
FourDollarsHi, could you help to check the SRU for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/1100546?03:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1100546 in indicator-power (Ubuntu Xenial) "Power indicator favours 'not present' mouse over laptop battery level" [Medium,New]03:47
cpaelzernacc: no it is not an official dep3 field, but it helps a lot especially if the patch needs to be maintained05:39
cpaelzernacc: it is just a way to attribute it to the right author, while putting the burden to be contacted to keep it in shape to who wrote the patch for the package05:39
cpaelzernacc: spec-wise you'd do multiple Author lines, but then it turned out to often be misleading05:40
cpaelzernacc: allso it is close to bikeshedding :-) I'm happy to find patches which have headers at all - what we discuss here is minor optimization05:40
cpaelzernacc: but lets open up this topic next week05:40
cpaelzergood morning btw05:41
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sil2100smoser: hey! I was looking at the cloud-init SRU just now and sadly I noticed most of the bugs don't have the required SRU information in their description...10:31
sil2100smoser: could you fix that or poke people to add those?10:31
sil2100smoser: there's a lot of bugs so I guess we need to make sure each of them can be easily validated and reviewed10:32
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sil2100cpaelzer: hey! Could you take a look at the two autopkgtest failures for the new postgresql-9.515:21
sil2100in yakkety?15:21
sil2100cpaelzer: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/yakkety/update_excuses.html#postgresql-9.515:22
sil2100cpaelzer: I see that the armhf one for postgresql itself also happened for packages like openssl15:23
sil2100cpaelzer: ah, I see your bug comments now15:27
cpaelzersil2100: hi, was busy in a call - now I'm with you15:35
sil2100cpaelzer: it's all good, your comments had all I needed15:36
cpaelzersil2100: yeah I tried to outline the known issues in the comment15:36
cpaelzersil2100: to at least slightly believe we will one day have less o fthose transient issues I even opened two bugs :-)15:36
cpaelzeryet I know that working on these is unlikely given usual priorities15:36
cpaelzerI just don't like writing every quarter "known issue" :-)15:37
sil2100hah, very good indeed! Yeah, I saw some of those failures being around since ages now, would be nice to get those fixed up one day15:37
cpaelzersil2100: Trusty will need to age more in proposed to be considered, thanks for accepting the others15:37
sil2100cpaelzer: yeah, I know, since I almost accidentally accepted it15:39
sil2100Ctrl+C'd my way out of it in the right moment though15:39
AlfroWhere can I see how the gnome-control-center changes the default audio source? I thought it was similar to using pactl, but I am getting different behaviour in a particular case.16:19
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jtayloris firefox in ubuntu built in some form of debug mode?20:25
jtaylorI get real bad performance and the assembly used is horrible20:26
jtaylorno inlining of tiny functions un libyuv20:27
jtayloroh no mystery ... -Os is used20:28
jtaylorseems to also affect debian bug 86367221:25
ubottuDebian bug 863672 in firefox "performance critical libyuv built with Os" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/86367221:25
ddstreetcyphermox hey, sorry again...my change to vlan for bug 1573272 was not quite correct, I put details in the bug and attached v2 devdiffs, which apply on top of the current -proposed code...can you review and upload to artful if it looks correct?22:48
ubottubug 1573272 in vlan (Debian) "default gateway route not installed for bond interfaces through reboot" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157327222:48
ddstreetslashd uploaded the SRU releases, he can handle re-uploading the SRU releases again if you can upload to artful22:49
slashdcyphermox, thanks22:53

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