
ilwavegoto 00:0000:38
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 http://i1.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g4/M00/0B/00/Cg-4WlI2qqSIemqTAAL2W6kuL-EAALrQgIbQ48AAvZz851.jpg 杯具的犯罪团伙,一个也跑不掉了00:48
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
=== Administrator is now known as Guest98640
=== Guest98640 is now known as zhxt
^k^新  Ubuntu 16.04 LTS • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 一个USB突然没用了  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484161 thinkpad+ubuntu16.04.2,3个USB,2个正常使用,还有一个突然没用了 插上U盘什么的电源都接不通。 求大神看看 插入U盘拔出U盘都是这个信息 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:8001 Intel Corp. Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d02:22
^k^ ─> 6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 0 …02:22
^k^取新帖 timeout02:54
^k^新  初学者园地 - 17.04 - Zesty Zapus • 网线直连?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484162 电脑:ubuntu 监控,电脑,这两设备用网线直接连接。 Ubuntu 怎设置,才可复制监控文件到电脑? 统计信息: 发表于 由 wifias — 2017-06-05 11:1103:11
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== lishoujun1 is now known as lishoujun
^k^新  影音多媒体 • 求推荐个软件——想用摄像头录制视频(同时录制音频)  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484163 如题,想用摄像头录制一个带声音的视频文件,大家给推荐个好的软件吧,谢谢。 玩过一段时间的树莓派的motion,好像是没有声音的。 统计信息: 发表于 由 bighandsk05:22
^k^ ─> y — 2017-06-05 13:2205:22
^k^新  影音多媒体 • 求推荐个软件——想用摄像头录制视频(同时录制音频)  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484165 如题,想用摄像头录制一个带声音的视频文件,大家给推荐个好的软件吧,谢谢。 玩过一段时间的树莓派的motion,好像是没有声音的。 统计信息: 发表于 由 bighandsk05:24
^k^ ─> y — 2017-06-05 13:2405:24
=== lishoujun1 is now known as lishoujun
^k^新  初学者园地 - 17.04 - Zesty Zapus • ubuntu14.04 为什么有线网和无线网同时只有一个能上网?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484166 如题。 需要使用ubuntu14.04于是用U盘安装了一个双系统。 有线网要用于直连一个实验设备,于是希望使用无线上网。 但是问题来了,只要网线连着设备06:39
M-mayli你们有一个好,全世界跑到什么地方,你们比西方记者跑得还快,但是问来问去的问题呀,都 too simple , sometimes naive !懂了没有?06:41
=== Administrator is now known as Guest23727
Kves新  Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 安装sougou输入法的问题  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484167 各位好, 我想问下为什么我的sougou输入法装不上,我用如下命令: sudo gdebi sogoupinyin_2.1.0.0086_amd64.deb Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Building data structures... Done Build06:59
ubrl⇪ t: 安装sougou输入法的问题 - 查看主题 • Ubuntu中文论坛 zz: sh4207:00
=== Guest23727 is now known as zhxt
Kves新  Ubuntu 14.04 LTS • 安装sougou输入法的问题  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484168 各位好, 我想问下为什么我的sougou输入法装不上,我用如下命令: sudo gdebi sogoupinyin_2.1.0.0086_amd64.deb Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Building data structures... Done Build07:01
ubrl⇪ t: 安装sougou输入法的问题 - 查看主题 • Ubuntu中文论坛 zz: sh4207:01
=== Kves is now known as ^k^
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 http://i0.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g3/M02/00/07/Cg-4WFI2nQOIYLFcAADQynOi5CoAALq6gDAenoAANDi026.jpg 现在的老鼠胆子越来越大了09:09
DDR2017请问。ubuntu 17.04,有休眠功能吗?怎么启用?09:09
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
yunfanDDR2017: 搜索下09:25
yunfan是不是有命令我不知道 但是这功能是支持的 因为 许多笔记本都支持合盖休眠09:26
ubrl⇪ t: linux下休眠/待机命令 - - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET09:29
^k^新  初学者园地 - 17.04 - Zesty Zapus • U盘ubuntu即用系统如何保留设置?  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484169 手上有一个别人做好的安装在U盘中的ubuntu即用系统。 即插即用很方便,但是一旦退出系统就会返回出场,就像学校机房的电脑似的。 有没有可以保存设置的方法? 统计信11:00
^k^ ─> 息: 发表于 由 mrj4733865 — 2017-06-05 18:4011:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== zhxt is now known as zhxt_away
djbansheecan someone confirm that www.google.com:443 is now accessible from WITHIN Stalinists' Republic of China?12:25
abc_mayli: 对,这个频道死了很久了12:25
djbansheeabc_: you ^12:25
abc_djbanshee: no12:25
djbansheeabc_: unwilling or inaccessible?12:25
abc_djbanshee: inaccessible12:26
abc_djbanshee: 你不能输入中文吗?12:26
djbansheesomething's broken then like 2 hours ago then12:26
abc_djbanshee: maybe google is adding new server12:27
abc_and gfw didn't block it12:27
djbansheethat makes some plausible sense12:28
djbansheeI didn't bother checking whether it was TLS or QUIC though12:28
^k^新  初学者园地 - 17.04 - Zesty Zapus • wine都装不起了  http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?t=484170 widon@widon-X555YI:~$ sudo apt install wine1.6 [sudo] widon 的密码: 正在读取软件包列表... 完成 正在分析软件包的依赖关系树 正在读取状态信息... 完成 有一些软件包无法被安装。如果您用的是 unstable12:30
djbanshee^ is that an idiot?12:30
djbanshee"wine都装不起了" --- since when has W.I.N.E started to charge users?12:31
djbansheeabc_: checked for a second time. still on, yet only accessible via specific TLS suites12:32
djbansheeabc_: tried ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256?12:33
djbansheeor just grab libressl12:33
djbansheewith curve p25612:34
djbansheeand x2551912:34
abc_djbanshee: yes, it's an idiot12:34
djbansheeabc_: for half a second I thought it's got something to do with startcom issuing fake certs12:36
djbansheeabc_: thankfully the certificate looks all right.12:36
abc_djbanshee: no idea about why you can access it.12:36
djbansheeexotic ec curves12:37
djbansheegfw used to skip on ecdsa tls suites12:39
djbansheewhich was like 5-6 years ago12:39
nayu /join #c_lang_zh13:12
^k^暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 竟然是图片 http://i0.xiaohua.fd.zol-img.com.cn/t_s600x5000/g3/M0A/00/08/Cg-4WFI2qZOIXeVfAABYyNRtSewAALrFgC8HxcAAFjg596.jpg 猫猫真是身在在福中不知福啊14:41

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