
oerheks_donofrio, lots of forumposts, you might get it working, no guarantee for your hardware, as not all drivers are available00:12
IntelCoreany #bash ppl on00:13
tewardIntelCore: sounds like you need to visit #bash00:15
donofriooerheks_, yah gotta try ;)00:20
joeelectricityhey y'all, I've installed ubuntu on my laptop before and am trying to install on my desktop computer. Issue is, my graphics card causes me to get a black screen after Grub. I started in nomodeset, but it also turns out that my wifi card (broadcom wireless adapter) isn't supported. I'm following a tutorial on the forums for installing it (using firmware-b43-installer), but seems to not have worked.00:35
bzn-fobI'm running into an issue with a .desktop file. I created it (copied from my emacs.desktop file and changed the necessary stuff) but clicking the menu entry it makes, it says invalid desktop entry file00:36
joeelectricityIssue with the no wifi is that i have to use a crappy tiny usb card to download any drivers. The signal up here isn't strong enough so I"m using my phone's hotspot to install the wifi card drivers (would rather not install the gfx card drivers over lte, data caps)00:36
bzn-fobHowever, typing it in the terminal works fine. I mean, I can /usr/bin/my-program & it's fine. But the desktop entry pointing to the same place does not00:36
bzn-fobjoeelectricity: hey man. For starters which broadcom adapter do you have? (I had to help a friend with this & we could not do it)00:37
bzn-fobAnd for enders, eh... the black screen is a known bug. I wouldn't be much help except googling for solutions00:38
joeelectricitythe pciid is 14e4:43a0, but the model is Broadcom BCM436000:38
bzn-fobK one sec lemme look it up00:38
joeelectricitywas the tutorial you were following the one on the ask ubuntu with the table of tools? Just realized I might've misread the table00:40
joeelectricitygonna try the other utility it suggests and report back00:40
joeelectricityannoying thing is somehow, I used to have a working ubuntu install (albeit an older version) on this same computer, but cleared it and months later want to reinstall. No issues with graphics drivers last time, just network driver00:40
joeelectricityusually I use windows for development, but I've been bitten by the Rust bug and wanted to get a real Linux machine up. Cleared my extra ssd and started an install, excited to be back on a unix machine00:42
bzn-fobSo far I see (old post) suggesting to use bmwl-kernel-source - but this post is ancient (2013)00:42
joeelectricityyeah, I might try some other solutions if the bmwl doesnj't work00:42
bzn-fobPray it works. We spent.. I don't know, a week doing every solution we found00:42
joeelectricityyeah, I'll figure something out00:43
joeelectricitymy setup looks pretty funny right now, though. Laptop out on desk, tiny little wifi adapter in pc, and phone basically on top of the adapter with hotspot00:43
bzn-fobI think you might have better luck, his was a different chipset that didn't seem very common in that series, but yours pops up a lot of info00:43
donofriodoes a native frontend for simcity4 datafiles in ubuntu00:44
bzn-fobHaha. Working setup :)00:44
joeelectricityoshit!! 64 bytes from google.com00:44
joeelectricitythanks for the help, bzn00:44
bzn-fobNo problem. It looks promising. As far as broadcom adapters go00:45
joeelectricityi'm also very excited to get my vim setup on a desktop computer. Spent almost all day playing with nvim and some themes, making it look pretty. I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to linux dev (use atom on windows, slow as fuck), but this feels pretty legit00:46
bzn-fobEmacs guy myself. Occasionally use vim but I don't use it vim-like, lol. No magic with keys, just editing a line or two00:50
bzn-fobNot comfortable with it. Almost 20 years of emacs warped my muscle memory00:51
der0I heard a rumor that Ubuntu is abandoning Unity desktop, is that true?00:51
wannabejIt's not a rumor00:52
wannabejIt's true00:52
wannabejMoving back to the old gnome00:52
der0wannabej, ahh. When?00:52
wannabej18.04 LTS00:52
wannabejAt least I think so00:53
wannabejThat will be the transition version00:53
wannabejI never used unity anyways00:54
wannabejso I don't care much00:54
joeelectricitywhat desktop environment do you guys use? GNOME (non-classic) feels kinda weird to me00:55
darthanubisder0, rumour? lol00:55
fishbowlkrakenit's too bad, tbh. Unity has some of the most coherent UX of any DE, and is one of the few that handles HiDPI in a way that isn't horrendous.00:55
darthanubisit was an official announcement00:55
fishbowlkrakenIt's not exactly my favorite environment, but on my Compute stick attached to my TV, it's worked quite well, with the large icons and desktop.00:56
wannabejI use xfce00:56
wannabejand sometimes kde00:56
wannabejAll of em have their issues00:57
fishbowlkrakenI'm using Cinnamon atm, was using XFCE for everything, then got a laptop with a 4K screen and saw what XFCE looks like on that00:57
wannabejMost of my ubuntu work is on the server side00:57
fishbowlkrakenSo, anybody up for obscure Nvidia driver troubleshooting?00:59
fishbowlkrakenGonna just keep asking every few hours, lol01:00
fishbowlkrakenThat's a quick way to kill the discussion, lol01:04
Bashing-omThe accpetable elapsed time is 20 minutes .. I remain interested .01:05
wannabejfishbowlkraken: whats the issue?01:05
wannabejfishbowlkraken: and please tell me you're not on one of those dual intel-nvidia laptops01:05
fishbowlkrakenYou freaking know it.01:06
fishbowlkrakenHowever, the Intel chip is disabled at the hardware level by BIOS01:06
fishbowlkrakenSo there's that.01:06
Bashing-omwannabej: fishbowlkraken Has new hardware too boot too .01:06
fishbowlkrakenAnyway, not ONLY is it an Nvidia Prime laptop, it's one so new that there's no drivers in the official repos that support it01:06
fishbowlkrakenso I have to use the graphics-drivers PPA to run it01:06
wannabejI applaud your trailblazerness01:07
wannabejDo you exclusively run ubuntu on it?01:07
fishbowlkrakenit seems to have a documented issue (by the fact that I and at least one other person have posted about it now) that it won't actually clock the GPU above its baseline01:07
fishbowlkrakenand yeah, I exclusively use Linux on all my hardware01:07
wannabejmay want to look at this stuff before you buy ;)01:07
wannabejLink to the other user experiencing the issue?01:08
fishbowlkrakenI'm not running this as some act of bravery, I just bought a new CAD workstation, and needed the newest GPU so I could actually crunch the polys01:08
fishbowlkrakenThere's no other laptops on the market that support 64GB of RAM, and this is the newest mobile Quadro on the market as well.01:08
wannabejFair enough01:09
fishbowlkrakenI got one of the first P51s to make landfall in the US, configured it within three hours of it first going up for sale on the site01:09
wannabejI support some CAD junkies at work01:09
fishbowlkrakenso there wasn't much research that could be done, lol01:09
fishbowlkrakenI also needed horsepower for slicing 3D prints01:10
wannabejSo it runs like poo when forcing nvidia?01:10
wannabejlike even with simple desktop interaction01:10
fishbowlkrakenIt runs like poo when running with Intel, but just as bad with only Nvidia01:10
fishbowlkrakenyeah, it's running the GPU at 10%01:10
wannabejWell yes thats expected01:10
fishbowlkrakenYeah, like, watching a Youtube video, I can't run it above 480P before I get stuttering on Cinnamon01:11
wannabejWhats the device dected as?01:11
fishbowlkrakenKeep in mind, it's a 4K screen01:11
fishbowlkrakenoh it's detected correctly01:11
fishbowlkrakenHere's a full dump of my Xorg log01:11
fishbowlkrakenThe weird thing is, it worked ONCE.01:12
wannabejfor my own insanity01:12
wannabejplease run lspci | grep VGA01:12
fishbowlkraken01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206GLM [Quadro M2200 Mobile] (rev a1)01:13
wannabejwhich driver version are you using?01:14
wannabejand does this occur on older versions of ubuntu too or just the latest?01:16
fishbowlkrakenThe only two drivers to support the card are 378 and 38101:16
fishbowlkrakenand on 378 you can't adjust brightness01:17
wannabejThere's always a way01:17
wannabejminus the brightness issue its the same on both?01:17
fishbowlkrakenas far as older versions, not sure, but this is a Kaby Lake machine, so I'm trying to get to the newest version to avoid the random hangs01:17
fishbowlkrakenYeah, on 378 it still won't clock AND the screen blinds me, lol01:17
wannabejYeah fair enough re: kaby, would be interesting to see tho01:18
fishbowlkrakenYeah, it'd run great right until the random crash, lol01:18
fishbowlkrakenactually no idea if it would01:18
Bashing-omfishbowlkraken: nvidia recommends the 375 version driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/118290/en-us .01:18
fishbowlkrakenFor the M2200?01:18
IntelCoreyea i mentioned 37501:18
fishbowlkrakenBecause the changelogs for 378 *specifically* say "adds support for card: M220001:19
wannabejThose changelogs are crap01:19
wannabejI would bet an older version that doesn't even properly detect the card would run it better than it is right now01:19
fishbowlkrakenNo surprise there. I'll try it out, bbs01:19
IntelCorenvidia bundled models into new useanle driver scrips01:19
IntelCoreI saw a few models in application with one driver01:20
Bashing-omfishbowlkraken: Yup and the card is listed " K4100M, Quadro K4000M, Quadro K3100M, Quadro K2200M," .01:21
fishbowlkrakenK2200m and M2200 are not necessarily the same thing01:22
IntelCoreyou have M2200 driver01:22
fishbowlkrakenYeah, K2200m is a card from 2015, this is one from this year01:23
Bashing-omfishbowlkraken: true ^ but : http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us >> 375 version driver .01:23
fishbowlkrakenIf you think Nvidia Geforce naming conventions are troublesome, you ain't seen nothin yet with Quadro.01:23
fishbowlkrakenAnyway, I installed it, gonna reboot.01:24
IntelCorem2200 on that sit finds 375 is01:24
IntelCore2 days. solve drivers01:25
wannabejSeems counter intuitive but quadro driver support is worth than the consumer lots01:26
IntelCorefirst i bash python la8tr01:27
fishbowlkrakenHm, drone told me I wasn't logged in.01:30
fishbowlkrakenTrying again.01:30
fishbowlkrakenHey, can y'all see this?01:30
fishbowlkrakenOK, I changed to the latest point release of 375, after trying the old one01:32
fishbowlkrakenNow it seems to allow me to adjust brightness. Success there.01:33
fishbowlkrakenGonna try to run a thing to benchmark it01:33
Bashing-omfishbowlkraken: :))01:33
fishbowlkrakenOkay, I have brightness control back, but no dice graphically.01:34
fishbowlkrakenActually, I don't have the ability to CHANGE the brightness01:35
fishbowlkrakenbut it went back to the setting it had last I used it on 38101:35
fishbowlkrakenso it's not at maximum01:35
fishbowlkrakenNo friggin clue why, but hey. I can see.01:35
Bashing-omfishbowlkraken: And do some work on this high dollar equipment .01:36
wannabejstill crap performance?01:36
fishbowlkrakenLoaded a Unity based game from 201501:37
wannabejI wonder if you try oc'ing it and manually setting clocks01:37
wannabejI bet that would work01:37
wannabejit would stress the crap out of it though01:37
wannabejnot good long term01:37
wannabejAnd your lap would ignite from the heat I'm guessing01:37
fishbowlkrakenI'd rather not stress this thing,01:37
fishbowlkrakenthis laptop is replacing my W530 that I bought in 2013, so I'm a fan of maintaining my hardware01:38
wannabejHow much was that?01:39
fishbowlkrakenthis one or the old one?01:39
fishbowlkrakenold one was about $2500, this one was $390001:40
wannabejThats not too bad01:40
fishbowlkrakenit's not, and I have a full service warranty for two years with onsite service, so that's helpful01:42
fishbowlkrakenbut again, rather not stress this thing that far01:42
fishbowlkrakenI'm going to be beating the crap out of this thing enough as it is01:42
fishbowlkrakenmy old laptop's had five separate run-ins with spools of plastic weighing a kg01:42
_unreal_hello, I'm trying to find my box, I need to SSH into it but I have forgotten what the IP is. I could plug a video cable in but its a PAIN to undo everything01:44
YankDownUnder_unreal_, Local LAN?01:44
YankDownUnder_unreal_, Can you not check your router to see what IP's are used/assigned?01:45
fishbowlkrakenwannabeJ: If this thing performed at around the level it's supposed to, the cost wouldn't be too bad.01:48
oerheks_unreal nmap could scan for that, like: nmap -sn
wannabejfishbowlkraken: I can understand your frustration, I'd be the same way - but you will prob have to either keep trying different version combos (ubuntu/driver revs)01:49
_unreal_nmap thats it01:49
YankDownUnderfishbowlkraken, (Offtopic - if I wanted to see speed on that thing, I'd be running WindowMaker or macOS) :)01:49
wannabejfishbowlkraken: or just hold for a new update01:49
fishbowlkrakenIt's supposed to be able to go at a dead heat with an RX 460 (a desktop card, not a laptop one) for most graphics processing tasks01:49
_unreal_there it is 192.168.10101:49
fishbowlkraken(MacOS isn't really known for its driver support on hardware they don't like, lol)01:49
_unreal_logging into my cubox01:49
_unreal_if you have ever heard of such a thing?01:50
YankDownUnderfishbowlkraken, One has to *know* where to go...ahem...01:50
_unreal_wow uptime 170 days01:50
YankDownUnder170 days. Um...yeah...wow...so since we've helped you find it, you're buying lunch, right? Yay!01:50
uptime_unreal_, pfft.01:50
fishbowlkrakenOh I know all about hackintoshes, I had a Dell Mini 9 back in the day, which was like, THE machine to hackintosh, as it almost perfectly matched the specs of a netbook platform Apple had been toying with, so it was weirdly perfectly supported01:51
fishbowlkrakenBut that was a long, long time ago01:51
wannabejI would try downgrading to the LTS version01:51
wannabejThe kaby lake issues will be far less than nvidia bs01:51
fishbowlkrakenBahh. Is there a good way to do that other than just straight reinstalling?01:53
wannabejNot really01:53
fishbowlkrakenRadda radda radda. I was hoping maybe they'd patched that up.01:53
wannabejIf you're paranoid that it won't work (legit concern), you could clone the disk as is now01:53
wannabejTry the new version01:54
fishbowlkrakenAnything with good HiDPI support from 2016?01:54
wannabejerr try the new "old" version ;)01:54
fishbowlkrakenActually I can just install it to the HDD and set that as the boot device01:54
fishbowlkrakenI have a 256GB SSD and a 500GB HDD01:54
fishbowlkrakenso I can just swap them in the BIOS and use that to boot up and test things01:54
fishbowlkrakenbe a bit slower but meh01:55
fishbowlkrakenHowever, HiDPI stuff's a nightmare on even the new stuff01:55
fishbowlkrakenhow bad is it on the LTS?01:55
wannabejIt won't be fun01:57
fishbowlkrakenIs there a spin of 16.04 that starts out running Cinnamon or Budgie?02:03
fishbowlkrakenThose are two that've been onboard with HiDPI from the get go02:03
compdocfishbowlkraken, you can also install Server, and then add a desktop02:04
daxUbuntu itself only supports Ubuntu Budgie in 17.04 onwards tho, so probably not the best idea02:04
dax(i.e., there are downloads on that site for 16.04, but they're not officially supported here)02:05
fishbowlkrakenSetting up WLAN from the commandline's always fun.02:05
fishbowlkrakenOh shit, I don't even know if this thing's wireless card's supported by 16.0402:05
fishbowlkrakenit's also fairly new02:05
wannabejIf you've got that second disk02:05
wannabejI'd give it a whirl02:05
fishbowlkrakenyeah, guess it's my best shot. So should I just use standard Ubuntu? Anyone have experience with HiDPI on 16.04 that can tell me of one that won't be nothing but eyestrain throughout the install?02:06
Abequinnok guys02:08
wannabejI would do the serve rinstall02:08
wannabejserver* install02:08
wannabejthen add a desktop to it02:08
wannabejsimplest install method02:08
fishbowlkrakenExcept for the whole installing WLAN drivers and connecting to one over server02:09
fishbowlkrakenah fuggit I'll just use a cable02:09
wannabejFor the install I would use a cable02:09
fishbowlkrakenAnother reason to go for high end workstations, you still get an ethernet jack02:09
AbequinnI am dual-booting ubuntu with MacOS, and I am having poor sound quality (MacBookAir6-1)02:09
SakaraHi all, I'm attempting to configure a system with 8 monitors.02:12
SakaraAfter updating the configuration with the nvidia-settings I have the Xscreens layed out correctly at the login prompt.02:13
SakaraWhen I attempt to login the screens flicker black and I get punted back to the login screen.02:13
fishbowlkraken....Eight monitors.02:13
fishbowlkrakenThat's awesome.02:13
SakaraYes. They drive a big heads up display in my office.02:13
fishbowlkrakenCan you PLEASE post a picture?02:13
wannabejThats a nice setup there02:13
wannabejwhich monitor you using?02:13
fishbowlkrakenI'm having trouble actually even conceptualizing how they fit together02:14
SakaraDELL 24 inch02:14
SakaraThey have configured 4x4  +   4x4   and hang from the ceiling.02:14
SakaraI'm a bit stuck with how to troubleshoot unity failing to start.02:14
fishbowlkrakenThat's so friggin cool02:15
SakaraIt only stopped working when I updated the Xorg.conf with the nvidia-settings tool and layed the monitors out with an Xscreen each and enable Xinerama.02:15
fishbowlkrakenAight, you guys sort her out, I'mma go try and get basic functionality out of my graphics card02:15
fishbowlkrakenone graphics driver problem to the next, lol02:15
Abequinnthey cant help me because everybody hates macOS's proprietary software02:16
IntelCoreunity doesnt like managers. gnome manager -- tool for gdm, will hang unity02:16
wannabejAbequinn: whats the sound issue?02:17
Abequinnlow quality, sounds like i'm covering the speaker all the time02:17
SakaraHow would I setup 8 montitors plugged into two discreat nVidia GPU's without using an external manager?02:17
Abequinnim trying to use alsamixer to fix it but i have no idea how to use it02:18
Abequinn(if i even need to)02:18
IntelCoreSakara there are pro vide equipment to do that02:19
wannabejAbequinn: run this, lspci | grep Audio02:19
Abequinn00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 09)02:20
Abequinn00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series HD Audio Controller (rev 04)02:20
SakaraI've got 2x nvidia NVS 510  + 8x DELL U2414H  thats all.  This setup "works" on Windows (applications move around the screens when the screens power down overnight).02:21
SakaraWhen I have only montiros plugged into one card Unity works perfectly.02:21
SakaraWhen I have monitors in both cards lightdm works perfectly.  Any ideas where I can look to understand why unity is failing to launch?02:22
SakaraI see nothing in `journalctl -f`02:22
wannabejAbequinn: let me poke around a bit02:22
wannabejLatest version of ubuntu?02:23
Abequinnyes 17.0402:23
Abequinnand updated like 2 hours ago02:24
wannabejSame issue on earlier version?02:24
wannabejwhich macbook air again?02:25
LoshkiIntelCore: good Managers don't like Unity...02:30
IntelCoreSakara - I think use lightdm02:38
IntelCoreLoshki - idk. secure linux and business enterprise.  I meant desktop managers..02:39
IntelCoreI have seen some come here in unity and it is more rigid itself02:40
IntelCoreSakara - wall make with video controller02:41
IntelCoreOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | This channel supports Ubuntu and its official flavors, versions 14.04, 16.04, 16.10, 17.0402:43
jenniehello, i have these files in a directory, they all start with 'libs'. how do i delete them ? Please help me02:56
psychoticwarriorhow to run fluxbox on ubuntu 17.04.02:56
Abequinnwannabej: hmm02:57
Bashing-omjennie: Explain, as we do not want to help you break your system . libraries may not be something to mess about with .02:59
SudoSparkI have a question, I'm running GPU passthrough with Ubuntu 17.04 as host and it has been working until a reboot now I'm getting this error. Any help would be great. "qemu-system-x86_64: -device vfio-pci,host=04:00.0,multifunction=on: vfio error: 0000:04:00.0: failed to open /dev/vfio/17: No such file or directory"03:02
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fishbowlkrakenOkay, so here's a thing03:28
fishbowlkrakenI've been faffing around with different kernels, and I found out that there is one that changes the clockspeed of my card03:28
fishbowlkrakenIf I install the LowLatency kernel, it takes my card from 135MHz to 33MHz.03:28
fishbowlkrakenSo now instead of a 90% reduction in graphical performance, I have a 97% one!03:29
fishbowlkrakenIt's interesting, because 33MHz is slower than the minimum governor03:30
fishbowlkrakenwelp, off I go03:31
IntelCorez80 were fun03:38
IntelCorepunchcards ?03:39
IntelCorenote:  tried to tar a file on command line.. would not.  had to Archive manager to get it done04:00
IntelCorethis screen activity - took off the top bar of firefox, so I had to use file>quit to exit the browser04:01
IntelCorethis has beet 2x now04:01
schultzaDoes Systemd track pids of services if I make a script, or do I need to have the script save a pid file?04:02
IntelCoreexecutables run - pid04:03
pavlosIntelCore: tar -cvf output.tar /somedir04:04
schultzaIntelCore: I hate short answers. Executables do turn into running programs with a PID. But do I have to capture it, or does SystemD know what to kill when i issue a stop command?04:05
schultzapavlos: thank you. :)04:05
IntelCoreyou kill a number04:06
* schultza types in /ignore IntelCore04:07
IntelCoreu have to find pid to kill.04:07
schultzaanyone else?04:07
schultzaHow do I tell the script to capture the PID?04:07
IntelCoretry #bash?04:08
spider_xschultza: can't you use ps aux and grep to fetch the PID of a specific program?04:16
schultzaspider_x: was thinking of that. Just trying to make sure I get it rig ht, y'know before scripting it.04:18
schultzaer.. automatically doing it04:19
spider_xWell, if it works in terminal it should work in a bash script, you just might want to save the result on a variable or an array if you have more than one.04:19
schultzaFor this systemd service i am making should be only one occurance.04:20
aroonianyone here using tmux?  is there a way to have different sized fonts per window?04:25
=== Guest44806 is now known as db`
SakaraIntelCore: I gave up with Unity. I've managed to get awesome window manager to show all 8 screens.04:54
SakaraGoing to just use that for now.04:54
Osirus126hey guys and gals. im trying to pass a flag("--oidentd") to a program (quasselcore) that is setup as a service. is there anyone who can help?05:00
IntelCorewhere is foxfire insyalled?  So i can tell another prog to use it?05:01
IntelCoreSakara - I like video, nle, and DJ, Great to hear !05:04
squintyIntelCore,   in terminal type   which <program name>   therefore   which firefox05:04
IntelCorewhich ! ahhh ha!05:04
_unreal_damn 169 days up time and the update I just did wants me to reboot my cubox :(05:10
notTechtronici'm trying to create a linux virtual machine using virtualbox but the windows disc image burner says the ubuntu iso isn't valid and virtualbox says "Could not get the storage format of the medium"05:14
notTechtronici got ubuntu from the official site05:15
Bashing-om!md5sum | notTechtronic05:17
ubottunotTechtronic: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM05:17
lotuspsychjethomedy: welcome, what can we do for you?05:28
thomedyi sshd into my server and ran play05:28
thomedyit worked on my server05:28
thomedybut when i remote it doesn't happen05:28
thomedyim not getting my playback remote05:29
thomedyto be clear im talking about sox and play05:29
thomedyim wondering if i run sox or play as a cgi in my server if the media can play through the markup05:30
linociscohi all, I have urgent question, how to edit pdf, save changes05:31
linociscohi all, I have urgent question, how to edit pdf, save changes ?05:34
IntelCoreA feed reader RssOwl, is says I need some files.  no swt-gnome-gtk in java.library.path05:43
senapshi, i have a ssl configured on my server. does changing date/time in the server, make ssl fail?05:43
ayogihi guys, how can we configure static DNS in ubuntu-16.0405:48
ayogisuch that when a machine reboots the same dns is set, and it does not asks dhcp for the details05:48
sirru5hone sec ayogi05:50
IntelCoreswt-gnome-gtk  ?05:50
sirru5his this a server btw ayogi05:51
IntelCorestatic dns is your dns server on that machine05:53
IntelCoreyou may install your own dns05:53
ayogisirru5h, yeah it's a ubuntu server setup inside a vpc05:53
ayogii have configured a custom dns which has a static ip05:54
ayogiand i want the instances running inside the vpc to use that dns05:54
ayogibut every time the machine reboots, its dns gets set to a default dns05:54
sirru5hgive that a look ayogi also don't forget to make a backup05:54
sirru5hlike with cp not mv05:55
IntelCorereboots - on dynamic ip?05:55
IntelCoreif a ip is paid, you get dns?05:56
IntelCoreso, does it default to those05:57
ayogisirru5h, IntelCore also i have one doubt. how does a machine when comes up inside a vpc sets its gateway and dns?05:57
ayogidoes a machine broadcast the dhcp request and then the dhcp server replies with the gateway, dns settings?05:58
IntelCorei know my gateway is from isp on my cable box05:59
IntelCorewith home10, i can try ubuntu/apache06:00
sirru5hpretty much a machine sends a broadcast then the dhcp server responds giving the config for the gw and dns server06:00
sirru5hif you ever seen it on say tcpdump thats about what it shows really helps one understand protocols06:01
IntelCoreu know home10, can't run server.. so it says06:01
sirru5hIntelCore, like home isp lines are usually a bit filtered06:02
YankDownUnder...NOT an MS Windows channel...hmm...06:02
sirru5hI wouldn't run one on a home connection you maybe able to get away with it but business lines are a bit umm better for work things I learned that the hard way06:03
IntelCoreswt-gnome-gtk  --- this is updated for 17 but 16.04 doesnt has it06:04
sirru5hIntelCore, I been too scared to go to win10.. I got win for my work machine which it mainly runs my linux vms06:04
IntelCore confesses .  have bash on mine06:05
YankDownUnderRunning a "home based" server, one opens themselves up to lots of external attacks...even something as simple as an email server...hmm...06:05
IntelCorewell.. line out is a line. just "Live:wares"06:06
sirru5hYankDownUnder, is very right06:07
IntelCorethat gtk was in Trusty, not in Xenial, and got put back on vers 1706:08
sirru5halthough YankDownUnder it's a great learning experience on everything from setting up a server to IR and then DFIR :P06:09
sirru5hand rootkit hunting then followed by re-installing06:10
mcoderThis command does output after regex, but when adding the pipe to sort, there is nothing.  What am I doing wrong?  journalctl -f -n 5000 -u aservice | egrep -io "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" | sort -u06:11
IntelCoremcoder - you need "compdoc" a scripter from way back06:14
darthho0Hey I have a 6700 and ubuntu keeps freezing on me06:17
YankDownUndermcoder, The "-f" means to "follow" - is that what you're wanting to do? (Follow - as in read the journal AS it's happening)06:17
YankDownUnderdarthho0, Um...what's a 6700?06:18
mcoderOh man thanks... Yes I was following for something else, but then let it leak in the example above.  So the SDOUT was messed up.  It works, thanks.06:19
YankDownUndermcoder, Easy peasey.06:20
IntelCorehttps://tinyurl.com/ycf276ba  -- you see all these ppl with problen because gnome-gtk was missing in distro !!!06:21
IntelCorefrom lik 12.04 the distro .. some have, some dont06:22
pynkibased on your expiriences: how often will the "automatic security update" feature make the ubuntu server unusable?06:26
IntelCorecan't you select when - to install06:31
IntelCoreI can check daily for updates, or not06:32
ducassepynki: can't recall it happening at all, actually06:32
IntelCoreset a ticmark..06:33
IntelCore* no gnome-gtk here boss, universal?06:33
YankDownUnderpynki, Unusable? In what manner...?06:36
darthho0YankDownUnder, my processor06:36
YankDownUnderdarthho0, Motorola 6700? WOW! ;)06:38
ducassedarthho0: we need more details than that06:41
darthho0ducasse YankDownUnder a intel 6700 lol... wow. what details do you need06:45
ducassedarthho0: start with what system you're running, under what conditions the freezes happen, do you have any logs etc06:47
darthho0ducasse it's mostly when intensive apps are running06:47
darthho0ubuntu 16.0406:47
darthho0how do I get a log?06:48
ducassedarthho0: which kernel are you running? 'uname -r'06:50
squigHi ubuntu my / is corrupt, but the old way I would have booted into single user mode and ran fsck doesnt work06:58
squigI am in the grub boot menu but what do I type these days?06:58
squigI am on 16.0406:58
hateballsquig: you should have an alternative that says recovery07:00
FMan42 packages can be updated - wat do07:00
laceylaneyFMan: you could run sudo apt upgrade from a terminal to update those packages...07:01
FManthat might be one course of action moving forward from here07:01
squighateball: yeah nah, I dont, but I figured it out add single to the linux boot option07:01
pavlossquig: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode07:02
hateballsquig: sure, just edit the boot line and append it after "quiet splash" or whatever you have07:02
IntelCoreI need this - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnomevfs-2.so.0  to go to /home/usr/.swt/lib/linux/x86_64/libswt-gnome-gtk-3735.so: libgnomevfs-2.so.0  please07:03
hateballsquig: but like pavlos linked, you need to remount rw etc07:03
laceylaneyAnyone know how I can easily map #hashtag symbol to a key on my keyboard ??07:03
squigyeah fscking now07:03
hateballlaceylaney: to a dedicated key, rather than say... shift+3 ?07:04
ducasseFMan: use 'apt full-upgrade', not just 'upgrade'07:05
pynkiYankDownUnder, lets say i have X services running on the server, when one of them stops i would say the server is unusable. like updateting openssl would braek all of them for example - you do not want that to happen when something installs itself automatically07:05
laceylaneyI'm using a mac keyboard and don't have #hashtag symbol so I'm looking to add it to something like shift+307:06
hateballlaceylaney: use xmodmap07:06
ducasseactually, xmodmap is deprecated by the xkb extensions now07:06
IntelCoreI got the files. for java, but the program I have wants them in a path07:07
laceylaneyso should I use xkb now ??07:07
ducasselaceylaney: setxkbmap and xkbcomp. i think i have a guide somewhere if you hang on a minute.07:08
pavlosIntelCore: you could create a symbolic link ... ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgnomevfs-2.so.0  DESTINATION07:08
FManhow about apt-get dist-upgrade?07:08
hateballFMan: it performs the same action as apt full-upgrade07:08
hateballjust that apt is nicer than apt-get07:09
ducasselaceylaney: this also has further links - http://www.pixelbeat.org/docs/xkb_remap/07:09
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
IntelCorefile libgnomevfs-2.so.0  is installed, but swt-gnome-gtk-3735.so I am hunting for07:10
FManok, thanks!07:10
laceylaneyducasse: Thank you very much for the link. Reading through it now :-)07:11
IntelCorepavlos - do I use word destination?07:15
ducasseIntelCore: you put the actual destination you want there07:18
IntelCoreyah ok yah07:18
IntelCoresynaptic pkg mgr - : libswt-gtk-3-java (3.8.2-3) is equal to.. libswt-gnome-gtk-3735.so ??07:20
IntelCorelibswt-gnome-gtk-3-jni  also here07:22
IntelCorebut no .so files07:22
IntelCore-classpath /usr/lib64/eclipse/swt.jar:. Test  (fails to load my files) an Eclipse bug. in Ubuntu 16.04 - missing java-gnome gtk07:27
IntelCoreno swt-gnome-gtk-3735 in java.library.path07:28
IntelCoreno swt-gnome-gtk in java.library.path07:28
ducasseIntelCore: are you using eclipse from the ubuntu repos?07:28
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 746425 in eclipse "Crash on launch because can't load "libswt-gnome-gtk"" [Unspecified,Closed: currentrelease]07:29
IntelCoreyes i dl installed eclipse apt-got07:30
IntelCore2 files - libswt-gnome-gtk-3735.so: libgnomevfs-2.so.007:31
IntelCorethe first might be depricated07:31
IntelCoreno swt-gnome-gtk in java.library.path07:33
IntelCorei do not have the first file, after both openjre, and oracleJre install. but is openJre in use.07:34
IntelCorethe 2nd file is in many places in this pc07:35
IntelCorelibswt-gnome-gtk-3-jni is installed07:36
banyantreehi guys, my systemclt status is deprecated. How can i display only the failed units?07:37
banyantreeoh degraded not deprecated07:38
ducassebanyantree: systemctl --failed07:39
IntelCoreFiles contained in org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_3.7.0.v3735b.jar07:40
IntelCoreit can be found in that eclipse07:40
IntelCoreit is a file 2,100k large07:43
IntelCoreit is x8607:43
=== geodb27_ is now known as geodb27
IntelCoreSWT uses the native widgets of the platform whenever possible. The native widgets of the OS are accessed by the SWT framework via the Java Native Interface (JNI) framework. JNI enables Java code running in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to call, and to be called by, native applications and libraries written in other languages07:53
IntelCorethere not an swt ubuntu that my other prog wants07:54
IntelCoreuhmm but, it will be in ubuntu 17 as it just updated07:55
IntelCoredid you get an update?07:55
IntelCoreis it security risk ?07:56
IntelCorewhy the gnome swt got missed?07:57
=== rvgate_ is now known as rvgate
IntelCoreBeginning in Firefox version 52, support for NPAPI plugins in Firefox has ended, except for Adobe Flash. Some of the plugins that will no longer load include Java, Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Acrobat.08:01
YankDownUnderFlash and java, silverlight - all dangerous.08:05
\9is there anyone still actually using the acrobat plugin? i mean everything has built-in pdf support nowadays08:09
sirru5h\9, Yes I had a person who was using a OSX machine and after poking around I found flash amongst apache running and a few other things08:25
sirru5hI don't think granma runs a server when I asked her she didn't know why anything was running turns out all filesharing and websharing was on as well as flash08:26
YankDownUnderOSX server would have those functions...unless some web-development stuff was installed.08:27
sirru5hshe had originally installed it for bridge which acutally is run on the nursing homes networks so residents can play from their rooms08:28
sirru5hYankDownUnder,  I found out that is how webshare and file share is done via apache08:28
sirru5hit actually comes pre-installed on OSX 10.5.8 iirc that's what she had08:29
sirru5htrust me I had to do some asking around on the mac channel here to figure it out there was no documentation on this via google08:29
YankDownUnderNan's a crim! A pirate!08:29
sirru5hha! maybe she is starting a new torrent site or something but flipped off the web/file sharing and no more apache08:31
IntelCoreok, I went after an RSS reader.  I liked NewsFeed.  this RSSOwl program is same almost.  But, gave a Java swt error08:31
IntelCoreI found I had no java08:32
IntelCoreI learnt about alot.. and found the files08:32
IntelCoreidk if it will all work08:33
IntelCorenot done yet08:33
sirru5hif it doesn't work you may want to reconigure the package so everything is pointing to the proper sources08:37
anchnkhi, I am behind a corporate proxy and trying to update package lists throw me an http 407 error code (authen required) only for PPAs any ideas how to fix it ?08:41
anchnkI am using cntlm as my corporate proxy is an NTLM with authentication08:41
luis30anyone now how to reboot the sound card in ubuntu08:44
luis30like restart it..08:44
hateballluis30: "pulseaudio -k"08:45
TomyWorkI'm currently installing updates after a vacation. now every time i open a new terminal, it says "groups: cannot find name for group ID 10000" plus a few more with other ids >= 1000009:05
TomyWorki'm using ldap login, so i'm a bit concerned about whether or not i will still be able to log in after i reboot09:05
TomyWorkalso, i can't sudo right now, which points in that direction09:06
AginorTomyWork: it sounds like you've lost the ldap/AD connection09:07
AginorTomyWork: unless you've got credentials caching set up, you're not going to have a good time09:07
TomyWorkshouldnt groups be cached?09:07
TomyWorki do, but i'm not sure if that cache survives a restart09:07
AginorTomyWork: it depends on your setup (I'm not an expert)09:07
TomyWorkoh well, i know how to make sure i can log in without a password, so i'll do that, as a precaution09:09
madsjis there any big gain over selinux compared to apparmor?09:11
Groarmadsj: It depends on where you're setting it up09:13
madsjcgroups, capability etc. are concepts that are fairly new to me09:13
madsjGroar: I have a droplet where I've experimented a bit with it; the droplet has nginx and postgresql running.09:14
Groarmadsj: If you work in a bank and need a strong protection, Apparmor might not be enough because it works in a different way than selinux. I mean, it works with addresses, not with tags in files09:14
madsjok, but for an average joe, apparmor seems to be more than enough?09:15
Groarmadsj: Sure, works fine, is not than unsafe, it's just it may not be enough for a big company where EVERYTHING must be completely shielded09:16
GroarFunny fact: selinux comes by default on android devices (heh)09:17
madsjI didn't know :) In Denmark, MobilePay (possibility to send money using a phone number) is quite popular.09:19
Groariirc, a problem with apparmor is that after setting a policy for an address, if the address of that app changes, the new app won't be detected by apparmor profiles. I think there was a way to solve it, but just wanted you to know what kind of differences I was refering to09:20
madsjGroar: both AppArmor and SELinux are new to me, including related concepts such as cgroups.09:23
TomyWorkAginor phew, sudo works again after the update concluded09:24
TomyWorkthis shouldnt be so fragile09:24
ikoniait's not fragile09:25
SaichovskyHey people09:32
SaichovskyI'm running 16.04 on a MacBook pro09:32
SaichovskyIt's booting to a black screen09:32
ducasse!nomodeset | Saichovsky09:32
ubottuSaichovsky: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:32
AginorTomyWork: I'm glad you got it sorted09:33
Saichovskyducasse: should I prepend the ! in grub?09:33
EriC^^Saichovsky: check the link ubottu gave09:34
SaichovskyThanks ubottu09:35
SaichovskyAnd EriC^^09:35
thinkercan i put grsecurity instead of app armor ? as a mac09:38
ikoniagrsecurity requires patches09:39
ikoniaI'm %99 sure the components shipped by ubuntu (and most linux distribtuions) don't have the required patches applied by default09:39
TomyWorkikonia if my power fails or any of the package throw an error and dpkg exits with half-installed packages, i end up with a system i cannot log into.10:12
TomyWorkwhat do you call that?10:12
ikoniaTomyWork: thats just not true though is it10:19
ikoniaTomyWork: if the apache package throws an error/fails to configure, that doesn't stop you logging in10:19
ikoniaso please, try to be realistic in what you're saying and not through a drama net of false information into the channel10:19
TomyWorkikonia i could be wrong, yeah10:30
sirru5hHowdy Everyone10:30
ikoniayou are wrong10:31
TomyWorkbut i couldnt log in while dpkg was installing all kinds of packages, nothing samba-related, that is a fact10:31
TomyWorki assume there was a samba update that hadnt gone through the configure stage yet10:31
ikoniaTomyWork: samba is nothing to do with auth10:32
ikoniaand why don't you look at the logs to see why your auth failed10:32
ikoniarather than these blanket nonsense statements10:32
TomyWorkikonia alright, i'll do that10:32
ikoniathank you10:32
ikoniayou'll get a lot better help and input/feedback if you actually try to work with people than making nonsense drama statements10:33
thinkerikonia: ?10:33
ikoniathinker: what ?10:33
thinkerhow do I config edit my normal kernel10:33
TomyWorkhe thinks i'm exaggerating10:33
ikoniayou don't10:34
ikoniaTomyWork: I don't think you are, I know you are10:34
thinkerto harden it, can i do it, without apparmor10:34
ikoniathinker: you don't need to touch your kernel to use apparmor10:34
thinkerwhat does it actually "mean" to harden a kernel10:34
ikoniathinker: you don't need to do anything to your kernel10:34
thinkerso mac does it for me ?10:34
ikoniathinker: no, look enough with this, you've just had this conversation in archlinux where you made a fool of yourself, lets not start here, you've been told how this works,10:35
thinkerikonia: ok, but what does it mean? what's the difference between config option and mac, and also patches10:35
ikoniathinker: if you have specific ubuntu question, please ask10:35
brainybonesHi guys, I'm completely new to linux and doing a trial by fire. I've created a VM with Ubuntu on it, and I've managed to install teamspeak via the terminal run it. I've used sudo apt-get to install jack but I don't know how to then open it up/configure it.10:35
thinkerikonia: oh no , I haven't been told10:35
ikonia!jack | brainybones10:36
ubottubrainybones: The JACK Audio Connection Kit is a sound server meant for professional applications, allowing different audio protocols and applications to interconnect in nearly unlimited ways. This is the core of Ubuntu Studio's audio workflow. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20is%20JACK for more information on JACK in general.10:36
ikoniathinker: you have, stop being silly please10:36
thinkerwhen I asked this same question, i got no reply look the logs10:36
ikoniathinker: what OS are you using10:36
ikonia10:36 < thinker> no I gave up ubuntu recently10:37
ikoniathinker: lets stop messing around, you're not using ubuntu, you're looking silly in #archlinux, so lets not continue this please.10:38
brainybonesThanks ikonia10:38
thinkerok, i do use both currently, one on laptop and one on desktop10:39
thinkerso no10:39
TomyWorkikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/24701706/10:40
ikoniaTomyWork: ok, so pam couldn't auth against it's target10:41
ikoniawhat is it authing against10:41
TomyWorka windows domain controller, ultimately10:41
ikoniaTomyWork: how is the auth being configured10:41
TomyWorkikonia i forgot how it's set up. where do i look that up?10:43
ikoniaTomyWork: I'm guessing it's sssd ?10:43
ikoniathat would be the most common10:43
brainybonesikonia, in the installation instructions for qjackctl it says to configure prefix; what variable is it referring to/10:43
TomyWorki dont know, i tried a bunch of different ways10:43
exxiin ubuntu server after recent update, can't install openssh-server10:43
exxianyone knows the fix ? it's happening for me across all the ubuntu servers10:44
ikoniabrainybones: I'd need context10:44
TomyWorknot necessarily on this machine though... which is why i dont know :)10:44
ikoniaexxi: what is the problem10:44
exxicomplains about hash sum mismatch10:44
TomyWorkservice sssd does not exist, so i guess it's not sssd10:44
TomyWorkah, it's pam_winbind10:44
exxiikonia: while doing sudo apt-get upgrade; while installing openssh-client it says hash sum mismatch and than aborts10:45
ikoniaTomyWork: hard to say then, I'm going to guess (and this is just a guess) that you a.) have a bad caching config for sssd as the default is short b.) the updates you had installed had a dependency to stop/restart the auth service and you couldn't login while that auth service was down10:45
ikoniaor a variation of that10:45
brainybonesikonia: ./configure [--prefix=prefix] I put that into the terminal and got configure: error: invalid variable name: '[--prefix'10:45
ikoniaexxi: what repo10:45
exxithis is the addr10:45
TomyWorkafaik, winbind is part of samba10:45
TomyWorkwhich is why i was suspecting the samba update10:46
ikoniaexxi: apt-get update first10:46
ikoniaTomyWork: that sounds logical10:46
TomyWorkthanks for acknowledging :)10:46
ikoniaexxi: so either that mirror is out of sync, it's not coming from that repo, or there is a man in the middle10:46
ikoniaTomyWork: that doesn't mean it's fragile10:46
exxiikonia: so what i am suppose to do now, means my next step ?10:46
exxican i chnage .in to .com ?10:47
ikoniathat just means you have a non-existant/poor caching of credentials, and your auth service went down while an update was processed10:47
ikoniathats pretty reasonable10:47
ikoniaexxi: you could try another repo yes10:47
exxiikonia: ok replace .in with .com10:47
exxihope that works10:47
TomyWorki think the main problem is that i had to follow a tutorial in some wiki to set this up and that it's not a checkbox in the installer or a tool that sets it up for me10:47
oerheks_exxi, kanpur is 2 days behind, madras uni is up2date https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors10:47
earnestlybrainybones: [] around flags and options are a simple notation that indicates they are optional10:47
ikoniaTomyWork: so you've blindly followedd a third party guide, and you don't really know how it works yourself10:48
TomyWorkit's this: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/samba_winbind10:48
ikoniaTomyWork: I don't know that guide10:48
brainybonesearnestly: Ah, thank you10:48
TomyWorkikonia i'd be happy to use the standard ubuntu way, if that existed and worked10:49
ikoniaTomyWork: what are you talking about, "the standard ubuntu way"10:49
TomyWorki'm on trusty btw, if that makes a difference10:49
ikoniaTomyWork: there are many ways to authenticate against extenal sources, the key is using the one thats right for you10:49
indicatorI'm trying to boot from a manually-partitioned disk with encrypted root (/boot isn't encrypted).  I'm not using the standard LVM setup because I was having some trouble with LVM.  The problem is that command blkid does not see my luksOpen'ed /dev/mapper/root10:49
indicatorAny idea why that might be?10:50
TomyWorkikonia the standard ubuntu way to log in versus a windows domain, with credential caching10:50
indicatorI can mount /dev/mapper/root fine myself10:50
ikoniaTomyWork: what standard ubuntu way ?10:50
ikoniaTomyWork: what are you talking about10:50
TomyWorkyeah exactly10:50
TomyWorkthere is none10:50
TomyWorkthat i can identify10:50
ikoniathere are many as I've just said10:51
ikoniayou pick the one thats right for your needs10:51
indicatorbut script cryptroot fails to because it tries to use blkid to find the filesystem type, and blkid says "what's this /dev/mapper/root you're talking about?" and exits 210:51
TomyWorkyes and that is a problem, do you understand that?10:51
ikoniathats not a problem10:51
TomyWorkyes it is10:51
ikoniathat is a "good" thing10:51
TomyWorkthen why is there a standard way for unix logins?10:51
ikoniaTomyWork: what ?10:51
ikoniawhat standard way for unix logins10:51
TomyWorkor a standard way for installing a kernel10:51
ikoniawhat are you talking about10:52
ikoniathere isn't a standard way for installing a kernel, different distros do it different10:52
ikoniawhat are you talking about10:52
ikoniahow to auth against multiple back ends with multiple technologies, is quite different than installing a kernel10:52
TomyWorkyou're not trying to follow. i can't do anything about that.10:52
ikoniaI am trying to follow, you're not making sense10:52
TomyWorkping me once you change that attitude10:52
TomyWorkikonia ok multiple technologies. i'm talking about one specific technology10:53
ikoniaTomyWork: no, lets turn that around, I engage with you because you where making false/blanket drama statements10:53
ikoniaTomyWork: which technology10:53
TomyWorkActive Directory10:53
ikoniaTomyWork: ok, what version of the AD schema10:53
TomyWorkwhy is that important10:53
ikoniabecause it changes the way it auths10:53
brainybonesEarnestly, When I run ./configure in the extracted qjackctl folder I am getting an error: qmake-qt5 not found in current PATH. Maybe QT Development environment isn't available. (qt5-devel)10:53
ikoniahence why there are MANY ways, because the back end technologies differ10:54
ikoniabrainybones: is there not a ready made package for qjackctl ?10:54
TomyWorkok let's compare to windows. do i need to know that information in order to add a windows machine to a domain?10:54
ikoniaTomyWork: you're not using windows10:54
ikoniaTomyWork: windows has it's own auth setup that is not open souce10:54
brainybonesikonia: I'm not sure; would I use sudo apt-get to find one?10:54
ikoniaTomyWork: and yes, it can matter with windows, eg: windows AD 2016 is not compatible with windows 2008 for replication, so it does matter10:54
TomyWorkwell of course, but i am talking about clients, not additional domain controllers10:55
ikoniaTomyWork: so stop trying to be smart and create a problem, when the real problem is you don't understand how things work and you're trying to be defensive10:55
TomyWorkyeah i dont know how this stuff works10:55
TomyWorkwhy do i have to, that is my point10:55
TomyWorkyou're saying i need to know how this stuff works, i'm saying it should be made simple10:55
ikoniaTomyWork: you don't have to, however, that means you don't get to make false information10:56
ikoniaTomyWork: it's not simple, microsoft is a propritary solution, and how you integrate with it has a few options, you need to pick the best one for you, which means you need to understand how it works at a basic level10:56
TomyWorkikonia ok maybe we're not operating from the same premises here10:57
ikoniaI don't know what your premise is10:58
TomyWorkikonia do you want more people to use linux?10:58
ikoniaTomyWork: I don't care how many people use linux10:58
TomyWorkdo you think that is a good thing10:58
ikoniado I think what is a good thing /10:58
TomyWorkok there is the problem10:58
ikoniathere is no problem10:58
exxiikonia:  AND oerheks_ looks like changing from .in to .com worked10:58
oerheks_exxi, have fun10:59
TomyWorkikonia if you're not operating from that same premise, i can see why you dont see an issue with having to manually fiddle with config files in order to authenticate against a windows domain11:00
TomyWorkso let's just agree to disagree11:00
oerheks_TomyWork, if it is not sssd, find out what service?11:01
ikoniawhat ?11:01
ikoniayou're just making things up11:01
TomyWorkoerheks_ winbind11:01
TomyWorkikonia now i dont know what you're talking about. which part do you think i made up?11:02
IntelCoreyou know where in files you can set added property/args to run them??  how to do that in Ubuntu pls.11:02
ikoniaTomyWork: that I think messing with config files is fine11:02
TomyWorkIntelCore which application are you talking about?11:03
TomyWorkikonia ok, i dont think that messing with config files is fine either11:03
IntelCoreI got an executable needs add start- properties11:03
oerheks_i think ikonia knows 17x more about services than me, but i had success with https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Ubuntu_16.04&p=samba&f=311:03
oerheks_it is manually working with config files, there is no automated installation11:04
TomyWorkif i got that right now. your last statement was a bit ambiguous11:04
Alfro_Hi, I am having an issue when recording a pulseaudio input. During the recording, changing the default audio source on the unity-control-center also changes the recording input. I am NOT using the default input, but specifying one. Is this expected behaviour?11:04
IntelCoreTomyWork - this not a system start-up program11:04
TomyWorkoerheks_ well he basically scalded me for using info from a big german 3rd-party ubuntu wiki.11:05
exxioerheks_: can't install openssh-server pacakge11:05
exxipackage openssh-server is not available, but is referred to by anohter package. This may mean that the package is missing has been obsoleted or is only available from another source11:05
TomyWorkIntelCore i dont understand. do you want to run an application when the system boots?11:06
bonsaitreeIs there a fix for the frequent internet connection drops (on both LAN and Wi-Fi) on 17.04? This is annoying. Thanks in advance.11:06
oerheks_!info openssh-server11:06
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.4p1-10 (zesty), package size 366 kB, installed size 1049 kB11:06
bonsaitreeI have tried this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/905283/wifi-issue-with-ubuntu-17-0411:06
bonsaitreeWithout success on fixing it11:06
oerheks_exxi, it should be available .. can you pastebin the output on paste.ubuntu.com?11:06
exxioerheks_: sure11:07
exxioerheks_: is their a cli tool from where i can export the output ?11:08
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com11:08
TomyWorkanyway, rebooting to apply kernel updates11:12
ayogiguys, what does "iface lo inet loopback" mean11:20
ayogii am seeing this in "/etc/network/interfaces"11:21
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:21
hateballayogi: this explains it quite well https://askubuntu.com/questions/247625/what-is-the-loopback-device-and-how-do-i-use-it11:21
ayogimy machine gets its dns and gateway setting set automatically when it boots up11:22
ayogibut i am not seeing any dhcp settings11:22
ppfnetwork-manager takes care of interfaces not managed through the interfaces file11:22
ayogiin /etc/network/interfaces following lines are present: auto lo11:23
ayogiiface lo inet loopback11:23
ayogisource /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg11:23
ayogihow can i configure network-manager, for static dns11:23
hateballayogi: Through GUI or CLI?11:24
ppfit's the networky icon to the top right11:24
ayogiso where are the settings for eth0 interface. ppf ?11:24
ppfboth on the login screen as well as in the graphical session11:24
ppfit's usually name something like "Auto ethernet"11:25
ayogiit's a server machine, w/o any GUI11:25
ppfthen just configure it through /etc/interfaces11:25
ayogiis network-manager not present in server machine? then how eth0 interface is configured?11:26
ppfit is present and the default11:26
ppfbut it's easier to just configure interfaces11:27
ayogihow can i see the network-manager process, i did "ps aux | grep network-manger" but nothing comes up11:27
ayogiand do i need to stop network-manager for interfaces settings to take impact11:28
ppfjust restart networking11:28
indicatorI found out what my problem with blkid not seeing my luks device was: using the -p (low-level probe) flag to blkid it printed a suggestive message about an ambiguous result.  So I ran wipefs /dev/mapper/root, which showed that there are multiple filesystem signatures on that device11:28
indicatorone was left over from an attempt at zfs boot11:28
indicatordespite using "reformat" checkbox in the ubuntu installer11:29
ayogippf, is there a way i can see network-manger process, that is doing settings for eth0 by default?11:30
indicatorI wonder if mkfs.ext4 doesn't overwrite existing filesystem signatures sometimes?  seems odd...11:30
ppfayogi: sure, but why?11:30
ppfsystemctl status network-manager.service11:31
ayogijust want to know if it's running11:31
ayogican we list it using ps aux11:31
ppfsystemctl will show you the entire cgroup11:31
ayogiin server machine and desktop machine11:31
ayogiokay is this the same which i see as: "ps aux | grep dnsmasq"11:32
ppfshouldn't, i guess11:33
ayogippf, "ps aux | grep dnsmasq" on desktop shows something, but nothing on server machine11:33
ayogiwhat is systemctl?11:34
ppfthe control tool for systemd11:34
ppfwhat ubuntu is this?11:34
ayogippf, what is the use of systemctl for network-manager?11:35
ppfit controls the system services, on of which is nm11:35
L00P3XBuonGiorno.. i have a linux compatible mackie mixer i'm not able to run using Qjackctrl or detected by patchage.. someone knows what is missing? Thank you11:35
ppfbut just run systemctl restart networking, and your interfaces config will kick in11:35
ppf(so make sure you've configured it correctly or you will be locked out ;))11:36
L00P3Xsorry if i just popt in your conversation.. have a nice day guis11:36
frankspank@search The Subtle Art of Not Giving11:36
ayogippf, but how can i list nm service via systemctl11:37
ayogii did "systemctl | grep network"11:37
ppfsystemctl status network-manager.service11:37
* dan hi11:38
ayogiso if interface settings are not present in /etc/network/interfaces, then it is being managed by network manager11:39
pynkiit means there are no settings present in the interfaces file11:40
ayogippf, and network manager does the dhcp request to get the gateway and dns details?11:40
ppfayogi: yes11:40
pynkimanaged by nm -> no settings in etc/network/interfaces, the otherway around is not a valid statement11:40
ayogippf, and is gateway and dns settings are/can be configured for each interface? or a single dns is used for all interfaces?11:41
ppfpynki: sure, if you prefer to be that picky :) but it's a reasonable default assumption11:42
ppfayogi: for each interface11:42
pynkiyou should only have one gateway ayogi, otherwise you would have to deal with routing issues11:43
ayogiso i can configure different dns for each interface11:43
ayogiwow that's cool11:43
ayogiis there a good use case for this?11:44
ayogione more thing - when the machine boots up, then does nm makes dhcp request for each interface?11:44
ppffor those it's managing, yes11:45
ayogito get dns and netmask and other details?11:45
brainybonesOkay so I have qjackctl up and running and teamspeak running in a VM, and I'm trying to link up all audio in the vm to be output to teamspeak, does anyone have advice on getting it configured correctly?11:45
ayogippf, so do we need to setup separate dhcp server for each interface ?11:46
ayogihow does that work?11:46
ppfnot sure i understand the question?11:47
pynkiayogi, if you have to conenct the interfaces to different networks, you will need different dhcp servers11:47
ppfyou need one dhcp server per network11:47
pynki!info dnsmasq | ayogi11:47
ubottuayogi: dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.76-5 (zesty), package size 15 kB, installed size 71 kB11:47
ppfas a physical machine11:47
indicatorOK, I also discovered that zfs apparently writes not just one but a whole pile of signatures, and wipefs will only remove one at a time (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=856833).  My solution was to (after rebooting into live CD): sudo wipefs --all --backup /dev/mapper/root  (which wipes all signatures and backs them up at the same time), then restore just the ext4 signature, following man wipefs)11:48
ubottuDebian bug 856833 in util-linux "/sbin/wipefs: wipefs does not delete ZFS label/signature" [Normal,Open]11:48
indicatorseems to have worked...11:48
indicatorbecause now sudo blkid -o value -s TYPE /dev/mapper/root is successful and prints ext411:49
indicatorand sudo wipefs /dev/mapper/root prints just the ext4 signature11:49
=== Alfro_ is now known as Alfro
ayogippf, then if we have on dhcp server per network, then can a single dhcp server configure all interfaces?11:50
ayogiand when we want separate dns for them?11:51
ppfa dhcp server configures all interfaces on its network11:52
ayogiokay so if want to add a virtual interface inside a server hosted in a network, then we would have to also add its settings in the dhcp server of that network?11:53
ayogiso that interface can get its required details, ppf?11:54
indicatorI have to say I don't recommend using zfs on root filesystem yet, unless you're happy to fiddle about with grub (therefore having to consider possible later trouble when grub packages are updated).  grub still seems unhappy about it (https://github.com/zfsonlinux/grub/issues/19).  A shame, it seems like kind of trivial failure, looks like it's almost there at least for a manual setup.11:54
ppfayogi: yes, if you want11:55
IntelCorehow to pass args to java virtual machine11:59
exxican you guys can do apt-get update successfully ?11:59
pynkiexxi, yes11:59
IntelCorewhy exxi?11:59
FManwhat is the cc command on Ubuntu? an alias for 'gcc'? "man cc" displays the manual page for gcc, but "cc --version" displays "cc 5.4.0" - perhaps it uses argv[0] in that?12:00
IntelCorecc is a program12:00
FManah, yes12:01
ppfFMan: cc is an alias to gcc12:01
exxipynki: IntelCore i am failing to do tried with different repos yet it fails12:01
ppfreadlink -e `which cc`12:01
exxifailed to fetch and hash sum mismatch errors12:01
pynkiexxi, running it as root or with sudo?12:01
FManit appears to be a link to /etc/alternatives12:02
IntelCoreexxi - synaptic pkg mgr12:02
pynkiexxi, can you ping the servers?12:02
exxiapt-get update12:02
pynkiexxi, whats the error message?12:03
ayogippf, okay thank you12:03
exxiusing http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/12:03
zeekhugeis it okay to disable the accounts-daemon.service ?12:03
ppfFMan: update-alternatives --display cc12:03
ayogii learnt a lot today12:03
exxiHash Sum mismatch12:03
exxiunder multiple lines i get that error12:03
zeekhugeis it okay to disable the accounts-daemon.service ? and what does it do ?12:03
exxiayogi: from UP ?12:04
zeekhugealso, do I need irqbalancer.service ?12:04
ayogiexxi, sorry i didn't get UP?12:04
pynkiexxi, google for solutions - there are plenty of suggestions out there what to do. but in the end it might just be atemp error on the nertwork and you just have to wait a bit12:05
FManI have a slave cc.1.gz12:05
zeekhugeplus .. is there an easier way to get the service dependency other that 'systemdctl dot '12:05
zeekhuge*systemd-analyze dot12:06
ppfzeekhuge: systemctl list-dependencies?12:06
exxipynki: tried from couple of hours i am behind this error and it doesn12:06
exxidoesn't looks like going away12:06
FManso both cc and gcc are actually links to gcc-512:07
ppf[for your system]12:08
FManI was going to add that :)12:08
zeekhugepfeerick:  and the red dot means the service failed while the green one means its still active and running . is it ?12:08
bonsaitreeIs there a fix for the frequent internet connection drops (on both LAN and Wi-Fi) on 17.04? This is annoying. Thanks in advance.12:09
bonsaitreeI have tried this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/905283/wifi-issue-with-ubuntu-17-0412:09
bonsaitreeWithout success on fixing it12:09
haymii have installed java when i tried java -version it display  the correct verstion but when i try  update-alternatives --list  it doesnt  display th current java version?12:09
blackbird1Hi, Gimp 2.8.16 repeatedly crashes. Specially when saving. (Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS)12:11
indicatorbonsaitree: you say "the" drops, but isn't it likely that only certain configurations have the particular cause of that problem that you see?12:16
indicatorbonsaitree: I would suggest looking in logs for errors/failures and then googling for those12:16
indicatore.g. run dmesg, have a look in /var/log12:17
zeekhugeand what about the 'irqbalance.service' ? do I need that ? how can I know ?12:17
TomyWorkblackbird1 not familiar with it, but maybe gimp stores logs somewhere? ask #gimp12:17
indicatorblackbird1: you might be able to get useful information from something like strace to see what it is trying to do when it crashes (may or may not help)12:19
indicatoractually recent more ubuntu releases than 16.04 have much better system-level tracing, so if you want to get your hands dirty that might help too (might be a long trek though)12:19
RonWhoCareshow can I check what version of melt I am using12:21
indicatorblackbird1: or you could generate a core file and run gdb on that, if you are prepared to learn about that12:22
AlfroHow does the unity sound settings change the default audio source? I am getting a weird behaviour when I change the default audio source during a recording with a pulseaudio element, but not when I do it through *pactl*.12:23
TomyWorkRonWhoCares dpkg -s melt?12:24
TomyWorkmelt --version?12:24
TomyWorki dont know what melt is12:24
indicatorblackbird1: actually I see there's a more recent gimp release, easiest thing might be to try that (you might need a ppa, or download and build it yourself)12:24
TomyWorkRonWhoCares if you installed it via package management, "dpkg -s melt" should work12:25
TomyWorkindicator dont you finish the diagnosis before suggesting a treatment for blackbird1?12:26
TomyWorkindicator dont you want to finish the diagnosis before suggesting a treatment for blackbird1?12:26
indicatorTomyWork: when it's segfaulting?  How do you suggest doing that remotely?12:27
hateballrun gimp from a terminal and it should dump to stdout when it fails12:27
hateball!paste | and then just pastebin for googletimes12:28
ubottuand then just pastebin for googletimes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:28
indicatoryeah that's a good idea :-)12:29
ZeljkoI have 1gb of ram, 650 is available, how much SWAP memory i have and when my memory come to 0, swap will continue ?12:34
indicatorI often find the live cd holds open mounts (I think I normally get "target is busy"), even when lsof or fuser shows no processes.  Anybody know any common causes of that?12:36
kk4ewtZeljko,  think of swap as storage for ram12:36
Zeljkoim not sure i understand u12:37
kk4ewtswap is slower than ram12:37
indicatordoesn't seem to happen to me when I'm running an installed system.  Maybe it's one of the various indexing etc. tools that I tend to remove after install...?12:37
kk4ewtram will save stuff in ram and call it back as needed12:37
kk4ewtswap is on your hard drive12:38
Zeljkokk4ewt i have 1gb and now 640mb available12:38
Zeljkoim using ircd server,znc, and two eggdrops12:38
Zeljkoim not sure that's enough ram for that12:38
kk4ewtif that is all the machine is doing should be fine12:39
TomyWorkindicator oh he mentioned segfaults? i must have missed that12:39
indicatoryeah he didn't, I assumed that, you're right12:39
indicatorblackbird1: what exactly do you mean by "crash"?12:40
Zeljkokk4ewt : how to restrict user's processes on their shells12:40
Zeljkoi want to give only 1-2 processes12:41
TomyWorkgood question. i had assumed he meant it just disappeared ^^12:41
indicatormy guess would be that if it just disappeared, it probably segfaulted12:41
indicatorAt the moment I'm getting a mount held open because of kdevtmpfs.  That's a kernel process I can't kill.  Anybody know what to do to get around that?12:43
Zeljkoindicator how to limit user's processes on shell12:45
indicatorI'm still not sure how to umount it, but I suppose my mistake was to use mount --rbind to mount dev so I could chroot, I won't do that again... (should have just used --bind)12:47
captineanyone know where one can get the image for the following link?  https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/02/22/an-ubuntu-snap-based-solution-for-enterprises-to-control-their-data/12:48
captinecannot find it on the snap store or anywhere?12:48
haymihow can i check if my java version  is correctly installed beside  java -version?12:48
ppfhaymi: what more do you want12:49
zeekhugewas trying to optimize the boot process. now after a restart my  themes and icons keep toggling (in like 1 second) from defaul to the one I have set . (kind of funny, but I am getting worried about it)12:50
brainybonesMy qjackctl does not seem to have the ability to output on midi, only alsa?12:52
haymippf: I have installed  java 9 yesterday and i want stable version and i remove 9 and installed java 8  it show me the curent version using java -version  but when chek java With  java alternative  --list it doesnt  display?12:52
zeekhugeand my systems is heating up too :(12:54
ppfhaymi: is java -version correct or not?13:01
indicatorthat's pretty weird, what were you doing with your boot process?13:02
haymippf: java version is correct13:03
ppfhaymi: then what are you worried about?13:03
ppfeverything's fine13:03
haymippf: i was trying to install pentaho applictaion which needs java path and it is not showing the  path of java13:04
ppfwhat isn't13:05
haymippf: yes13:06
zeekhugeindicator: I just disabled a few services like - that brltty, acounts-daemon, pppd-dns ... And maybe a few more .. :(13:06
BluesKajHi folks13:06
haymippf: :-) i ddin't get you13:07
indicatorzeekhuge: have you looked for logs?13:07
ppfhaymi: i still don't know what the problem is13:07
zeekhugeindicator: dmesg ?13:07
indicatorthe more the merrier but I'd try in /var/log and look for stuff around the window manager level13:08
indicatorif you find something suspicious looking, have a look at older logs and see if it happened before (then you know that's not the problem)13:09
hamdjanshould i install the bootloader into /dev/sda or /dev/sda5 in ubuntu installation window?13:13
hamdjan /dev/sda5 is where my ext3 /boot partition is13:14
hamdjan /dev/sda1 is where my /boot/EFI partition is, and /dev/sda6 is where my rootfs is13:14
indicatorhaymi: you mean pentaho is not correctly detecting the location of your java installation?13:14
indicatormaybe you need to set (from a quick google) environment variable PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME?13:15
haymiindicator: yes, i try to  edit in /etc/environment13:15
haymiindicator: but still it is not working13:16
zeekhugeindicator: (thanks for that pointer on older logs) looks like there is some problem in seat0-greeter.log13:16
indicatorhamdjan: you want to run grub-install, do you?13:16
zeekhugeThe indicates keep crashing and starting again13:16
indicatorhaymi: how are you running pentaho?13:17
hamdjanindicator, thats what the installer does for me i thought?13:17
indicatoroh I see13:17
indicatorI don't remember the installer asking that question?  is this the graphical installer or the 'alternate install' (if that still exists?)?13:18
indicatorare you talking about assigning mounts in the graphical partitioner?  somewhere around there anyway?13:19
hamdjanindicator, ah actually yes. i have to write the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX manually and also update-grub, because i do the installation manually13:19
indicatorhm actually I see you're doing EFI, I don't really have much of a clue about that sorry!13:20
hamdjannp! i'll see if it runs through now13:21
haymiindicator: i have download the pentaho and from pentaho folder ./start-pentaho.sh so at this time he will look for java path13:21
indicatorso maybe run: env PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java ./start-pentaho.sh13:23
IntelCoreSecond, use the browser that is specified from the -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath argument if providedfind a path is $PATH Java13:24
indicatorfor /etc/environment to take effect, you'd have to log out and back in again, or maybe even reboot, not sure.  If you just use command env, you get the effect right away (for the following command)13:24
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
haymiindicator: ok thanks i will try like that13:25
blackdalekI'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 onto an acer aspire L3600... I can't seem to get past the splash screen on the installer. The screen with 5 dots animation has been playing for past 15 minutes... what should I try?13:26
blackdalekThe DVD drive is still churning away, making noises, but the screen never leave splash.13:26
indicatoryou can remove "quiet splash" via grub boot menu13:27
indicatorhold down shift at boot13:27
indicatorshould get you grub menu, then select what you want to boot and hit e, then edit to remove those words, then hit f10 to boot13:28
blackdalekI'll try that...13:28
indicatorthen you should see logs that might tell you what's going on.  I think that's right -- if not and you don't see those two words in there you could change /etc/default/grub to make the change permanently (then you have to run update-grub I think)13:29
zeekhugeindicator: whats the accounts-daemon for ? I enabled it, restarted lightdm and all works fine.13:29
zeekhugewhy is accounts-daemon needed for the theme and icon thing13:29
zeekhugeand even when I read its a potential security hole.13:30
TaoseHi all, latest update sound doesn't work13:31
indicatorno idea!  dpkg -s accountsservice13:31
Taosehow the hell do I roll it back?13:31
indicator(I found that package name using locate accounts-daemon, then ran dpkg -S /some/path/that/printed to see what installed that file)13:31
TaoseThe usual, delete pulse, kill pulse, routine doesn't work anymore ._.13:31
zeekhugeahh ! sorry13:31
ducasseTaose: you can't really roll back an update, but you can install a specific version of a package if it is still in the repos13:35
ducasseTaose: apt install package=version13:35
blackdalekindicator, I can't seem to get to the grub menu... I rebooted.. held shift key.. the screen with the "keyboard = man in a circle" down the bottom appeared, then it went straight to the splash screen again. ow it's stuck again.13:36
TaoseI have no clue which file is broken though.13:36
TaoseI just know that Ubuntu hates playing sound13:36
indicatortry pressing and releasing shift key repeatedly as it boots13:36
indicatorI've been doing that most of today :-(13:36
TaoseIt used to be that I could follow the standard trouble shoot process and deleting and restarting pulse would kick it back into gear13:36
TaoseNow it just doesn't play any sound whatsoever13:36
Taose...really tempted to find a different OS...13:37
indicatorcan you aplay?13:37
Taoseand even VLC doesn't work13:38
Taose(I tried using the alt-f2 aplay -l? was it command, no it didn't work)13:39
zeekhugeindicator: so if 'locate accounts-daemon' gives output 'usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon', then the output of 'dpkg -S /usr/lib/accountsservice/' would print the packages dependent on accounts-daemon ?13:39
indicatorI think there's an alsa channel, they were quite helpful to me.  They have a diagnostic script, you probably want to make sure you run that before asking.13:39
indicatorand don't mention pulse ;-)13:39
TaoseNot a lot I can do about it, ubuntu comes with it as standard13:40
indicatorwhat I'm saying is, if aplay doesn't work, that's not pulse, right?13:40
TaoseYah but my problem is with ubuntu isn't it?13:40
TaoseUbuntu was the one that upgraded and now the sound doesn't work >.>13:40
TaoseIt worked more or less fine previously13:40
indicatorwell, my advice is to try that IRC channel, worked for me13:41
indicatoromg my system boots again.  goodbye!13:41
ducasseTaose: what about 'aplay -l' doesn't work? it should print a list of devices.13:42
TaoseI meant "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav"13:43
blackdalekindicator, ok.. repeatedly hitting shift seems to have done something. It presented me with a language selection then menu of options. One was F6 to change options, so I selected that. It let me delete "quiet splash" from a string of options, now it seems to be doing something13:43
ducasseTaose: then try 'aplay -l' and pastebin the output.13:44
Cyrichi guys i am having some trubble to double boot13:45
Cyricwin10 ubuntu160413:46
blackdalekNow there are about 50 messages scrolling up screen "Blk__update_request: I/O Error, dev  sr0 sector.. etc... " Does this suggest the hard disk is bad or my install DVD is bad?13:46
Cyrici turned off secure boot but still boot straight to windows13:46
Cyrici tried boot repair without success13:46
Taose(this'll teach me to upgrade ubuntu -_-)13:47
Cyricany idea/tip?13:47
TaoseMy advice is to avoid double booting on the same partition. Then it's just a case of switching partitions at the F12 stage13:48
Taose(same HDD I mean)13:48
ducasseblackdalek: sr0 is your dvd13:48
Taoseoh hang on13:50
TaoseI think I got it13:50
TaoseHow to I give myself sound permissions?13:50
TaoseThat's flat out weird13:51
TaoseThe aplay wav runs on sudo just fine13:51
Taosebut it won't work on my normal account13:51
TaoseHowever my user is already a member of the audio group13:51
CyricTaose: double boot from the same partition is the standard13:52
Cyrici always had it and it works like a charm normally13:52
TaoseAlways screwed up for me, so I just got rid of Windows13:52
Taosenever looked back13:52
Cyricgood for you13:53
IntelCoreppa portal for flatpak, another apt ppa13:54
ducasse!who | IntelCore13:56
ubottuIntelCore: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:56
TaoseHow do I get sound to play for normal users in Ubuntu 17.04?13:59
TaoseI've added the user to the "audio" and "pulse-access" groups14:00
compdocdid you log the user out, then back in?14:01
TaoseRestarted the machine twice14:01
compdocsound is tricky, sometimes. if you have a list of output devices, you should try them all14:02
TaoseThe other one isn't working either14:02
Taose(it's the inbuilt speakers for the monitor)14:03
TaoseI'll assume for the moment that it does work if I use sudo14:03
compdocthe monitor is plugged into the green port on the sound card?14:03
TaoseNot a damn clue it's a HDMI cable14:03
TaoseThe speakers however are in the right place14:04
Taose(worked previously)14:04
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:09
IntelCoreFlatpak is a rip14:11
ducasseIntelCore: if you just want to chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic14:13
winem_hey guys, I have to setup a postgresql or mysql / mariadb / galera db cluster. requirements are that failover and a virtual shared IP is supported. some years ago I used a combination of mysql, heartbeat, pacemaker to achieve this. but I did not use such a setup in the last few years. so which db (postgresql or mariadb / galera) would you recommend and why? I guess this can save me some googling.14:14
winem_there will just be a couple of read operations and about 20k writes per minute. so it's not that much. at the moment, I would go for mysql and haproxy, but you might have a smarter advice14:15
oerhekswinem_, use the one you know/like best14:16
Taosethat didn't work ._.14:16
winem_I think I knew both at the same level.. but I missed the releases during the last 2-3 years. so, let me rephrase my question. is there any good reason not to use one of both?14:18
oerhekswinem_, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server too, i would go for MariaDB, but that is because i like the license14:24
winem_oerheks: oh, did not now that channel. thanks14:24
TaoseAnyone have a clue how to get sound working as a normal user and not just sudo? (17.10)14:29
TaoseTried adding user to audio group: no effect.14:29
TaoseTried adding user to pulse-access group: no effect14:30
ducasseTaose: 17.10?14:30
ducasse!ubuntu+1 | Taose14:31
ubottuTaose: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:31
blackdalekIn trying to make a new install DVD, I've discovered a new problem on this laptop.  I can't burn ANY DVDs :( every type of blank DVD I put in the drive comes up in gnome-disk-utility as "Size: 2.0 KB (2,048 bytes)" and it refuses to let me write anything to the disc14:31
blackdalekI have DVD-R and DVD+R.. none work14:31
Taosesorry, used to 16.1014:31
TaoseIt would be nice if they only released stuff that actually worked >.>14:32
BluesKajblackdalek, sounds like a faulty optical drive14:33
blackdalekAlso.. eery time I insert a blank DVD media, it tells me "Unable to mount Blank DVD+ (or -)R Disc. Location is already mounted" (it isn't).14:37
TaoseTry a new optical drive14:37
BeethovenHello. I just installed Xubuntu but one problem has arisen. The time on the panel is being displayed in Arabic for some reason, how can I change it to English?14:39
blackdalekthis is a laptop and I have no spare optical drive :(14:39
herouvimI'd like some help concerning overlay fs. After the issuing of the mount command, is it possible to access the lowerdir dirctory from the overlaid directory?14:40
BluesKajblackdalek, check your uefi/bios for the optical drive listing, some laptops lose sight of the optical drive there for some reason and a cold boot is required to restore recognition14:40
TaoseSolved my issue partly14:42
TaoseChanged the sound output connection to another jack and then switched the sound to line out (where previously 16.10 didn't use line out it used something else and required the HDMI output instead)14:42
BluesKajtabakhase, that was probly the default setting in pulseaudio on 16.1014:44
medwardsHey is there anyway to debug applets in the gnome flashback sessions?14:47
medwardsI have gnome flashback + xmonad and unlike other flashback sessions the indicator-applet-complete applet is subtly broken (only shows wifi icon, no date, no gear, no battery, etc)14:48
IntelCorecan you consider gnome-flashback?14:49
AlfroHi everyone, I am having an issue with the ubuntu sound settings for unity. When doing a recording of an audio source, if I change the default audio source the recording source changes as well.14:51
AlfroThis happens even when I explicitly select an audio source14:51
IntelCoremedwards - my gnome desktop has bar at top with those icons14:52
AlfroBut changing the source through pactl does not cause this issue, so I am guessing it has to do with how does the UI for the sound settings change it14:52
AlfroI'll appreciate any kind of pointers14:53
IntelCoremedwards - seen gnome Tweak tool ?  or, unity tweak tool?14:53
medwardsIntelCore: ah damn, thats right14:54
minimecmedwards: I guess you have to load a 'gnome-session' within your flashback/Xmonad configuration. I use a gnome flashback/e17 configuration and load a gnome-session file with this content... 'RequiredComponents=gnome-flashback-init;gnome-flashback;gnome-panel;gnome-settings-daemon;gnome-flashback-services;'14:54
medwardsI was going to try that before coming here for help14:54
IntelCoreunity then gnome14:54
IntelCoremedwards - go on unity to use tool for it14:55
IntelCoreAlfro - all i got is system sound setting.. even with alsa and P.A.  input/output14:58
IntelCoreAlfro - What is recording software?14:59
medwardsIntelCore: unit tweak tool: everything is enabled and it all appears when I use the default session15:00
medwardsgonna try now with gnome tweak tool in my xmonad session15:00
IntelCoreidk xmonad15:00
medwardsflashback + xmonad15:00
medwardssorry, premature compression15:01
IntelCoreI got fallbaxk-compiz15:01
medwardsyup its all disabled in gnome-tweak-tool15:01
medwardsI thought it was all the same applet15:02
IntelCoreI can choose from 3 desktop at login15:02
medwardsah nevermind15:02
medwardsits affecting the normal date applet15:02
IntelCoreunity, gnome classic, gnome-session fallback-compiz15:02
IntelCoreindicator applet complete15:03
IntelCoreright click that area on bar15:03
medwardsAbout: indicator-applet-complete15:04
IntelCoreI had some decent widgets. now, all i find is conky15:05
medwardsbut its incomplete15:05
medwardsjust wifi icon15:05
medwardsI think I might try removing all the indicator packages and reinstalling15:06
IntelCoreAlfro - did you fix?15:07
AlfroIntelCore - No, sorry. It happened originally with GStreamer, but I could reproduce it with parecord15:11
AlfroIntelCore: Something like this: parecord --file-format="wav" -d alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo TEST.WAV15:12
AlfroIntelCore - Then changing the default audio to a different device makes the recording change, but only if I use the unity-control-center, as far as I could tell15:13
IntelCoregstreamer, is that for gnome?15:19
AlfroIt doesn't have a GUI, so I think it does not have a particular dependency for gnome15:20
AlfroI would add a link, but I don't know how the policy about pasting URLs is here?15:21
IntelCoreunity stands alone with it's apps.  Gnome has it's own too.  I dont mixup.. just kde and deb files..15:21
IntelCorethere is a plug-in that auto detects source for gstreamer pkg15:24
IntelCoreI use rhthymbox15:27
pynkiAlfro, can you paste me your pipeline in a pm?15:27
Alfropynki - Sure15:27
Alfroone sec15:27
Alfropynki - Of course, the device will change depending on your computer15:30
AlfroI think it's not a GStreamer issue though, because I could reproduce the same behaviour using parecord15:31
Alfrosomething like this: parecord --file-format="wav" -d alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo TEST.WAV15:32
Alfro(probably wrote it before)15:32
Alfroand it does only happen when I try to change the default audio source through the GUI15:33
Alfroif I do it with pactl there is no issue: pactl set-default-source alsa_input.usb-046d_081d_96D1FD90-00.analog-mono15:34
Jack_Sparrow__Question:  I want to add mintmenu and dependencies to UbuntuMate as I hate that menu at the top and menu at the bottom.  Dont get me started on Unity since that I why I left Ubuntu in th first place.15:36
oerheksJack_Sparrow__,  i think that would be more a Q for the mint community15:40
oerheksor perhaps the #ubuntu-mate channel has an idea about that?15:42
Jack_Sparrow__oerheks, Not at all, we are working on ubuntu mate... just looking at the different menus15:46
Cyric1windows overwrite my uefi settings... it disable the uefi entry for ubuntu15:49
Cyricany idea how to fix that shit15:49
Jack_Sparrow__Welcome to windows 1015:49
Cyricis it the bios that does that right?15:50
Cyricfucking acer shit.. i will never buy again their fucking pc15:51
oerheksCyric, please keep your language familyfriendly, thanks.15:51
Cyricsorry.. i am a little upset... i spent the last 4 hours15:51
oerhekswindows should not remove an entry, perhaps the anti-virus did that?15:52
Cyricoerheks: is a fresh install15:52
Cyrici am using a easyuefi tool to add the ubuntu entry15:52
oerheksfresh install of windows? we allways suggest install windows first.15:52
Cyricyes install windows first15:52
oerheksbootrepair can do that too15:53
Cyricthan i install ubuntu...15:53
ubottuBoot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.15:53
Cyrici tried that15:53
Cyricbut doents work15:53
Cyricafter that goes straith to windows15:53
nonix4hrm it took a while to figure out how to use openbox to recover most of the user session broken by unity crash... key piece of information was indeed a key press. alt-space M for moving all the offscreen windows back somewhere sane.15:53
Cyricand the uefi entry for ubuntu is marked as disable, hidden15:54
nonix4... on another day might bother to try to figure out how to actually/properly restart unity without killing the session.15:54
Cyrici reeanble from windows and put it as first.. then when i reboot, again straight to windows15:54
Cyricand is back marked as hidden, disabled15:54
Cyrici am using easi uefi utillity to change that15:55
Cyrici also deleted the ubuntu entry and readded a new one pointing the righ file in /uefi partition15:56
Cyricbut nothing... straight to windows again15:56
Cyrici suspect is something in the acer bios15:56
Cyriconly solution now is to skip the secure stuff completely15:56
Cyricanyone had similar issue?15:57
nonix4... all detached menus are missing though; thoughts on how to get menus back for say, firefox? Guess I can toggle offline off somehow without menus as well though...15:57
Jack_Sparrow__My Acer runs fine, but never even fired it up with the original windows software15:59
akikCyric: i heard you could change the boot order through windows with bcdedit16:03
akikCyric: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi16:03
akikCyric: in acer f5 laptop there's also a bios menu to add entries to the uefi boot menu16:05
IntelCoredual boot info all over, kinda tricky16:15
Abequinn~looks at my mac~16:20
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SchrodingersScatoh hey17:00
tuxtimoCan anyone help with this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/63422417:00
oerhekstuxtimo, mabe you want to reask in #lxcontainers too17:06
tuxtimooerheks: I've already posted an issue in the GitHub issue tracker for the LXC project - stgraber pointed out it's an apparmor issue17:08
ayogihi guys, my machine's root partition is almost full 88% used17:16
ayogihow can i free up space17:16
ayogiand clean unnecessary things from /17:16
oerheksayogi, sudo apt-get autoremove # should remove unused kernels17:16
ayogii did that, but it did not remove old kernels,17:17
ayogithen i had to install a package and then run purge-old-kernels17:17
ayogii have now run purge-old-kernels, and after that the disk usage is 88%17:18
ayogiis there a way i can free up more17:18
oerhekspurge-old-kernels ??? never heard of that, autoremove should take care of that, what linux are you on?17:18
pavlosayogi: you mean, apt autoremove?17:19
oerheksapt is in 16.04, 14.04 uses apt-get17:19
ayogiyeah apt-get autoremove17:20
ayogidid not remove old kernels for me, in 14.0417:20
ayogiit showed like: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded.17:21
oerheksayogi, strange, it should.17:21
oerheksmaybe that 100 updates waiting is your culprit, sudo apt dist-upgrade should install them, unless there is a kernel in that17:21
bozeI upgraded windows to 10 and ubuntu to 16.04 at the same time. Ubuntu boots fine, but I can't seem to get windows to show up in grub again17:22
pavlosayogi: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2696165/install-ubuntu-tweak-0-8-8-in-ubuntu-14-04.html17:22
ayogioerheks, is there something else i could do here to clean up more space17:23
oerhekscan you show us the output of sudo apt-get autoremove ??17:23
oerhekson pastebin17:24
* oerheks reads: sudo purge-old-kernels is depreciated https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels17:25
ducasseayogi: apt-get clean17:25
ayogioerheks, o/p of "sudo apt-get autoremove" is just 4 lines ending with 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 100 not upgraded.17:27
ayogiducasse, did that also. nothing got free17:27
pavlosayogi: if you install the ubuntu tweak, you can clean up the old kernels17:29
oerheksOOPS CAPS17:30
oerheksautoremove *SHOULD*  work17:30
oerheksno more need of this :  dpkg -l linux-* | awk '/^ii/{print $2}' | egrep [0-9] | sort -t- -k3,4 --version-sort -r | sed -e "1,/$(uname -r | cut -f1,2 -d"-")/d" | grep -v -e `uname -r | cut -f1,2 -d"-"` | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge17:33
altinI have a remote backup storage that I'm mounting with sshfs and then in that storage there is an ext4 filesystem .img that I'm mounting in another directory. For some reason something happens and the image gets remounted but only as read-only and I can't backup stuff in there anymore17:36
altinthis is what I'm using in my /etc/fstab17:37
oerheksaltin,  what does 'mount´  say ?17:38
oerheksif it is mounted ro, usually it is unmmounted dirty, run fsck on that partition17:39
altinoerheks, when I run mount -a it works all fine17:39
altinbut after some time17:39
altinit gets remounted I think17:39
altinI am not sure17:39
altinbut when I log in back in the server I can't write on it anymore17:39
altinThe way I created the ext4 img was $: dd if=/dev/zero of=/srv/backup/backup-storage/filesystem.img bs=1 seek=100G count=117:40
altinand then $: mkfs.ext4 /srv/backup/backup-storage/filesystem.img17:41
altinoerheks, this is what I see in dmesg https://pastebin.com/37kBQsL817:48
altinCould it be the ssh keepalive issue?17:57
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engihow do i fix this  https://thepasteb.in/p/NxhVyPxQKpWsN18:15
mercenaryshipthere was a problem with the netinstaller18:20
oerheksengi, that adress does not exist. ngrokd.ngrok.com maybe a typo ?18:20
mercenaryshipmost of it is working the kernel boots however root is not mounted18:20
mercenaryshipDoes the initram image use the same kernel?18:21
mercenaryshipthe root partition looks to be chrootable is this what the boot sequence does when it boots properly?18:22
engioerheks: right, it's weird cuz I don't have control over it18:22
vimarWhat server FTP would you reccomend? In old days I've use to use Proftp but it was different distro.18:22
oerheksengi, ask the one that does, or seek help @ https://ngrok.com/ ??18:23
mercenaryshipdoes Ubuntu host arm binary s?18:25
oerheksmercenaryship, yes, i think so18:28
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.18:28
thyriaeni got a device ( ssd ) attached and i would like that my normal user always has rwx rights ( just as in my home directory ) - how can i do that ?18:29
engi$ lookup ngrok.com18:29
engiSegmentation fault (core dumped)18:29
engi$ lookup ngrok.com18:29
engiSegmentation fault (core dumped)18:29
mercenaryshipoerheks well done18:30
mercenaryshipnow explain the boot sequence18:31
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engihelp  https://thepasteb.in/p/Z4hPB8wMx2JCG18:31
mercenaryshipafter an install root fails to mount and the system boots to ramdisk18:31
engiever since I installed g3 my system has become unstable18:32
engiI had to remove unity manually just to see g3 desktop, I think unity sidebar was loading on top18:32
mercenaryshipwhat is the normal boot sequence so it can be repaired?18:33
mercenaryshipmount and chroot work then what telinit?18:34
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GnomeKrisI can't get hdmi audio to play. It shows my hdmi output device (radeon r9 380), and shows audio being transmitted through it, but nothing is coming from the speakers. Ubuntu 17.0418:44
GnomeKrisAnyone know anything about this kind of issue?18:45
BluesKajGnomeKris, pc or laptop?18:46
BluesKajGnomeKris, hdmi out is digital audio. Most likely your speakers are connected to the analog output. Change the output setting to analog in your pulseaudio output settings18:49
akikGnomeKris: you could try pavucontrol to see if the audio is routed to a wrong device18:55
mercenaryshipso what happened is the installer detected the USB stick as root18:59
mercenaryshipand lilo keeps looking for the usbstick18:59
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, pc. Built it last year.19:00
GnomeKrisSpeakers are part of the monitor.19:00
troulouliou_devhi ihave a file on my computer in /lib named klibc-8kba-ZlvkVvRx_mp57c4ZzwLfNs.so ; weird thing is that the creation date is before the install date19:00
GnomeKrisakik. audio is routed to the correct device. I'm just not getting sound. Even though pavucontrol is showing audio from the hdmi output.19:01
GnomeKrisI should add, headphones work just find.19:01
akikGnomeKris: on playback tab in pavucontrol you have a something "hdmi" selected?19:03
akikGnomeKris: in my case it is "gk104 hdmi audio controller digital stereo (hdmi)" nvidia card19:04
GnomeKrisIt even shows that sound is playing through "Tonga HDMI Audio [Radeon R9 285/380]"19:05
GnomeKrisAs in the "equalizer" looking bar below it is bouncing with the audio being played.19:05
akikGnomeKris: there's a volume slider there19:05
akiki guess you tried that too19:06
GnomeKrisYup. Got it maxed out19:06
Dr_CokeWhat's up people19:08
akikGnomeKris: do you get some output if you run "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" ?19:08
gefures_i am looking for help regarding rosegarden any ideas whether there is an appropriate cahnnel??19:08
akikgefures_: #ubuntustudio19:09
gefures_@akik i have 16.04 though...not studio19:10
GnomeKrisakik, nothing.19:10
freakyyhi all. i have / on an ssd, and only /var and /home on a hdd, but still booting up takes very long. what can this be caused by? oO19:10
Bashing-omfreakyy: ' journalctl -b -0 ' shows messages from the current boot; anything relevant ?19:13
BluesKajGnomeKris, hdmi won't work unless your monitor has a digital to analog converter built in. Your audio output in pulseaudio needs to be analog not hdmi19:13
ChryzoHi, i configured multiple static IPs for my interface. When i reload by doing an if down/if up for each extra IP, i get: RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address. Although 'ip addr' does list all of them. Google isn't very helpful. Could it be due because it is a VM and it is not allowed to spoof mac / change the mac?19:14
kostkonfreakyy, there's also systemd-analyse19:15
BluesKajunless of course the hdmi out in pulseaudio converts to analog, but that would be new to me, GnomeKris19:15
freakyywell it says swapon /swapfile wasnt successful19:16
Bashing-omfreakyy: K; then what release ? does it look for a swap partition ?19:16
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, my monitor is actually a 39" Sanyo TV. I have no idea if it has digital to analogue built in.19:17
freakyywell it is 17.04 - the swappartition is mounted as far as i can say as theres free -h a swap of 8GBs19:18
freakyyhow do i use systemd-analyse or, systemd-bootchart, kostkon19:18
ioriafreakyy, by default there is no swap partition  on zesty, only swap file19:19
Bashing-omfreakyy: comapre the UUIDs from ' sudo blkid ' to '/etc/fstab file .19:19
akikGnomeKris: maybe your tv is muted(?) :)19:19
kostkonfreakyy, man system-analyze etc. i guess19:19
GnomeKrisJust checked, not muted19:19
freakyyoh ok but there is a sawp now. how does it use the swapfile as it says,19:19
freakyyone moment19:19
Dr_CokeBluesKaj, how are you?19:19
BluesKajthen it would if it's a TV , GnomeKris...they have digital to analog converters in the hdmi audio input stage ...I also use a panasonic TV hdmi audio input which works fine19:19
GnomeKrisOne thing I haven't tried, is a different hdmi port. However, I dual boot 16.04 and 17.04. I don't have this issue with 16.04, all audio works perfectly19:20
BluesKajHi Dr_Coke, fine here, and you?19:20
Dr_CokeYeah I'm alright but I can't sleep19:21
Dr_CokeBit hungry too19:21
BluesKajGnomeKris, then compare your audio settings in 16.04 and 17.04. check both alsmixer and pulseaudio19:22
freakyythats what it says about the swapfile19:22
Dr_CokeWhat have you been up too BluesKaj19:22
GnomeKrisJust looked at audio options on my tv. I have "Digital Audio Output" options ... Off, RAW, or PCM. None of which change anything.19:22
freakyyand first after this, the bootscreen starts, which is what takes so long19:22
GnomeKrisBluesKaj. Already did that. All settings are exactly the same.19:22
freakyyand i cant tell if theres anything relevant why it takes so long to boot up19:22
BluesKajGnomeKris, they won't, those outputs not inputs19:23
kostkonfreakyy, it's interesting that it fails to activate swap19:23
freakyykostkon: well after i noticed there is no swap i created a swap partition19:23
freakyywhich is now loaded but19:23
freakyyyea ...19:23
kostkonfreakyy, hmm19:23
freakyyid prefer the swapfile19:23
GnomeKrisBluesKaj. That was a duh on my part not noticing that. Thanks.lmao19:23
freakyykostkon: :/19:25
BluesKajGnomeKris, do you have another device like an audio amplifier or a receiver with digital inputs ?19:25
GnomeKrisUnfortunately, I do not. This is my only option at the moment.19:26
freakyyok kostkon do u want tehe output of the journalctl command?19:26
BluesKajGnomeKris, can you post a screenshot of alsamixer in the console on imgur or some such site?19:28
GnomeKrisYeah, give me a second19:28
akikGnomeKris: there seems to be a kernel parameter "radeon.audio=1" for ubuntu 12.04. the wiki page says that it would not be needed after that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver19:29
SaichovskyHi all19:29
Globalirchello guys i need some help how can i know what is the lastest users maked on a ubuntu system because my vps was compromises and i want to see what users he add last19:29
Globalircis there a command to see when a user was added19:30
SaichovskyMy 16.04 boots to black screen19:30
SaichovskyI have chosen recovery mode in grub19:30
Jack_Sparrow__Did you just try to install something19:30
SaichovskyWhich adds the nomodeset parameter to the kernel19:31
SaichovskyNow my screen looks like it has a tiled wallpaper of maroon columns with jagged edges19:31
EriC^^Globalirc: you can see the date of the password expiry that's set in /etc/passwd19:32
SaichovskyAnyone who can assist?19:32
GlobalircEriC^^ what is the proper command ?19:32
SaichovskyNo signal is sent to secondary display via HDMI19:32
GlobalircEriC^^: i find all the users with this  cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd19:33
EriC^^Globalirc: sorry, it's in /etc/shadow19:33
Bashing-omSaichovsky: At the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F1, can you log into the system here on this console ?19:33
SaichovskyBashing-om: nothing happens on Ctrl-Alt+F119:33
SaichovskyF6 and F7 also have no effect19:33
EriC^^Globalirc: look at sudo cat /etc/shadow, the field after the hash is the time since the password was changed (or account created in your case)19:34
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, http://imgur.com/a/o1Fpy19:34
EriC^^Globalirc: you want the last user that was created?19:35
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Ouch, this looks to be tough . Got a live USB on hand ? try booting to the boot options screen and " boot from first hard drive" .19:35
BluesKajGnomeKris, disable automute on the far right with the down arrow key19:36
GlobalircEriC^^: No that i know but i have multiple users and i want to know what is legit and what not because i see the lastlog command19:36
SaichovskyBashing-om: Let me try that... I'm on a MacBook Pro.. Not sure if that complicates matters more19:36
GnomeKrisJust saw that as I posted the link. Disabled it, Still nothing.19:36
GlobalircEriC^^: but they can make a user look like a system one19:36
Bashing-omSaichovsky: See if we can isolate to a kernel or a X issue .19:37
bonsairootGlobalirc, maybe: sudo grep useradd /var/log/auth.log19:37
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Ya want some one else here as I have no experioence with a MAc , but I do know the boo up is different than what I know .19:37
bonsairootdon't know if that ignores some stuff though19:37
mercenaryshipwhat part of the filesystem need be writable for bash?19:38
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vimarI've installed vsftpd and: start vsftpd19:38
vimarstart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused19:38
mercenaryshipis it the home directory?19:38
SaichovskyBashing-om: Let me try booting from a flash19:38
\9mercenaryship: what do you mean 'for bash'? are you getting an error?19:39
Bashing-omSaichovsky: K; I will try and hold your hand :)19:39
mercenaryshipfor bash to function normally19:39
mercenaryshipI have the root set at read only19:40
EriC^^Globalirc: system users don't usually have login capability, the user's hash is ! or * in /etc/shadow19:40
\9mercenaryship: that's how it should be, your home directory should be writable by your 'normal' user19:41
SaichovskyBashing-om: didn't see boot from 1st hard drive on Ubuntu menu19:41
\9mercenaryship: system should be read-only19:41
BluesKajGnomeKris, also make sure loopback is enabled in alsamixer19:41
SaichovskyI'll try deleting a file I added to /etc/X1119:42
SaichovskyOr something like that19:42
GnomeKrisDid that too. All I get with it enabled is static in my headphones. No change for hdmi output.19:42
mercenaryshipis verity capable of hashing the system?19:44
GnomeKrisAkik. Sorry if I seem like I ignored your last. That was for 12.04 though, and is quite outdated.19:45
BluesKajGnomeKris, ok in the console, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, there won't be any output if the driver loads properly. You may have to reboot ...this used to be a known bug with the intel audio driver and it still happens occasionally19:45
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Do not know what I cansay, last I seen was 16.04 ,, and the option was there ( boot the installer ; hold shift (legacy) to see the boot menu .19:46
GnomeKrisI'll try it. Passed the command successfully. Gonna reboot. BRB19:47
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Yeah , X will read  from that directory , if a bad file (entry) will hose up the works .19:48
SaichovskyBashing-om: Moved the file, problem still there19:49
=== downtime is now known as uptime
GnomeKrisBluesKaj Still no change.19:50
akikGnomeKris: modprobe changes the runtime modules live19:50
BluesKajGnomeKris, do you have pavucontrol installed ?19:51
GnomeKrisakik, I thought so. Reboot jic though.19:51
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, yes.19:51
Bashing-omSaichovsky: As advised I do not know Macs, but as you can not activate a console interface . Ouch kernel issue ?19:51
BluesKajhave you checked the settings there, I have to ask , GnomeKris19:52
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GnomeKrisBluesKaj. Yeah, all the settings there are correct. It even shows that audio is being played through hdmi, just cant hear anything.19:53
SaichovskyBashing-om: I don't know how to boot to bash. Ctrl-Alt-F1 isn't working. I don't think it's a kernel issue.19:53
SaichovskyIf I choose advanced options under grub and choose a different kernel, the problem is still there19:54
BluesKajGnomeKris, what about the audio input setting on the TV, guess if it works on 16.04 ther's not much point checking that ...well i'm out of ideas19:55
akikGnomeKris: if nothing else helps you could try installing the same kernel as you have on 16.04, just to test19:56
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, there aren't any audio input settings on the tv. I came here because I was out of ideas also, don't feel bad. I appreciate your help.19:56
GnomeKrisakik. Strangely, I believe they are on the same kernel. 4.10 iirc19:57
akikGnomeKris: my 16.04 is 4.4.0-7719:58
Bashing-omSaichovsky: And we are back to booting a live environment and seeing what we can find out .20:00
SaichovskyBashing-om: before we do that20:01
SaichovskyI managed to get some grub messages20:01
BluesKajGnomeKris, have you tried cranking the volume on the "line" ctrl in alsamixer?20:01
SaichovskyThat's a pic I took using my phone. Does that look normal?20:01
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, haven't before. Tried on your suggestion. No change.20:03
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Yukkie ! .. boot a liveDVD(USB) . not able to bring up the CPU looks real serious to me .20:03
GnomeKrisakik, my 16.04 is running 4.10 (I manually upgraded). 17.04 is running 4.1120:04
SaichovskyBashing-om: thought so too20:04
SaichovskyBut live USB works ok20:04
SaichovskySo issue is the on-disk installation20:04
GnomeKrisHowever 17.04 was on 4.10 when I installed. Still had the issue. That was like a week after release.20:04
akikGnomeKris: interesting20:04
SaichovskyI Google that message "disabling non-boot CPUs" and it looks like a hibernate issue20:05
BluesKajGnomeKris, ok...bummer, anyway I'm done for the day here, I'm sure you'll figure it out with more help, good luck :-)20:05
SaichovskyLast time I used the MacBook, it was on battery. Battery drained and it must have suspended20:05
SaichovskyI think we're getting there :-)20:06
akikGnomeKris: do you use the same graphics module in 16.04 and 17.04 for the radeon card?20:06
GnomeKrisWell, I was gonna say thanks.lmao20:06
GnomeKrisI use amdgpu-pro driver in 16.04 and the open source mesa driver in 17.04. Looking back, I should have mentioned that first. However, amdgpu-pro cannot be installed on 17.04, and I haven't tried open source mesa driver on 16.04 yet.20:07
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Yeah, that will cause grave issues . How much time ya want to spend on attempting to fix this ?20:07
SaichovskyWell... It's night time where I'm at. I'll struggle on. I think I'm onto something20:08
GnomeKrisisn't there a channel for ubuntu audiophiles?20:10
Bashing-omSaichovsky: See then what we can do . poke  at it from a live environment, see what bites .20:10
SaichovskyBashing-om: OK. I'd need to know what to touch from the live environment. So far, it looks like grub may have something to tinker with, but I guess there's something I can delete from the live environment in order to restore normalcy20:11
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akikGnomeKris: doesn't 17.04 use amdgpu-pro?20:12
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Bashing-omSaichovsky: No real idea as I do not know Mac's boot process . All I know to do is look at what we have in the root partition that all seems sane - or not .20:15
Bashing-omdabba: Nppt that USB, and pastenin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' so I know where the partitions on the drive are . what our target here is .20:17
GnomeKrisakik, The open source driver for 17.04 is called amdgpu, but the hybrid driver from amd is called amdgpu-pro. AMD has been slowly moving to a fully open source driver for their gpu's, but it's taking time. Mesa is what the open source drivers are commonly referred to. Right now, 14.04 and newer versions ship with mesa drivers, but they work a lot better with newer ubuntu versions like 16.10 and newer.20:19
lkhwhere does gnome-boxes store preferences?20:19
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, What model/year is the MBP?20:19
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: Not sure but I'd assume that it's the latest since I've owned it for a month now20:20
kostkonlkh, ~/.config is always a safe bet20:20
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: Model A139820:21
SaichovskyThat's from the text on the bottom of it20:21
lkhkostkon: sure thing, problem solved, thanx20:22
mercenaryshipthe system is up and running20:22
kostkonlkh, np20:22
GnomeKrisGuess what I just found...https://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/20:23
mercenaryshipis verity the option to go with for save state?20:23
GnomeKrisLook under the R300/R400 column, down where it says HDMI Audio20:23
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, 15.4" i7 => AMD GPU and SSD...? (Best guess from the listing)20:25
mercenaryshiphi yank20:25
SaichovskyYes, it's a 15", and has a SSD disk20:25
SaichovskyNot sure about the GPU20:26
mercenaryshipssd requires dword value20:26
mercenaryshipif dword is wrong the entire drive is questions20:26
mercenaryshipI haven't reimplemented current SSD20:27
mercenaryshipso if it has a dword value it is likely Sancho's20:28
mercenaryshipif you want ssd talk to keeper20:29
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Trying to get my head around the image shown of the boot...puzzles to wake up to with hot coffee...20:29
mercenaryshipand ask which distributor has ssd with current dword values20:29
mercenaryshipyankdownunder trying to get around the block?20:30
mercenaryshipprivmsg for a light burdon yankdownunder20:30
Bashing-omYankDownUnder: Saichovsky Present initramfs corrupted ? is my thought .20:31
SaichovskyBashing-om: not sure20:31
mercenaryshipUbuntu kernel and system up and running any recruits send privmsg for system administrator position20:31
SaichovskyBashing-om: YankDownUnder: there seems to be a suspend bug on Xenial tho20:31
SaichovskyFrom Google results20:32
Bashing-omSaichovsky: YankDownUnder is sharp. see what he opts in for .20:32
YankDownUnder...this time of the morning... :)20:33
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: I added a grub parameter "maxcpus=4",now the boot message has stopped at CPU 3is offline20:33
mercenaryshiphacker noon20:33
mercenaryshipgetting towards sunset watch out for sandpeople20:34
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, yes - suspend bug...my mind is kinda pondering...gimme a few ticks...20:34
mercenaryship(Rodger) sighs20:34
Saichovsky YankDownUnder: Bashing-om: recommended fix is upgrading kernel version. But how to do that on a laptop that isn't booting is mind boggling :-D20:38
mercenaryship\9 say I add apt packages to the system which is read only is there some way to make an overlay which shows bin and sbin writable?20:39
mercenaryshipmost packages install there20:39
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Just so's my foggy brain understands - this MBP is not booting at ALL? And you're using a liveUSB to attempt a fix or a modification?20:39
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Do not think we want to go that route . older kernels were working , find what is broke and fix is my recomendation ,20:40
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: MBP isn't booting up. Live USB works. I'm still stuck on grub messages because I don't know what I need to do from the live20:41
SaichovskyGrub messages for the system installation, not the live. Live boots up ok20:41
SaichovskyBashing-om: I agree20:41
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Roger that...testing something here...brain brewing.20:43
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: is there any risk in formatting the swap partition again?20:53
Bashing-omSaichovsky: Only issue is that the UUID will change and you will have to update /etc/fstab .20:59
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Formatting the swaps? Kinda pointless, then then again, who's to say...21:01
SaichovskyBashing-om: YankDownUnder: I guess I won't touch it then21:01
SaichovskyIt's a minute past tomorrow (0001h)21:02
SaichovskyI'll be back here in about 10 hours21:02
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, What are the kernel boot params you're using?21:03
SaichovskyThe default for Xenial... Let me check21:04
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: ro quiet splash $vt_handoff21:06
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Thought you had something about maxcpu before, too, eh?21:07
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Or was that on the local installation?21:07
SaichovskyLol... YankDownUnder: was tinkering with the parameter on grub, trying to debug the display21:08
SaichovskyThat maxcpus=4 only changed the offline cpus to CPU 1 to 3 instead of 1 to 7 as appears in the screenshot21:08
SaichovskyI had also used no_console_suspend=1 to prevent the screen from going blank/blacking out21:09
SaichovskySo I could see what was happening behind the black screen21:09
SaichovskyThose two parameters have nothing to do with the suspend issue21:10
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Fair enough...and as well, just to "know" - have you reset the SMC and PRAM on the Macbook - just to be sure of things?21:11
SaichovskySMC & PRAM???21:11
SaichovskyIn English?21:12
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, On a Mac (insert model here) - the SMC and PRAM contain settings that sometimes get corrupt. Like resetting a BIOS on a "basic" computer system...in trying to troubleshoot "strange issues", it's highly recommended to reset the SMC and PRAM as part of the troubleshooting process...and it doesn't affect things in a "dangerous way"...as the SMC/PRAM aren't necessarily the same as the BIOS of most "PC" hardware...21:17
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, More here: https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT20129521:18
SaichovskyI have MacOS on the same MBP and it's working fine. Is it still OK to tinker with SMC and PRAM? Apologies if I should have mentioned this earlier21:20
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: 👆21:20
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Resetting the PRAM(NVRAM) and SMC will not in any way muck around with your macOS installation. In some instances, it might actually "make things run smoother" - depending on how many updates/upgrades you've done as of late. I'll assume you've bumped up to macOS 10.12.5 in the past few weeks...21:23
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: I do know that it's up to date. Never been keen on it - I'm a Linux dude B-)21:25
SaichovskyBeen using Ubuntu till it started acting up this morning21:25
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: Is this really likely to help things, seeing as the Mac OS is running OK?21:27
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, And it started "acting up" - after...um...hmm?21:27
SaichovskyI left the laptop on last evening, connected to my telly via HDMI and not connected to AC power21:27
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, It's PRAM/SMC - not OS specific - hardware specific. Could be some fluke in the PRAM/SMC that is  freaking things out...21:27
SaichovskyI believe that it must have suspended at some point in the middle of the night21:28
SaichovskyIt wouldn't come on this morning21:28
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Yersh...it would have "suspended" - that's for sure...21:28
SaichovskyI'll try it out when I wake up then21:28
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Assuming 10 hours for your diurnal resting period...I'll be online by the time you have recharged and resumed living.21:30
SaichovskyYankDownUnder: Great. We'll link up then. Thanks for the help and for your time!21:31
YankDownUnderSaichovsky, Cheers and ciao21:32
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thyriaenI just added a ssd to my pc and ubuntu automatically mounts it - however i do not have writing permissions as a normal user - how can i achive that ?21:54
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Stop being normal? :)21:56
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Is the SSD formatted? (I'm assuming it is, but asking nonetheless)21:56
thyriaenYankDownUnder, how can i add that permission to the user though ?21:56
thyriaeni have tried adding the user to the "disk" group which has enough permissions to /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb121:57
thyriaenyes it is YankDownUnder21:57
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Right - and it's formatted as...?21:57
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Right oh - fair enough - and what do you have in your /etc/fstab -?21:58
thyriaendoes it have something to do with the format ? i can change it if needed21:59
thyriaeni only got sda1 und sda2 in my fstab file21:59
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Nah...just need to know HOW it's being mounted, WHERE it's being mounted, and what kind of donut you're buying me...22:00
thyriaen( ext4 / swap partition )22:00
YankDownUnderthyriaen, If you do a pastebinit of your /etc/fstab - that's a good first step, eh?22:01
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Can you do a pastebinit of: sudo fdisk -l22:03
thyriaeni suspect i have to add my sdb1 to fstab in some way ?22:04
YankDownUnderthyriaen, So the /dev/sdb1 is the target...fair enough...OK...so, then here's a question - where do you wish to mount this SSD? What's the plan, Stan?22:05
monolithI'm an Arch Linux user.  My wifi is acting like shit and I found a forum post for my driver that suggest copying the /etc/modprob.d from an ubuntu image22:07
thyriaenYankDownUnder, not really sure where i want to mount it - i guess i cant just leave it as a "device" in the list ?22:07
thyriaenYankDownUnder, i guess i can just mount it to ~/data22:07
monolithwait I'm really dumb, sorry22:07
monolithjust realized that it would depend on the driver you have22:08
thyriaengood day monolith22:08
Kanovi bought a new laptop and installed ubuntu on it. however, i ran a SMART test to see the health of the hard-drive and was shocked to see that many parts were deemed to be in a pre-failure or an old-age state. im rather worried about this and would like some insight. here's the complete output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24707940/22:08
YankDownUnderthyriaen, So the pref is then to mount it to /home/YOURNAME/data => Yersh?22:10
Kanovcan someone take a look at the results?22:10
Bashing-omKanov: I see nothing to be concerned about : https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/SMART_tests_with_smartctl#Viewing_the_Test_Results ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2192335 .22:12
YankDownUnderSo then you'd want to add in your /etc/fstab: UUID=the UUID of the drive /home/YOURNAME/data ext4 rw,nosuid,dev,exec,auto,user,async     0  022:12
thyriaenand the UUID i get with blkid22:14
thyriaenright ?22:14
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Si, oui, Ja, da, yes.22:15
thyriaenwhat does all this stuff do ? rw,nosuid,dev,exec,auto,user,async22:15
thyriaencaause the other devices dont have that innit22:15
Execoh nvm22:15
thyriaenYankDownUnder, do i now have to relog so that it takes effect ?22:16
Bashing-omthyriaen: 'mount -a ' system proof reads to make sure there is not a typo and the file is acceptable .22:18
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Only after you buy the donuts, bro. -> It's probably best practice to actually reboot, matey.22:18
YankDownUnderthyriaen, And as Bashing-om says, test it...(donuts first)22:18
thyriaenmount -a works ( no ouput )22:18
thyriaenbrb ( restarting :P )22:19
thyriaenYankDownUnder, did not work - still no permissions22:22
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Are you an administrator on your system? (Check the user account settings)22:22
YankDownUnder...blame the aliens...and Trump...22:22
thyriaenyes i am administrator22:23
YankDownUnderthyriaen, Open a terminal. Type: sudo chown -R thyriaen:thyriaen Data22:25
thyriaennice it works - thanks a lot YankDownUnder22:27
YankDownUnderDONUTS. Ahem.22:27
YankDownUnderVegetarian donuts, BTW...22:27
mercenaryshipwhere do unionfs mount scripts go in Ubuntu?22:28
light1as opposed to non-vegetarian donuts?22:30
Seveasmmm, bacon donut...22:31
Seveasapparently, maple bacon donut is really a thing. Now I want one :)22:31
light1I'm imagining a meat lovers donut now. I am disturbed.22:31
oerheksmercenaryship, man unionfs > Meta  data information  are  saved  and looked for in the .unionfs/ directories of each branch-root.22:32
Seveaslight1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKPKhPih5Wo22:33
mercenaryshipoerheks no man page there22:34
oerheksmercenaryship, then look it up online?22:35
Seveasmercenaryship: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages.gz/zesty/en/man8/unionfs.8.gz22:37
Seveaserr, remove the .gz twice :)22:37
light1Seveas: Why22:49
oerhekslight1, so you didn't click the url :-D22:50
light1oh I did22:50
light1I'm watching it rn22:50
mercenaryshipoerhaks this is mount not the userspace tool22:56
mercenaryshipso a Gentoo guide was followed22:56
mercenaryshipand the scriptures was placed in /etc/init/rc22:57
YankDownUndermercenaryship, unionfs => mind if I ask the "why" bit to this?22:58
mercenaryshipfor a read only root22:58
YankDownUndermercenaryship, Ah...fair enough22:59
mercenaryshipso /etc has been placed as unionfs and it is not working22:59
mercenaryshipthe rsv2ce files is scheduled for ext4dev23:01
YankDownUndermercenaryship, ...and the $PATH has been double-checked...just asking...23:01
mercenaryshipthis was added after the $PATH23:01
mercenaryshipbasically mount commands23:02
mercenaryshipit was placed after path in /etc/init.d/rc23:03
mercenaryshipnot /etc/init/rc23:03
YankDownUndermercenaryship, I ask merely because of "oops!" situations...where the individual doesn't necessarily check/double check processes/steps...I don't like to do an "oops!" on myself...ergo, I ask.23:03
mercenaryshipit is a mount command taken from a Gentoo guide23:05
zeroraxHey guys, I'm wondering is there is any ways to scale my screen, but not because I have high resoulution, I want to scale it in the other direction so I have the illusion of more screenspace.... I am aware quality of the rendering has to take a hit but I want to try it23:06
mercenaryshipin Gentoo the rc files is somewhere else23:06
mercenaryshipso the mount command is near the top of the file23:06
mercenaryshipthis mounts the unionfs and echos the mount line in mtab23:07
mercenaryshipif rc is run anything near the top is supposed to run as if it is a shell script23:08
mercenaryshipthis is before any conditional23:08
mercenaryshipafter the path23:09
mercenaryshipah looks like mount doesn't know about unionfs23:12
mercenaryshipunonown fstype23:12
_01101011_Anyone know of a tmp workaroud for this bug, https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/5530 ?23:14
jmaderohi all - I installed Eclipse using these instructions (https://www.linuxhint.com/install-eclipse-neon-ubuntu/), I can't run the software as normal user, get the following error: /root/.p2/pool/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.401.v20161122-1740: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied23:14
mercenaryshipso ubuntu doesn't support unionfs23:15
mercenaryshipis there an alternative for overlaying ?23:16
mercenaryshipif crypto keys are to be used the crypto commands have to be safe23:17
mercenaryshipif the cryptotool can be replaced it makes not sense using crypto23:18
_01101011_I dont think anyone answers anything complacted here man...23:18
mercenaryshipso here I am making the root read only23:18
_01101011_su root# chown -R root:root /root && chmod -R 600 /root23:21
mercenaryshipthat's another thing23:22
franklyrosalindHey, I had been dual-booting Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10 and I just ran the upgrade to 17.04, and when I boot it just gives me a grub> prompt.23:22
franklyrosalindI don't have a LiveCD or means to make one right now, is there another way to fix this?23:22
mercenaryship_011 that was done and the system became unusable23:22
_01101011_mer- yes for sure23:23
mercenaryshiproot owning the entire fs23:23
mercenaryshipwhy is that _01101011_23:24
collinandersonwhat should i use to rip a dvd? handbrake?23:39
collinandersonor vlc/ffmpeg or something?23:39
ZombieI need technical advice on an issue regarding OpenSSL. I need a way to install OpenSSL such that all users, using all applications will accept the authority of a given CA.23:42
YankDownUndercollinanderson, Handbrake ist zee best.23:44
zeroraxif I install ubuntu 12.04, can I do an upgrade to 13.04 from that? I need specifcally 13.04, and can't find an iso for it23:46
collinandersonYankDownUnder: and... do i need to mount the dvd or something? (this is 16.04 server...)23:46
YankDownUnderzerorax, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/13.04/23:47
zeroraxYankDownUnder, thanks23:47
zeroraxI was googling forever23:47
oerheksYankDownUnder, good find, even the torrent of 13.04 is gone http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/23:47
YankDownUndercollinanderson, Generally - from a desktop perspective, if you insert said DVD and then fire up Handbrake, it will read the DVD and do it's thing. In the case of "server", you may have to mount the DVD and then choose the source...23:48
collinandersoncool. thanks23:48
nacczerorax: why do you want to install an eol release to install an eol release?23:48
YankDownUnderHave that "old releases" bookmarked...wonder why they're deleting this version...hmm...(must be to make more space)(sarcasm)23:49
zeroraxnacc, because I haven't ported the whole build script setup to support modern tools yet23:49
nacczerorax: hopefully you're not running this on any kind of machine you care about then? (as in, public facing IP, etc.)23:50
zeroraxnacc, I don't have any ports forwarded23:51
zeroraxI just need this for building a specific project that was meant to be built with 13.04 and stuff that's hard to get working on 17.04(I have got it working but I made a mess in the process23:51
nacczerorax: but also, you've had... what? (13.04 went eol in january 2014) -- 3 years to fix your issues with the build system...23:52
nacczerorax: and haven't done it yet?23:52
oerhekszerorax,  i would go for 14.04 lts then, still supported and does not have systemd23:52
nacczerorax: nothing should have been "meant to be built with 13.04". That's terrible terrible software design.23:52
YankDownUndernacc, Do programmers adhere to normal time frames? ;)23:52
zeroraxnacc, newer versions support newer ubuntus, I'm pulling an old version, and using it as a base for something else23:53
nacczerorax: seems odd, but ok.23:53
zeroraxnacc, I know... But it would take me days to go through all the build scripts the are called by the main one23:54
YankDownUndernacc, (possible contractor for Microsoft...)(more sarcasm)23:54
IntelCoreuse older versions to run washing machine23:54
IntelCorewhy ubuntu put thi on my pc ?23:58
IntelCorelibkf5holidays-data:all 15.12.3-0ubuntu223:58

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