
Unit193xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch will need porting to gdbus too.17:08
=== m4sk1n is now known as m4sk3n
=== m4sk3n is now known as m4sk1n
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfconf 4.13.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfconf-4-13-1-released-tp49361.html (by Ali Abdallah-4)19:09
* Unit193 wonders why the perl build-deps are there, but then --disable-perl is passed.19:55
Unit193ochosi: I pushed xfce4-notifyd with the patch that leaves the daemon running to xfce4-gtk3 for Artful people.20:28
* flocculant gives up knowing what state his install is in ... 20:31
flocculantI thought I had that :p20:32
Unit193You did, likely '1aegir1' though.20:32
Unit193flocculant: I could give you the new xfconf too, buuut.. :320:33
flocculant1aegir1 looks familiar :)20:43
Unit193I, err, didn't adapt it for the PPA upload, so it still has that. :P20:44
flocculantgot all sorts of odd things here now lol 20:44
flocculantreally should see what differences I have to default 20:45
Unit193Hint: apt-forktracer20:45
flocculantUnit193: thanks :D20:47
Unit193Sure thing.20:48
ochosiUnit193: cool, thanks!21:07
Unit193Everything at least rebuilds: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/xfconf-rebuild/+packages21:25
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
Unit193ochosi: https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/tree/plugins/actions/actions.c#n939 can that use the new xfsm switch-user?23:44

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