
pisi0im testing ubuntu 17.10 daily iso right now and ubuntu has 3 virtual keybord why? (caribou, fcitx, onboard)00:15
jbichafcitx is provided for Asian languages and it is only installed by default for 5 languages00:31
jbichathe Ubuntu Desktop team hasn't discussed onboard and caribou yet for 17.1000:32
pisi0jbicha: thank you for information good night00:40
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Trevinhodmj_s76: yep...01:37
Trevinhodmj_s76: my idea is also to reuse what you did for computing the scaling levels to mutter01:37
Trevinhodmj_s76: so, let me know if you need something else... Unfortunately our timezone doesn't match much with yours01:39
dufluOn that note... good morning Trevinho01:44
dmj_s76Trevinho: Ah, good to know!  Are you planning to at least keep integer scaling the default behavior?02:25
Trevinhodmj_s76: if it's possible.... Otherwise we chose the point scaling02:25
Trevinhodmj_s76: feel free to talk in #gnome-shell so also Jonas is there02:26
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oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:02
Trevinhomorning oSoMoN06:02
dufluHi oSoMoN06:03
oSoMoNhey Trevinho, duflu!06:11
didrocksgood morning07:05
dufluMorning didrocks, seb12807:19
didrockshey duflu07:20
seb128good morning desktopers07:24
seb128hey duflu07:24
seb128re didrocks07:24
didrocksre seb12807:26
oSoMoNsalut seb128, didrocks07:44
didrockssalut oSoMoN07:44
oSoMoNseb128, bug #169630007:46
ubot5bug 1696300 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Update to 5.3.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169630007:46
willcookemorning all.   Just running a quick errand, bbl07:51
didrockshey willcooke07:51
oSoMoNhey willcooke07:53
didrocksmorning Laney08:01
Laneyhey didrocks08:07
Laneyyou good?08:07
didrocksI'm great! Still no full nights those days, so hard, but getting better08:08
didrocksyourself? Not too many pints due to you winning the pub quizz? :)08:08
Laneysaved them for next week!08:09
Laneywe win about 1 time per year08:10
Laneyour time was overdue :-)08:10
didrocksoh great, the coupon can be reused next time!08:11
didrocksheh, indeed :)08:11
didrocksjust curious, how many people are participating, regularly?08:11
seb128hey oSoMoN willcooke Laney08:12
Laneyit's probably about 10-15 teams but varies quite a lot08:12
seb128oSoMoN, thanks, I look to that in a bit08:13
Laneyhey seb12808:13
Laneyhow's it going?08:13
didrockswaow, quite a bunch08:13
Laneylet me try to remember some questions...08:14
Laney#ubuntu-desktop pub quiz08:14
Laneyok, what animal has (nearly) 25,000 teeth?08:14
dufluLaney: Michael Fasbender?08:15
Laneyapart from AC Milan, which team plays at the San Siro stadium?08:15
Laneyduflu: ENOENT08:17
didrockswaow, I would be so bad at that :)08:17
Laneywe got both of those wrong :P08:17
dufluI don't suppose whales count?08:19
LaneySure, but that's not it(!)08:24
LaneyWe guessed a whale too08:24
jameshIt's probably the Sarlac08:26
dufluMorning willcooke08:27
dufluNight robert_ancell?08:27
oSoMoNthat’s an awful lot of teeth08:27
robert_ancellduflu, it is08:27
dufluHey I got a question right08:27
Laneyhi willcooke & robert_ancell08:28
robert_ancell10 points to griffin-er-van-vugt08:29
willcookenight robert_ancell08:47
oSoMoNI just installed an artful VM from the daily iso (French and non default keyboard layout), and can’t login, password incorrect. The kb layout indicator is empty, and when I use the OSK the correct layout is shown by default, but after clicking one key it changes to qwerty (and even then, entering the password with the OSK fails to log me in)09:40
oSoMoNis that a known issue?09:40
oSoMoNjibel, ^09:40
seb128oSoMoN, can you log from a vt?09:41
oSoMoNlet me see, how do I switch to a vt in virtualbox09:42
oSoMoNHost+F1, got it09:43
oSoMoNseb128, yes, logging in from a vt works09:43
oSoMoN(and the keyboard layout is correct)09:44
seb128can you type your password on lightdm like if it was a qwerty keyboard?09:44
oSoMoNalready tried that, no luck09:44
oSoMoNafter running apt dist-upgrade in the vt and rebooting, logging in works09:47
thumper-afko/ seb12809:48
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oSoMoNthere was a lightdm update, wild guess is that this fixed it somehow09:49
Laneydo you have unity installed?09:51
Laneythat updated fixed a case where it was trying to log into a non existing session and failing09:51
seb128hey thumper, how are you?09:51
LaneyI wouldn't have expected you to be told your password was incorrect if you were hitting that kind of problem09:52
thumperseb128: good, busy09:52
thumperfun real customer issues09:52
thumperseb128: I'm happy you are still around09:53
thumperseb128: didrocks too?09:53
oSoMoNLaney, now that I think about it, before I fiddled with the OSK and keyboard layout, the message might have been something like "failed to log in to session", or similar09:54
oSoMoNLaney, I didn’t have unity installed though, it was a clean VM created from scratch today with yesterday’s iso09:55
Laneycould be this thing then09:55
Laneyshould be fixed with today's image09:55
oSoMoNok, so incident closed, thanks!09:56
didrocksthumper: yeah, happy that you are around as well :)09:57
seb128thumper, yes, didrocks too10:01
dufluAnd hello thumper too10:05
thumpero/ duflu10:05
dufluand goodbye10:06
jibelLaney, against which component do I fill gnome-shell bugs during installation? gnome-shell or ubiquity?10:12
oSoMoNwhen I open a downloaded tarball from chromium, nautilus apparently unpacks it in a temporary directory and mounts that dir, but no nautilus window is being open, so it looks like nothing is happening (the former behaviour was to open the tarball in file-roller)10:13
seb128oSoMoN, looks like a bug worth reporting10:15
oSoMoNok, will do10:17
oSoMoNlooks like file-roller is still the default handler, will file against it10:19
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Laneyjibel: Probably gnome-shell - it depends but things can be reassigned easily if necessary10:19
Laneyoh, you said nvm :-)10:19
* Laney minds A LOT10:19
jibelLaney, it's the customization of system-settings during installation, I reported it against ubiquity and will reassign as needed10:20
* Laney got £3.30 × 2 from Delay Repay on the train10:21
oSoMoNbug #169638810:30
ubot5bug 1696388 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "xdg-open filename.tar.xz mounts tarball in nautilus but doesn't open a nautilus window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169638810:30
seb128oSoMoN, thanks10:40
seb128Trevinho, hey! how is it going?10:40
Trevinhoseb128: good!10:40
Trevinhoseb128: we're trying to start taclking most of things, while the list of TODO is pretty big and increasing, but at least we're moving10:41
Trevinhocheck the journal :)10:41
oSoMoNnot sure it’s a file-roller bug after all, looks like xdg-open executes run-mailcap which then decides to run /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive10:41
seb128Trevinho, nice :-)10:41
seb128oSoMoN, why is xdg-open being used there? is that a chromium thing?10:42
oSoMoNseb128, yes10:42
oSoMoNchromium has no logic to handle downloaded files, it just delegates to xdg-open10:42
seb128xdg-open should call gvfs-open under GNOME no?10:50
oSoMoNI guess that’s what it used to do, as gvfs-open just opens the tarball in file-roller, no fancy mounting involved10:59
oSoMoNxdg-open hasn’t changed recently though11:01
Trevinhoseb128: I've just read the email from robert about lightdm... So are we working to get the guest session in gdm?11:06
andyrockmpt_: ping?11:12
seb128Trevinho, yes, interested in stepping up for that one? ;-)11:23
seb128oSoMoN, GNOME changed to deprecate file-roller in favor of nautilus archives handling11:23
seb128andyrock, hey, try putting some context with the ping maybe, it can help to have a reply11:24
andyrockmpt_: I've a question about the livepatch panel and the ubuntu one sso. Right now thiss is what we have: https://youtu.be/FRDXKJV0bOE. But what if I want to change user?11:25
ograandyrock, well, i guess thats something you want generally solved for snap packages, not only for the livepatch one11:27
andyrockogra: not really, here we're not using u1 to install the snap11:27
andyrockwe're using u1 to get the livepatch token11:27
andyrocknow or we ask the user everytime to enter the u1 credentials every time he/she enables the service11:28
andyrockor we add a forget button11:28
ograwell, same thing in the end given livepatch is only available as snap package11:28
oSoMoNseb128, ack, so we need to make sure that a nautilus window is opened and raised when requesting to open an archive, but I’m not sure yet which component should be responsible for that11:28
ograyou will need U1 for both in the end11:29
andyrockogra: mmm we don't right now. I guess because we're running as root11:29
seb128oSoMoN, does calling "nautilus archive.tar.gz" open a view? if not that's a nautilus bug, if it does we need to check what command is being called by xdg-open11:30
seb128oSoMoN, does it work better from firefox or double clicking on the file in nautilus?11:30
Trevinhoseb128: mh... sorry,  i missed your request.... But... mhmh, not for now... There's enough work to do in this field for now11:30
seb128Trevinho, no worry11:30
seb128andyrock, Trevinho, btw is one of you looking at the unity build issue on artful that was mentioned yesterday?11:31
Trevinhoseb128: I didn't... I just read a bit, but I was heading to bed :)11:31
andyrockogra: the other way is asking for a macaroon right?11:31
Trevinhoseb128: I'm quite busy this week though... I'd prefer to focus on this stuff11:31
Trevinhoif possible11:31
TrevinhoI can land tho11:31
andyrockseb128: is there already a bug?11:31
ograandyrock, yeah, ask pedronis in #snappy about that11:32
andyrockogra: for the moment I'll stick without it. The software-properties panel already run as root (at least the dbus backend).11:32
ogra(but iirc the macaroon will need to be tied to a U1 account so you are back at asking for credentials)11:32
seb128andyrock, bug #169625311:33
ubot5bug 1696253 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity FTBFS in artful, test failures" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169625311:33
seb128Trevinho, right, focus on the hackfest, andyrock said he would have a look today so let's stuck to that11:33
andyrockseb128: this will take some time11:33
andyrockah TestGetOneFileThumbnail11:34
seb128andyrock, why some time, because you think the problem is difficult to debug? or require lot of changes?11:37
seb128andyrock, it's fine to workaround, change flags if you think it's easier11:37
andyrockbecause I need to setup the dev enviroment for artful11:37
andyrockthat test has not been realiable for a while11:37
andyrockTrevinho tried to make it more reliable here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/422911:38
seb128we can probably skip it as a temporary hack to unblock things11:39
andyrockseb128: Trevinho I do see in the logs a lot of11:39
andyrock WARNING **: Couldn't save the thumbnail '/home/buildd/.local/share/previews/3979186869093462243.png' for file 'file:///<<BUILDDIR>>/unity-7.5.0+17.10.20170425.1/resources/dash_bottom_right_corner.png': Failed to open '/home/buildd/.local/share/previews/3979186869093462243.png' for writing: No such file or directory11:39
andyrockTrevinho: is this something new?11:39
seb128oSoMoN, libreoffice update looks good, I have one nitpick but I don't think it's worth rebuilding the source package (unless it's trivial for you to do, unsure how long it takes with libreoffice since the source is big), it's nice when you have a sponsoring bug to list it in the changelog as (lp: #nnn) so it get autoclosed by the upload with the changelog reference in the bug11:41
andyrockseb128: let me try to setup the all thing and if by the end of the day I cannot fix, I'll disable the test11:42
seb128andyrock, thanks, don't spend too much time on it though, if the env set up is happening in bg it's good, otherwise maybe focus on the livepatch work for now and we can talk about unity again in a few days11:43
seb128k, I'm relocating for lunch, be back online in a bit11:45
oSoMoNseb128, sure I’ll rebuild the source packages with a reference to the sponsoring bug, will do that in a bit (gotta go pick up my daughter from school)12:13
oSoMoNseb128, firefox opens the downloaded tarball in file-roller (like chromium used to do). invoking `nautilus file.tar.xz` does open a nautilus window, that works as expected. And double-cliking on the file in nautilus just extracts it in the same directory, no opening file-roller or mounting12:15
seb128oSoMoN, don't bother with rebuilding libreoffice, it's not worth spending time redoing it in fact, let's not forget next time12:15
seb128oSoMoN, thanks for the details about nautilus/archives, i'm going to mention it to upstream12:16
oSoMoNseb128, ok12:16
oSoMoNchrisccoulson, hey, chromium-browser 59.0.3071.86 is almost done building in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+packages , and I’ve already done some smoke testing on all supported releases (and ran the new autopkgtests on artful), so it’ll shortly be ready for publication and security updates12:32
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seb128oSoMoN, libreoffice(-l10n) uploaded, good work!13:07
willcookeGood work!13:18
seb128sponsored the pulseaudio fixes for bluetooth devices SRU to xenial for duflu as well, hut he's not around13:23
seb128new bluez for artful as well13:25
seb128that was my sponsoring round of the day :-)13:25
willcookeha.  jibel ^13:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1696419 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Failed to start session at login" [Undecided,New]13:25
Beretjust filed that13:25
BeretIt might be old news13:25
willcookeBeret, click on the little Ubuntu logo, and you should see Gnome and Gnome on Wayland (or something like that) listed - just choose the top one.13:26
willcookeBeret, then the Ubuntu logo will turn in to the GNOME logo, and you should be able to log in13:26
Beretwillcooke, so the problem is nothing is chosen by default?13:26
Beretbecause I also tried the GNOME on Wayland13:27
Beretand that didn't work either13:27
Beretwillcooke, the top one worked13:27
jibelwillcooke, k13:27
willcookeah, right13:27
Beretso the problem was indeed an available session wasn't selected13:27
willcookeBeret, oki, in which case, known issue I think13:27
willcookebut thanks13:27
Beretbut fyi, gnome on wayland didn't work13:27
seb128Beret, what error? what video card/driver do you use?13:28
Beretthis is a thinkpad t420 with intel graphics13:28
Beret(I've used GNOME on Wayland on it in the past)13:29
willcookeI think this is just the lightdm issue seb12813:29
Beretthis cannot be an easy transition13:29
willcookeBeret, I think it's worth doing an apt update && apt upgrade. I think that will get the wayland session working again13:30
Beretso we're going to handle the switch to wayland independently of the shell switch13:31
willcookekinda, we wanted it to all happen at the same time.  We /were/ going to use LightDM, but we changed our minds this morning for a few reasons.  That should make switching to Wayland easier.13:32
Berethow in the heck do you log out of gnome shell13:32
seb128willcooke, I think you are right, I was asking in case because wayland doesn't work nvidia and lightdm doesn't filter the wayland session out the way gdm does13:32
willcookeSo the transition should be all done by next week13:32
BeretI must be an idiot13:33
willcookeBeret, click the lock13:33
BeretI did that13:33
Beretit locked the screen13:33
willcookeseb128, gotya13:33
willcookeBeret, ohhhh, yes.. thats just the lock screen13:34
Beretyeah this is nearly comical13:34
BeretI have no idea how to log out :)13:34
Laneytop right13:34
Laneyclick username13:34
BeretI have no username in the top right13:34
oSoMoNseb128, thanks!13:35
LaneyClick at the top right, then click the Real Name that is associated with your user, then click Log Out.13:36
Beretogra, that worked13:36
BeretLaney, there's no real name listed there13:36
Beretsure, sec13:36
Beretwillcooke, btw, after a dist-upgrade, wayland was fine13:37
willcookeBeret, ack, thx13:37
willcookeLaney, http://imgur.com/a/yCV2b13:37
willcookeLaney, odd - that's missing from here - fresh install as of 2 hrs ago13:38
seb128that hidding of logout is confusing quite some users13:38
BeretLaney, https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltv62wmfob1pjpi/Screenshot%20from%202017-06-07%2008-37-13.png?dl=013:38
seb128I wonder if that's one of the things we should tweak13:38
Beretyeah, I don't have what laney has13:39
willcookeseb128, +113:39
willcookeBeret, same here13:39
Beretand this is a fresh install from today's daily13:39
willcookekenvandine, might have another extension to include - "Log Out Button"13:39
jbichaBeret: are you still in the live environment or is that after install?13:40
Laneyinstall ALL the extensions!13:40
kenvandineshouldn't be this hard :)13:40
Beretjbicha, after install13:40
Beretkenvandine, hah13:40
seb128Laney is a true stock upstream experience believer :-)13:41
seb128we should perhaps try to convince them that it's confusing the users13:41
seb128or do you actual have a strong preference to have that option to user visible?13:41
jbichaseb128: one Design issue is that there are actually already 4 icons in the bottom of the system status menu, there isn't comfortably room for a 4th13:42
seb128jbicha, doesn't need to be an icon, it's not one in L_aney's screenshot13:42
willcookejbicha, I only have three13:42
seb128we could not-collapse that item by default13:42
jbichathe 4th is a lock screen icon for convertible tablets13:43
jbicha*lock icon for screen rotation13:43
kenvandineseb128, thx for the review, i'll upload it13:43
seb128kenvandine, yw13:43
seb128there is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69706513:43
ubot5Gnome bug 697065 in general "only hide logout item when autologin is enabled" [Normal,New]13:43
willcookelets work out why its not appear on the new installs first, and then we can decide later13:44
seb128there is a setting to display that action I think so might be a simple gsettings tweak if we want to do that13:44
seb128no extension13:44
jbichaBeret: do you have autologin enabled? ^13:45
Beretjbicha, no13:45
kenvandineif it's a setting, we should override that13:46
jbichaBeret: ok, I can duplicate the missing Log Out here, my guess is that it is just fallout from trying to make gdm3 optional13:46
seb128jbicha, Beret,  buzgilla suggests it might get hidden if you only have one user account on the machine13:47
seb128they maybe consider you don't have a case to want to go back to the greeter in that case13:47
kenvandineyeah, but you might want to logout to switch sessions13:48
kenvandineprobably a corner case for the average user13:48
jbichaBeret: install gir1.2-gdm-1.0 and log out (haha) and try again13:48
willcookeseb128, yeah, that did it.  I added another user, and now I see what Laney had13:48
willcookeBeret,  ^13:49
willcookejbicha, ^13:49
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Laneygsettings set org.gnome.shell always-show-log-out true13:49
jbichaseb128: I'm pretty sure that Log Out was working fine before :)13:50
seb128Laney, yes, that's what I was saying, though bug #76326813:51
ubot5Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #763268 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/763268). The error has been logged13:51
seb128gnome bug #76326813:52
ubot5Gnome bug 763268 in general "gnome-shell ignores /org/gnome/shell/always-show-log-out being set to false" [Normal,Resolved: notabug] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76326813:52
Laneybut the number of sessions code asks gdm13:54
jbichahere's the 4th button https://bicha.net/i/gnome-shell-system-status-menu.png13:59
seb128jbicha, as said we could display the item under the username by default, no need of a button13:59
willcookethanks jbicha, I see14:00
jbichaok, someone should still talk to GNOME Design first to see if they might change too :)14:00
seb128jbicha, also we could decide that it's useful on desktop which usually don't have rotation lock14:00
seb128so typically you would get one of the other14:00
willcooke2 in 1s might need that rotation lock?14:00
seb128but yeah, talking to upstream is always a good idea14:01
jbichamy computer is a regular fairly recent touch-enabled laptop14:01
jbichathere's a lot of them14:01
seb128the xps13 is touch enabled but doesn't have screen rotation14:01
seb128touch != convertible14:01
jbichanow, on this computer auto-screen-rotation isn't working in Linux, but when it does work some people find the feature to be very annoying14:01
seb128why are we having that discussion?14:02
seb128I don't think anyone is arguing against rotation lock14:02
seb128anyway there is an exsiting upstream gsettings key so they somewhat agree it's a choice some users might want to make14:02
seb128no reason to act like it's not14:03
jbichawhat choice?14:03
seb128showing a logout item14:03
jbichaI think that's a bug but I haven't heard back from Beret yet14:03
jbichaI worry when I give someone help on IRC and then there's no response for several minutes, I worry that I gave them Bad Advice! ;)14:04
willcookeWe know the cause now, only having a single user.  I think the question going forwards is: should we show it all the time, if so should we expand that item so "logout" is visible, or should we have a button to do it.14:05
jbichacurrently, artful has at least 2 session (GNOME with or without Wayland) so that gsettings key isn't really the issue right now14:06
willcookeMaybe a button is not possible or feasible14:06
jbichaI duplicated Beret's issue, installed gir1.2-gdm-1.0 and could no longer duplicate it14:06
willcookeno - it's having a single user14:06
LaneyIt's having a single user and a single session14:06
jbichawillcooke: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/76326814:06
ubot5Gnome bug 763268 in general "gnome-shell ignores /org/gnome/shell/always-show-log-out being set to false" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]14:07
LaneyExcept the code to determine the latter is in gdm14:07
gQuigsdid the switch to gdm mean we gave up (for now) on the guest session?   (that would mean there is always a use case for logging out)14:07
willcookeWait, comment 1 on that bug says... >1 user OR > 1 session.  Well, I had two sessions and 1 user, and it didnt show.14:09
LaneyWe're saying that the check doesn't work because it requires gdm14:09
seb128gQuigs, no, well until we add it back14:09
seb128but it's planned to be added back (this cycle if possible)14:09
willcookeLaney, I see (at last) - thanks14:09
LaneySo fix that and see if it's good enough..?14:10
willcookeLaney, +114:10
Laneyor if you want (if it's too bad now), override the key in ubuntu-settings14:11
willcookeI /think/ expanding the user name is probably enough - but let's see.14:11
seb128we should really wait a bit for things to land and settle down to review issues14:11
Laneywe tend to jump on issues when someone raises them on irc14:12
jbichaLaney: do you want to go ahead and change that key since gdm is not in main yet and we were talking yesterday about maybe only having 1 session anyway?14:12
seb128no need to go and change keys now for bugs14:12
seb128it's still early in unstable cycles14:12
seb128users can deal with small issues like that14:13
Laneyjbicha: If we do only have one then maybe upstream's argument is right for us too14:13
jbichaok, but maybe we should still change that setting as a workaround until we switch to gdm14:14
oSoMoNchrisccoulson, all built in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+packages now14:15
Laneyseb12_8 just -1ed that14:16
* Laney isn't minded to disagree14:16
Laneybut if you are, you two work it out :-)14:16
LaneyI should probably have some lunch ...14:16
Laney(& house of cards)14:16
Laneyback soon!14:16
seb128enjoy Laney14:17
seb128jbicha, if you want to do it feel free14:17
jbichaseb128: I'd like to change that logout setting for now to not break Artful users who want to switch users or sessions :)14:17
seb128I just can't be bothered to do/undo work for temp situations14:17
jbichaLaney: can you push your ubuntu-settings work to bzr?14:18
kenvandinealan_g, i've re-enabled the mir backend in gtk, but stripped out the pasteboard stuff to avoid the content-hub depends14:20
seb128be back in a bit, moving place14:21
alan_gkenvandine: thanks. Saviq ^14:25
Saviqkenvandine ack, thanks14:25
chrisccoulsonoSoMoN, thanks14:25
andyrockjbicha: regading the test failure15:09
andyrockcan you try with this https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/unity/thumbnailer-mkdir-parents-dirs/+merge/32524715:09
andyrockthis should remove the warning15:10
andyrockbut I'm not sure that this cause the failure15:10
andyrockthis is not the first time we get failures with that particular test15:10
jbichaandyrock: did you want to try a bileto build for it?15:13
seb128andyrock, you figured out the build issue?15:13
andyrockI cannot do that15:13
andyrockseb128: there is this weird warning15:13
andyrockmaybe that's the problem, otherwise we'll just disable the test15:14
seb128andyrock, k15:14
andyrockit can be that before we had another deb creating that path15:14
andyrockbefore unity tests were run15:14
andyrockmaybe not anymore, or who knows15:15
jackpot51Will GDM for 17.10 be themed by Ubuntu?15:34
Laneyjbicha: done, I forgot that wasn't merged by bileto15:39
jbichajackpot51: I don't think so, GDM isn't easily themable15:40
seb128jackpot51, do you think there is a need for that?15:41
jackpot51It would be nice if GDM3 would load shell themes, GTK themes, fonts, and icon themes. Are any of those possible?15:56
seb128I personally don't know but we should try to figure that out16:00
jbichajackpot51: have you tried setting gtk and icon themes and fonts for the gdm user?16:00
jackpot51Icon themes appear to change, but the fonts are part of the gnome shell theme16:08
jbichaah, right16:09
jbichawe still haven't figured out how we're going to implement shell theming16:10
jackpot51I think user themes would have to be loaded in GDM16:10
jbichaGNOME Shell maintainer fmuellner doesn't like the user-themes extension16:10
isantopjbicha: Hey there16:13
jbichagood morning16:13
isantopI've stolen some backlog from jackpot5116:14
isantopSo a big part of what we're working on is a new look and feel for System76 computers.16:15
isantopPart of that is a big fancy-shmancy new theme. However, another big part is consistency of the whole UI16:15
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
isantopWe do find it a bit inconsistent that the login screen doesn't have the same look and feel as the rest of the interaction, which is why we're looking at these changes16:16
mptandyrock, hi16:16
andyrockmpt: hi16:16
mptandyrock, I would have a button opposite the livepatch checkbox, something like “Set Up Livepatch…”16:19
mptandyrock, is the contents of the U1 dialog up to you, or is it separate?16:19
andyrockit's up to me16:19
andyrockit's just a copy of the one used in gnome-software16:20
jbichaisantop: except for the Shell theme, maybe that's already working?16:20
jbichaisantop: (assuming we're talking about gdm3 and not lightdm)16:20
mptandyrock, give me ~20 minutes, I’ll do you a sketch16:20
isantopCorrect, GDM not lightdm16:20
andyrockmpt: oki thanks!16:20
jbichaisantop: I don't have an answer for you now about shell theming, the only change Ubuntu has made so far is switch to the Ubuntu font and we did that by hacking gnome-shell directly16:22
jackpot51Would you like to do that with a gsetting?16:22
isantopWhat we're basically thinking of is integrating the code from the user-themes extension into the GNOME Shell code16:22
jbichathat would be great but GNOME Shell themes don't use gsettings16:23
isantopThey do once user-themes is set. ;)16:23
jbichaisantop: please discuss that with fmuellner in #gnome-shell on irc.gnome.org16:23
isantopWill do, thanks16:23
jbichahe does not want user-theme support enabled by default16:23
immucan someone tell me about, switch from lgdm to GDM16:24
immui wanted the bug report about it16:25
seb128k, enough for today, I keep IRC open and read backlog later but that's it, see you tomorrow (I'm travelling in the morning to London but should get online from the office at some point once there), have a nice evening desktopers16:27
jbichaimmu: bug 1694962 and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004969.html16:27
ubot5bug 1694962 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Use gnome-shell as a LightDM greeter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169496216:27
Laneysee you seb128!16:27
oSoMoNgood evening seb128, have a safe trip to London tomorrow16:27
mptandyrock, do you have a ballpark figure for what percentage of updates-requiring-restart are covered by livepatch?16:28
andyrockmpt: nope.16:29
andyrockbut I think not that many... just the security ones16:30
andyrockand the kernel'ones16:30
mptSo I guess the most we can say is that this will “reduce restarts required”16:31
andyrockmpt: yep16:33
isantopjbicha: Sorry to bother, do you happen to know what ports are tcp-able on that server?16:34
mpt[ ] Use Livepatch to reduce restarts required    ( Sign In… )16:34
isantopWhoops, wrong window16:34
Laneyjbicha: welcome to the corridors of power16:41
jbichaLaney: thanks16:44
jbichaI will try to use the power wisely :)16:44
sil2100I will proceed with granting you power once my internet allows me to work correctly, grrr16:45
mptandyrock, sketch done, scanning it now…16:47
Laneysil2100: I was just looking at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev16:47
andyrockmpt: cool thanks16:47
LaneyI think you should remove the 'seek to join ubuntu-dev' bit16:47
LaneySay something about uploading through sponsors or something16:48
mptandyrock, here you go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=updates.draft.png16:53
andyrockmpt: cool thanks :)16:54
mptandyrock, so whenever you’re not signed in, the checkbox is disabled and unchecked. When you sign in initially, it becomes enabled+checked. But you can uncheck it without having to remove the account.16:54
andyrockmpt: ok makes sense16:55
andyrockalso easy to implement16:55
sil2100Laney: oh, good catch, yeah I guess something like that would be much better - although the wiki still has a better overview of what's expected16:55
sil2100So I'd even opt for removing the part completely16:55
andyrockeod for me now16:55
andyrockbye guys16:55
Laneysil2100: As you wish16:56
jbichaI wish for a mpt font and theme16:56
LaneyIt's to get rid of the idea that there's a progression path up to core-dev16:56
Laneydeleting it is OK to achieve that too16:57
Laneyallotment time17:03
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willcookenight all17:45
oSoMoNjbicha, congrats!18:59
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TheMusojbicha: Congrats dude.19:51
jbichaTheMuso: thanks, I hope things are going ok with you :)19:58
TheMusojbicha: Not too bad, thanks for asking.20:54
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