[03:13] Hello there. I need some help with network file sharing in kubuntu 17.04 [03:14] I am coming to kubuntu from gnome on fedora [03:14] On fedora i just had to enable settings>sharing and then my laptop would show up on the network. [03:15] I can't find any setting for network file sharing in kde though. [03:15] Dolphin>network shows me the warning that no workgroup is detected on my local network. [03:16] It also does not seem to be able to find my laptop on the network. [03:16] However, i installed nautilus on the system and it can access my laptop just fine. [03:17] Now i just wanna know how do i enable file sharing on this machine so i can access this machine from my laptop. [03:17] Can someone help me with this? === MineCraft is now known as Guest38836 [04:39] how do I make the base mouse cursor speed go faster? === silver is now known as silver222 [04:56] Check out this: https://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/original/4X/5/8/2/5821298ad7e08a1c04589fd3a3656885ce46afad.JPG [04:57] Thoughts? === himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf === nameless is now known as Guest82272 === marcus_ is now known as Guest19592 [08:37] are there technical specs available to compare kubuntu vs debian [08:38] user|75968: What do you mean by technical specs? [08:40] i guess its specs - system requirements, supported hardware etc === santa is now known as Guest8712 === thyoo is now known as Taehee === AciD` is now known as AciD === AciD is now known as Guest62266 [09:31] does anyone know where to find docs on the comparable differences between kubuntu and debian === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [10:15] hi. in latest 17.04 i tried it live in a laptop and i get drm: intel_cpu_fifo_underun_irq_handler [i915] error cpu pipe A fifo underun and i start some big file trasfers the laptop closes!! [10:16] chomwitt: from where to where do try and transfer? [10:17] chomwitt: as a live session runs in RAM, you can fill that up if you try to dump data into that ramdisk [10:20] 'Morning all [10:23] from usb flash to hdd and vice versa [10:24] hateball: i see, propably. cause now its open for half and hour without problem , but i dont do sth on it. BUT i stiil see the drm i915 related errors!! [10:24] chomwitt: That has to do with video driver, i915 [10:24] i know [10:25] I dont know if there's some config with shared video RAM perhaps [10:25] That could cause such problems [10:25] It's nothing I have stumbled upon myself [10:25] but transfering from a mounted hdd partition to a usb stick i dont think should bring down the system. [10:27] anyway i will try again with 16.04 , hoping its more stable , [10:27] thanks [10:27] have to go for errants === himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf === himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf === nameless is now known as Guest52988 === himcesjf_ is now known as himcesjf === john is now known as Guest99054 [15:57] Hello peoples. Hopefully simple question. I just upgraded to 17.04 this weekend. It went mostly smoothly, but Slack (Electron app) seems to now be unable to connect. Googling shows me lots of issues with Electron apps on 17.04 and the app indicator drawer in Unity, but nothing for connection issues. [15:57] Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas as to the cause? [16:15] Crell, your question better if directed to #ubuntu suport chat , this is Kubuntu support only [16:28] BluesKaj: I'm unclear if it's a K-specific issue or not, but OK. (Most issues I found googling were Unity-specific.) === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube === Udusiil is now known as siil === marcus_ is now known as Guest9568 [21:11] problems installing openconnect in my kubuntu 17, in the last version I didn't have issues, I was wondering if this version of kubuntu is not supporting openconnect ? [21:11] hi, guys, question please, I have problems installing openconnect in kubuntu 17, I dont know if it is an issue from kubuntu side, can you confirm please ? o maybe help ? [21:48] Hello Kommunity [21:49] I have just a short question: I'm currently running on Gnome, is it okay to install KDE Desktop into the system? Or are you advising to reinstall / parallel install KDE? [21:51] someone alive here? [21:52] hi. gnome and kubuntu should be able to cohabit [21:52] but there is always the risk of some conflicts [21:54] okay, that sounds promising and risky enough to give it a try ;-) [21:55] unity is/was the worst for not playing nice with other flavours [21:56] thanks for the heads-up - you're right even with Unity vs. Gnome [21:57] so far - have a good night. bye. [22:15] hi! I'm trying to find out why Reddit Enhancement Suite no longer appears to be working, even though it shows it is Enabled. [22:15] in Firefox === X704 is now known as tiwake === hook is now known as silver_hook === croz is now known as crozDEV === crozDEV is now known as croz [23:48] hi [23:49] hello [23:50] and goodbye, apparently!