[01:51] guiverc: Ping :D [02:39] still want/need me? (sorry wasn 't watching tsimonq2 ) [02:40] guiverc: hey. mind pulling stats for 509, please? [02:41] jose, sorry I don't know how - but then again can learn ... a script isn't it? [02:42] oh, no worries. I can probably teach you how later in the week? :) [02:42] it'd be nice to have someone else who can release. [02:43] ok - thanks. [03:21] Unit193: link check please? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue509 [03:26] Looks a-ok! [03:26] Unit193: gracias! [03:33] thanks :D [03:59] Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 509 for the weeks May 22 - June 4, 2017 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue509