot | 07:57 |
urbo | ducasse: I couldn't find a ppa for it so decided to compile bspwm, and sxhkd.. thanks for the helpful links | 07:57 |
roobi | touchpadead_, but I dont suggest going that far just yet | 07:57 |
touchpadead_ | k, thx guys, will try to find my uefi way | 07:58 |
roobi | touchpadead_, as ducasse said... f2, f12, del or other keypress options havent worked for you? | 07:58 |
touchpadead_ | i tried f12 and f8 but not the other | 07:58 |
roobi | touchpadead_, if you do solve this... make sure you install ubuntu from a UEFI compat drive next time around | 07:58 |
roobi | touchpadead_, this should give you the EFI systemctl reboot --firmware-setup ability | 07:59 |
ducasse | touchpadead_: there's no prompt on boot to 'show boot menu' or similar? | 07:59 |
touchpadead_ | ill brb, try some, might be gone completely since i have to go to the library soon | 07:59 |
touchpadead_ | no there is not, acer logo into grub | 07:59 |
=== ^PH03N|X^ is now known as Zalabash | ||
touchpadead | f2 actually worked | 08:04 |
touchpadead | i reordered boot order, now on my live usb linux | 08:04 |
somerandomteen | wahey :) roobi, what made you think it wouldn't? | 08:04 |
ducasse | touchpadead: did it get you into the bios or just give you a menu of boot devices? | 08:05 |
touchpadead | full fledged bios | 08:05 |
somerandomteen | should be bios | 08:05 |
somerandomteen | yep | 08:05 |
ducasse | touchpadead: did you change the touchpad setting? :) | 08:05 |
w6equj5 | Hi all, I have a program with a GUI that is running under wine on one computer (Xubuntu 14.04). I'd like to run that program (with its X window) from another computer on the same network through SSH. So I conenct to the first computer with ssh -X but it doesn't work. It tells me to make sure X server is running and $DISPLAY is set correctly. Thoughts? | 08:06 |
touchpadead | no, this i couldnt find. Where should i look for it again_ | 08:06 |
touchpadead | sry, not used to eng layout | 08:06 |
ducasse | "look for Mouse/Touchpad settings and change from Advanced->Basic" | 08:06 |
touchpadead | ok, brb | 08:06 |
ducasse | w6equj5: are you running this from windows or something? | 08:07 |
roobi | somerandomteen, literally all of google and askubuntu | 08:08 |
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein | ||
somerandomteen | roobi: er, http://community.acer.com/t5/2013-Archives/Acer-Aspire-E1-571-how-to-get-into-BIOS/td-p/72735 https://us.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27103/kw/uefi http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/3847-73-cant-access-bios-menu-boot-menu-acer-6806 | 08:10 |
w6equj5 | ducasse, No, I'm runnning this from Xubuntu 16.04 | 08:10 |
touchpadead_ | Still dead | 08:11 |
roobi | touchpadead_, got it changed though? | 08:11 |
ducasse | w6equj5: and you just open a terminal and ssh to the other machine? | 08:11 |
touchpadead_ | Set to basic, booted, not working, rebooted again | 08:11 |
roobi | can you try booting in to 14.04? | 08:11 |
touchpadead_ | for this i'd have to download and write the iso, i gotta go in 15 ins | 08:12 |
w6equj5 | ducasse, Yes, exactly, I 'ssh -X' into the other machine, and was hoping to be able to run 'wine JRS.exe' and see the program displaying on my computer, but nope. | 08:12 |
touchpadead_ | *mins | 08:12 |
touchpadead_ | shouldn't newer ubuntu support more hardware anyway? why 14.04? | 08:13 |
ducasse | w6equj5: x forwarding might be disabled on sshd on the remote machine, have you changed the sshd config there at any point? | 08:13 |
w6equj5 | ducasse, No I haven't | 08:14 |
roobi | touchpadead_, not always the case with linux kernel drivers for proprietary devices | 08:14 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: well wouldn't it be only a solution til lts expires? | 08:15 |
roobi | touchpadead_, what does it say when you run: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | 08:16 |
touchpadead_ | "The following packages have unmet dependencies: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics : Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:" | 08:16 |
roobi | xfce xubuntu right? | 08:17 |
touchpadead_ | y | 08:17 |
roobi | well | 08:20 |
roobi | you could try installing xserver-xorg-core | 08:21 |
roobi | and then xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | 08:21 |
roobi | and cross your fingers | 08:21 |
pxfgod | I type "sudo date -s 16:00" to reset time. and the response is sudo date -s 16:00 | 08:22 |
pxfgod | Sat 27 May 16:00:00 CST 2017 | 08:22 |
touchpadead_ | roobi: both installed now | 08:22 |
roobi | reboot | 08:22 |
roobi | and come back | 08:22 |
pxfgod | but I retype "date" It comes to 16:22 agin | 08:22 |
touchpadead_ | k, i will have to go now | 08:22 |
touchpadead_ | await my return and reboot, thanks for all the help | 08:23 |
pxfgod | pxf@aurogon02-PowerEdge-R410:~/game/pub$ sudo date -s 16:00 | 08:23 |
pxfgod | Sat 27 May 16:00:00 CST 2017 | 08:23 |
pxfgod | pxf@aurogon02-PowerEdge-R410:~/game/pub$ date | 08:23 |
pxfgod | Sat 27 May 16:20:03 CST 2017 | 08:23 |
NetBilly | Greetings #ubuntu. I need help with "Directed I/O" not showing in dmesg on Ubuntu 17.04. Using Xeon 2670 that definitely supports it. I also updated the microcode. Can anyone point me in the right direction? | 08:23 |
pxfgod | WHY | 08:23 |
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syluccy | hey guys! I'm trying to install Jackett here https://www.htpcguides.com/install-jackett-on-ubuntu-14-x-for-custom-torrents-in-sonarr/ | 08:27 |
syluccy | Could anyone be so kind to help me out a bit :( | 08:27 |
syluccy | stucked at the mono part | 08:27 |
pxfgod | http://paste.debian.net/945052, WHY my time is set back? | 08:41 |
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ducasse | pxfgod: try setting the time with 'sudo timedatectl set-time whatever' instead | 08:48 |
ikonia | is ntp not putting it back ? | 08:49 |
ikonia | although thats bigger than 5 minutes so it shouldn't | 08:49 |
ikonia | but chrony doesn't have the 5 minute limit, so if you're using chrony that could explain it | 08:49 |
fgarbo | hi. i am trying to upgrade an old ubuntu 12, i686, and i am not even sure what mirrors should i try, i am either getting that there are no updates, or a bunch of errors, ignores, missing stuff | 09:00 |
ducasse | !eolupgrade | fgarbo | 09:01 |
ubottu | fgarbo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 09:01 |
fgarbo | thanks ducasse. what should be "my release" be? asking because the page you linked only says "CODENAME being your release, e.g. quantal." | 09:02 |
ducasse | fgarbo: 'precise' | 09:02 |
ducasse | fgarbo: if it's 12.04? | 09:03 |
fgarbo | yes. Description:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS | 09:03 |
fgarbo | and it's an old machine with intel core 2 | 09:04 |
fgarbo | for some reason running 32bit, not sure if the processor is that though | 09:04 |
ducasse | fgarbo: ('lsb_release -c' will also return the codename) | 09:04 |
fgarbo | oh, and i have to give what i have now, not where i going. thanks again! | 09:05 |
ducasse | fgarbo: np :) | 09:05 |
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fgarbo | this is what i am getting: Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found | 09:15 |
ducasse | fgarbo: what did you get from the regular mirrors? | 09:17 |
fgarbo | ducasse, i don't quite understand the question. i run the update and it said some packages was missing or ignored or errored. something along these lines | 09:18 |
fgarbo | i still have the old sources.list so i can try | 09:18 |
fgarbo | is there an easy pastebin command to use with apt-get? | 09:19 |
ducasse | fgarbo: do that, pastebin the complete output. 'sudo apt-get update | nc termbin.com 9999' | 09:19 |
shivam | shivam | 09:19 |
shivam | hi | 09:20 |
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Guest47188 | hi | 09:20 |
shivam_ | sbs123 | 09:20 |
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fgarbo | ducasse, http://termbin.com/fc4d but it does not seem like the process ended, it has not returned yet | 09:22 |
fgarbo | this pastebin has some issues | 09:24 |
ducasse | usually works fine.. | 09:24 |
ducasse | fgarbo: try 'sudo apt-get install -f | nc termbin.com 9999' | 09:25 |
fgarbo | ducasse, http://termbin.com/3zxi :D :D | 09:27 |
ducasse | fgarbo: strange. can you run it without the pipe and pastebin the output manually? | 09:28 |
pikselprojekt | Hello, I've got problem and I was wondering is there a solution waht don't take to much time and will work correctly with my newest version of Ubuntu Studio. I neet to install old Inkscape 4.8.5! Anyone? | 09:28 |
fgarbo | ducasse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24676871/ | 09:29 |
ducasse | fgarbo: there seems to be problems with that particular mirror, has this been going on for long? | 09:31 |
fgarbo | ducasse, not quite sure since when this started. is there a goto safe mirror i could chose to be sure it's not because of it? | 09:32 |
fgarbo | not my machine, my father's, i traveled home to fix it :P | 09:33 |
fgarbo | if i can | 09:33 |
ducasse | !mirrors | fgarbo pick one ;) | 09:33 |
ubottu | fgarbo pick one ;): Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Zesty, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 09:33 |
fgarbo | ducasse, well, this is embarassing but i got confused. i have lots of things in the sources list, doesn't seem like a straightforward change | 09:38 |
ducasse | fgarbo: it seems your sources are a mess, yes | 09:38 |
fgarbo | what if i delete them and just add the minimum? what can go wrong? | 09:39 |
ducasse | fgarbo: move it out of the way, then generate a clean one - https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ | 09:39 |
fgarbo | cool, thanks | 09:40 |
fgarbo | yeah that doesn't have precise as selectable | 09:42 |
ducasse | search and replace? the codename should be the only difference. | 09:45 |
fgarbo | oh, good to know | 09:45 |
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sirru5h | Howdy everyone | 09:56 |
minas114 | Is this to place discuss about 17.10? | 10:18 |
MonkeyDust | minas114 #ubuntu+1 | 10:19 |
minas114 | Thanks MonkeyDust | 10:19 |
fgarbo | so, precise is not here http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ no wonder i am getting 404 | 10:28 |
ducasse | fgarbo: then it should be in the regular repos still | 10:29 |
fgarbo | right, it's LTS | 10:30 |
fgarbo | never liked the concept :) | 10:30 |
ducasse | it's still eol now, so totally unsupported | 10:30 |
fgarbo | :D | 10:31 |
fgarbo | not totally, you helped me already :) | 10:31 |
ducasse | not much more i can help you with, i'm afraid :) | 10:31 |
fgarbo | ducasse, well, because i am not too lost with linux, i mostly just needed context, what names mean and what should i expect | 10:33 |
fgarbo | so now i managed to start the gui upgrade to 14.04 lts | 10:33 |
fgarbo | will see if it works | 10:33 |
klonschaf | Hello, I have a question: I am trying to configure a pxe server to install ubuntu over network. I have to use UEFI and I am running into the problem that the signed grub provided by ubuntu (grubnetx64.efi.signed) seems to ignore the grub.conf I provide and not even look for it. So I always end up in grubshell and the only fs I can access is the memdisk with a grub.cfg in it that is not mine. Can anyone | 10:34 |
klonschaf | please point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance! | 10:34 |
ducasse | fgarbo: seemed like you had quite a few ppas, those can cause problems on upgrades. the upgrade will also disable them, so you might want to reenable them later. | 10:34 |
fgarbo | ducasse, yeah, some 10 ppa's were disabled, probably not a big issue overall | 10:37 |
parapan_ | hello I have an external HDD 3 partitions ....one is 283 Gb with used space 174 Gb, ext3 filesystem but I cannot find any files on this partition , only the lost+found directory ... | 10:37 |
fgarbo | klonschaf, you sure you have UEFI properly configured? it can be quite complicated to get it right | 10:38 |
parapan_ | how should I check if there are any valuable data inside ? | 10:38 |
klonschaf | fgarbo: I am completely new to this topic so all I did so far was setting up the tftp-server, checked it was working properly with "old" bios (which it was) and then tried to follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/PXE-netboot-install . I already made sure to use the current grubnetx64.efi.signed. At first I thought I didn't use the correct netboot-images or didn't configure tftp right, | 10:44 |
klonschaf | until I realised that the signed bootloader seems to ignore my provided grub.cfg. Where could I check my UEFI configuration? | 10:44 |
klonschaf | Anyone familiar with PXE in combination with UEFI that could assist me? Thanks in advance! | 10:54 |
ikonia | just ask | 10:55 |
erialdo | Hello I changed the name of some folders in the Documents area including the ones containing the Android SDK | 10:55 |
ikonia | ok ? | 10:55 |
erialdo | now when I open android studio it says missing sdk | 10:55 |
klonschaf | Hello, I have a question: I am trying to configure a pxe server to install ubuntu over network. I have to use UEFI and I am running into the problem that the signed grub provided by ubuntu (grubnetx64.efi.signed) seems to ignore the grub.conf I provide and not even look for it. So I always end up in grubshell and the only fs I can access is the memdisk with a grub.cfg in it that is not mine. Can anyone | 10:56 |
erialdo | could someone tell the default name of android sdk folders | 10:56 |
klonschaf | please point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance! | 10:56 |
ikonia | because it's looking the wrong place as you've renamed them | 10:56 |
erialdo | yes I know | 10:56 |
ikonia | look in the android studio config at where it expects it, and either rename the folder, or change the path | 10:56 |
klonschaf | ikonia: yes, thank you | 10:56 |
erialdo | @ikonia , thank you | 10:57 |
erialdo | I think i got it | 10:57 |
erialdo | too easy | 10:57 |
ikonia | klonschaf: look at the syslog on the pxe server, see if it references an attempted download of the grub file you're expecting it to read (I assume it's hosted on the pxe server) | 10:57 |
klonschaf | ikonia: I don't see anything logged about the actual transfer, but the client tells me in the process it finds tftp://grubnetx64.efi.signed and downloads it succesfully. Also the grubshell opening says it is: 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3 | 11:02 |
ikonia | klonschaf: so where is your grub.conf hosted | 11:02 |
klonschaf | ikonia: I tried to put it in various places already: directly in /srv/tftp/ in /srv/tftp/grub (as the tutorial states) and in /srv/tftp/boot/ or /srv/tftp/boot/grub as other tutorials (for other os) suggested. | 11:04 |
ikonia | klonschaf: where is your pxe config telling it to look ? | 11:05 |
klonschaf | ikonia: That could be the issue: I am using isc server dhcp, so I only tell it the filename of the grubbootloader and the pxeserver's ip as next-server argument | 11:09 |
klonschaf | I don't specify the grub.cfg | 11:09 |
ppf | is there something like nvidia gamestream, but for ubuntu? | 11:13 |
ppf | i.e. stream your screen someplace, and recieve input from there? | 11:14 |
ikonia | klonschaf: so you either need to know the default location, or specify where that looks | 11:15 |
SuperSeriousCat | ppf, you mean like this? http://moonlight-stream.com/ | 11:17 |
klonschaf | ikonia: So I guess the default location from the tutorial is wrong (it is old). I will try to have a closer look at this. Thank you very much! | 11:18 |
YankDownUnder | ppf, Google is your friend: http://moonlight-stream.com/ | 11:18 |
ikonia | klonschaf: did you include the squashfs module too / | 11:18 |
ikonia | as it needs to decompress that too | 11:18 |
klonschaf | ikonia: Yes, I tried to include that as well but it didn't make any difference. But shouldn't I be able to also just make grub show a bogus menu entry that is empty for debugging? At this point I am not even trying to make grub load a kernel or initialise the ramdisk. | 11:23 |
ikonia | klonschaf: if it parses the grub.conf it should yes | 11:31 |
klonschaf | ikonia: I just had another look at the devices that ls gives me in the grub shell and it doesn't recognize any of the filesystems, except for memdisk, and it gives me for one of the (hdX) the message described in this bug http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?50518 But it only shows it for one device. Could that be related? In this case I would have to wait until a new signed version of grub is produced... | 11:38 |
ikonia | klonschaf: I'd be surprised if that was the case | 11:39 |
ikonia | klonschaf: if the grub shell can't read the file systems though, that would suggest the grub thats booting is missing the appropriate stages | 11:40 |
ikonia | however should you need to read the file system at this point ? as the grub.conf is hosted remotely, so there is nothing "local file system" needed at this point | 11:40 |
klonschaf | ikonia: I was just trying to understand how this grubversion works and what it might do to find the right grub.cfg. | 11:41 |
sns_ | Hi anyone ever fixed a ssd with some I/O errors? It was used as an external drive and the exfat filesystem got corrupted. Now I am not able to even create a new partition list on it | 11:55 |
ppf | YankDownUnder, SuperSeriousCat: that's client side only | 11:57 |
ppf | i'd need the server component as well | 11:57 |
ppf | fwiw, i'm already running moonlight on a machine. but i'd like to get rid of the windows part | 11:58 |
vimar | I used to use Knode long time ago as USENET Reader, can't find it now. Have the change the name etc? | 12:00 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, There's "Pan"... | 12:03 |
sirru5h | Hey YankDownUnder | 12:03 |
YankDownUnder | sirru5h, Peace and blessings | 12:04 |
sirru5h | Thanks man you too | 12:04 |
vimar | YankDownUnder I've used PAN long time ago, don't know why I prefer Knode | 12:08 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, Understandable...we all have our own prefs and tastes | 12:09 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, https://www.kde.org/applications/internet/knode/ | 12:10 |
vimar | YankDownUnder: I Love SLRN but don't feel like dealing with configuration NOW ;-) | 12:10 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, If you're not running Kubuntu, it would appear as though you're going to have to add a heap of KDE based ppa's for libs/support and such... | 12:10 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, I shan't even go into SLRN...I like "simple" things... :) | 12:11 |
vimar | YankDownUnder: I'm aware of that, I just felt like to see 'just' UBUNTU and I like it but..... I've some habbits which push me to use the soft I've used | 12:12 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, Fair enough, all good :) | 12:12 |
vimar | anyway apt-get is downloading PAN, I'll give it a chance. Last time I've seen it was 13 years ago LOL | 12:13 |
YankDownUnder | vimar, Yep...used it "from the beginning"...still use it now...unless I'm on macOS...then it's Unison..."old" stuff... | 12:14 |
nati | Hi | 12:17 |
nati | someone here? | 12:17 |
imran_ | yeah | 12:17 |
vimar | Hi, of course nati | 12:18 |
nati | I downloaded ubuntu, and I wanted to know, the download is AMD and I have an intel processor, it's good? | 12:18 |
vimar | Thanks YankDownUnder I'll try Pan, perhaps will say Bye to Knode | 12:18 |
vimar | nati: not reccomended | 12:18 |
nati | so from where I should download for intel? | 12:19 |
vimar | Spent another 1h and download the version for your proccesor. | 12:19 |
ducasse | nati: that does not make a difference, amd64 means it's 64-bit | 12:19 |
vimar | otherwise it's no sense installing it | 12:19 |
nati | ok | 12:20 |
nati | another question | 12:20 |
vimar | :-) | 12:20 |
Hali_303 | hi! I'm getting a bit frustrated with clipboard handling. To me, it seems, that there are two clipboards... one that is working with Ctrl+C Ctrl+V, other other is working with selecting a piece of text in a terminal with the mouse and using the middle button to paste it somewhere else.. could someone enlighten me about this? | 12:20 |
vimar | nati: ubuntu.com ....? | 12:21 |
nati | I installed other dis before, And because I have NVIDIA screen card I was needded to install with non free drivers, is this the same case with ubuntu? | 12:21 |
ducasse | nati: if you download the i386 image you will get a 32-bit system, which means certain applications (like google chrome) that are only 64-bit will not work | 12:21 |
vimar | nati: Just do not donwload amd version | 12:21 |
bindi | vimar: shut up if you don't know what you are talking about, please and thank you. | 12:22 |
ducasse | vimar: that's entirely wrong, it has nothing to do with amd/intel | 12:22 |
vimar | bindi: relax pal, and correct me otherwise shut up You | 12:22 |
nati | I installed other dis before, And because I have NVIDIA screen card I was needded to install with non free drivers, is this the same case with ubuntu? | 12:23 |
nati | plz answer me | 12:23 |
rdh | me | 12:23 |
nati | lol | 12:23 |
MonkeyDust | !nvidia | nati start here | 12:24 |
ubottu | nati start here: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » | 12:24 |
ppf | so, any other suggestions about gamestream alternatives for ubuntu? | 12:24 |
vimar | ducasse: is it...? in download section you have versions to DOWNLOAD: intel : x32;x64 and AMD: x32, x64. Guess WHY? | 12:24 |
ducasse | vimar: where do you see this? | 12:24 |
sirru5h | !seen psychowarrior | 12:24 |
ubottu | I have no seen command | 12:24 |
sirru5h | good lord all mighteh | 12:24 |
MonkeyDust | sirru5h try /whowas | 12:25 |
vimar | ducasse: where you don't see it? | 12:25 |
ducasse | vimar: look here, for instance: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.2/ | 12:26 |
Kirsten | Hallo, ist hier wer, bei dem schönen Wetter? | 12:28 |
SuperSeriousCat | vimar, the only reason it is called AMD64 i because AMD was the first one to released a 64bit CPU and picked that name. It works perfectly fine on Intel CPUs aswell | 12:28 |
ducasse | vimar: amd patented the 64-bit instruction set first, which is why it's called 'amd64' | 12:28 |
klonschaf | ikonia: I am not getting anywhere with this right now, I will give it another crack later. Anyway, thank you! | 12:29 |
vimar | ducasse: I've just check the ubuntu.org and apparently the're only x32, x64 version but check netbootin there's more version intel and AMD both x32 , x64 and in other sources also | 12:30 |
vimar | ducasse: I know that it doesnt change the fact that there's many version which are confusing some people especially NEWBIES | 12:31 |
sirru5h | ahh thank you MonkeyDust | 12:31 |
ducasse | vimar: you're feeding people wrong information, maybe listen when everyone is telling you you're wrong... | 12:32 |
vimar | ducasse: oh really? Look what is POLEMISATION for :-) | 12:32 |
sns_ | Gamestreaming for ubuntu: Steam. Don't bother with nvidia gamestream for it | 12:33 |
vimar | ducasse: Did somebody Die today? :-) | 12:33 |
MonkeyDust | vimar stop | 12:33 |
* ducasse shakes head and walks away | 12:33 | |
* vimar Playing Don't stop me now | 12:33 | |
nati | @MonkeyDust I looked in the link you gave me, but I don't understand how can I tell if my screen card supported or not, when I run `lspci | grep VGA` I saw that I have only one intel one | 12:35 |
nati | but when I run | 12:35 |
nati | sudo lshw -C video | 12:35 |
nati | I saw two | 12:35 |
sns_ | nati: what card do you have? | 12:35 |
nati | description: VGA compatible controller | 12:35 |
nati | product: Intel Corporation | 12:35 |
nati | description: 3D controller | 12:35 |
nati | product: NVIDIA Corporation | 12:35 |
nati | both unclaimed | 12:35 |
nati | i'm now on linux mint | 12:36 |
sns_ | nati: download newest nvidia drivers an you're good to go | 12:36 |
nati | I do it after I install ubuntu? | 12:36 |
MonkeyDust | nati mint has its own channel, it's too different from ubuntu | 12:36 |
ducasse | !mint | nati | 12:36 |
ubottu | nati: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) | 12:36 |
sns_ | nati:yes | 12:36 |
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nati | and should I use free drivers? | 12:36 |
sns_ | nati: not if you want to game | 12:37 |
nati | I don't want to game , I just want it to work corectly | 12:37 |
sns_ | go for binary drivers from nvidia | 12:38 |
sns_ | it'll work great | 12:38 |
AssociateX | Hello, all! | 13:02 |
AssociateX | For some reason I can not access my photos on my iPhone, this comes suspiciously after a iPhone update to the OS. Does anyone have a suggestion as to where to start? | 13:04 |
ducasse | AssociateX: ios updates often break libimobiledevice, since it has to be reverse engineered | 13:05 |
fgarbo | ok, i managed to upgrade from precise to trusty lts, now I am looking for some way to install intel 810 driver. any suggestions? | 13:06 |
compdoc | does anyone run ubuntu on win10? | 13:06 |
fgarbo | also, for some reason the usb mouse sometimes freezes | 13:07 |
ppf | "on"? | 13:07 |
fgarbo | and i am not sure if i should upgrade to 16 from 14 | 13:07 |
fgarbo | have to reboot, brb | 13:11 |
ryuuk | i have ubuntu installed but i cant boot from usb, does someone know the solution to this? | 13:13 |
leftyfb | ryuuk: that has to do with your computer/motherboard and the process it requires in order to boot from usb. It is not related to Ubuntu in any way. | 13:14 |
ryuuk | leftyfb: this only ever happens when i have installed ubuntu though | 13:15 |
ryuuk | leftyfb: in the past ive been able to circumvent this by using installation discs but i dont have one available atm | 13:16 |
leftyfb | ryuuk: I think maybe that's only when you've noticed it or maybe you happen to not do the correct thing at the correct time to boot from usb. It has zero to do with what is installed on your hard drive. | 13:16 |
leftyfb | ryuuk: put it this way, you should be able to remove your hard drive completely and still boot to USB. That's how much it has nothing to do with ubuntu | 13:17 |
wannabej | clear | 13:17 |
ryuuk | alright | 13:17 |
leftyfb | ryuuk: you should be able to find documentation or a forum post online regarding how to boot to usb with your pc/motherboard | 13:18 |
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skinux | Is a sylink the right way to have web files under my user account without having a specific nGinx configuration for it? | 14:08 |
tapanik | i think i have bad jack 3,5" plug, ubuntus sound go off sometimes | 14:21 |
tapanik | spekaker system with cable | 14:21 |
tapanik | analog output | 14:21 |
tapanik | corrup cable | 14:21 |
tapanik | i gogled, same problems someone too | 14:22 |
tapanik | 14:22 | |
tapanik | ubuntu handle analog cable output ok | 14:22 |
tapanik | bluetooh dont work well | 14:22 |
tapanik | speakers | 14:23 |
tapanik | android phone paired and linux paired | 14:23 |
tapanik | i hate bluetooth | 14:23 |
tapanik | pulseaudio and soundcard conff ok | 14:24 |
tapanik | hdmi intel if hdmi | 14:24 |
xangua | So you want to transmit audio from phone to computer or computer to phone? | 14:26 |
skinux | Would someone go through list little list and add the proper standard locations? https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/832af234e9dc76003efb4f02b090fa5d | 14:30 |
rdh | http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ skinux | 14:33 |
skinux | ??? | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 14:41 |
sweety2 | i have hp pavillion but somtimes the wiwfi work and somtimes it is not working in ubuntu 16.04 | 14:42 |
cDave | I'm having an odd mount problem. df reports disk size as 2.3 GB, but parted shows 2TB. Google-fu is failing me. Any ideas? | 14:45 |
fallentree | cDave: pastebin both please | 14:48 |
cDave | fallentree: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24679472/ | 14:50 |
ducasse | !mint | skinux | 14:51 |
ubottu | skinux: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) | 14:51 |
fallentree | cDave: that indeed is weird | 14:52 |
cDave | At least I didn't miss something obvious | 14:53 |
fallentree | cDave: the only thing that comes to mind is that the partition was originally 2.3G, then resized, but the filesystem remained 2.3G, as it wasn't resized | 14:54 |
fallentree | cDave: the sdb1 partition | 14:54 |
fallentree | df shows (mounted) filesystem info, not partition | 14:55 |
cDave | Ah! That might be it. There was some old partions on it. | 14:55 |
ricard | please one program for stress cpu in ubuntu 12 | 14:55 |
fallentree | cDave: try running `resize2fs /dev/sdb1` without specifying the new size, that should grow it to maximum available on the sdb1 partition | 14:56 |
fallentree | !info stress | ricard | 14:57 |
ubottu | ricard: stress (source: stress): tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-2 (zesty), package size 17 kB, installed size 48 kB | 14:57 |
cDave | fallentree: That did the trick! Thank you | 14:58 |
ducasse | ricard: you also need to upgrade to a supported version | 14:59 |
ricard | thakyou | 14:59 |
fallentree | ricard: and as ducasse said, you should upgrade as soon as possible, 12.x are no longer supported | 15:01 |
sweet2 | i have hp pavilion laptop and somtimes i coudn't get list of wifi when i try to enebale the wifi i did try this steps https://askubuntu.com/questions/762198/16-04-lts-wifi-connection-issues but it doesnt work for me any other options | 15:23 |
_01101011_ | quit | 15:26 |
RawketLawncha | is it "Ubuntu Linux" or "GNU/Ubuntu Linux" ? | 15:30 |
thshgfh | its linux ubuntu | 15:31 |
flush | linux, distro name is called ubuntu | 15:31 |
fallentree | RawketLawncha: Ubuntu Linux or Ubuntu GNU/Linux. GNU/Ubuntu makes no sense. | 15:31 |
thshgfh | some people call it linubunt and every1 knows what you mean | 15:31 |
_ud2 | hi | 15:47 |
MonkeyDust | lo | 15:47 |
_fossil | hi | 15:49 |
_fossil | someone know why i cant chat to #debian channel? | 15:49 |
oerheks | _fossil, the message should be clear, register your name perhaps? | 15:49 |
oerheks | or banned | 15:50 |
_fossil | and where i can register? | 15:50 |
oerheks | !register | 15:50 |
ubottu | For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 15:50 |
_fossil | !register | 15:50 |
_fossil | oh ok | 15:51 |
_fossil | thnx ;) | 15:51 |
elreydelaswasas1 | I have a problem creating a root user tio log in each time i enter to my ubuntu The problem consist in that when i try to log in into my root account everytime i log in into m root account everytime before i enter into my ubntu desktop there appear the next message Se encontró un error al cargar <</root/.profile>> mesg: ttyname falló: Función ioctl no apropiada para el dispositivo como resultado la sesión no se c | 15:52 |
oerheks | elreydelaswasas1, the design of ubuntu is we have no root account, it is unsupported | 15:53 |
oerheks | !root | 15:53 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 15:53 |
elreydelaswasas1 | ubuntu is trying to make it possible to run blade&soul in ubuntu? | 15:54 |
elreydelaswasas1 | ubnut is trying to make it possible to run every windows videogame in ubntu? | 15:55 |
oerheks | elreydelaswasas1, do they provide a native client? | 15:55 |
oerheks | if it is a windows blob, see !wine | 15:56 |
Dreaman | ubuntu oper channel is | 15:56 |
elreydelaswasas1 | i will research it, i will answer you a little later | 15:56 |
elreydelaswasas1 | but you can run blade&soul using wine | 15:57 |
elreydelaswasas1 | ? | 15:57 |
fallentree | "no root account, it is unsupported" is a bit wrong and misleading to new users. There is root account, it's just passwordless and thus impossible to log into directly by default. | 15:57 |
oerheks | elreydelaswasas1, maye, wine or POL ( with wine) | 15:57 |
oerheks | fallentree, is not wrong, see the url from ubottu | 15:58 |
fallentree | it is, technically speaking. choice of words and all. | 15:58 |
elreydelaswasas1 | my last question does ubntu developers are trying to increase the windows videogames compatibily with crossover in ubntu? | 15:58 |
fallentree | "there is no root account" != "root has no password" | 15:59 |
fallentree | just run `sudo -i` and poof you're fully logged in as root. | 15:59 |
elreydelaswasas1 | do you belive ReactOs will be an open source windows? | 16:00 |
elreydelaswasas1 | can ReactOs run Blade&SOul? | 16:00 |
oerheks | elreydelaswasas1, this is ubuntu support, reactos is beyond the scope of this channel | 16:01 |
oerheks | and no, ubuntu devs do nothing about windows games, AFAIK | 16:01 |
imran_ | no sound ? | 16:01 |
elreydelaswasas1 | does this video link is usefull for create a root user:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EFygLm_D4E | 16:03 |
elreydelaswasas1 | ? | 16:03 |
fallentree | elreydelaswasas1: root user exists always, you don't "create" it. That said, you should minimize it's use and limit only to running sudo for superuser activities. DON'T run games or applications as root. | 16:05 |
=== xrandr_ is now known as xrandr | ||
=== Mr_0_ is now known as Mr_0 | ||
fgarbo | i have some issue trying to use wine, i figured i want to reinstall, but i can't even remove it. | 16:35 |
youngman | hello everyone? | 16:38 |
youngman | how do u install the crimson gpu drivers? | 16:39 |
tgm4883 | fgarbo: isn't much of a need to reinstall wine, you could delete the .wine directory which would start you off from scratch | 16:41 |
fgarbo | tgm4883, that is what i don't want to do | 16:41 |
fgarbo | tgm4883, there are a bunch of wine versions and the current one won't run a game in full screen no matter what i try :( | 16:42 |
tgm4883 | fgarbo: why can't you remove it | 16:42 |
fgarbo | if i remove the directory i lose progress in game | 16:42 |
fgarbo | and i have to reinstall and all the rest. | 16:42 |
tgm4883 | fgarbo> i have some issue trying to use wine, i figured i want to reinstall, but i can't even remove it. | 16:43 |
tgm4883 | Why can't you remove it | 16:43 |
fgarbo | tgm4883, oh, you mean wine, i was not able to figure out first what is the name of the package, but i managed it in the mean time by the time you answered | 16:44 |
tgm4883 | fgarbo: ah ok | 16:45 |
fgarbo | obviously did not change a thing | 16:46 |
fgarbo | this worked under 12.04 | 16:46 |
hbx | I have a quick question how do I set systemwide proxy settings in Xubuntu? I tried the /etc/enviornment file but that did not work... | 16:50 |
youngman | how do u get the amd drivers installed, the guide on the amd website doesnt work | 16:51 |
youngman | !! | 16:51 |
youngman | can anyone point me 2 a server? | 16:51 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !amd | 16:54 |
ubottu | Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD | 16:54 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | NOTE: FGLRX.. !!! | 16:54 |
EriC^^ | youngman: yes it does | 16:55 |
EriC^^ | youngman: untar the file then do ./amd....blabla-install | 16:56 |
EriC^^ | youngman: remember to add yourself to the video group as the guide says in case that matters | 16:56 |
EriC^^ | (then logout and back in for it to take effect) | 16:56 |
tomreyn | hbx: how did you configure it in /etc/environment ? | 16:56 |
youngman | what on the amd website?? | 16:57 |
EriC^^ | hbx: did you check settings > proxy or something in the menu? | 16:57 |
EriC^^ | youngman: ? | 16:57 |
hbx | Eric I dont see that in settings | 16:57 |
youngman | i really just want to mine cryptocurrencies on this machioine | 16:58 |
EriC^^ | hbx: did you follow this guide? https://askubuntu.com/questions/150210/how-do-i-set-systemwide-proxy-servers-in-xubuntu-lubuntu-or-ubuntu-studio | 16:59 |
youngman | im trying to install sdk drivers but no server!! | 16:59 |
hbx | yup | 16:59 |
hbx | that did not work | 16:59 |
EriC^^ | hbx: you logged out and back in right? | 16:59 |
EriC^^ | youngman: go to the amd website, download the driver, install it, it's called amdgpu-pro that's all you need | 17:00 |
hbx | I rebooted twice and it didnt work | 17:00 |
ppf | and i'm back again :) | 17:00 |
youngman | ok, how do i install it once ive got it? | 17:00 |
ppf | still looking for an alternative to nvidia gamestream on ubuntu | 17:00 |
youngman | ive downloaded that already!! | 17:00 |
EriC^^ | youngman: what's the file name? | 17:00 |
ppf | is there anything that does something similar? i.e. stream display output someplace, and fetch control inputs in return? | 17:01 |
youngman | amdgpu-pro-16.40-348864, thats the directory name anyway!! | 17:01 |
EriC^^ | youngman: isn't that old? the current is 17.10 | 17:02 |
youngman | do u know where i can get that from? | 17:02 |
EriC^^ | amd website.. | 17:02 |
EriC^^ | http://www.amd.com | 17:03 |
youngman | ok | 17:03 |
onca | do I need to install something for flash to be enabled in chrome? I've been having trouble lately with amazon's music service which used to require that I agree to let flash run before it would play. | 17:03 |
EriC^^ | onca: type chrome://plugins in the address bar and enable it | 17:05 |
donofrio | need some help - I missed a file location to where the firmware location is needed....I apt-get install then oppsed then apt-get remove and apt-get install but no wizard shows up again ;( help https://turanct.wordpress.com/tag/appleusbvideosupport/ | 17:06 |
youngman | ive search on the amd website 4 amd gpu but so far no joy? can anyone offer a link or something? | 17:07 |
oerheks | youngman, for what ATI/AMD card exactly? and what driver is in use now? | 17:08 |
youngman | crimson | 17:09 |
youngman | it used 2 be catalyst | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | youngman: go to drivers put the card and os | 17:09 |
youngman | i have | 17:09 |
EriC^^ | which os and bit and card? | 17:09 |
youngman | i have the files but how do i click on an execute or something? | 17:10 |
thshgfh | if I wanted to try kde, while I'm using ubuntu gnome, could I made a new account to install the kubuntu enviroment without getting shit all over my main user account? | 17:10 |
youngman | maybe they just take a long time 2 install | 17:10 |
youngman | i clicked on the .run file enough times | 17:10 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | thshgfh, run it live or on anther partition | 17:10 |
thshgfh | I use nvedia stuff which makes it really hard to run stuff live | 17:11 |
thshgfh | Takes me ages to get everything running | 17:11 |
oerheks | one should install the .run file from terminal, cd Downloads, chmod +x filename.run and start the run file with: ./filename.run | 17:11 |
cloudbud | I have set up and sftp server and now want to poll the directory /incoming if it has a file move it to /tmp directory | 17:13 |
cloudbud | how can I do that | 17:13 |
de-facto | is there a way to get the current txpower set to a device? | 17:13 |
de-facto | i want to make sure it accepted the settings since i dont want to have it using more power than allowed in my country | 17:14 |
onca | EriC^^: I get ERR_INVALID_URL | 17:14 |
EriC^^ | onca: pardon? | 17:16 |
EriC^^ | onca: oh, hmm, no idea | 17:16 |
blkadder | de-facto, iwlist interface-name txpower | 17:16 |
onca | ok. netflix and amazon still stream video, their music streaming service is the only thing affected. | 17:17 |
spearthistle | hi, Maren on launchpad has helped me to compile inkscape 0.92.x revision 15432 on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (armhf). I have a link to the debian package (on dropbox). Is anybody interested to share with other users? | 17:19 |
youngman | also how do i get ubuntu to communicate with my ups tower? | 17:20 |
fgarbo | how can i check if my display driver is the correct one and its configured correctly, and if not, how to update it? | 17:21 |
=== win32 is now known as win33 | ||
=== win33 is now known as win32 | ||
spearthistle | File is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6i6mev8fc7hrd2h/inkscape_20170527-1_armhf.deb?dl=0 | 17:22 |
spearthistle | Signing off... | 17:22 |
oerheks | youngman, there is a wiki for that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/apcupsd and maybe handy >>> http://www.pontikis.net/blog/apc-ups-on-ubuntu-workstation | 17:23 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | 17:23 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: try also glxgears and glxinfo -B for info | 17:24 |
fgarbo | EriC^^, lspci shows something, but I am not sure if its correct or not? | 17:24 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: what does it say for driver in use? | 17:24 |
fgarbo | EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24680939/ | 17:25 |
fgarbo | the glx* commands are not installed | 17:25 |
fgarbo | should i install them? | 17:25 |
EriC^^ | you only have intel no amd or nvidia? | 17:26 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: sure why not | 17:26 |
fgarbo | yes | 17:26 |
EriC^^ | try sudo lshw -C video | 17:26 |
minimec | fgarbo: 'sudo apt install mesa-utils' for the glx* commands. | 17:26 |
youngman | its working now, thankyou mate! | 17:26 |
fgarbo | minimec, yeah, it shows when you want to use it :) | 17:27 |
fgarbo | EriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24680962/ | 17:27 |
lucyfx | hey, I need urgent help. | 17:28 |
fgarbo | afaik, there should be a driver in the configuration line or something | 17:28 |
lucyfx | I did "sudo nautilus" to move a few lib files around | 17:28 |
lucyfx | and accidently hit delete on my /usr/lib folder | 17:28 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: i think it's not being used cause it says unclaimed | 17:28 |
lucyfx | it is in trash bin now, and I cant move it out of course, since the standard user doesnt have the permissions | 17:28 |
lucyfx | every app is unusable pretty much, too | 17:28 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: well not being used much | 17:28 |
lucyfx | can someone help me recover my /usr/lib ? | 17:28 |
fgarbo | EriC^^, i was thinking the same, but i am very much unfamiliar with this | 17:28 |
fgarbo | lucyfx, probably not unless you have them in the trash or something | 17:29 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: try cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 17:29 |
lucyfx | i do have them in trash | 17:29 |
lucyfx | I just hit "delete" on the keyboard by accident. which sent the folder to rash. | 17:29 |
lucyfx | trash* | 17:29 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: also sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | 17:29 |
EriC^^ | !enter | 17:29 |
ubottu | Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. | 17:29 |
ubuntu-mate_ | hello | 17:30 |
ubuntu-mate_ | can you help me guys please? | 17:30 |
lucyfx | sorry, right. | 17:30 |
lucyfx | so how to recover this from the trash bin ? | 17:30 |
oerheks | lucyfx, move them back with (gk)sudo nautilus | 17:30 |
lucyfx | nautilus on sudo cant access trash | 17:30 |
ubuntu-mate_ | can someone give me the link of google chrome x64 deb file? | 17:30 |
oerheks | if that does not work, i expect it not to work, backup and reinstall | 17:30 |
lucyfx | and the standard nautiolus doesnt have the permissions to move it out :p | 17:30 |
lucyfx | "backup and reinstall"? come on | 17:30 |
ubuntu-mate_ | my firefox tells cant connect to unsecure servers | 17:30 |
ubuntu-mate_ | please | 17:31 |
oerheks | ubuntu-mate_, on the google website, it is 64 bit only | 17:31 |
ubuntu-mate_ | i cant connect on google .ro | 17:31 |
EriC^^ | lucyfx: gksu gives permissions | 17:31 |
ubuntu-mate_ | i wrote that from duckduckgo | 17:31 |
ubuntu-mate_ | please | 17:31 |
onca | EriC^^ lucyfx is missing /lib b/c it was removed w/ sudo nautilus | 17:31 |
onca | so she cant run nautilus | 17:31 |
oerheks | ubuntu-mate_, thry the google.com site? | 17:32 |
lucyfx | the instances of programs I had open though | 17:32 |
lucyfx | are completely fine. | 17:32 |
lucyfx | including firefox and that sudo naut. | 17:32 |
lucyfx | basically I cant open anything new but the ones I had open, are fine :p | 17:32 |
onca | lucyfx the internet suggests the files are in /root/.Trash | 17:32 |
ubuntu-mate_ | Firefox can’t find the server at www.google.com. | 17:32 |
lucyfx | I just fixed it, actually | 17:33 |
lucyfx | it wasnt in root .trash, but it was somewhere else | 17:33 |
lucyfx | but i did solve it using the same idea | 17:33 |
oerheks | ubuntu-mate_, then it won't find https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb too ? | 17:33 |
lucyfx | .../.local/share/trash/files/... | 17:33 |
lucyfx | something like this. | 17:33 |
fgarbo | hmm, what should `sudo ubuntu-drivers devices` do? | 17:34 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: lists the devices and recommended drivers | 17:34 |
ubuntu-mate_ | it says the same thing | 17:34 |
ubuntu-mate_ | ... | 17:34 |
EriC^^ | and installed driver | 17:34 |
oerheks | ubuntu-mate_, sorry i cannot help you there, what messed up your system?? | 17:34 |
fgarbo | EriC^^, it doesn't do anything for me. just quits without any output. also xorg log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24681025/ | 17:35 |
ubuntu-mate_ | ubuntu mate 17.04 | 17:35 |
ubuntu-mate_ | x64 | 17:35 |
ioria | fgarbo, why this i915.modeset=0 ? | 17:35 |
ubuntu-mate_ | i am just running ubuntu mate from live cd | 17:35 |
fgarbo | ioria, i have no idea :( i think my card is i810 | 17:35 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: which kernel are you on? type uname -r | 17:35 |
fgarbo | 3.13 generic | 17:36 |
fgarbo | i am thinking that's not good | 17:36 |
EriC^^ | what's the whole line? | 17:36 |
dm_comp | So I'm bit confused. Running lsmod grep tun displays nothing but ip tuntap add dev vm-vinc mode tap works. I also checked cat /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin How am I getting this functionality? | 17:36 |
ioria | fgarbo, cat /etc/default/grub | 17:36 |
fgarbo | EriC^^, 3.13.0-119-generic | 17:36 |
rexnerve | exit | 17:36 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: why's the nomodeset there? | 17:36 |
fgarbo | ioria, wow, you are right, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="i915.modeset=0 quiet splash" | 17:37 |
fgarbo | dunno, i can just remove that from grub, right? | 17:37 |
ubuntu-mate_ | sudo wget "https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb" | 17:37 |
ubuntu-mate_ | --2017-05-27 17:37:38-- https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 17:37 |
ubuntu-mate_ | Resolving dl.google.com (dl.google.com)... failed: Name or service not known. | 17:37 |
ubuntu-mate_ | wget: unable to resolve host address ‘dl.google.com’ | 17:37 |
EriC^^ | fgarbo: yeah, then sudo update-grub | 17:38 |
ioria | fgarbo, try to remove it and run sudo update-grub if it fails you maybe need xorg-intel pkg | 17:38 |
fgarbo | ok. brb | 17:38 |
fgarbo | ubuntu-mate_, that's a dns issue i think. tried adding as dns? | 17:38 |
oerheks | ubuntu-mate_, i think this does not work from the live iso, you would need to upgrade first ?? | 17:40 |
tajuddin | Hello, I need some help. I have changed my pi ssh port from 22 and when i try to access it via another linux pc terminal terminal it gives me this error " ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused | 17:40 |
tajuddin | " | 17:40 |
dm_comp | tajudin: run ssh with -vvvv | 17:41 |
guest49310 | hey, I'm having issues upgrading my ubuntu. I have this: | 17:42 |
guest49310 | Segmentation fault (core dumped) /sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once /sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 17:42 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Id look at your sources and see how bad they are | 17:42 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | In Terminal: sudo apt-get install inxi and pastebinit | 17:43 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | ...then inxi -Fxxrzc0 | pastebinit Provide link - So We can see what you are working with | 17:43 |
tajuddin | @dm_comp OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.2, OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 | 17:43 |
tajuddin | debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config | 17:43 |
tajuddin | debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for * | 17:43 |
tajuddin | debug2: resolving "" port 22 | 17:43 |
tajuddin | debug2: ssh_connect_direct: needpriv 0 | 17:43 |
tajuddin | debug1: Connecting to [] port 22. | 17:43 |
fgarbo | thanks EriC^^ and ioria ; this fixed the wine fullscreen issue i was having :D | 17:43 |
ioria | fgarbo, good job | 17:43 |
fgarbo | and the driver thing appears in lshw -C video | 17:43 |
fgarbo | what a relief :d | 17:44 |
guest49310 | Segmentation fault (core dumped) /sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once /sbin/ldconfig.real: Path `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' given more than once Segmentation fault (core dumped) dpkg: erreur de traitement du paquet libc-bin (--configure) : le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 139 Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution : l | 17:45 |
ducasse | tajuddin: how are you running ssh - what is the command line? | 17:45 |
guest49310 | I can't install anything it seems | 17:45 |
=== themattbeballin is now known as WARBIRD199 | ||
dm_comp | tajuddin: No not -V. lower case v. so ssh -vvv as you try to connect. it will give a more verbose output why it cannot connect | 17:45 |
tajuddin | I run like this, ssh pi@ | 17:45 |
dm_comp | run it like this ssh -vvv pi@ | 17:46 |
oerheks | tajuddin, so you changed ssh port from 22 to .. ? | 17:46 |
dm_comp | oh yes | 17:46 |
ducasse | tajuddin: to specify port, you need '-p port' | 17:46 |
dm_comp | yup | 17:46 |
tajuddin | can some one write proper command to run ssh command | 17:46 |
ducasse | ssh user@host -p port | 17:47 |
tajuddin | thank you | 17:48 |
tajuddin | sorted | 17:48 |
strive | Or, ssh -p (port) user@host | 17:48 |
tajuddin | thank you all | 17:48 |
guest49310 | Jack_Sparrow__: I tried to install a fewthings in the last days, nothing worked | 17:49 |
guest49310 | and I can't even upgrade my Ubuntu... | 17:49 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Once you try from a bunch of ppas all is lost | 17:50 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !ppa | 17:50 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 17:50 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | !ppa-purge | 17:51 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 17:51 |
guest49310 | hum, I'll take a look at this, thanks! | 17:52 |
dm_comp | What module provides tun lsmod | grep tun displays nothing but i have the functionality; meaning I can run ip tuntap add dev vm-vnic mode tap | 17:55 |
Spec | dm_comp: grep CONFIG_TUN /boot/config-$(uname -r) | 17:56 |
guest49310 | Jack_Sparrow__: I don't think I have installed any PPAs. Anyway, I can't install ppa purge. | 17:57 |
guest49310 | I guess I will have to format my Ubuntu? | 17:57 |
dm_comp | CONFIG_TUN=y # CONFIG_TUN_VNET_CROSS_LE is not set | 17:57 |
Spec | y means it's built into your kernel, and not a module | 17:58 |
Spec | if it was =m, it would be a module that could be inserted and found in lsmod | 17:58 |
dm_comp | oh | 17:58 |
dm_comp | Spec: cat /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin | 17:59 |
dm_comp | why didn't i see it here? | 17:59 |
dm_comp | maybe i missed it | 17:59 |
Spec | dm_comp: i dunno how these relate | 18:01 |
dm_comp | Spec: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kbuild/kbuild.txt | 18:01 |
Spec | yeap, reading it | 18:01 |
Spec | dm_comp: but i'm not sure how the CONFIG_OPTIONS necessarily get represented in .ko libraries | 18:01 |
Spec | it's probably not always 1:1 | 18:01 |
Spec | dm_comp: so you don't see tun.ko in your builtins file? | 18:02 |
dm_comp | Spec: I do, oops | 18:02 |
Spec | dm_comp: well, i can't find random things that i have in my kernel (=y) in that file | 18:03 |
dm_comp | i botched the grep i see it now | 18:04 |
Spec | ie; netprio_cgroup.ko ...not in builtins, but kernel config has CONFIG_CGROUP_NET_PRIO=y | 18:04 |
dm_comp | Spec: that's interesting | 18:05 |
dm_comp | Spec: Well that answered my question :) Thanks! | 18:06 |
Spec | np :P | 18:06 |
* Spec leaves more confused then when he entered | 18:06 | |
dm_comp | Yeah, you would think it should show up | 18:07 |
ducasse | Spec: not everything can be built as modules, some of these options only enable/disable specific features | 18:07 |
Spec | ducasse: but i see the .ko files for the cgroup modules? | 18:08 |
Spec | oh, no i don't, wrong kernel version | 18:09 |
ppf | dm_comp: what problem are you trying to solve? | 18:14 |
dm_comp | ppf: it's not a problem as much as clarify why it worked ;) I had the functionality but didn't see the module loaded | 18:17 |
dm_comp | it's was just that it was built into the kernel and i botched the grep on cat /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin | 18:18 |
dm_comp | cat /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin | grep tun* kernel/drivers/net/tun.ko | 18:19 |
dm_comp | so all good :) | 18:19 |
cloudbud | has anyone worked on incron ? | 18:20 |
cloudbud | Im facing some challengees | 18:20 |
touchpadead | roobi: you alive? | 18:24 |
solarbee | anyone succesfully get hbogo to play? tried hal, but nothing still | 18:33 |
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon | ||
cloudbud | anyone having idea with incron | 18:35 |
bray90820 | Is it possible to have a2dp for output and have a microphone working at the same time | 18:38 |
bray90820 | The microphone is integrated in the speaker | 18:38 |
bray90820 | if not a2dp some sort of higher quality audio | 18:38 |
=== obZen_ is now known as obZen | ||
jake8fc | Anyone run into sound issues on Dell XPS 8920 systems? .. nothing shows under System Settings > Sound .. 16.04 sound worked after install despite nothing in there .. in 17.04 i had to install pavucontrol to get sound to play .. Anyone know how to get control back under the sound in system settings? | 18:53 |
theonetruekingli | test | 18:59 |
IntelCore | this freenode? | 19:05 |
angrybread | do you know a good video editing software that doesnt crash a lot for ubunti | 19:05 |
IntelCore | oic yes | 19:05 |
angrybread | ubuntu | 19:05 |
IntelCore | even great NLE will | 19:06 |
kostkon | angrybread, which ones have you tried so far | 19:06 |
IntelCore | you want free | 19:06 |
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein | ||
YankDownUnder | angrybread, http://openshot.org/ | 19:06 |
IntelCore | angrybread - toaster / newtek | 19:07 |
angrybread | ive tried that one and kdenlive...kdenlive works better, but wont let me save projects | 19:07 |
IntelCore | mac and wLE | 19:08 |
IntelCore | er..? | 19:08 |
IntelCore | angrybread, mac and windows may have more stable pro NLE | 19:09 |
angrybread | ok | 19:10 |
IntelCore | angrybread - if you use win10, the essential live WMM is not there | 19:11 |
IntelCore | but you can use the one previous | 19:11 |
IntelCore | it a 32bit | 19:11 |
oerheks | IntelCore, openshot works fine | 19:12 |
IntelCore | yes... | 19:12 |
oerheks | err, angrybread ^^ | 19:12 |
IntelCore | oerherks, i used to make spots for cabletime. on charter broadband | 19:13 |
platz | j /statistics | 19:13 |
IntelCore | oerherks - adobie was nice | 19:14 |
oerheks | IntelCore, 'adobie' does not run nativly on ubuntu, so offtopic here | 19:17 |
clicketyclackety | hello all | 19:21 |
YankDownUnder | Just on the note about KDEnlive...if one cannot "save projects" - there would appear to be a configuration problem in the actual settings pertaining to workspaces/projects...hmm... | 19:21 |
aleb | angrybread: Pitivi's team is actively focused on fixing bugs, as opposed to adding features. You can install easily the latest release with Flatpak, without risking it to break because of incompatible dependencies: http://developer.pitivi.org/Install_with_flatpak.html | 19:25 |
StR1ka | Ok trying to install ubuntu desktop, from live cd. All i get is a black screen. But i could successfully get into "try Ubuntu without installing? | 19:28 |
StR1ka | Why is that | 19:28 |
amicrawler | having issues here | 19:29 |
amicrawler | ubunut 14.04 | 19:29 |
amicrawler | x64 | 19:29 |
YankDownUnder | Ah...and I"m having coffee here. Interesting. | 19:29 |
amicrawler | ubuntu oen sign on not working just hangs | 19:29 |
msev- | does someone know the location of gnome-todo flatpak? :D | 19:30 |
amicrawler | http://flatpak.org/apps.html | 19:31 |
ioria | StR1ka, usually it'a a video graphic issue .... can you run the installer from there ? | 19:31 |
amicrawler | it will not let me log on so can get my software that i bought | 19:32 |
StR1ka | Im trying but cant find a good article on how to | 19:32 |
amicrawler | can any body help witht this issue | 19:32 |
ioria | StR1ka, just click the installer icon ... | 19:33 |
th34lch3m1st | hi, 16.04.2 installed 1 month ago on my desktop, 16.04.1 install 3 months ago on my notebook and manually upgraded recently to hwe stack. Why I have different app version (latest versions on notebook, previous versions on desktop)? | 19:33 |
YankDownUnder | amicrawler, "sign on" - being the display manager? (lightdm or gdm) | 19:34 |
amicrawler | gdm | 19:34 |
amicrawler | unity | 19:34 |
ioria | gdm with unity ? | 19:34 |
ioria | weird | 19:35 |
YankDownUnder | amicrawler, If you do CTRL+ALT+F1 that should bring you to a tty1 console login...can you do that? | 19:35 |
msev- | amicrawler, its not there | 19:36 |
amicrawler | it default what ever the dvd installed by default | 19:38 |
amicrawler | might be light then | 19:38 |
YankDownUnder | amicrawler, I hate repeating myself - can you do a CTRL+ALT+F1 and get to a console login? | 19:39 |
amicrawler | yes i can | 19:39 |
amicrawler | this is my only OS | 19:40 |
amicrawler | im not vr | 19:40 |
YankDownUnder | amicrawler, Coolbeans - well, login as yourself. Then you can try: sudo service lightdm restart ==> see if that gets you logged in...if it DOESN'T, then at least we've moved ahead one step. | 19:40 |
IntelCore | ioria, i had unity and gnome-flashback | 19:42 |
ioria | IntelCore, that's wonderful | 19:43 |
IntelCore | ioria is that gdm? | 19:43 |
oerheks | what DM > dpkg-query -l '*dm' | 19:43 |
ioria | IntelCore, what you mean ? gdm it's the old gnome display manager ... | 19:43 |
IntelCore | yes that | 19:44 |
IntelCore | ioria will gdm run with unity? | 19:44 |
amicrawler | did that had to reboot computer | 19:45 |
ioria | IntelCore, you can access flash-back also with lightdm ... | 19:45 |
amicrawler | was a mess | 19:45 |
amicrawler | screen way off could not read it | 19:45 |
IntelCore | amicrawler - ohh what did you do to leave in such a state, before? | 19:46 |
amicrawler | [AMD/ATI] RV730 GL [FirePro V5700] | 19:46 |
amicrawler | 19:46 | |
amicrawler | every thing is default | 19:47 |
IntelCore | amicrawler u have 14.04 ? | 19:49 |
amicrawler | yes | 19:50 |
amicrawler | x64 | 19:50 |
ioria | amicrawler, why 14.04 ? for using fglrx ? | 19:52 |
amicrawler | no | 19:53 |
amicrawler | plex | 19:53 |
IntelCore | how many times did you reboot, amicrawler? | 19:53 |
amicrawler | 1 | 19:53 |
ioria | amicrawler, and what's the problem ? you can't login ? | 19:54 |
IntelCore | amicrawler, and now you still cannot login? | 19:54 |
amicrawler | no ubuntu one logon | 19:54 |
amicrawler | for reloading my paid software | 19:54 |
ioria | amicrawler, your paid sw | 19:55 |
IntelCore | flatpack | 19:55 |
amicrawler | yes off of ubuntu software center | 19:55 |
ioria | amicrawler, can you paste sudo lshw -c Video ? | 19:56 |
amicrawler | i get nothing | 19:57 |
oerheks | ubuntu softwarecenter does not provide any paid apps anymore | 19:58 |
IntelCore | amicrawler - I an in the software center of Ubuntu,, no flatpack | 19:58 |
ioria | amicrawler, hard to believe | 19:58 |
amicrawler | ture | 19:58 |
kostkon | oerheks, it's needed for snap apps | 19:58 |
amicrawler | not out put | 19:58 |
oerheks | no flatpacks either indeed, higher versions than 14.04 will support snaps | 19:58 |
amicrawler | lshw -version | 19:59 |
ioria | amicrawler, lspci -k | grep VGA -A 2 | 19:59 |
kostkon | oerheks, snap support was added to 14.04 some time ago | 19:59 |
IntelCore | yea, snap was added in 14 | 19:59 |
oerheks | kostkon, in softwarecenter too ?? | 19:59 |
kostkon | oerheks, hmm does it have the old one? | 20:00 |
oerheks | yes, i think so | 20:00 |
amicrawler | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV730 GL [FirePro V5700] | 20:00 |
amicrawler | Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 0002 | 20:00 |
amicrawler | Kernel driver in use: radeon | 20:00 |
kostkon | oerheks, hmm no idea. good question though | 20:00 |
ioria | amicrawler, try to install fglrx ; run sudo amdconfig --initial and reboot | 20:01 |
ioria | amicrawler, wait... uname -r ? | 20:01 |
IntelCore | amicrawler - if you upgrade, it will put many file, and remove about a third of the old, to install 16.04 | 20:01 |
amicrawler | kernal 4.4.0-78 | 20:02 |
ioria | amicrawler, no way, then | 20:02 |
IntelCore | hmm | 20:02 |
ioria | amicrawler, it has the xenial hwe | 20:02 |
ioria | amicrawler, you need 14.04 (3.13 kernel) | 20:03 |
amicrawler | ok | 20:04 |
amicrawler | how to i upgrade the kernel then | 20:04 |
ioria | amicrawler, no, you need to reinstall or use the opensource module | 20:04 |
IntelCore | amicrawler - did you logon ? | 20:04 |
amicrawler | yes | 20:05 |
amicrawler | im on my desktop | 20:05 |
ioria | amicrawler, you could remove the xenial hwe but it's complicated | 20:05 |
IntelCore | yes that give back 14.04 | 20:05 |
IntelCore | but whynot up to xenial? | 20:06 |
ioria | fglrx not working | 20:06 |
amicrawler | 3.13-100 | 20:07 |
ioria | !info linux-generic trusty | 20:07 |
ubottu | linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 30 kB | 20:07 |
IntelCore | driver for linux on ati website? | 20:08 |
ioria | not on that kernel and xorg version | 20:08 |
IntelCore | I had the compiz not work on an Xp pc | 20:08 |
amicrawler | i have | 20:09 |
IntelCore | there was a driver needed replacing | 20:09 |
ioria | amicrawler, you said kernal 4.4.0-78 | 20:09 |
thyriaen | i got a problem | 20:09 |
IntelCore | ioria it an old ati card | 20:09 |
amicrawler | its in synapti | 20:09 |
thyriaen | http://imgur.com/a/CUNqj the slider @ built-in audiop analog stereo is going to the right after ~10 minutes of talking | 20:09 |
thyriaen | how to prevent that ? | 20:10 |
ioria | i'am out | 20:10 |
thyriaen | that screenshot is from pavucontrol btw | 20:10 |
kostkon | thyriaen, skype? | 20:11 |
amicrawler | so it sound like i need a new video card | 20:11 |
amicrawler | ati | 20:11 |
amicrawler | i have nvida gtx750 | 20:12 |
amicrawler | but it locks up my computer | 20:12 |
thyriaen | kostkon, teamspeak | 20:12 |
amicrawler | i have intel on borad | 20:12 |
amicrawler | my hardware is z200 | 20:13 |
kostkon | thyriaen, oh ok | 20:13 |
amicrawler | i5 | 20:13 |
thyriaen | kostkon, do you have a suggestion for skype though ? | 20:14 |
IntelCore | notes - pulseaudio has a change - fixes ! | 20:15 |
kostkon | thyriaen, well the old one from the repos, not the beta, has an option to autoadjust the input volume levels that is enabled by default afaik | 20:15 |
IntelCore | seems some would mute | 20:16 |
Igsh | Hi @all | 20:16 |
IntelCore | this channel was giving workaround for the mute | 20:17 |
Stabington | Evenin. I'm getting a gray background with an X as a cursor if I run vnc4server on Ubuntu Gnome. wat do | 20:17 |
IntelCore | now it may be fixed in pulseaudio | 20:17 |
IntelCore | http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/system-wide-pulseaudio-equalizer.html | 20:19 |
amicrawler | what is a good video card for ati | 20:20 |
amicrawler | or nvidia | 20:20 |
IntelCore | so far intel g500 is doing my laptop | 20:21 |
IntelCore | basic games go just above 500 nividia | 20:22 |
IntelCore | amicrawler - you may know there are many options | 20:24 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, not sure if this the right cannel to ask in, but to install gallium nine, do I need the oibaf drivers or can I also use 17.1 in another ppa | 20:28 |
Guy1524 | specifically, drivers from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/ubuntu/updates | 20:29 |
oerheks | 17.1 sounds like mint? | 20:30 |
Guy1524 | oerheks: I mean mesa 17.1 | 20:30 |
=== Arab_Aspie is now known as ArabAspie | ||
oerheks | Guy1524, ah oke, yes, use the oibaf ppa and his wine 2.0 ppa https://wiki.ixit.cz/d3d9_tutorial | 20:32 |
=== VayuVata is now known as hutittyaun | ||
=== d is now known as Guest69444 | ||
Guest69444 | cannot open firefox, it constantly prompts me with mozilla crash reporter (fresh install of ubuntu gnome). anyone can help? I tried to reinstall it but it doens;t work | 20:34 |
IntelCore | Guest69444 - you send report? | 20:34 |
Guest69444 | yes | 20:35 |
Guest69444 | IntelCore: ^ | 20:35 |
IntelCore | Guest69444 - aware tha gnome version is different than | 20:36 |
Guest69444 | IntelCore: not sure how can I make it start at least.. | 20:36 |
oerheks | Guest69444, remove the ~/.mozilla folder and start firefox again | 20:37 |
IntelCore | yea remove | 20:37 |
Guest69444 | oerheks: same.. | 20:37 |
kostkon | Guest69444, start in safe mode, i.e. firefox -safe-mode then disable gpu accel in options, close it, try opening again | 20:39 |
Guest69444 | kostkon: same. Gdk-WARNING **: crashreporter: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :1 | 20:44 |
kostkon | Guest69444, oh wait what's your cpu? | 20:45 |
IntelCore | Refresh Firefox button will restore Firefox to its factory default state | 20:45 |
Guest69444 | kostkon: Intel® Core™ i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz × 4 | 20:45 |
kostkon | Guest69444, ok | 20:45 |
Guest69444 | Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 64-bit | 20:46 |
texla | /msg NickServ identify ram66moe | 20:47 |
kostkon | Guest69444, does it only happen with firefox? | 20:47 |
Guest69444 | kostkon: yes | 20:48 |
kostkon | texla, change your password | 20:48 |
Guest69444 | kostkon: it goes straigh to Crash Reporter | 20:48 |
serkyray | hello | 20:50 |
IntelCore | Guest69444 - so your window focus wont let you click on the page with firefox? no page to see? | 20:50 |
Guest69444 | IntelCore: yep abosolutely nothing... I can only see the crash reporter | 20:51 |
cute_swedish5447 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: josephz blueking ShaRose cyconer killtheliterate jhenke pelle2 lafleurdubien edong23 Tabmow joeytwiddle ducasse nyloc distortedvoice ijmad Doonz silverhom Randy justin_jnf chuck_ taliptako makije kameloso solarbee Munrek xatr0z Village fallentree pacbard C SchrodingersScat dude42 candy` davidm Phaiax jstein r00ter blackroot abaday1 MrRobot7__ n3oo3n chrome0 swgillespie NegativeFlare t | 20:53 |
sss36 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Ballzak adac jferguson jelatta MrXXIV johnnyfive_ tomreyn mumixam knittl L3gacy ubuntulo12 thekingofbandit linuxdaemon Taggnostr zymurgy andi EriC^^ le_pig manjaroCinnamon1 gadwin_ tizbac DeaDSouL Jalen_ bitch ReScO blaisebool blanko papapishu WARBIRD199 folivora jmnk SchrodingersScat janrsv Stabington shakalaka crane Aginor Ishaq kk4ewt RGamma SkyPatrol cassi rbt- banzified kaosine gregl asd nolsen | 20:53 |
UsaBoy187197 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Kow wymillerlinux sipior_ mariogrip anthonyf Sargun ycheng mumixam dan galeido ming_lei nacc ses1984 Vampire0 PickledEggs SwedeMike iranen YankDownUnder knittl michael_mbp Gorith Henster[m] irongeeks Dreaman noxs Guest89000 HerculeP mindstorm eHAPPY Casper26 Flannel ravagetalon VoidWhisperer rogst_ Swant pirx bluez_ X-Rob Allyoutoo cyboman33 Very_slow r00ter Mouaad bray90820 kloeri conflu | 20:53 |
Grevener8917 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: TTN funabashi finlstrm jj-_ jhill__ Cohedrin edenist_ riidom bs jos insidious sdx23 am55 kirb xnull Moscherkobold fr0st tinoco Kingsy taliptako ProjectMayhem Schmiel holdsworth johnc4510 dooglus Introoter cadeskywalker rvgate chatcat L72g5sSq mindlesstux Ancer g3kk3r Bizzeh pfeerick chalcedony ribasushi mbwe House abra0 lord4163 yeti X-Rob thyriaen chaosmaker jstein th | 20:53 |
sss36 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: test222 sven^ bipolar opencw Kiwibro cebor devilray r0bert0 zachary12 malkauns Renegade334 foo volker Kins ricardobarbosams apekatten Vampire0 davidm jackmcbarn ircnode0 uebera|| dmibrid cperrin88 Goyo adymitruk shuduo tapanik concatenate Cyph3r dabba komugi sharksauce frdmn donofrio soee_ deadhead Church kevin___ kudu la_juyis Chakka____ Chaser coup_de_shitlord Br|aN Acn0w Ched[m] tardisx seednode | 20:53 |
Maria563 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: Lkydiruw exio4 fmscott1 slicepaperwords dsung thebope darmok Mikelevel test222 folivora MustaKrakish alexandre9099 Xe SCHAPiE blanko user402 natten joeytwiddle Attoy wgma desti philroche ikevin eltigre sleepymario win32 olafh Katepillar Neo daynaskully Nokaji aotaointbin tanay ToeSnacks ruptwelve Mr_Pan vox cebor andi Saviq platicus2 michaelni AntiSpamMeta Anticimex zamba lord4163 WizBright di | 20:53 |
Maria563 | WHERE MY NIGGAS BE AT?? CHECK OUT....quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697: nymony_ ASpacy storm-X RaptorJesus flyinprogrammer explodes ledeni quintopia disi unholymachine madwizard iczero pmn jgornick nyuszika7h drjnovak AndrewMC BLZbubba apekatten olafh autra bittyx FManTropyx jaythelinuxguy_ arslanq Ohoname[m] gringao sven^ cpaelzer paalgyula guntbert craysiii mneptok Spec ksa varadhya yof beanumsum floown xrandr mariosk8s folivora Guest96869 N3X15 adac happysat St | 20:53 |
iczero | fuck you | 20:53 |
IntelCore | Guest69444 -- crash reporter on google "firefor crash reporter ubuntu " read it | 20:53 |
iczero | i wish klines propogated faster <_< | 20:54 |
mindlesstux | ^^ | 20:54 |
dax | iczero: it's not that, it's PRIVMSG propogation | 20:54 |
Guest69444 | IntelCore: cant even start it in safe mode.. | 20:54 |
dax | iczero: or rather, it's both | 20:54 |
iczero | dax: but shouldn't klines be propogated with a higher priority than privmsgs? | 20:54 |
iczero | idk | 20:54 |
IntelCore | Guest69444 - no need, just start run | 20:56 |
IntelCore | Guest69444 then in windows try it | 20:57 |
IntelCore | is linux your only ? | 20:57 |
=== ArabAspie is now known as Arab_Aspie | ||
IntelCore | https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-crashes-troubleshoot-prevent-and-get-help | 20:58 |
IntelCore | Go to ~/.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports/submitted | 21:00 |
IntelCore | http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_hangs | 21:01 |
meliorator | hi all, i have a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04 LTS and have an issue with USB devices not being detected. if i boot with the USB device inserted it is detected and auto-mounted, but if i remove the device and plug it back in again, nothing happens! | 21:03 |
meliorator | it doesnt appear in logs, so am at a loss as to how i can diagnose? | 21:04 |
Beethoven | Hello, I am trying out 16.04.2 on a new machine but one problem has arisen. The headphones give sound only in one side, how can I fix this? | 21:07 |
Beethoven | The problem is proving to be very annoying and I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could help me out here.4 | 21:08 |
kostkon | meliorator, tried to enable or disable the usb legacy support in your bios? | 21:09 |
meliorator | i tried switching the actual device on/off in bios | 21:09 |
meliorator | i shall pokey bios some more :p | 21:10 |
tapanik | ubuntu 16.04 bluetooth offline | 21:11 |
tapanik | automagic | 21:11 |
tapanik | no bluetooth logo | 21:11 |
tapanik | right panel | 21:11 |
tapanik | is that normal 16.04 "bug" | 21:12 |
tapanik | i dont mind, but curious | 21:12 |
tapanik | buletooth is satan | 21:13 |
tapanik | typo | 21:13 |
tapanik | 3 monts now using ubuntu upgarde from windows 7 | 21:13 |
IntelCore | Beethoven - speakers set mono? | 21:14 |
Beethoven | IntelCore: after some searching, it seems that i have to disable loopback or something. but in alsamixer, the loopback option doesnt come up | 21:14 |
Beethoven | i scrolled to the extreme right and there's no loopback option | 21:15 |
dprophit | I got an intel nuc6i7kyk other day. I keep getting grub install errors even after bios update. =( Tried 16.04 LTS and 17.04 desktop. | 21:15 |
IntelCore | Beethoven - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/Alsamixer | 21:17 |
Beethoven | there's no mention of the word "loopback" there, IntelCore | 21:18 |
drgx2x | hy | 21:18 |
dprophit | anyone else had experience with nuc's and grub failing to install? | 21:19 |
IntelCore | Beethoven - trying to find sound on a channel.. | 21:19 |
IntelCore | Beethoven - and so alsa lets you raise/lower each side of stereo | 21:20 |
IntelCore | Beethoven - cas you know headphones are good | 21:21 |
=== MadPsy_ is now known as MadPsy | ||
bray90820 | Is it possible to have a2dp for output and have a microphone working at the same time or some other form of high quality audio I have a JBl flip that has an integrated microphone | 21:23 |
dprophit | anyone else had experience with nuc's and grub failing to install? | 21:25 |
IntelCore | Beethoven https://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/alsa | 21:25 |
tapanik | logitech bluetooth spekakers offline sometimes | 21:25 |
tapanik | ubuntu 16.04 | 21:25 |
tapanik | lost signal | 21:25 |
bray90820 | IntelCore: were you talking to me? | 21:25 |
IntelCore | idk - Beehtoven was here | 21:26 |
_ud2 | hello! | 21:26 |
bray90820 | Aaahhh yeah then it wasn't me | 21:26 |
bray90820 | carry on | 21:26 |
tapanik | 16gig ram for ubuntu1 6.04, my use 4gig nuff | 21:26 |
dprophit | anyone else had experience with intel nuc's and grub failing to install? | 21:27 |
_ud2 | your intel nuc have 32 or 64bit uefi? | 21:27 |
dprophit | _ud2: How do I check? nuc6i7kyk I think that's top of the line? =P | 21:28 |
IntelCore | tapanik - https://askubuntu.com/questions/787023/bluetooth-not-working-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts | 21:29 |
_ud2 | try | 21:29 |
_ud2 | from firmware uefi to launch a shell | 21:29 |
_ud2 | wait im chacking your nuc ... | 21:29 |
dprophit | _ud2: ok I'll have to set that option in bios | 21:29 |
IntelCore | Gregg Allman, Southern Rock Pioneer, Dead at 69 | 21:31 |
Da9el | Er der en der vil hjælpe med et game panel setup på min server ? | 21:32 |
_ud2 | it seems that you have uefi 64 bit | 21:32 |
_ud2 | maybe your first device isn't called /dev/sda1 | 21:33 |
dprophit | _ud2: ok. let me setup the shell | 21:33 |
_ud2 | dprohit: if u pastebin your dmesg fro a ubuntu live ... i can see better | 21:34 |
thshgfh | hey my boot up is super slow, like 1min 30, while my windows boots up in less than 10 secs | 21:34 |
thshgfh | any1 know what could be causing that? | 21:34 |
thshgfh | i printed off my dmesg if any1 can understand that | 21:35 |
tapanik | core i7 integ. gpu forks fine @ ubuntu 16.04 | 21:36 |
dprophit | _ud2: what do I need to enter? I have the shell open now | 21:36 |
tapanik | intel tool for linux | 21:36 |
dprophit | ok | 21:36 |
Syre | Hi! | 21:36 |
nonix4b | hrm... how do I clear lock screen keyboard input buffer? compiz using 100% cpu after inputting some repeated keys in password field for hours, unresponsive... ssh:ing in works fine though. | 21:37 |
_ud2 | dprohit: u need to select a file inside /efi | 21:37 |
_ud2 | folder | 21:37 |
dprophit | _ud2: so run the livecd and you need the dmesg output to pastebin? | 21:39 |
_ud2 | yes | 21:39 |
_ud2 | i need to see how this board name your hardrive | 21:39 |
IntelCore | nonix4b - backspace alot ? | 21:40 |
YankDownUnder | nonix4b, If you can ssh in, you can always "restart" compiz (or whatever window manager/desktop) | 21:41 |
IntelCore | it says to restart that pb Yank | 21:42 |
IntelCore | pc? | 21:42 |
nonix4b | YankDownUnder: I don't want to kill the session itself though... I think I remember that screen lock thing being hardened against getting killed? | 21:43 |
IntelCore | super key + L turns on lock | 21:44 |
IntelCore | Yank - what turns it off? | 21:45 |
nonix4b | ... been restarting compiz because of bugs while screen was unlocked before but somewhat hesitant to mess with it randomly while lock screen is on ... | 21:45 |
YankDownUnder | nonix4b, If you ssh in, you should be able to kill the screen lock => "ps -Ae | grep lock" => kill the screenlocker (whatever it's called) -> that should get you at least back to the desktop...(should being the operative here)...SOMETHING TO CONSIDER is blowing out all the "cache" BS in ~/.cache => anything pertaining to compiz...as well, you can always blow out your configurations for compiz and just reconfigure it...(been | 21:47 |
YankDownUnder | there, done that) | 21:47 |
nonix4b | ... how risky is "nohup compiz --display :0 --replace &" while screen is locked? don't have a spare host nearby for testing right now ... | 21:49 |
IntelCore | nonix4b - then go system settings and turn off lock | 21:49 |
IntelCore | nonix4b idk, i have compiz up now. I dont lock | 21:51 |
nonix4b | hmm... unity-panel-service --lockscreen-mode is what is running besides compiz | 21:51 |
YankDownUnder | nonix4b, Haven't tried that - in the past, I merely killed "compiz" and let it "relaunch" itself...and if that didn't work, restarted the display manager... | 21:51 |
Syre | Does anyone of you guys have problems with with ubuntu to recognize all the cores of the processor? https://gist.github.com/952157da8bd2cc053f1d1e56810b418c | 21:52 |
_ud2 | how many cores see you? | 21:53 |
SchrodingersScat | Syre: it's not a Intel Core2 Duo? | 21:54 |
Syre | SchrodingersScat: Yes!! It's :D | 21:54 |
IntelCore | nohup compiz --replace > /dev/null & (nonix4b) | 21:54 |
SchrodingersScat | Syre: I like htop as a system monitor, but there are many to choose from, how many does such a program show you having? | 21:55 |
_ud2 | Syre: try cat /proc/cpuinfo | 21:55 |
IntelCore | nonix4b - http://www.phphosts.org/blog/2010/11/one-liner-getting-remote-desktop-sharing-compiz-to-play-nice-under-ubuntu-10-04-with-gnome/ | 21:55 |
Syre | SchrodingersScat: I use to have htop too. This program also identify an Intel Core 2 Duo like a single core. haha It's weird | 21:57 |
_ud2 | it seems that ur kernel | 21:57 |
_ud2 | not have SMP | 21:57 |
_ud2 | paste you uname -a here plz | 21:57 |
Menzador | !10.04 | 21:57 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details. | 21:57 |
SchrodingersScat | Syre: can you pastebinit /proc/cpuinfo ? | 21:57 |
Syre | _ud2: Here's the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo >> https://gist.github.com/f5785373947250dc3cb09dbe6f5f4abf | 21:59 |
_ud2 | Syre: send uname -a too plz | 21:59 |
Syre | ShrodingersScat: Done | 21:59 |
Syre | _ud2: Ok, let's go | 21:59 |
mashud | ramadan mubarak | 22:00 |
Syre | _ud2: Here's the output of uname -a https://gist.github.com/f1ab265f59e2b374f17309841837aba8 | 22:00 |
_ud2 | strange it ha SMP | 22:01 |
_ud2 | Syte: this is a single core that have Hyper Threading... it is enabled on bios? | 22:02 |
user402 | 22:03 | |
=== user402 is now known as frista | ||
Syre | _ud2: I think It's a dual core. haha following the specs in the intel website... by the way, the BIOS don't let set advanced configurations like, manipulate the cpu cores, overclock, enable or disable acpi, apic 2.0 etc. I think this BIOS is intentionally limited by ASUS | 22:04 |
IntelCore | asooosh, oh excuse my sneeze | 22:05 |
_ud2 | Syre: what mobo u have? | 22:05 |
Syre | I thought the same thing at first that I did not really have two physical cores and that's why I only saw one. But for example in Parted Magic they both appear. http://ark.intel.com/es-es/products/40479/Intel-Core2-Duo-Processor-T6400-2M-Cache-2_00-GHz-800-MHz-FSB | 22:06 |
_ud2 | u tried memtest ... it show a lot of infomration | 22:06 |
IntelCore | nort bridge | 22:06 |
Syre | _ud2: Here is the result several days ago. haha I bookmarked the link. Now I have updated the kernel. thats the only difference | 22:08 |
Syre | https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f1ea2cd2d8ef225fe965c076617a32cb | 22:08 |
_ud2 | Syre: strange to read Single core Intel Core2 Duo .... | 22:10 |
Syre | _ud2: I've been prowling for days and I'm getting more and more frustrated. And certainly there are previous cases, but I am very noob and I don't know to apply anything of what the others do. | 22:11 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | Syre, FYI, it is often to use search on our logs for your specific issues | 22:13 |
SchrodingersScat | Syre: for example you've seen this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/247028/how-to-fix-that-only-one-out-of-four-cores-of-my-cpu-is-detected | 22:13 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | useful | 22:13 |
_ud2 | Syre: try to boot from a Kali... it has a 4.9.0 kernel... maybe it works | 22:13 |
IntelCore | one kernel with 2 cores | 22:15 |
IntelCore | plus the f450 whatever, give 4096 | 22:15 |
Syre | SchrodingersScat: ummm It seems interesting, I always suspect that nolapic was behind this kind of fail | 22:15 |
IntelCore | u got 2048 | 22:15 |
IntelCore | is it running on one core? | 22:17 |
Syre | _ub2: Ok... I have been trying different distros to check if It happens with others, and at this moment Parted Magic was the only one able to recognize both cores. haha I have special predilection for Ubuntu family but don't work | 22:17 |
Syre | IntelCore: Yes, thats my problem. :D | 22:17 |
Syre | SchrodingersScat: I will try that... I can't remember now If my BIOS let me set those kind of parameters, but I have to check this out. Thanks | 22:20 |
IntelCore | there are 3 bios files for it on a site use win7 ,, ?? | 22:20 |
IntelCore | dont think it a 64 | 22:21 |
IntelCore | smart tell partMagic params | 22:22 |
IntelCore | up bios on it | 22:23 |
Syre | IntelCore: haha I don't know how to do it. The BIOS still the originally installed when I bought the notebook, It was dedicated to Windows Vista.And Yes, there'are another new BIOS uploaded in the ASUS website, dedicated to Windows 7 | 22:23 |
_ud2 | Syre: good luck hope u resolve your problem ;) | 22:24 |
_ud2 | good night to all :) | 22:25 |
Syre | Intelcore: Do I update the BIOS? I'm afraid to fail. If I lose this the only computer I have at home; I will find myself in total ruin. | 22:25 |
Syre | _ud2: thank you so much and good night ;) | 22:25 |
IntelCore | ami.com have bios - you might need to order support | 22:28 |
IntelCore | undate bios is easy enuff.. that is an older pc | 22:28 |
Syre | Also now I'm not able to remember if I have tried Xfce Ubuntu version. Xubuntu. I already have two things to check | 22:29 |
Syre | IntelCore: My other PC is an Pentium 4 with 512Mb of RAM this is a wonder of the future at Its side. haha | 22:30 |
codepython777 | is anyone here running speech recognition on ubuntu 16.04? | 22:31 |
Syre | IntelCore: In the old desktop computer I updated the BIOS. In this I know It will fail. haha Always happens to me the worst thing that can happen to me. | 22:31 |
IntelCore | cross fingers, if you find an update bios | 22:33 |
Syre | haha Ok thanks | 22:33 |
Syre | I appreciate your kindness and the attention you all have given to me. | 22:34 |
IntelCore | codepython777 - not yet 4 me.. this the app you see on repository? | 22:34 |
IntelCore | codepython777 - It is not like an ai or assistant? | 22:36 |
Syre | Thank you everyone for being so attentive and helping me selflessly. :) | 22:42 |
Syre | Bye | 22:42 |
psychoticwarrior | hey | 22:55 |
=== Christian is now known as Guest72558 | ||
psychoticwarrior | hey guys | 23:14 |
gasst3 | my ubuntu machine is not showing list of wifi enable and disable wifi is not working? | 23:49 |
sicc_sicc | gasst3: has it been working before? | 23:51 |
gasst3 | sicc_sicc: yes it was working before, sudenly it stops | 23:52 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | In Terminal: sudo apt-get install inxi and pastebinit | 23:52 |
Jack_Sparrow__ | ...then inxi -Fxxrzc0 | pastebinit Provide link - So We can see what you are working with | 23:52 |
sicc_sicc | gasst3: please to what Jack_Sparrow__ wrote. | 23:57 |
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