
thatgraemeguymorning peoples06:49
the_calhaxeveryone is so quiet today09:25
Kilosguten abend16:45
smilehi again17:11
smilewie geht's dir, Kilos?17:11
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
inetproguten morgen oom Kilos19:02
Kiloslol guten abend and sleep tight everyone20:43
superflyai, I keep missing everyone21:59
paddatrapperHi superfly22:04
superflyhello paddatrapper, how goes?22:04
paddatrappersuperfly: alright thanks. You? 22:06
superflypaddatrapper: I'm well thanks.22:06
superflypaddatrapper: Uni going ok?22:06
paddatrappersuperfly: yeah. Dying under the work load, but such is the end of the semester :) I was accepted into Google Summer of Code working on the opsis boards that Debconf uses which I'm really enjoying 22:07
superflypaddatrapper: I heard a rumour of GSoC, wel done!22:08
paddatrapperThanks! Having to take a deep dive into low level programming in a way I've never done before 22:09
paddatrappersuperfly: settling into the new house and job well? 22:13
superflyYes. All going well.22:13
superflyI've started buying replacement PCs for myself and Hannah. Bought over $500 worth of stuff the other day because there was a sale on22:14
superfly(and that's without the RAM, processors and motherboards)22:14
paddatrapperGot to love them sales :) 22:15
paddatrapperOk wow! 22:15
paddatrapperAlright I'm off. Need to not be a zombie tomorrow... Night/Morning!22:15
superflynight paddatrapper, love to the family22:17

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