
=== JanC is now known as Guest15321
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sergiusensslangasek how do I get autopackage tests running for a bileto ticket?02:59
sergiusenscjwatson: hey, sorry to bother about click, but does "E: 10mount: mount: unknown filesystem type 'overlayfs'" ring a bell? (from https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/artful/amd64/c/click/20170607_053103_91658@/log.gz)10:06
cjwatsonsergiusens: A new and exciting failure mode I haven't seen before!10:06
cjwatsonsergiusens: Might just be that the armhf autopkgtest nodes don't support that; possibly worth checking with Laney regarding what's sensible there10:07
sergiusensgreat, I haven't checked the armhf logs yet, this is amd64, but thanks for the pointer10:08
cjwatsonyes, that one10:08
cjwatsonif necessary we could disable the click chroot tests10:08
sergiusenscjwatson: that sounds good as regression testing of click for perl seems to have the same failures10:09
cjwatsonor check whether overlayfs is available before running them, perhaps10:09
cjwatsonoverlayfs is probably needed by the schroot tests too though?10:09
cjwatsonor sbuild or something like that10:09
sergiusensunder perl on update_excuses -> autopkgtest for click/ amd64: Ignored failure, armhf: Always failed, i386: Ignored failure, ppc64el: Ignored failure, s390x: Pass10:11
cjwatsonor possibly it should just be "modprobe overlayfs" or whatever at the start of the test ...10:24
sergiusenscjwatson: sorry for being obtuse, but modprobe overlay or overlayfs; also after that maybe an equivalent in the test code to `grep -qw overlay /proc/filesystems` ?10:26
LaneyI don't have a thing called overlayfs in /proc/filesystems, or a module called overlayfs on my 17.04 laptop here10:26
Laneydo have 'overlay' though10:26
Laneydidn't get renamed, did it?10:26
sergiusenswhich is why I ask -> /lib/modules/4.11.0-3-generic/kernel/fs/overlayfs/overlay.ko10:27
cjwatsonclick.chroot has union-type=overlayfs in schroot10:28
cjwatsonso if there's a compat problem here then it's surely also a compat problem for some real users10:28
sergiusenscjwatson: so what would your suggestion be then?10:34
cjwatsonI don't have one, just trying to bound the problem10:37
sergiusenscjwatson: seems stgraber already ran into this (2 years ago) https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/389  and they treat it as just a name change10:52
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=808387 is loosely related10:55
ubottuDebian bug 808387 in src:schroot "[schroot] Add support for overlay mounts." [Wishlist,Open]10:55
cjwatsonsuggests there's some extra work needed in schroot10:56
cjwatsonhmm, sbuild-createchroot just does union-type=overlay though10:57
cjwatsonsergiusens: maybe just try http://paste.ubuntu.com/24800036/ ?11:01
cjwatsonsergiusens: (will at best only work for >= yakkety, so probably don't SRU that bit if you can avoid it)11:02
sergiusenscjwatson: are you ok with something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/24800080/ + the debian/control change?11:18
cjwatsonsergiusens: yeah, I guess so11:34
sergiusenscjwatson: I created https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/click/schroot_configuration_overlay_detection/+merge/32523411:39
cjwatsonsergiusens: approved.  fix your bzr configuration :)11:41
sergiusensoh, not again...11:41
sergiusensI have a darn test that break my bzr config11:41
cjwatsonyou want that fixture that sets a separate bzr home11:42
cjwatsonactually even just something like this should work fine:11:43
cjwatson    bzr_home = self.useFixture(TempDir()).path11:43
cjwatson    self.useFixture(EnvironmentVariable('BZR_HOME', bzr_home))11:43
cjwatson    self.useFixture(EnvironmentVariable('BZR_EMAIL'))11:43
cjwatson    self.useFixture(EnvironmentVariable('EMAIL'))11:43
cjwatson(from launchpad-buildd)11:43
sergiusensoh, thanks, will bring that in11:44
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gQuigsvtapia: can we get sssd back to phasing of 0 so no one else gets it? (re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/1566508)16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1566508 in sssd (Ubuntu Trusty) "autofs races with sssd on startup" [Medium,In progress]16:02
gQuigs(regression bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/+bug/1695870)16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1695870 in sssd (Ubuntu) "[regression] sssd won't start if autofs is not installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:03
sergiusensslangasek: any idea who can help me with https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/artful/amd64/c/click/20170607_145035_9dff8@/log.gz ? is overlay loaded at all in the testbed and should I just modprobe it in? This has been failing since zesty closed/artful opened16:08
vtapiagQuigs: yes. The fix is in verified in -proposed, but it still has to wait 6 more days16:25
gQuigsvtapia: don't we usually pull the previous update when it's a clear regression?16:31
gQuigs(and critical..)16:32
vtapiagQuigs: first regression I had to deal with, so I just created a patch thinking it would bypass the 7 days wait16:32
jbichavtapia: you can ask in #ubuntu-release for an exception, the 7-day rule is a guideline not a mandatory rule16:36
vtapiaah, ok, thanks jbicha16:36
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mwhudsonjbicha: congrats17:55
jbichathank you17:56
naccxnox: if you have some cycles, could you look at the journal just posted at LP: #1569925 -- it feels like open-iscsi.service After=iscsid.service is not resulting in open-iscsi.service being shutdown before iscsid.service?18:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569925 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Shutdown hang on 16.04 with iscsi targets" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156992518:08
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xnoxnacc, *sigh*21:35
xnoxnacc, i claim there are ordering bugs in systemd in xenial.21:36
ginggsany ideas why gcc would recently start warning about stuff changing in GCC 7.1 on armhf only? it trips up autopkgtests that don't expect output on stderr. e.g. glbinding, ciftilib, fast521:39
infinityginggs: I assume because that incoming change is only on ARM.21:41
naccxnox: yeah :)21:41
ginggsinfinity: ah, so what's the solution here?  ignore the test failures, or patch the packages to allow output on stderr?21:42
ginggsor shut gcc up?21:42
infinityginggs: I imagine the right answer is to not produce the warning, or rebuilds with gcc 7.1 will fail.  But doko's looking into it right now.21:44
infinitydoko: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/artful/armhf/f/fast5/20170603_001528_9d44b@/log.gz21:44
infinityginggs: Not looking into fixing the packages, but what the warning is all about. :P21:44
ginggsinfinity: thanks. doko: o/21:45
dokoginggs: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=7772821:47
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 77728 in target "[5 Regression] Miscompilation multiple vector iteration on ARM" [Normal,New]21:47
dokoginggs: it's an architecture specific warning21:52
ginggsdoko: so the actual issue is fixed in 7.1 and the gcc 6 just prints the warning?21:55
infinityWhich means the code needs to be fixed to not throw the warning before we switch to gcc-7.21:57
ginggsinfinity: i thought it was warning of an abi change21:58
ginggsthe bug was in gcc21:58
infinityOh, perhaps just that.  Yes.22:00
infinityWell, "just".22:00
ginggsok, so what can we do about packages built with gcc 6 that are failing tests now because of the warning?  can we make gcc not warn about that?22:01
infinityOr we can skip the tests for now, if that's the only failure.22:02
infinityWhich might be preferable to reuploading to ignore warnings.22:02
ginggscould we pass -Wno-psabi from dpkg?22:03
infinityginggs: A) Ick, B) It wouldn't fix the one I'm looking at, which doesn't use dpkg-buildflags.22:04
doko-Wno-psabi covers more than that22:04
infinityI think identifying the failing tests and skipping them for now is the answer for today.22:04
infinityAs in hinting them, not uploading changes.22:05
infinityWell, or fix the code in question to not trip the warning in the first place, so it won't have an ABI change between 6 and 7.  But that would likely just change its ABI today instead. :P22:06
ginggsinfinity: ack. p.s. have you looked at my mail about archive admin, do you need me to send it again?22:08
ginggsinfinity: i still don't see that the packages need to be fixed.  i read it that the caller and the callee both need to be compiled with 7.122:12
infinityginggs: Not saying they need to be "fixed", just that if they were changed, they could avoid the issue.22:13
infinityginggs: But indeed, the sanest plan of action is to find all of the packages in this state, record them, and make sure we do ABI transitions for them when 7 is the default.22:14
infinityginggs: As for the AA thing, I've spent a long time waffling on it.22:15
ginggsbut as you say, they can avoid an ABI change with gcc 7.1, by having an ABI change now22:15
infinityginggs: For now, I think if you've spotted packages with this issue, I should just hint some badtests and move on.22:16
ginggsis there a good place on the wiki to record these packages?22:19
infinityginggs: Not currently.  Could create an ArmGcc7AbiTransition page or something if you want.22:33
naccxnox: do you have any hints of where to look? I'd be happy to help try and resolve it -- and also in that bug, we have two people hitting (at least related issues), and are very responsive to test23:01
xnoxnacc, does it work in artful correctly?23:02
naccxnox: i'm not sure -- i'll ask if they can test23:25
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sergiusensslangasek: if you have a minute I need someone with access to click here: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/log/2790/finalize/23:56
slangaseksergiusens: clicked23:57

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