
Osirus126hey guys and gals. im having an issue with my Ubuntu Mate 17.04 Desktop. When chrome is open the desktop icons all become unresponsive.. and also the right click menu doesn not work......01:11
Osirus126this is only when i have google chrome open. When i minimize it, i cannot click on any of my desktop icons or use the right click menu. I have tryed to see if this happens with other applications such as firefox, or any other application and it does not cause the issue..01:11
Osirus126any help would be greatly appreciated01:11
biotimcould be  a video driver issue. Have you tried disabling hardware acceleration in chrome?01:12
Osirus126how would i do that?>01:12
biotimi think it's in "advanced settings"01:12
biotim"use hardware acceleration"  ,  uncheck that01:13
Osirus126just tryed to disable it and it had no effect01:14
Osirus126still same issue01:14
biotimeven after quitting and restarting chrome?01:14
biotimHmm not sure what it could be then01:16
Osirus126the desktop is unusable if chrome is open.. my panels work.. but the desktop icons do not01:16
biotimMight be good to install chromium from the default repos and see if that has the same issue01:16
Osirus126yea i can try that aswell.. yet the reason i use chrome is because of netflix01:16
biotimi see01:17
Osirus126and this is a pretty fresh install aswell. just a few weeks old with extremely minor tweaks. none if any really, just installed some applications using apt and updated everything01:18
biotimYeah, I once had some similar problems related to using the nouveau driver, which went away if I used the NVIDIA binary01:19
Osirus126i am using the newest available drivers for my GPU. so i dont think it is that.. everything seems to be running fine. and nvidia-settings works as expected01:21
biotimMaybe try disabling the "zero-copy rasterizer" under chrome://flags   (see also  https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-reduce-avoid-the-heavy-CPU-usage-of-Google-Chrome-in-Ubuntu/answer/Atif-Imam)01:23
dazednconfusedHi guys. I'm actually running MATE on Arch but I wanted to know the name of the default gtk and icon theme in Ubuntu MATE 17.0405:40
alkisgdazednconfused: this is what i have in 16.04: http://termbin.com/8px805:47
dazednconfusedThanks alkisg05:57
webmindhi, how do I change the logo on the on mate 'floating mate' screensaver ?09:26
ouroumovwebmind, not sure you can09:26
ouroumovunless you go hacking into the code, obviously09:27
webmindsounds rather boring, is there a way to accomplish the same thing?09:27
webmindhave a screensaver with a floating logo?09:27
webmindcan't just replace an image somewhere?09:27
ouroumovYou can load additional screensavers for sure09:28
ouroumovwebmind, I think mate-screensavers hits /usr/share/pixmaps/mate-logo-white.svg09:29
webmindfound it09:34
webmindyou can create a .desktop file09:34
webmindin /usr/share/applications/screensavers09:34
webmindusing the gnomelogo-floaters.desktop as a template09:34
webmindthe floaters screensaver takes an svg as argument09:34
webmindthhnx :)09:35
ouroumovwebmind, that'd be a nice entry into the "Tips and Tricks" section of our forum, if you're up to it09:35
webmindwhere is that?09:35
ouroumovHere: https://ubuntu-mate.community/c/tips-tricks-and-tutorials/tips-and-tricks09:36
Kenzohey room09:38
Kenzoquick question. has anyone figured out why mirroring displays in ubuntu-mate limits you to a resolution of 640 x 480? it looks super weird on my tv, just huge. but i can't adjust and it doesn't detect09:38
ouroumovKenzo, what version of Ubuntu MATE?09:38
ouroumovWeird, I've used mirroring and haven't seen that problem before09:40
ouroumovHave you tested on multiple external monitors?09:40
Kenzono i only have my tv to test on unfortunately. previously mirrored perfectly fine with ubuntu 14.04 a long while back so doubt it's the TV's fault09:41
alkisgKenzo: what's the output of this command on the terminal? xrandr | nc termbin.com 999909:44
Kenzoalkisg, http://termbin.com/6iem09:46
webmindhmm, is there a way via the console to change the current screensaver?09:47
alkisgKenzo: so in general xorg uses the biggest common resolution between them09:47
alkisgWhich in this case, is 640x480 :)09:47
alkisgKenzo: try xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 1366x76809:47
alkisgKenzo: did this succeed?09:47
alkisg(i mean, no error output after the command)09:48
Kenzono error09:48
alkisgKenzo: ok now try: xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1366x768 --same-as eDP-109:48
ouroumovwebmind, there's a gsettings entry in org.mate.screensaver theme09:48
ouroumovthemes *09:49
webmindis there a way to that systemwide?09:49
webmindI basicly got N machines I want to have this screensaver by default09:49
Kenzoalkisg, my tv monitor reports 'mode not supported'09:50
alkisgKenzo: OK, do you want to try the opposite, to use 1280x720 in your pc?09:50
alkisg(what is it, pc or laptop?)09:50
alkisgKenzo: start with this: xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1280x720 --same-as eDP-109:51
Kenzoalkisg, laptop, would it just entail swapping 1366x768 for 1280x720 in that command?09:51
alkisgThis should set up a clone, but not with the same size in both monitors09:51
alkisgKenzo: does the tv show with that command?09:52
Kenzoeureka that seemed to work!! thanks alkisg.09:53
Kenzoi'm missing my bottom panel on the tv but is that expected?09:53
alkisgKenzo: note though that the resolution isn't the same in both screens now, you might have a border in one of them, or you might miss a few pixels...09:53
alkisgSo, the other way is to try to set 1280x720 in the laptop, and you'll be seeing the same things, but it won't be "native resolution" in the laptop anymore,09:54
alkisgmeaning that in the laptop the pixels will be a bit blurred09:54
Kenzoit's much better than it was before. so is this a command "xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1280x720 --same-as eDP-109:54
Kenzo" i will need to run every time i connect with hdmi09:54
ouroumovwebmind, don't know, maybe some leads here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/27484/set-default-global-gnome-preferences-gnome-309:54
alkisgKenzo: right09:55
alkisgwebmind: do you want a default value or a mandatory value?09:56
Kenzoalkisg, ahh right. thanks.09:57
webmindalkisg: default09:57
alkisgwebmind: ls /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.override09:58
alkisgYou need to create one file similar to these09:58
alkisgAnd then run glib-compile-schemas09:58
alkisgWhile for mandatory gconf values, the documentation is at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Desktop_Migration_and_Administration_Guide/custom-default-values-system-settings.html#lock-down-specific-settings09:59
alkisgwebmind: if you manage N systems, the best way to manage settings is to create your own "my-settings.deb" package10:01
alkisgThat way you can even auto-update it with new settings10:01
alkisg(and I hope you've heard about LTSP too :))10:02
webmindalkisg: using ansible for iyt10:02
webmindany idea where the default screensaver is set?10:03
alkisgansible is cool but it's not "allowed" to write to /usr10:03
webmindyeah, get that :)10:03
alkisggrep -ri screensaver /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas, should tell you that10:03
alkisgI see ubuntu-mate.gschema.override there, so you need a filename alphabetically after "ubuntu-mate" to override that10:05
webmindthat file also sets a screensaver10:05
webmindbut not sure how that naming works, it's not the same as the desktop file10:05
alkisgman glib-compile-schemas10:06
alkisg...you'll find more than enough documentation ;)10:06
webmindthat's a short one page manpage?10:07
alkisgI thought you were saying about file names there10:07
alkisgIf you're talking about gsetting values, man gsettings instead10:07
webmindI created a .desktop file, which now shows up in my list of screensavers10:08
webmindI would like this screensaver to be the default.10:08
webmindbut if I look at the default set in ubuntu-mate.gschema.override, that does not match the .desktop file of the usual default10:08
webmindso some translation happens somewhere I guess10:08
alkisgYou can run `dconf watch /` on a terminal, and then play with the GUI to change whatever settings that you want10:10
alkisgThen you'll see the respective gsettings that were changed in the terminal10:10
alkisgSo it's one way to map from gui to gsettings10:11
webmindthat was simple :)10:11
Kenzoalkisg, purely cosmetic but is there anyway to remove the lovely green box at the top left hand corner that displays the hdmi display?10:12
alkisgKenzo: if you mean the icon that the "displays dialog" shows, then just close the displays dialog10:13
Kenzohaha thanks, that simple. i had hidden multiple windows.10:14
alkisg2 simple things in the last 4 lines, cool! :D10:15
Kenzoit's a good day :)10:18
=== MmikeM is now known as Mmike
webmindouroumov: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/custom-floating-logo-screensaver/1352110:31
Kenzoi may have hit a snag. my audio is playing out of my laptop, it doesn't detect the tv so i can't select it for output10:41
crankypusskenzo, i am LMAO here, not because your bluetooth or whatever is messed up, but because yesterday on my iphone-se i used the flashlight and then had to remove an entirely unrelated app to turn off the damn flashligh!10:48
crankypussend-of-days stuff, laptops self-animating and making noise, blinking lights, the whole 9 yards.10:49
Kenzohow weird. nothing's ever straightforward10:49
crankypussnot with apple, that's for sure.10:49
crankypussnot with linux either sometimes.  how did you notice the problem (symptoms) on what kind of environment (hw, distro) and what's your configuration?  We oughta go to the forums for this?  Or not, you decide and i'll go have a smoke.10:51
Kenzoi'll keep looking for solutions10:53
ouroumovwebmind, thanks :)11:28
webmindI've made a .override in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/13:03
webmindstarting with zz13:03
webmindbut it doesn't seem to get taken up13:03
webmindtried rebooting13:04
webmindcompile it :)13:06
AtSchoolJ'ai installé mysql php7.0 , quand je vais sur ma page le php ne fonctionne pas et ma page est affiché en code13:20
AtSchoolj'utilise ubuntu 16.0413:20
KTradAvez-vous activé le module php? Apache2?13:24
webmindcan anyone tell me where launcher objects for the panel are defined?13:28
webmindI can set which launchers I want in the panel in org.mate.panel13:29
ouroumov!fr | AtSchool KTrad13:29
ubottuAtSchool KTrad: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:29
webmindbut seems they need to be defined somewhere first13:30
Jack_Sparrow__you did the right click panel and add right13:30
webmindI mean to do it via the console13:31
Jack_Sparrow__Im using mint menu so I wont be much help13:32
webmindI'm trying to do it for 20 workstations in one go :)13:33
Jack_Sparrow__Last century when I got my first fortune 500 job they had three computers, by the end of the first year I had 200 just here in our San Diego Offices..  I know what you want to do.  Just out of touch13:36
KTradI speak english too ubottu :P13:38
Jack_Sparrow__KTrad, ubottu is our friendly bot13:39
KTradyea realised that after I said it lol13:39
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:40
Jack_Sparrow__We can trigger all sorts of answers and hints with it13:40
KTradNot been on the IRC community for very long13:41
KTradfor Ubuntu-MATE that is13:41
KTradthough I am a moderater at ubuntu-mate.community13:41
AtSchooloui on activer le module php et apache 213:42
AtSchoolon fait un page super simple en php avec une ligne de commande pour voir si le php fonctionne et il ne fonctionne pas13:44
AtSchoolet on a installé tout sur une version vierge13:44
KTradJe ne sais pas. :/ Join #ubuntu-fr Ils peuvent vous aider13:49
AtSchoolon l'a trouvé14:00
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo14:01
ouroumovKTrad, you're a forum moderator? What's your nickname?14:03
AtSchoolapt-get install libapache2-mod-php qui manque14:06
AtSchooldans le ubuntu 16.0414:06
KTradKTrad ouroumov14:30
ouroumovKTrad, there is nobody with that nickname on the forum14:32
KTradon ubuntu-mate.community14:32
KTradyes ther eis14:32
ouroumovKTrad, oh yes I found you14:33
ouroumovSorry, wrong search options14:33
KTradit's ok lol14:33
ouroumovKTrad, I'm one of the new moderators14:33
KTradoh yea?14:34
KTradoh yea you are14:34
KTradDisappeared for a while due to some personal issues but I'm back14:35
ouroumovWelcome back ^^14:35
KTradthanks :D14:35
Jack_Sparrow__Guys, try to avoid all of the political backroom crap that goes on.14:36
KTradWhat are you talking about?14:37
Jack_Sparrow__Some of the entrenched leadership can be a pain.14:39
Jack_Sparrow__Not the place to discuss it.. this is support14:40
KTradoh ok. Not really working with canonical though just moderating the mate forums14:40
Jack_Sparrow__I was an op here for years, left when that unity desktop was forced down our throats14:41
KTradyea unity was crap14:41
KTradstuck to 10.04 for years because of it14:42
Jack_Sparrow__Many of us moved to Mint and Mate14:42
KTradand even then I hated it with the OSX style out of th ebox14:42
KTradme included Jack_Sparrow__  lol14:42
KTradI got back onto Ubuntu with MATE 14.10 I helped beta test and then became a patreon and that kinda dragged me back into the ubuntu system14:43
Jack_Sparrow__Thanks for all your help and support14:44
Jack_Sparrow__What all do I need to bring in mintmenu  ?14:45
Jack_Sparrow__I like one bar at the bottom14:45
Jack_Sparrow__I dont care to modify the dual one unless I need to14:45
KTradI thought thye brought mintmenu into UM a while ago14:46
KTradapparently I can't type today14:46
Jack_Sparrow__Im Old.. thats my excuse14:47
Jack_Sparrow__I didnt see mint menu in by ubuntu setup14:48
Jack_Sparrow__but I might not have had multi and uni enabled then14:48
KTradagain I could be wrong it has been a while and still catching up on what has changed recently in the distro14:50
Jack_Sparrow__Thats alright, it should not be hard to do.14:51
AtSchoolvraiment dommage que ubuntu 16.04 rencontre des conflit avec apache2  et php14:52
jnewthow do i add locations to the send to... in the right click menu?14:59
ouroumovAtSchool, please speak English. Use #ubuntu-fr if you want to speak French.15:18
DarkPsydeLordif i want to speak lituanian?15:23
Jack_Sparrow__DarkPsydeLord, Then you can have a room all to yourself15:24
DarkPsydeLordhahahaha i just figured that out15:26
DarkPsydeLordsame if i want to speak euskera15:26
=== michael is now known as Guest68414
jnewthow do i add locations to the send to... in the right click menu?16:53
Akulijnewt, which program?16:54
jnewtthe file manager (caja?)16:54
Akulii have no idea, i don't even have a send to menu :)16:54
jnewtyou right click on a file, there's a send to... button, but there's only a couple of options, i want to add some more16:54
Akulidesktop and home folder?16:55
jnewtdropbox and syncthing folders16:55
Akulii have an older caja16:56
Akulii don't have the whole menu anuwhere16:56
Akulimaybe someone with a newer caja knows16:56
jnewti have MATE caja 1.12.716:57
Akuliyeah, mine is 1.8.2 :)16:58
jack_Sparrow_Probably easier to find a file manager that works th way you want than rewriting caja16:58
jnewtjack_Sparrow_, i figured there was probably just a config file with a list of paths for this17:00
jack_Sparrow_I wish you the best17:03
Akuliwhat's the name of the gui setting tool? i dont remember it17:05
jnewtmate tweak?17:06
Akulino, a more advanced too17:06
Akulidconf something17:06
Akulioh its just called dconf-editor17:11
MenzadorBe sure to install dconf-tools with it17:22
MenzadorOr not actually17:23
Menzadorjust dconf-editor will do17:23
=== michael is now known as Guest19764
Akuliusually apt takes care of dependencies17:30
jack_Sparrow_See the diff between apt and aptitude etc17:31
jack_Sparrow_I was hoping17:32
Akulii didn't mean apt the command17:32
Akulii meant apt, the thing that apt-get, aptitude and the apt command use17:32
KTradso serious question. Since apt was introduced why does every write up/ tutorial still use apt-get instead? Is there a reason to use apt-get over apt? I always found apt to be much easier to read/pay attention to.17:44
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as Tyler
TylerLooking to switch from Mint cinnamon to ubuntu mate... how does everyone like mate compared to mint cinnamon?17:45
KTradI prefer mate mostly because I used Gnome 2.x for like ever and think it is the best of GUI design.17:47
Jack_Sparrow__Why not mint-mate ?17:47
AkuliKTrad, nobody wants to change apt-get to apt in every tutorial on the internet just for fun17:47
KTradno I know that Akuli17:47
KTradbut I have seen them written for 17.04 and still use apt-get17:47
Akulii still use apt-get sometimes too17:47
Akulithe authors probably don't pay much attention to that17:48
TylerAfter using miint for like a week, just the way it feels and the way ppa's are on mint just dont work the way i want them to. its seems like if you try to introduce anything from outside into mint it doesnt like it17:48
KTradIt doesn't really matter I just find apt to be more visually pleasing17:48
AkuliKTrad, alias gimme='sudo apt-get install'  gimme firefox17:48
KTradI love it lol17:49
Tyleranyone here play around with mate on arch?17:51
KTradtend to stay away from arch myself17:52
TylerI have KDE plasma on my arch install and i honestly dont like it too much. KDE feels clunky to me17:52
TylerArch just takes too much to get running for me and turns me off how one update can break your system... i need stability lol17:52
KTradso use debian?17:53
KTradand just install mate on it17:53
Jack_Sparrow__Tyler, To me, MintMate is how I want kde to feel17:53
TylerJack_Sparrow, I agree 100%17:54
Tyleris there any way to get KDE connect on mate?17:54
Jack_Sparrow__Im still working on my ubuntu-mate config17:57
TylerJack_Sparrow__: What are you trying to do with it?17:58
Jack_Sparrow__Just my own tweaks and stuff to keep the wife happy18:00
Jack_Sparrow__Im running multiple ubuntu-mate and mint-mate laptops18:00
TylerI feel like I've used every major distro out there, and i still cant figure out what i want18:01
* KTrad gives Tyler a copy of Windows ME18:05
KTradthere ya go18:05
monahhello room19:28
monahi have a little problem19:28
monahhello room19:31
monahI have a little problem19:31
monahactually i have 2 pc19:31
monahubuntu mate and mint19:31
monahi installed samba19:31
monahbut can't share folders19:31
monahhi KTrad19:34
KTradthat should fix it for you monah19:35
KTradand hiya19:35
monahactually i don't have windows19:35
monahjust 2 linux19:35
KTraddoesn't matter19:35
KTradstill works the same19:35
monahthx KTrad19:38
monahactually i installed that19:39
monahbut i don't see my ubuntu on my network share of mint19:39
monahand vice versa19:39
monahso if i go to browser network to browse my files on the other pc19:40
monahI only see windows share19:40
monahand when i enter it i don't see my other folder on the other pc i already shared19:40
KTradDo you have a user/password setup for the share?19:41
KTradYou try inputing the location manually?19:43
KTradlike: smb://ipaddress/sharename19:43
monahok i ll19:43
monahit works19:45
monahwith the ip19:45
monahbut not with the name19:45
KTradthat is weird19:45
monahis it maybe because my 2 pc have the same name?19:47
KTradyea that could definitely be it19:47
monahok thx19:47
KTradEach hostname should be unique within the network19:47
monahthank you so much19:51
monahi will try to change the ip adr to fixed and connect by using ip adr19:52
mate|91098when my pc lock itself up after few minutes i get the ubuntu mate unlock and then the normal ubuntu unlock. is this a "feature" ?22:22

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