[00:06] thank you very much for the huge work on lubuntu [00:06] orion2036: You are very welcome. :) [00:06] i am pleased to use it on my old dell d600 [00:07] That's wonderful! :D [00:07] orion2036: Glad to hear. :) [00:08] orion2036: Please do let us know if you run into any issues. :) [00:08] orion2036: (either here or at the lubuntu-users mailing list listed in the description) [00:10] i had some issues with pae but it is well described on online help [00:10] and with the wifi chipset [00:11] Ok, glad to hear that was helpful [00:17] lubuntu is ecological too because old pcs can be reuse, like my dell d600 [00:20] orion2036: Yep :D [00:23] keep up the good work :) [00:23] bye [00:56] Just installed LUBuntu on a Dell XPS 13 9343 and I am unable to install the broadcom drivers for the wireless card as I would from a standard Ubuntu install. The only NIC it has is a wireless one. Any suggestions on how to get the drivers installed? [00:59] !broadcom [00:59] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [00:59] Maybe? :) === tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 [01:18] tsimonq2: lspci i dont have lspci and the drivers need dependencies to install. Not sure how to go about downloading them on this computer and installing them on the lubuntu. [01:22] titan914: What system are you on now? [01:29] how do I acess keybord shortcuts? [01:31] I guess Bman_ figured it out... [01:32] tsimonq2: I'm on a windows 10 box at the moment. [01:34] titan914: Ok, what kind of dependencies does it need to install? [01:35] tsimonq2: GCC is one for the Braodcom drivers that are on the ubuntu 16.04 boot disk. [01:35] tsimonq2: Trying "sudo dkps -i *.deb" [01:35] On the drivers. [01:37] titan914: What you can do is go to packages.ubuntu.com, download the deb files for each package onto a flash drive, put it in the computer, mount the drive, and run `sudo apt install ./*.deb` in the directory that has your deb files. [01:38] tsimonq2: Awesome, thank you. [01:41] titan914: You're welcome. :) [01:51] tsimonq2: So downloaded the GCC package and I cannot install the GCC package because I need the GCC package to install the GCC package. T_T [02:13] titan914: You have an exact error? [03:01] any simple solutions to disable touchpad tap to click? [09:02] howdy [09:02] is there any better monitor manager than lxrandr? [09:02] that offers necessary settings [09:04] Shawn|i7-Q720M: you can try arandr [09:04] it has the better UI imho. Though technically both are based on randr protocol so don't expect it to have tons of differences in terms of resolutions available or such [09:05] well I am looking for a gui to control xrandr's overscan and underscan stuff [09:18] no overscan settings in arandr? [09:27] is there an overscan gui? === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [09:40] I'm not finding any underscan fixes for lubuntu s-video output [10:34] if only resizing s-video would be easy [10:38] I don't think there is a gui for this [10:39] why hasn't anyone implemented such :( [10:40] I want to elimiate the huge black border around my desktop on this analog 9" crt [10:41] I imagine not too many still use s-video and/or 9" CRTs, hence the lack of such a GUI [10:42] ah [10:43] is there a transform helper? [10:44] for xrandr [10:45] I'm sure there are some people who still use analog CRTs [10:51] Yep, probably not too many using it in combination with s-video is my guess tho [10:51] ah [10:51] That said, it's probably fixable, I just... have no idea [10:51] I like that this laptop can output s-video [10:52] what gpu/driver is it? intel? [10:53] Shawn|i7-Q720M: a googling gives this https://newagesoldier.com/linux-hdmi-resize-screen-overscan-fix-ubuntu/ === shawn196 is now known as shawn|iCenD [10:54] dunno if it's applicable to your situation [10:54] heres this laptop's xrandr output https://hastebin.com/iremiqidin [10:55] no overscan command for svideo [10:55] thought I can try that [10:55] I did come across that, but left it [10:57] didn't really do anything [10:59] Shawn|i7-Q720M: You may have better luck asking in a more general channel, like #ubuntu or even #linux [11:00] Shawn|i7-Q720M: More active users and all that, since it's not really distro-specific [11:00] ah [11:00] why is your name hateball? [11:02] well, heres a picture https://s25.postimg.org/hns4fg6in/IMGP2254.jpg [11:03] Shawn|i7-Q720M: It is one of the secrets of this universe [11:03] ah [11:03] Yeah I understand the problem, it's just I havent used S-video in a decade+ [11:03] I was wondering if it was aimed toward "ball" a fellow irc user [11:04] It's just a handle [11:04] ah [11:04] A lovehandle [11:04] lol [11:04] love certainly does not mean hate [11:18] stinkin arandr is causing window bleed between both displays [11:38] not very many seem to be familiar with s-video [11:48] arandr on lubuntu seems screwed up [11:49] I put them side by side, and my CRT is getting window bleed, and wont go full screen [11:49] from a window on the LVDS display [11:49] picture quality on the crt itself is fine [12:00] hi [12:01] anybody knows how I can enable compiz in lxde [12:04] kranthi_: install it and run it with compiz --replace [12:06] hateball, I just did some testing with --transform, and it does not affect the black borders [12:10] no matter the munber I touch, the black borders remain [12:41] Hi, how "put an image on desktop background" with right clic in Firefox/Lubuntu 14.04 ? pls [14:22] . [14:31] hi my mouse cursor moves but won't click on anything i can use the keyboard .. the cursor has a hand icon and little chain links it happended as i was dragging a file from a zip archive to a folder [14:32] using the latest version of lubuntu [14:32] do I have to reisub? [14:33] everything else seems to be working fine but I don't really know how to navigate with the keyboard to restart [14:35] hello? [14:38] help! [14:41] i think its stuck on the grabbing icong [14:41] because the cursor hand a closed hand like a fist [14:45] looks similar to this [14:45] https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2000507 [14:45] i think i will reisub [14:45] except i don't have firefox open [14:55] oh well i did a shutdown but it looks like its a bug [14:56] cya [15:26] why doesn't xvidtune changes work? [15:27] whenever I try to make changes, it gives me that mode line error [16:06] hey [16:07] i've installed lubuntu today :) [19:16] https://s25.postimg.org/hfhz5ltkv/IMGP2281.jpg [19:16] the image is so small [19:23] Stupid install question: I downloaded lubuntu 17.04 and burned the .iso to a DVD rom. On the PC I am trying to install too. I switched boot sequence to DC/DVDrom first, but it is not booting off DVDROM. Instead it goes into my older existing ubuntu. Is there a way I can install without booting, and instead, get into existing ubuntu OS and from there run and install the lubunu iso burned on DVD ROM? [19:24] Justin__: did you burn it as image or file? [19:24] Justin__: i'd double check the install. i'm sure if you made it so that it ONLY booted to cd/dvd, it would fail. [19:24] s/install/image/ [19:26] I downloaded and burned the image from a macbook. I just right clicked the downloaded file and selected burn to disk. I imagine that is not the right way to do it [19:34] hello! I'm hoping someone here will be kind enough to answer my questions [19:36] 1- lubuntu is a "lighter ubuntu" for older, less capable machines like my dad's old P4 1ghz that struggles with windows xp? [19:37] 2- lubuntu can be tried before installation, like the progenitor, from an ISO on a USB key? [19:39] gregk: Yes, yes. :) [19:40] so I've DL'd the 32bit ISO; all I need to do is use rufus to make a bootable key and get to it? [19:41] Yeah, or any other tool that works. [19:42] I'm reading the wiki...this seems too good to be true. Dad'll stop calling for tech support I hope...once he wraps his head around it [19:43] awesome, thank you! you'll make a man who doesn't like to spend $ on "new" very happy [20:27] oh yeah, it should be much snappier...P4@2.4GHz with 2GB Ram