
selsperHi there folks19:57
selspercould I please be unbanned from ubuntu?19:57
selsperor could u point me in the right direction?19:57
selspergoing to try a reboot, brb20:00
selsperyeah same problem when I ran sudo apt-get upgrade20:08
selsper hullo?21:30
valorieselsper: this is not a tech support channel21:34
valorieplease use #ubuntu for that21:34
selsperi know21:34
selsperi am banned21:34
selsperidk why21:35
valorieI'm not an op there, so I don't know either, sorry21:35
selsper* #ubuntu: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned21:35
valorieI suggest the forums then21:36
selsperthis is so aids21:36
wxli mean that attitude may be why but ok21:36
valorielovely comment there21:37
wxlat least they went away :)21:37
valoriealso, hello wxl!21:37
wxlhai :)21:37
valorieI hope you are getting the lovely sunshine down south too21:38
wxloh yeah nice and warm21:39
wxlactually i'm sad because now all the cool vernal pools have dried up :(21:39
valoriespring is nearly over, yes21:39
valorierain returns on Thursday I heard21:39
valorieand I'll be ready21:39
wxli had this AMAZING shot of a great blue heron in one and the damn thing flew off before i could get the camera out21:40
valorieit's in your memories21:40
valorieif not your cam21:40
=== jrib1 is now known as jrib

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