
=== tohuw is now known as Guest52354
lordievader[m]Good morning07:18
jancoowHi guys13:10
jancoowI want, for example, install the binary from zoneminder-feature-h264-videostorage13:10
jancoowBut there is no binary for ubuntu zesty13:10
jancoowIs it possible to take a binary for an older version13:11
jancoowfor exmpale the one from trusty?13:11
=== MAbeeTT_ is now known as MAbeeTT
haylonNot sure if anyone else is up, its 10:30CST. Would/Is Conjure-up a good idea for using on Ubuntu-Server 16.04.2, or was it more for using with the desktop edition so you have instant access to the UI?15:26
stokachuhaylon: works on server15:27
stokachuhaylon: if you are ssh'd into a server have a look at using sshuttle for proxy, https://docs.ubuntu.com/conjure-up/en/usage#running-conjure-up-remotely15:27
haylonHuh, that's spiffy. Thank you stokachu15:29
haylonI figured I'd give Ubuntu Server a try again since I'm getting tired of CentOS and that whole line.15:29
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tewardNTP... is fun.19:35
IShavedForThis_hey guys, I need help installing Ubuntu 16.10s version of fsck onto my 16.04 lts server as its creating issues with the rw ability of my external drives. could anyone point me in the right direction on how to install these?19:35
IShavedForThis_/dev/sdd1 has unsupported feature(s): metadata_csum19:36
IShavedForThis_e2fsck: Get a newer version of e2fsck!19:36
tewardIShavedForThis_: related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/e2fsprogs/+bug/136587419:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1365874 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS do not support ext4 metadata checksumming" [Wishlist,In progress]19:40
tewardIShavedForThis_: I'm not sure you can safely download that, but you'd have to probably manually go fetch the package and its dependencies from 16.10 and then install on 16.0419:41
tewardthough you'll probably have a ton of dependency errors19:41
IShavedForThis_damn. thanks man. Do you know any work arounds? or is the only fix to download a graphical Ubuntu lts 16.04 and fixed the disk errors on that?19:41
tewardI don't have a workaround, sorry.20:01
tewardsomeone else might though?20:01
IShavedForThis_yeah im googling. so far I cant find anything20:01
=== lfrlucas_ is now known as lfrlucas
RoyKsudo apt install mono21:06
RoyKreturn -OWRONGWINDOW;21:07

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