[15:59] \o [16:00] * slangasek waves [16:01] hi slangasek [16:01] I know stgraber is currently on a customer call, and is also sprinting [16:01] and infinity is sprinting and may be distracted [16:01] kees: ? [16:01] #startmeeting [16:01] Meeting started Tue Jun 6 16:01:54 2017 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:01] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:02] [TOPIC] Apologies [16:02] none sent, but a few people are sprinting; looking to see if we have quorum? [16:02] (if it's just me and mdeslaur I think we'll just gavel out) [16:05] [16:05] zzzzzzzz [16:05] #endmeeting [16:05] Meeting ended Tue Jun 6 16:05:46 2017 UTC. [16:05] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2017/ubuntu-meeting-2.2017-06-06-16.01.moin.txt [16:05] mdeslaur: I guess we'll try again in 2 weeks [16:06] thanks slangasek! [16:09] * stgraber waves