
=== m0nkey___ is now known as m0nkey_
diploMorning all07:01
foobarrywiped my phone for android 7.1.2 so much pain restoring everything :(07:47
foobarrybut, like the windows bitrot, its so fast after a reinstall07:48
foobarryhang on...malware infested apps, bitrot, no security updates for old versions....is android windows?07:49
popeyfoobarry: when I switched a phone to 7.1.2 I just restored everything from the 'cloud'07:57
foobarryah i didn't know if that was a cyangoen/lineage feature or google08:05
foobarryits never really worked for me anyway08:09
foobarryi think my original htc buggered it up08:09
diploI may try lineage on my phone, I was about to replace it as the screen had something wrong with it, but it appears to have resolved itself now08:49
foobarryi've had a repeated wifi issue where my wifi keeps crapping out constantly08:52
diploSince the upgrade?08:55
popeywhee, just updated my OPX to latest nightly09:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:01
diploWell will try and give it a go then09:01
foobarryjust realised i lost all my text messages09:12
diplohah, I was going to ask about that.., titanium and adb backup can do that for you I believe for future ref09:13
diploI don't really care myself09:13
foobarryjust accessing my TB from usb otg09:13
foobarryhmmm titanium doesn't have messages backed up09:30
diploShould do when you backup data to xml, had options to select sms etc - wonder if yours wasn't checked or you didn't run that option09:37
foobarryi have a nandroid backup too but do i really need those old text messages anyway?09:47
foobarrymy phone is a lot faster but maybe because i haven't installed facebook yet09:47
diploI never use the facebook app anymore, just a browser09:53
brobostigonmore battery and resource afficiant in comparison using it in a browser.09:54
diplo100%, apart from they've start adding a banner saying it's faster with their app, when you close the banner it doesn't resize :)09:57
diploA lot of my friends have started copying me, I wonder if they're noticing in the up turn of people doing this09:57
brobostigonlike if you hit the messenger button in a browser too, it refers to opening the play store to the messenger app.10:01
diployeah, you can select browse as desktop and it sort of works, but not great. I rarely get messenger messages now as most people know I don't use it.10:05
awilkinsMy other half installed the FB app on a phone she's been raving about the battery life of for weeks (Huwaei P9)11:41
awilkinsShe'd uninstalled it by end of day because it ate 50% of her battery in about 4 hours11:42
awilkinsI found it annoying that the reason they removed XMPP support from their chat servers was to promote that piece of ... ahem11:43
awilkinsI can only conclude it's either spyware or Zuck's personal bitcoin mining pool11:44
foobarrydoesn't the app have nicer integration such as hold on comment brings up a menu etc12:12
foobarryi am annoyed at the "data" space taken up by the app though12:12
foobarryalso which android browsers reflow text on zoom? only opera i've found so far12:14
foobarrywhy wouldn't everyone want this?12:15
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diddledanfoobarry: there's different processes involved. reflowing text is for when the base font-size changes. most browsers do zooming where the font size remains static and the canvas is enlarged so that it is larger than the viewport - this method preserves everything in correct proportion to each other as the designer wanted. resizing the font breaks most designs.12:56
diddledanzooming by adjusting the canvas scale factor is a lot more energy efficient, too, so on mobile devices it is the preferred method because resizing the font and reflowing requires a lot of computation to layout the page as the font changes12:59
diploI removed Chrome because it used up vast amount of space on my phone, use Ghostery currently but may try opera12:59
diploI've got a friend (client?) who has a Buffalo TS-XL027 Nas box like this13:28
diploIt's a bit rubbish, he'd like to replace it... I'd like to replace it with something I can ssh into/rsync from. but I think he'd like to have something like the buffalo, can you guys recommend anything13:29
diploI've mentioned just getting a microserver and set that up instead13:31
TwistedLucidityA microsever would knock that thing into a cocked hat. I think they might still have their cashback offer on as the unload the old models13:58
TwistedLuciditydiplo: https://www.serversdirect.co.uk/p/1039108/hpe-proliant-microserver-gen8-intel-celeron-g1610t-dual-core-.30ghz-mb-4-x-non-hotplug-14:00
TwistedLucidityHeck, this one is only £113 after the cashback https://www.serversdirect.co.uk/p/1107184/hpe-proliant-ml10-gen9-g4400-dual-core4gb-noon-hot-plug-entry-level-tower-server-14:03
diploI just think they like the option of administering it themselves I guess14:06
diploI'm tempted to buy another tbh, mines old.. all they do is host files, nothing else though14:07
diploI'll give him a few options, just never really used any of the others.. I suppose I could stick Freenas on it14:07
TwistedLucidityIf it's just dumb storage and they don't care much about security, versioning etc; a couple of samba shares would do it.14:10
diployeah I think I'm going to link him to this and say, buy four 2TB drives to do raid10 or smaller to be honest, they don't have a huge amount of data14:11
TwistedLucidity4TB are only ~£12014:14
TwistedLucidityFor consumer-grade anyway14:14
diploBit oversized though :)14:14
diploOnly a single site estate agent, 5 members of staff14:14
diddledanI've thought of a cool new thing to build - FBaaS: Fork Bombs as a Service. you login to the website and it forkbombs itself16:28
popey"cool" :)16:30
foobarrydiplo: depending on budget, then synology are good and run linux underneath18:48
foobarryi have a microserver but i'm dreading upgrading18:54
foobarryi seem to remember grub issues with booting RAID1 disks18:55
popeyi just recovered a zfs pool on my microserver19:18
popeyso relieved19:18
diddledanpopey: what was it doing (your ZFS)?21:13
diddledanphew. I been battling a really simple problem for the past FOUR HOURS! https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/issues/14121:14
diddledan"800" !== 80021:15
diddledanreally crazy simple thing that I couldn't see for want of looking21:15
zmoylan-piif you stare at a problem too long you become blinder to it21:22
popeyi have a microserver with 5 internal disks and 4 external (in a drive array)21:22
popeythe array failed catastrophically, just won't power on21:22
popeyhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00LN0GX4I/ so i bought a couple of them to attach over usb to get the data off them21:23
popeygot zfs to see the pool and now am scping the data off it \o/21:23
diddledanfingers crossed you don't get more death21:23
popeyit's just very slow now because those caddys are usb3 but the microserver is usb221:31

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