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cpaelzergood morning05:41
mrparanoidim having some trouble with loading a preseed file from an iso image, I can see the preseed file on the iso and it is also in the append to call the file, however it isn't working and the UI install prompts are still appearing.. is there anything else that needs to be set/configured for it to load?06:18
eatingthenighthello, anyone know a trick to get settings changes made in /sys to take effect faster. in my case I am setting the cpu to performance mode and it takes about 40 seconds until it actually registers that it's using max cpufreq.06:26
eatingthenightcan you trigger this to happen faster?06:26
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fishcookerhow to know the detail of these 2 lines information of 49 packages can be updated and 28 updates are security updates ?09:46
ikoniafishcooker: I don't know what you are asking09:48
M3mphiZHow can i get the welcome message telling me the last login time, updates, restart required, etc. wihtout logging out and in again?10:01
cpaelzerM3mphiZ: some are executed as needed - but mostly you get what you need from man update-motd10:37
cpaelzerM3mphiZ: e.g. parts are in /var/run/motd.dynamic10:37
cpaelzerM3mphiZ: do you want to see "what you had on login" or to regenerate it as t would be now?10:37
cpaelzerSince this is a thing multiple programs can plug in the output can differ and be modified10:38
cpaelzerM3mphiZ: and as addendum - for e.g. the last login "lastlog" gives you way wider overview than just motd11:09
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hallyncpaelzer: re libvirt, i'm not reading the bug emails closely (and am driving all day today), but if i skimmed them correctly, the weird packages in question were part of trying ot get back in sync with debian;14:16
hallynso as you work to fix whatever is broken, i'd recommend making sure to either go in the direction of completing that or ditch the idea entirely.14:16
* hallyn out14:17
winem_hey guys, (sorry if you read my question in #ubuntu as well, but I guess this is the right place to place it) I have to setup a postgresql or mysql / mariadb / galera db cluster. requirements are that failover and a virtual shared IP is supported. some years ago I used a combination of mysql, heartbeat, pacemaker to achieve this. but I did not use such a setup in the last few years. so which db (postgresql or mariadb / galera)14:25
winem_would you recommend and why? I guess this can save me some googling. requirements: a couple of reads and about ~20k writes per minute (so they are not that high...)14:25
cpaelzerhallyn: thank you15:19
cpaelzerhallyn: yeah it is about completing the move to align with Debian15:19
cpaelzerhallyn: I'm fine cleaning up, just the list for this cycle seems to get longer and longer15:20
cpaelzerdue to myself being able to identify more things15:20
cpaelzerhallyn: you just left too sudden and I'm the one missing you most due to the follow on work :-)15:20
cpaelzerhallyn: have a good trip15:21
cpaelzerhallyn: TL;DR I just didn't realize before that this part of the move was only half way done - but we will complete that now15:39
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M3mphiZcpaelzer: thanks for the hint, im using the following script now to show the motd: for i in /etc/update-motd.d/*; do if [ "$i" != "/etc/update-motd.d/98-fsck-at-reboot" ]; then $i; fi; done18:02
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