
flocculantcan't imagine there's going to be any mad issues or panics - but if there are ask akxwi-dave ... I'm in and out like the fiddler's elbow for a few days07:47
akxwi-davehave fun kev..13:12
flocculantakxwi-dave: I shall 14:16
Unit193knome: I think it's best to figure out the Core stuff sooner rather than later.20:39
knomeyes, i've already poked infinity20:40
knomeno reply yet though20:40
* knome pings again20:41
flocculantknome: not seen him active for a few days at least in -release, maybe holidays or something20:42
Unit193flocculant: He's active now in -devel.20:42
flocculantok 20:42
knomeyep, 11 min idle time :P20:42
Unit193Did I mention stretch has a release date?21:35
=== knome_ is now known as knome

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