
neko__Just installed on my PI :300:48
aus_malHi, I just clean installed 17.04 and noticed I have two Software and Updates desktop files showing in Synapse00:52
aus_malonly major difference I can see is that one has OnlyShowIn= and the other has NotShowIn=00:52
profilerbonjour a tous !06:59
profilerbonjou eput on installer Teamviwer sur Ubuntu Maté ?07:03
mate69Hey guys I'm having problems starting my mysql server and launching mysql-workbench on ubuntu 16.0409:39
mate69any idea on how I can fix it?09:39
moothow do i disable hardware wifi switch?10:27
deskwizardduct tape? :P jk10:33
suevohga un excesivo brillo12:34
suevohes normal que la pantalla tenga un excesivo brillo12:34
HeadzupIs there a in build system in unbutumate for creating starter?14:08
raspberrygood night19:49
=== raspberry is now known as Raspi-mate
TechWombatIs the Screen brightness held in a config, because I turned my brightness down to 0% and now when I log in I get a black screen and I don't have brightness controls20:15
doug_Hello world20:31
=== Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj

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