
cmaloneyGood morning13:47
brouschI have to perform my first code review today. It's for our intern.14:12
rick_hremember, always ask questions14:12
rick_hgoes so much better if phrased as a question ime14:12
brouschWTF were you thinking here?14:12
brousch"Are you an idiot?"14:13
brouschThese seem useful https://smartbear.com/learn/code-review/best-practices-for-peer-code-review/14:14
rick_h"What do you think of trying this way"14:14
rick_h"can you walk me through how it'll work in this case" (which I know will cause it to go boom)14:14
rick_h"you have checked out the style guide link here: .... "14:15
rick_herr have you that is14:15
brouschHeh, no style guides here.14:16
brouschWe do have PEP8 checker on some stuff14:16
rick_h"have you run this through make check" :)14:16
brouschI like the annotation tip: have him annotate the code before I review14:18
rick_hoh yea, always have the person self-review before asking someone else to look14:19
rick_hcreate the PR, get a coffee, then review the diff stand along in the review tool14:20
rick_hand only THEN ask folks to spend their time looking at it14:20
cmaloneyBut above all make it clear that it's not a hearing14:20
rick_hbut watch out, if the PR needs a lot of annotations then the code might as well14:20
rick_hwhich means comments and docs and ... vs just a PR comment14:20
brouschHeh, looking at the code. He's definitely gonna need some PEP8 love.  He is learning PYthon while writing this14:23
brouschSo far he's learned C++ at UM. He's going into Sophomore year14:24
cmaloneyAh, so you have C++ as interpreted via Python14:27
jrwrenpet peeve: making a class when you don't need a class. :)14:28
cmaloneyclass Addition(object):14:29
cmaloney   def __init__(self, a, b):14:29
cmaloney    self.a = a14:30
cmaloney    self.b = b14:30
cmaloney    def add_setter(a):14:30
cmaloney    self.a = a14:30
cmaloneyfeh, I goofed my own goofy example14:30
cmaloneydef add_setter_a(a):14:30
cmaloney  self.a = a14:31
jrwreneven modern c++ doesn't use classes unless needed.14:40
jrwrenStroustrup even said he was astounded at how C++ was used and that it was never his intent for classes to be used so much.14:40
rick_hjrwren: but but but OOP dude!14:42
rick_hwhen classes are mistaken for a namespace14:43
cmaloneyThey're not? :)14:45
* cmaloney whistles at the number of times he used a class as a global.14:45
cmaloneySo is it pretty much a given that when something say "this doesn't use a Framework" that JQuery 3 is not a framework? :)14:48
cmaloney(I know that's a strange question, but saw a tutorial that said "Single Page Application with no Frameworks" and the first few paragraphs say "we're using JQuery / Handlebars because it's easier to manipulate the DOM that way")14:49
jrwrenaccess to globals being slow in python is a pretty good reason to always use classes... in python :p15:00
cmaloneyHadn't heard that global access in Python is slow15:11
jrwreni always forget that it is, but yes, it is.15:11
cmaloneyAh, because it takes longer for it to find it15:12
cmaloneythat makes sense15:12
cmaloneyshouldn't be miliseconds though, but huh15:12
jrwrenyeah, its not a big deal at all... because if you care about perf, you'll use pypy anyway and it won't matter.15:13
cmaloneyI tried playing around with CPython to speed p a probram gor JoDee. That was fun15:13
cmaloneyand pypy15:14
jrwrencython is awesome. I used it a lot at arbor.15:14
cmaloneyalso ufora, but couldn't get it working right15:14
cmaloneythough I think that was my fault15:14
cmaloneybut seemed rather heavy for what I was trying to do15:14
notlikethesoupmm python tho15:40
greg-g"do you wear underwear? when you're in bed?" "no" "me neither, watch!"16:57
greg-goh to overhear 5-7 year olds playing in the morning16:57
cmaloneyI wear underwear in bed17:00
greg-growan wears pants, but not underwear, most of the time17:02
greg-gtmi? :)17:02
cmaloneymeh. Whatever works.17:02
_stink__my kids are usually the opposite17:03
cmaloneypants optional?17:03
greg-gwell, that is when he *does* wear pants, usually he's "shirt cocking" (as they say at burning man)17:03
_stink__or perhaps discouraged17:04
jrwrenoh, my!17:05
cmaloneyshirt cocking?17:06
cmaloney"This is the type of nudity known as "shirtcocking." Shirtcocking is when a man wears a top but is naked from the waist down. I have also heard this look referred to as "the toddler," or "Porky Pigging.""17:06
cmaloneyThank you, Quora17:07
rick_hheh I had to look it up as well17:07
_stink__i just used the ol' imagination17:07
cmaloneyI had a vague idea, but needed the confirmation17:07
rick_hyea, sometimes you have to go "no...that can't really ..."17:07
brouschIsn't it really uncomfortable to have your johnson flopping and slapping all over?17:13
jrwrenzomg, why this conversation???17:14
brouschgreg-g started it17:15
jrwrensome women rip their bra off as soon as they get home, some men rip their pants off... comfort is subjective. lets move on :)17:15
greg-gtrue, but I blame the 5-7 year olds below my window :)17:15
notlikethesoupoh hey what happened to mrgoodcat17:19
cmaloneyNot sure. he's been quiet lately.17:20
notlikethesoupi guess i should note that i'm friends with him; he's who told me of this group17:20
cmaloneyHoping everything is OK. Last I talked with him he was going through a rough patch17:21
notlikethesoupwe were at a wedding and bachelor party together two and three weeks ago, it was a good time and he was good17:21
notlikethesouphell, he helped me out a lot because i drank a bit too much haha17:22
notlikethesoupwelcome to open bar weddings17:23
cmaloneyLeave your keys at the door17:25
notlikethesoupour airbnb was only about a half-mile walk away, it was great17:26
=== Guest25093 is now known as mrgoodcat
notlikethesoupwb mrgoodcat :)17:47
mrgoodcatmy client keeps re-nicking me to "danny" when we netwplit17:48

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