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crozi accidentally removed the menu panel at the bottom of the window. how do i add it back?01:51
EldonMcGuinnesscroz: The entire panel or just the application launcher?02:45
fuzei just updated to kubuntu 16.04 to 17.04  and now the keyboard shortcut for the application launcher must be held down instead of a single press. how can I get it so I can just toggle the menu with a keyboard shortcut?03:11
EldonMcGuinnessI would have thought it would be under shortcuts some where but not seeing it03:19
ahoneybunheld down03:20
ahoneybunyou can right click the launcher then Application Launcher Settings03:21
fuzei used to be apple to press the key and the window would stay there. now if i press the key the widget appears and then goes away when i release my finger off the shortcut key03:21
EldonMcGuinnessperhaps try this https://bucharjan.cz/blog/plasma-custom-modifier-only-shortcuts.html03:23
ahoneybunwell pressing the key should just open it up03:24
fuzeif i set it to the meta key can the meta (windows) key still be used for keyboard shortcuts (such as Meta + Tab)03:28
crozEldonMcGuinness, the entire menubar at the bottom is gone where I could click my shortcuts, displayed the time, and see what apps were open.03:28
fuzecroz: you deleted the panel03:29
fuzejust make a new one03:29
crozhow do i do that?03:29
fuzeright click on the desktop > add panel03:29
crozah there we go03:29
crozHOLY SHIT it fixed the small resolution too by doing that. i was stuck with a small ass menu bar since i have 4k display and now it's bigger.03:30
fuzeyou can adjust the size of the menu bar (panel) by clicking the wrench in the corner and dragging the height button in the middle. no problem03:31
crozyou the man fuze!03:41
fuzeahoneybun: EldonMcGuinness: so it appears that adjusting the keyboard shortcut for the app launcher fixed my issue and after some research i found this: since KDE 5.8 setting the launcher to keyboard the keyboard shortcut which I believe is now the default, Alt + F1, the Meta (windows) key will automatically open the app launcher03:43
EldonMcGuinnessvery cool04:08
EldonMcGuinnessglad you got it fixe fuze04:08
wtI am running the kde plasma5 under wayland. There are a number of little issues, but it's mostly working. Is there any reasonable way to get ssh-agent to run on login?04:19
EldonMcGuinnessSomething like this perhaps: https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Ssh-agent_KDE_Wallet04:31
EldonMcGuinnessI thought about doing myself, but it is just easier for me to type the passwords I use atm.04:31
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valoriewt: depends on what ssh-agent is04:52
valorieif it's a service run by systemd, then you need to turn it on there04:52
valorieotherwise, you can do that in systemsettings > autostart04:52
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:53
valorieaha, thanks for that link, EldonMcGuinness04:54
valoriethat shows how to do it step by step04:54
valoriewt: did you see that?04:54
valorie!info ksshaskpass04:55
ubottuksshaskpass (source: ksshaskpass): interactively prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.9.4-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 20 kB, installed size 194 kB04:55
valorieso that will need adding04:55
EldonMcGuinnessone of the reasons I was like meh04:57
valorieI remember setting that up in windows, long ago04:58
valoriei no longer have a website I work on04:59
valoriewhich is what I used it for04:59
EldonMcGuinnessI have to admit, in gnome it just asked if I wanted to save the pass to my keyring and it just worked.04:59
EldonMcGuinnessMaybe it will get that way here04:59
valorieif someone wants to make it so, sure04:59
EldonMcGuinnessIf I understand it correctly, this way needs your password again after logging in which just seems redundant.05:00
valoriebasically to get the handshake in there05:01
valorieas I recall05:01
EldonMcGuinnessJust seems that unlocking the keychain would be done when you authenticate to login05:02
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user|81017need some assistance with kubuntu 17.0408:46
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> what's the issue?08:47
renn0xtk9what is the command to execute when willing to upgrade form 16.04 to 17.0408:48
user|81017Software center has disappeared.  Happened during updates.08:48
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> 16.04 -> 17.04 direct upgardes are not supported. you have to upgrade to 16.10, then to 17.0408:49
user|81017can anyone help me?08:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> you'll need to explain more what updates you mean, and what you mean by dissapear08:56
user|81017ok well if anyone sees this and decides to answer...During updates of fresh install kubuntu 17.04, software center disappeared.08:57
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> what updates, from where?08:58
user|81017Ah. Installed 17.04, Software Center showed there to be updates to install then during updates it crashed and now does not exist. I do not know what updates. I didnt read every updates there. there were 138 of them.08:59
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> open konsole and try 'sudo apt install plasma-discover'09:00
user|81017Thanks. I'm fairly new to this, yet still I feel less than adequate for not thinking about just reinstalling it from terminal.09:03
user|81017So now discover shows 328 updates and is freezing. Any alternatives to Software center?09:05
acheronukjust do 'sudo apt full-upgrade' in the terminal09:06
acheronukand upgrade the old fashioned way if what it proposes to do seems ok09:06
user|81017Thanks again.09:08
renn0xtk9so how to upgrade 16.04>17.10?09:09
acheronukpersonally, I always fall back to old fashioned apt for any large numbers of suggested upgrades. less to go wrong09:09
acheronukrenn0xtk9: upgrade to 16.10, then to 17.04.09:09
acheronukor do a clean install09:10
user|81017Good point. Only reason I even messed with discover is to find new software.09:10
renn0xtk9acheronuk  what is the command to issue?09:11
renn0xtk9i do-release-upgrade09:11
renn0xtk9it says no new release found09:12
acheronukrenn0xtk9: that is because by default, the LTS release are set to upgrade only to the next LTS09:13
acheronukrun 'sudo software-properties-kde'09:13
acheronukand change the release upgrade setting to normal, like: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YakketyUpgrades/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=snapshot5b.png09:14
renn0xtk9alternative question are there still backports on LTS? my final goal is in fact to get the latest Kdevelop09:16
acheronukor set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades09:17
acheronukrenn0xtk9: yes, latest kdevelop has been built for 16.04. just not copied to backports yet09:17
renn0xtk9acheronuk, how to activate the backports in 16.04/09:20
acheronuksudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports09:21
acheronukwill get a LOT of updates doing that!09:22
renn0xtk9hmm okay but still no kdevelop 5 I fI get it right :S https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports/+index?batch=75&memo=225&start=22509:25
acheronukyes, I said it's not been copied to backports yet09:25
acheronuksee: https://launchpad.net/~kdevelop/+archive/ubuntu/release09:26
acheronukbuilt against backports ppa for Xenial, so may require it09:26
renn0xtk9and in 17.04 it's in?09:28
acheronuk17.04 has kdevelop 5.0.4. with 5.1.1 to land in backports ppa soon09:29
acheronukor is in that kdevelop ppa now09:30
acheronukrenn0xtk9: gotta go for now. hope you get what you want one way or the other :)09:31
user|93564does anyone know the comm.and line for installing startup disk creator? need to make a bootable usb on kubuntu 1710:36
user|93564Or can someone walk me through creating a bootUSB so i can install mint and get out of kubuntu?10:42
user|93564ok can anyone tell me how to format usb drive on kubuntu 1710:50
jussiuser|93564: sudo apt-get install usb-creator-kde10:50
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nmrp3hi - on upgrading my laptop to latest ubuntu, I've lost wlan011:57
nmrp3so no wireless11:57
nmrp3the device is listed under lspci12:00
BluesKajHowdy folks12:07
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nmrp3Still no joy getting my wireless going :( Looked in the driver management app but it isn't finding a driver for my wifi card14:23
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BluesKajnmrp3, it would help if you gave us some info about the wifi chip and if it worked previously etc14:33
nmrp3BluesKaj: I was running 16.04, and upgraded to 17.04 -- it worked in 16.04 and in 16.10 while I did the 17.04 upgrade14:35
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nmrp3Realtek RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adaptor14:35
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nmrp3wired networking over eth0 works14:36
BluesKajnmrp3, install firmware-realtek14:44
nmrp3BluesKaj: "unable to locate package firmware-realtek"14:45
nmrp3which apt source should be providing that? I have 9 firmware- packages, none of which are realtek14:48
BluesKajnmrp3, I misread, that firmware is for debian, not kubuntu , google-fu isn't providing much info for the chip on 17.0414:51
nmrp3a laptop without wireless is a brick :(14:53
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nmrp3I don't particularly want to roll back to 16.1014:55
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:06
acheronuknmrp3: very likely a general ubuntu issue rather than kubuntu specific, so maybe you can ask a more general audience on #ubuntu ? And/or the ubuntu forums or askubuntu?15:07
BluesKajvery poor info about the required driver for that chip15:09
BluesKajlooks like it may have to be compiled from source15:10
acheronukperhaps. wireless drivers used to be a complete PITA. now it's unusual to find a chip that needs much more than a few tweaks15:11
borw3I recently installed kubuntu, and trying to find the update manager, but can't find it like it is in ubuntu16:34
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OderusHello. I've replaced the sddm icons for breeze-slider theme and when I boot up they do not appear. However, when i run sddm-greeter from terminal, they do appear. Any ideas?19:50
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