
=== JanC is now known as Guest15321
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:00
lotuspsychjehey kostkon05:00
lotuspsychjebig updates this morning05:04
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial05:04
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB05:04
lordievader[m]Good morning06:35
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:32
=== pisi is now known as Guest25563
pauljwHi everyone12:31
BluesKajHi pauljw12:32
pauljwhey BluesKaj :)12:33
EriC^^hi all14:04
pauljwhi EriC^^14:08
EriC^^hi pauljw :)14:09
EriC^^how are you?14:09
pauljwdoing great, you?  :)14:10
BluesKajhey EriC^^14:10
EriC^^pauljw: good thanks :)14:11
EriC^^hey BluesKaj :) how's it going?14:12
BluesKajgood thanks EriC^^ , and you?14:12
EriC^^BluesKaj: good thanks14:12
BluesKajgot a spot of bother at #ubuntu , this stevenguy is stuck on dpkg --configure = , but doesn't want to kill it14:15
BluesKajdunno what he wants14:15
BluesKajtire of "attitude types" who ask for suggestions then object to each one d14:17
BluesKajbeyond my scope anyway14:19
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all14:23
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje14:23
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj14:24
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje14:25
EriC^^what's up?14:25
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^14:25
lotuspsychjeworked a bit in the garden today14:25
lotuspsychjeand shopping14:25
lotuspsychjemorning nacc14:25
nacclotuspsychje: morning14:29
lotuspsychjebbl guys15:31
immuBluesKaj, hey15:55
BluesKajhi immu16:02
akiki fail to understand the reasons for changing from lightdm to gdm. gnome 3 works just fine with lightdm16:18
immuwhatsup BluesKaj16:23
immuis their a technical discussion about switching to GDM at launchpad16:23
akiki just saw the url lotuspsyche pasted16:26
akik17:29 < lotuspsychje> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/ubuntu-decides-replace-lightdm-gdm16:26
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
immuakik, true, but they must have had some documented discussion about it, that what i am interested in17:21
immui got it i got it17:27
akikah it's on lists.ubuntu.com17:27
immuhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-June/004969.html jbca17:27
akikyes :)17:27
akiki press ctrl-alt-l in gnome and get a lock screen17:28
akiki'm not getting what he means with "and using GNOME Shell as a LightDM Greeter"17:29
akiki'm using the stock lightdm from kubuntu 14.0417:29
oerheksBluesKaj, he has an odd lightdm situation, i could not make sense out of it too..17:35
oerheksmaybe not running ubuntu at all..17:35
BluesKajhe's on ubuntu the DE command showed that , but I think he had a screwup on his nvidia update/install17:36
BluesKajand he blames lightdm which isn't the real problem IMO , but I'll let those who think they know better sort it out17:37
oerheks<raga> BluesKaj, should I first try to reinstall ubntu-desktop using ....17:38
oerhekshere it comes ...17:38
oerhekssudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-session ubuntu-desktop17:38
BluesKajnow they have him reinstalling systemd17:39
akikimmu: there's more discussion at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-April/thread.html17:42
brunchoof crazy17:44
brunchwhenever I stumble upon these wild problems, I just grab a new image and format17:44
oerheksit used to be no problem, 2 desktops on same kernel install17:45
oerheksnowadays i seperate installs, too much unwanted situations indeed17:45
oerheksmaybe the switch to pure snap packages will fix this17:46
akikwhy do they mix desktop settings/configurations? they = ubuntu devs17:46
oerheksit is not that easy to blame, wish it was :-(17:47
oerheksbut then again, it is nice to have something to work out17:48
immuakik, thanks17:48
akikkde plasma 4 and gnome 3 seem to play nice17:48
BluesKaji stick with kde/plasma. no other DEs needed...begining to think i should stay away from the #ubuntu chat...dunno enough about the changes and their consequences with the other DEs17:52
akikimmu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-April/004886.html the lightdm founder writes about negative sides in gdm: "- no significant tests (make check runs one thing from 2007)"17:55
akikthat can't be true17:55
immuwell what ever the case maybe they are switiching to GDM18:05
BluesKajsay that in #ubuntu and see how many corrections you get18:11
BluesKajoerheks, from what i can see they still haven't found a solution to the lightdm issue ...now they have him reinstalling the OS18:13
oerheksBluesKaj, did anyone ask what the other OS is, dualboot ?18:19
BluesKajwindows I think18:20
immuso GDM is it folks :) bravo :)18:26
BluesKajahh know it alls, they're so sure of themselves until their ideas beginb to fail then they blame the helpee18:30
nicomachuswhat's the lightdm issue?18:31
* nicomachus hasn't noticed anything...18:31
BluesKajlightdm doesn't load, the user has to start it in the vt/tty18:32
nicomachusoh. no problems here...18:32
nicomachusbut I have some sort of bastardization of lightdm/gdm going on here.18:32
BluesKajthis is old news, now they have hi reinstalling the OS18:32
nicomachusever since I installed gnome.18:32
BluesKajyup, that appears to be the case with this one too18:33
nicomachuslike, I get the gdm/gnome animation on boot, but then log in through lightdm. but if I lock the screen, it gives me the gdm lock screen18:34
nicomachusI should probably just remove lightdm.... but I'm lazy18:34
immui am wating for offical release of 17.10 to upgrade , wont like to mess with  my system right now18:41
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