
p7fhi, i've installed ubuntu budgie recently and i realized that the key "impr pant" does not work... in kubuntu and windows it works though... what could be happening?14:45
fossfreedomp7f, don't really recognise the key name "impr pant" - probably a question for a much wider audiance such as askubuntu.com or ubuntuforums.org16:16
p7ffossfreedom: sorry... i'm using latin american keyboard... it is the key that takes a picture of the screen when you press it16:17
fossfreedomah - the printscr key16:17
fossfreedomyeah - budgie-desktop does not natively support that key16:17
fossfreedombut there is a workaround16:17
fossfreedomjust a sec16:17
fossfreedomyou need to define a custom keyboard shortcut - https://solus-project.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=194116:18
fossfreedombut I just use something like shutter16:19
fossfreedomor the budgie-screenshot-applet16:19
p7fi've installed budgie-screenshot-applet but nothing happened16:51
p7fi cannot set a shortcut because the key is not even recognized when i need to input it for the shortcut16:54
p7fthere is a screen shot section in the place where you create shortcuts, but they dont work.. i cannot set another shortcut with same key.. should i delete them?16:56
p7fIs there a way con configure available shortcuts commands?17:00
fossfreedomp7f, once you have installed budgie-screenshot-applet, logout and login and then add the applet to your panel.  You can use the panel options to take screenshots19:03
fossfreedomas to why the key is not recognised - sorry I don't know the answer to that.  askubuntu.com or ubuntuforums.org should be able to help here.19:04
p7fthanks a lot!20:27
p7fi'll just use the screenshot-applet20:27

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